—— ianoset ornroul iw orry AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ATION presence a " THE DAILY NEWS NEXT MALS GE Pook From South or (eg le *rineess May ‘Saturday, 9 oe > josun Saturday, ° 19 pm. Mag TF Lt: Sere ots sagave ree Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist oe ee as = = . a 7 = ae — a NO. 216 PRINCE RUPERT, wet > FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1912. Be adeat EE _ PRICE Five Cents JACK JOHNSON BEARS THE HARDEST BLOW YET CREAT PUGILIST’S WHITE WIFE DIES IN SADDEST POSSIBLE MANNER BY HER OWN HAND pPLENDID PROSPECTS OF THE HIDDEN CREEK MINE, GRANBY , PORTLAND CANAL ith. the Granby Consolidated M. 8, & P, ¢ . i1( Phoenix, Boundary district, shipped about vhich is said to be vers earls { ot i rd the output of the Granby Consolidated M. 8 vy mines at Phoenix reached an aggregat: rf if ore M t P. Graves, viee president and general manag } Granby Company considers that at the Hidden Cree} ited on Observatory Inlet, nea Portland Cana has a property that will surpass the M dary distric mines, both in tonnage of avai ts value Canadian Finance COLOSSAL RAILWAY PLAN MAY OPEN WIDE THE DOOR OF THE ORIENT FOR RUPERT S| { Da News. nf 13 A project for Chinese ratl Ways | } the foremost ) Yat Sens pro dernization of inded support the govern great ex eges of for ind wreatly with China The government = authorizes Sun Yat Sen to establish a rail way corporation to carry ut a svstem of national railways cov g a territory enty thou sand miles 1 extent Mixed Chinese and foreig companies “ b granted concessions tht rh { (hina proper for pe ds if ab t forty years ifter vhich I h nes a l« to China IG BOOST DEPARTED —= ‘ I J I Mi Laren, Esq : | Secretary Board of Trade, Prince Rupert B, C Dear Sit With reference to the reeent publication by the Board of Trade of booklet Prince Rupert [ sent a py of this booklet to Mr. W. P, Hinton, our general passenger agent, and I am Ww oin receipt of his letter, which reads as follows “As stated to you verbally, | think this book is excellently prepared; in fact, is the first publication of a reasonably convincing nature which | have seen of Prince Rupert. The booklet is prepared on proper lines, and 1 think as a result of this educationa! policy you will find that far different views will be held by those who have access to the information than have generally prevailed heretofore.” Yours truly, Sept. 13, 1942, A. E. M’MASTER, General Agent In a letter addressed to The Daily News office and dated September 7th, 1912, F. H. Mob Official Publicity Pamphlet of the Board of Trade Makes Good, as These Letters purposes ‘PRINCE RUPERT---CANADA’S PACIFIC PORT OF PROGRESS” Received by the Secretary Will Prove president of the Board of Trade of Prince Rupert “| have pleasure in expressing the thorough satisfaction of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade with its official publicity pamphlet for 1912, entitled ‘Prince Rupert, Canada’s Pacific Port of Progress.’ ”’ A second edition of the booklet by the Board of Trade and savs the Exchange of Prince demand for it Rupert. ordered to Estate has been the Real meet for publicity PRESENCE OF COAL AND IRON ON THE PACIFIC COAST MEAN IMMENSE PROSPERITY HERE Groundhog Has the Coal, Orton Charlotte Islands and Mainland Mountains Have the Iron---Prince Rupert Will Have the “ROAD IS NOW IN OPERATION AS FAR AS HAZELTON.” WHAT? NOT YET, NOT YET, BUT SOON The Grand Trunk Pac ifle > early, consisting of the presi- dent, EK. J, Chamberlin; A. W. Smithers, chairman of the | board of direetors; W. P. Hinton, general passenger agent, DIVIDEND PAYING MINES and has far returned from a western as Prince Rupert. Mr. other officials, extending inspection four as Mr. Smithers and Chamberlin both expressed sat- with the work done the section of the except that acute labor shortage still delaying seriously. The road is now in operation as far as of 175 miles, and a satisfactory service between the two centres.