The D daily News — - —__—_— ( | ISLANDERS’ | a ne ° e REXAL 1 22 — The P — Agent io ne leer - Druggist oon attention is T e e 99 to d Ws piguciane “prncee | SEE DUKE lassi EAS TW TMAN KODAKS es oO STORES Hi Opportunity w ‘it } e amunenigias PHONES 200 Pe settlers on the ae afforded | otte Island Jueen Char- or iy ands of tak i i the celebre king part ' —~THER seme { viet ere upon the asia E ARE NO “DEAD ONES" — |G : H. R. H. the ¢ : HERE— ae F jeneral to Prinee KR Se } a FR a excursion by he 8. 4 : = Geor | ee a " OM Hi steamer Prince j . ' ; f % 4 awre » Jol ‘ ———— ' a OME TO HOME 7 arranged The Jo mn has been MERELY For R —_—— ale. ge k ' ° | Massett 1 . John will leave M ent on 618 8rd Ave $ HOTEL 19th eaeel oo’ Harbor on th ABEL Upsesenseeesscvessesvecesseee = . proceeding from | 7 RE | POR RENT ‘upert 7 | EI to Skidegate, returt eS ae ae MARKS feeplg ogy sau store bem, ull | a Sid 2ist. The Skideg ing on the |e 1 ty 4 The Fi . Sykes, Manager will arrive gate Indian band Thai al ed convenbohees” yi A | ——$—, a inest, Newest and M part on the John to t at all she ca \ td ts T NAP ae Excellent Cafe. ost Up-to-date Hotel in V cor for the third time 7 te Dear, Deert oe ee ‘ferme. Orel L to lease f ea Lots 8 : b i n anenay ‘ npetition fo i in the ; s Gray & Son, Bi oF dances, ete. | Mores and a7 . a 1142 Pender Street W Yo = they now have h ito oup, Wan That it elas Sa Unfurnished ies roid RUPER a 7 Grea 0 ection i . eld for t' . o.4 . p shed 3-roo erms ‘ , est ° a r two vears,| Guestion ¢ , good thine the r an. = Forpenee” oo fat, with| F ’ wd P Vancouver _ { of who's to fi it der Block 8rd — 4 keeping | aa Two room ¢ or Rent ie hone 8500. » B.C. rough is settled fi il the Zoo 209 14 At the tention jo room cottage, 4th Ave y s be m above evening badede parsonage the " v : . — the first w For Sale H. MeLeod nas $e the Rev, w.| 339 Third a DOUGLAS ; who say ‘ ould-be wit hol ed in the ; ; ve. ! po W's. ore i oly matrit e bonds of (Op P. 0. Bo . 4 suppresse rein-deer will be] F0 R ain nony, one o posite Po x 606 it Canadian General ; DISEASE #7 0] FOR, Bate cigee oman Rupert's old time pi rare et Office) 3 Electric Co : am Tr Sidi ye Wane, 9t79 a ond condy ster tolph Walker, and pioneers, Mr roe -s 0. a. ‘ . : spore, ne mpany, Limited 1h} > = there’s a great , Day heart, Miss G. C the girl of his —THE —— and Contracting i} | a crossing swe : opening Siaway Ontar zation, from far flectri¢al Apparatus of every” description i ae tee cae pets ce See ees ‘a Lum Phone 245 Grah _ deacription 1 | eid ei eaie rhe city get Wanted cone ee the Primes fur oe r Cy ak 2 oe 1] +, zondo . - Saturdé : er am Kearney, Mgr I] Yopeka, Sept. 7 enw every 609 being aes fortunate snaai —_— : e BOX 974 | Jetmore, ions on ; A’ man atl, hat lhe bbout | POSITION ee an Reel me wharf early to naan 7 LL afflicted with a ? ending horses rain” is shop-s¢ we Looks like| ie ee as general A apable of doing; that tee and they were married cee + ented caused the deat! isease that has stock expected iled now meow! Gh’ feateccs aie te eet tae lone of a noon. Mr. Walker Lumber a ‘ nabane ta Bs ath of thousands o stock cot wh the suriduie rince Rupert Bishop bu Ver-|| 1e pump en er oa and | +o | few n Kansas during the | : npany. | WANTED—Clea 1as been in the gineers and ou Ings sw weeks, has re last : ing; res aaa ning, press city since » service o a ow lwith s , vas been taken. sic reat Bor a | ing; reasonable price e sing ond repair ince 1940. f the All Kinds of Buildi har pinal meningitis by KT) begin rt Essington | w aue and Sinn St. —_—_—— ilding Supplies are taking the compl: . Cattle} en, 1 putting on air needn t Aare. Plain sewin —_—_--—- tions. Over fi laint in see- ranscontinents airs for the | 14 g. Phone Red 40 A GREAT S$ o cute tae Py five thousand hors enough for er project is airy w ANTED- antianah' sii ‘ HOW COMING Firet Avenue se a i “oO . es . _ " , oman . = ; m the disease 1e present —nebenen prince | 2Peatest A " Phone 0 General M eanaceraee Thi er GUOD CARPEN ; 149-tr ttraction in the City’ — - — erchanse _ . - iti Me: ahaa: A Co wo ous tu © History to Open at th ity’s es Se - c “La good athlete e for all ox M, e West- es oe St IMPORTANT at asty about nw : === lock think seriot ogether : Opera Ho : . ously ab and Wed use on L = meatiateaiind } needed ree : out that muet Lo nesday WN eC owest P. : ecreation park ! st and F ext, ou rices i N ; pact I ound ed ‘ m orthern B C | That the latest What has not t ’ . bine the 7 idea is to co POUND—Ladies as len Players’ veard of the 2 Zo . m-| ¢ bi avers? Al we ails. oO water tr an obtain s ack bead t With ar a +o the W trough ffice s ame b ag. Owner] *WO year . a reeord oodwortt with and payin y calling at N r ears in Seat ‘ of nN is make allowance ee rain-guages ying for this advt are in Tacoma iw attle, three yeat I ance fo ‘ ate a, o vear ace - - ' one deer and r the thirst of six months ars in Portland ie dhcare ord. - (Ps maintain the rec Mi fresh fr in Vaneouver, 7 a ate ; e rec- sce 1 from ¢ , and yr bee freight steamer Leon by eee ao for. Cros a llaneous eae a pce months ne th A VEN UE ed on Saturday eona ar-|tion — alve in ¢ : Hor ; ve Victori \ Creek Cem a) from the Tod ° onjune -| YOUNG — > ise with crowde a Opera SEC ‘ement Works BOs Peon ae wants man with co after 4 ed houses 0 with 8.000 alias near Vie- ie umes position wr ae training | dered eo it is not to be nen ION SIX or 1 ' s of ce c., News 7 at the » wor * use in bridge ec f cement AV YOURD wis 213 a. kai al Di iat with nine out ‘| $2000 cast ; atong the line ; eonstruetion Grane earn perfect Englist t} rince Rupert's of » and the balan of the G. T. P keeper, with spondent, Gheeie German, 1is name is population years at 6 e over ten ’ - tei _ Fr, ence, w eee eal and Lon rc - pook-| and that tl a household word ) per cent . iii 410 ~OSitio -ONGO expe ‘ e . ore ¢ oO | Ee) he NEW MILLINERY A HAMPIONSH ee een rence, | Of theit edusis of announcement »>—> no IP esi iceens suse on | the West § per 0 estholme * DRESS STORE TO OPEN City of Pri was Sm a day te uel H n & Co Mall cea W R was received with Beat tl 0 Sgggq arrison & Coma a i ° a he ae new stor | OF ORLD Ince upert = il , isfaection rh and gen ink and Financial Agent jises in the S ° e pren anee of this e e tnport Sec v . eu s Syrup corner ae h Block. at ie oro Tender for Firemen’s 8 hae: aeeas engagement ¢ pee 7 e. Prince Rupert ¥ j s atreet 1 af Gitees enders will vite. estimated. No , v ef Tar ané javenue, occu and Third cago, Sept. 9—T Mond be receive pany has e such cor pied joi avis I 9—The ay, Sept. 16 ed up tw nox as ever hee n Coed Liver 0a (J. Hughes, late ntly by Will iviation championsh re world's | M's To oe ™ for six Piremen’s > ’ Vancouver and tl n seen north of WEST ASSA / ‘ | Miss Custer of 1 Stewart, and settled here today “4 is to be oe indigo nt from thorough : comparison bet re can be ho Y WORKS it. Only stops a cough but cures . lthe lates os Angeles is 124.8 miles « ; ie distance aoe tender. T sample of eloth pany of 2 vtiween this ecom . i: Ip tonic and naa est up-to-date lad “ td. en anh ¢ and a number of Jelivery of suits ae to be stated ae the 20 high class artist ! Gold, Silver, ¢ * prope ti restorative i and millinery ar adies’ |eord nes entered } Further part 1 be made, , small aggreg s and » VOpper, ea ts ’ enable the j}for business ¢ are low open rds of better lave re. | Undersigned iculars obtainable or nine pe ations of eight 615 H in permanen system to | s and will an he than 100 mecnees Lowest or e from] py; people whiet astings St. W tly throw off a cold. ja visit by the ladi well repay yur. miles sarily accepted any tender not past have oceasi . in times VANCO a | The ore adies of the ¢ city asionally visite UVER | nal city. ial A. BROE . Every ple ited the , BC oe opening a /KSBANK play produce 35¢ for large bottle. ee : next ecco = take C City Purchasing