—Canadian isfaction GO. 3. Pe matters on coast is Hazelton, a distance is being provided Finance, The this month. G. Fe FP. Daily is expected to be News, open .o Hazelton early OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ARE THESE, WITH MORE T0 FOLLOW interesting to note ‘abionve | gave a gross return of $15 a ton }several British Columbia mines|in copper and gold. Meaded bys ? iw of § ge 45-calibre, six-chambe: i take orders from them for suits : I Ko, surrendered fa huge 45- ’ i (Special to Daily News. saith tn- eneiniain aed alae ie "bail and appeared before revolver two men of the names : . ' , - . ' ship Magistrate ¢ i Rol Partrid + Char! Chicago, Sept. 13.——Mrs. Jack] glad’ to show the suits to any kistrate Carss to 0 obert Partridge and Charles : wer a charge of having plus f Rober saci ihhtintedy ‘ i Johnson, white wife of the world’s] callers, 216 = i roop n ‘Donal i " ac , rom} “ — [n heir possession a aa MeDonald and extracting om champion pugilist, attempted to H. 8. WALLACE CO,, LTD, sofa ° ons them money to the amount of oo ewhat involved char- ann mae affaio . _ 3 sfcommit suicide tonight in a room ind finally terminated in 55. The affair took place at the} oe on al Methodist Mission Boat. % Convies . Empress Hotel in the early hours} over her busband’s cafe on fi tne. Malieadhak Tieden anihadens vas fined t Lee Boo, who Vancouver, Sept is Al aD lof the morning of the day before| South Side, by shooting She j ol 7 Cr a : ti he » The cases againal early hour this morning A.) \osterday, but it was some little}was removed to @ hosptial and a : ree a neh os in more dlemisead Douglas, Dominion Express mes-|{ime before the authorities were) physicians thought she might re- or ce ee <1 eer Ps House § senger, aged 30 years, Was ID-/aple to locate the accused, The| cover, Joboson is with her at!" a tu Saline i of C: t : eal ession Delayed, tly killed when the autom0-|yan under arrest has been fol-|the hospital is under the COMMANEG OF UAplain mwa, Sept, 1 \ Santiy Kites ” ; Oliver and is of a substantial size, bile hh . nH idea pre bile in whieh he and two COM-|jowing the calling of a shoe shine - ih Onb tas : ie | . P : " at rrse > vu ‘ne 2 Ly j Parliament will panions were travelling to Eburne) apfist here, After a short pre Chicago, Sept. 13 At an in s! ' , . ee ow ? | -__Mler the new yoar ran over the embankment just} jiminary hearing the case was/| quest into the death of Mrs, Jack| >" eft early this morning for . . . Font SS Mikado’ outside Eburne, on Granville] adjourned until tomorrow morn-/ Johnson, the championship pug-| Pert Simpson, = 4do's Funeral Begins. street, The car turned complele-) ing ilist said not domestic trouble but} Be 13.—-The ¢ . ma re 3 ee worry and nervous breakdown The famous “Queen Quality Piles Ovep 4 le funerallly over, crushing him, The others | —_—_—__—_—— a Male Rime. he remains of the escaped with slight Injuries When you are downtown with| had caused the act. He said that| shoe for ladies cannot be beaten per mmenced today baby call in and inspeet Hart’s|after his fight with Jeffries he|Ask the woman who wears them, i , she ens {id/himself was a physical wreek,|Seott, Froud & Co,, the Leading Ki Best room in town at Savoy. wk of Kitehen Queen pa : | Al ul wood, but oF Rather than let the public know,|Shoe Store, 216.17 “POLS Are bette 46-47 ' 6 re of Hold-Ups. his wife nursed him for a year to - ~ . raph Strike. ewa ce ; aA vaaeenen ~ re ow man I'a no chanees when buying) health Think what you are likely to) Two Fines Today, 7 ment ' hal | | t a shoe with a repu REE jrequire for your home during the mt . » forth that unless it Coe wuss . 7 i ! \ Ds and Thoms 1 Wer ~~ has es ay PR. teleg : the “Queen Quality A Golden Rule. jnext few weeks and BUY NOW more Cech Aned the same Lena ee cat Walk Over” at Seott, Froud|/Gheap shoes:)pain and grief; | Bean Pots, 25¢ 116 five a \ ome raphers for the increase 0 ae 16-47 Classic” shoes: great relief, a P i} le poliee 1 Ca ; 22 is o ree “li . | " | ia a ek by Ma < OO] Per Cons. (m WRG ar . - . Giet them now and grieve no more, | Wan } Hoard and lodging in Ars Agiste , i: " . » is to : , : “~ i cha f bei : a rateiby Sunday @ strike is | P r | » Pioneer Cleaners,|Seott, Froud & Co, have them)|private |imily for girl, aged nine mid ' Deine ¢ . _ , A ” ) Mantorium “ ‘ - , lisordep ' runk) clared This will affeet 2,006 \ galore, 216-47 years, 8. Wallace. 216 Jmen from east to coast ;Phone 4 was as follows, aceording to|discovered for this purpose, con- Jacobs, of Vicforia: Naffing The Breat vital principle une 9—Dividend on 2%e ajlacking in all others. No suffer- 2 000,000 shares, paid} ing nor detention from business. -Lead Min-|Call or write in eonfidence—In- £50,000, dia Drug Cure Mfg. Co., 724 Rob- of alison St., Vancouver, B. C. 213-3 Saas on by the Standard Silver ing Company, Siocan, 29—Dividend 120,000 issued shares,| ——— the Hedley Gold Mining| ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY Similgameen, $60,000, MEETING TONIGHT Dividend of one shitl-| 120,000 shares, Roi, No. 2, Ltd., $29,400, June 50¢ share paid by Company, July 1 ing a paid by Rossland, meeting of the St. | Andrew's Society will be held to- jnight in the Carpenters’ Hall at July 9 of 2h al8 o'clock. It is desirous that a share on shares, paid|good attendance of members the Standard Silver-Lead Min-|should be present as business of Company, $50,000 importance, including the fram- 15—Dividend of for the com- on 591,709 issued ing winter season, will be taken paid the British Columbia| up. Copper Co., Lid., Boundary, — —_—— $88,756.35, Just received, a complete as- Total of profits distributed sortment, of the very latest pat- six weeks, $278,156.35. terns in tweed and faney wor- The foregoing statement by no Just call and look at them, means shows the total of earned SWEDER BROS, profits —only the proportion that Tailors, quite reeently has been divided Helgerson Block, the shareholders in the several companies appearing on the above list. The first shipment of ore fro’ For the Red Cliff mine, Portland|5 a. m., Canal distriet, consisting of 5411/30.231; tons. to the Tacoma smelter,|69; share on The regular the Le say, Dividend 2,000,000 by ing Slocan, {5c ajing of a programme shares, July share vy m steds. among THE WEATHER twenty-four hours ending September 13: Barometer, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, 50, ———s =e ee > — SS — WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE MISS VERNA FELTON and the Allen Players ) PRESENTING The House of a Thousand Candles A High Ciass Comedy Drama in Four Acts Produced in its entirety with complete seenic equipment i} and correct costuming. \{ Incidental and Entr’ aecte Musie by the THE ROYAL HUNGARIAN STRING QUARTETTE Special Matinee Saturday Afternoon, 2:30 ) Prices: 260 and 60c } | Doors open at 7:30 Curtain rises at 8:30 sharp, Seats reserved by telephone will be held until 8 p. m, Phone No, 444, } ADMISSION, 50c, 7650, $1.00. BOX SEATS $1.26. ee | | { 1 7 ae ‘ a me e a Se ode at