Agent — is janine a juced by the nen of wh ay, announce- ith compete every det Sold ev } 1ich petent ave ail Lk ywhere. [through the adv Bite be made WATER NOTICE. part and there players for every SMITH & MAL MATHIEU CO. F lof The Daily N ertising columns Ber & ileen doubling of is no cutting or TH LETT 00EE. ors AFTER Notice i a to Take and Use Water There parse Plumbing H oe ave fat a patos eo Decme pve : ; are 20 people , Heating, Steamfi ‘ Loyal Ord City and William H n that George E company ple in wl Sh amfitting ane . ler o of Vancouver, i Clarke, both « e E.) ne including a8 Sheet Meta! Work he fa ¥ 1 A regular meetit : moose. for 6 Me olumbie, "es = provines = renowned Royal Hi the worl Phowe 174 Sve. w Order of Moose ] > of the L oyal YEAR coe per te phy go ean apply chest a, which ! ] ungarian OF 2nd Ave. bet. 7th ar in 80 odge y stred aw oO BG Use Signs Cubic dents ylavs al iT D will be held in the - No, 1054, oe eote De aoe nin ay Bi 7 ntal musie a ih the teal, ere Or TA on Thursday, the 12th of P. hall] Chicago, Sept. 9 went “by west ‘ull’ ihe pul pave eel ioring the Cee ee ae ‘ oe |=] o'clock p.m. Me he 1 inst, at 8] strick ~ Sept. 9—Conse dis , See re Doe compass during the inter al selections PRINCE RUPERT O ie Y a holding rece mbers and those] k en for 17 vear science | Of Hegen Point, the pass one E west, | tween acts ena be JOHN . i R re) ny 3 initiated eipts who wish | “’ killing of a man ars over the eee Seoronmmatoly seutanas will be 'di- Thi o . TEA E. DAVEY ated are reques . © be} whose ni , in St. I ee and a half 1 reast from Heg s orchestra ZACHER OF S$ present rested to belP name he 1 sOuis, | jar used for oe distant and gan| great attrac is in tMself ¢ SINGING ° atrick Hales ever learned et described as rial purposes will], action and a | PURE oF we. ale +> - ed, | Kange 5, Ce s Lot on the} and charac their ¢« , FOKON, BSQ j 244-245 J. D. MEIKLE rendered aes ong old, sur-}or this “otiee | was. pos 19 and Lot 2737, ed partotss Pete wilt | OS etd ne ae -2t0 Peete, and ask » police here t mo rhe {3th day of posted on the rove m Ht RO oR a as . g e »plic: J wi er diane ost ne eee Secretary. ‘trial ed to be sent es 2 nee ot application willbe ied in vi ae PRRRPRS: Resets eas, one JOHN DYBHAVN ee . or | pe a Eieanes oe ihe ie carrie al scene : rg pert, oe Volumbia, Fat Prince a oe for each play F = ew Real Estate — Loans \NADA S CR SA eee Se nee. Ponders have en reetived Sey =i) pnt Build a Jate = e Manageme ‘eceived [8 9 (K CORINTHIAN umbia. dings, Victoria, bey, Bigeate, holme to in ™ nt of the ae 319 3rd Avenue nani GEORGE F : ‘lare ave the stage . : business IS CAPT Pub. sept. 9, T012 i CLARKE, oe as only the age entirely , 2. ' mM sce ’ company’ are no men - RMAN GOOD Applicants. ae oe nery will be u eer 8 = — 18 sed, Ww s — people ¢ HAYNER BROS “ wearing FRHAM W. NICH a——|Allen Player omprising the UNDERTAKERS : 7 Rego } OF THE CUP WINN . o.son-Laicey, | \* ‘"* ns Pras Bg pare ee “| star mn ere q Cc othes P Arohitest. ene press po Phe most Srd Ave. near 6th St Phone No. # The { c Room 1¢ . een reel ‘ omments he if act is significant ; ay ee ) Stephens B ar ved and with her “ave H eas ee aR. that ae RACING STORY THA Phone 86. oo ran Sere > Fo —— oe is w ai > nted ¢ e in > ; | at they want, and that “ —-., ERT’S POPULA T WILL APPE In the d and invariable pri me ; auly we that "R R POs AL T STUART is he ope le pl nd value are the right stendee: Sac ae dalle wt rap perl . & STEWART ~ ig a: ys in rl Mis E. L. FISHER / , 5 ears 8 ; a, Miss : Tees (with 23 i London's leading o URED BANK BOY or Accountants the cost of ome Paris gowns Funeral Director and Embalmer , Metropoli ops in th . on 8. 309 2 wel each of whie CHARGES REAS te ropolis), and e Em Canad nd Ave ell into which rv REASONABLE / London ad they offer you high pire acver ian oarsmen and Prince . Phone No. that four figures, ¢ Uns THIRD AVENUE mean tailoring at practical igh-class red themselves wi id sailors on the G A ce Rupert p. ¢ No, 280 at will no doubt ¢ , @ feature OPEN DAY AN PHONE 356. prices—or less ically ready- not do as well as o with glory this sur @ Gréai. Lakes have Auditors for City of >, J). Box 351 ly to the ladie — strong soem ‘6 5 men showed t . yey Might have ‘ nmer. While the ve wise y rince Rupert support is str 8. iss Felton’'s {a REGO” NEW tie aie he Americans a few Riek dein oleh A 0 vey did ALFRED CARSS uperti ind leave trong and caps : 4 ng y se . CKs APS . v. othing OR ee 8 d our sailors ew tricks at > GNF C8 distr te © See sir aves nothing ¢ pable @ American Model Lou K ai es. The Patricia's s in the two = inter the Canadian and Casteste Base EBS. On ‘ 7 o_o mS EMPRESS BOW ot cad laden ch thi nge Suit. The anes was ee eee eciadia. tne om vacht CARSS = ra Among the plays pr =: LING ALLEYS wg yn enduied by experts ceodah ma of Toronto éould a . brought out th it rg in Lake Banc AnsS & BENNETT ve the famous Ee eeeed will | = best merican experts as the . not all the ; oduce an amat e facet that the Office— Albert . OTARIES, Erc s sas, , “Merel ( legree,”’ | Continuo the suit ae © ‘ 7 - craft which was eee? in the ae - skipper so shire et ah . Seeond Avenue. ” The House oe 2 , Mary Ann,” pe alone New ye none . ; aeahe could at tad ast, if not faster es of Chicago, in ‘ Ales.M. Masson s.a. dies,” and other housand Can | amo avenue Mineralite Balls man ati anoeuyre » thar wo, A @ WE, Wil nounce rs to be y we smart styles illustrated and full re ce, established by \ ey, A GA é - Poronto WILLIAMS & ey a _ ed, later. » be an THIRD AVENUE ribed in ou u P Me serie 8 skill « oderham’s rept AN e sale : “ r tailoring 7 of brains BOrTes. A whimsics ut the finish o POPU Barristers, Solici SON this mor of seats comme mag ‘ ic 1 i . FASHION azine oe s)he Miolte: al wind made . f the third Be itors, ete. : rning in live menced S FOR MEN ”» ; ard the finishing | ago and the Patrice the finish a case us and all indication ely fashion FREE (aaa ahead, The a. side by side, w 7 ia swept down | t aietititiaas rince Rupert, B.¢ succession of er Is point to - Com published) a Free y could not ¢ ee ee tans ssl tes age lle = = ; A telepho owded houses, — of 1912 patt of which, with full Michicago - t conceive of the : > Belling ready 1 yp Ueeey =jat the = nae has been eer “ measuremen erns and simple mai ithout foul Patricia ge o cheer, lea laeai pera house for alled —_er t form, we will } self. sinsail was eyt ing her. B gelling b nience of it for the e« application. The will send you on the other sid 1h a: ut suddenly the P ; me reserved by coe and at \ rT) Amerie ” ‘he © 4 . spinnaker atricia’s : phone seats Rego” Cloth eter o8 and ae s big hem eee over on | until 6 o'clock at ae he held Bis: beautiful lots, ee ncaa ler ‘ . sal a ‘ 0 iers thon le without foulin way, and Goodert blanketed ‘ne 1 Mor — Pn OOS, See two green-houses; all the De » e Michicago tr 8, and went lane swung tt |. A regular Morphine, opit ground impro n pt. O P.O. Box Ld. up had the Toront ried to eateh uy le thn taaes 10 =| Lodge No, 66 meeting of Tye habits cured at - and all drug | @way f proved; to »° give . ened} a “St No, 66, ¢} mo at home ug ° Montreal. Mer. Ten eee ee made his ind would haye oe mn jbe held in th \. FP, & A. M,, will most remarkab! . ine with the . This was up 8 later would hi move ten see aught on Tue 1 Masonic Te discovered e remedy Canad P to the best Mave been conds ear lesday, Sept omple, | tai for this ever $5 000 udian Colliers traditions of C just as wr Visiting and 10, at 8 p. m ning the gre purpose, con . : Canadian : Ong invite sojourning brethr lacking it at vital prine a yachting a rethren| j 1 all othe principle | JAS. M pw nor detenti ” No suffer Easy Terms JAS, : . g or 7 | j CARMICHAEL aw write as from business. | ail : au . co Secretary.' son ae ure Mfe ares oe -In ¢ R. d ' ance 0., T24 Rob Na Lid wouver, BL CO » Row en Co., 213.3 i Qnd Avenue