cnr iy vaxr mane iw oITY AND NORTHERN City of Seattle, .0 O'clock Tonight BRITIOH COLUMBIA — ae Princess Mary ey ep m. Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ——_ - eS LN - r 2 SS ——————————————— yOL. Il, NO. 217 is Prince Rupert, B.C., SATURDAY, SepTeMBER 14, 1912. Price Five Cente ——— ns = : ee : $$$ ——___—_—_—— . aiiEEEE ————— ——~ = ——— EE ——- HOLD-UP SUSPECT ON BAIL: S.S. RUPERT ARRIVALS: LOCAL NEWS: LATEST TELEGRAPH OWNER OF LAND UPON \ PLEASANT SURPRISE FOR RETIRING EDITOR , , brief spell today an un-| foreman made the presentation, STEVENS IS gned in the me land in a few appropriate words ent of the Daily | referred to the splendid work \ oe rs he hu of presses and|/done by Mr, Mackintosh as re + tent ccuiattan at Ga f typesetting ma-| porter in the earlier days and re vas an arrival tf a morning pon ds are as mu-/|cently as editor It was with }the Prinee Rupert Mr. Jones, : . f an editor, sud-| feelings of deep regret that the), oaeed. Every member of} various members of the staff had| tae ce = eae ps a if inderstood and|learned of Mr. Mackintosh's re lina : ne ‘a nn edie a al he explanation was|signation, but he was assured]. ;,, frontage s here for the " | Mr Norman| that the best wishes of the staff purpose of paying a visit to his Ml { h has resigned| went with him Although com property, never having seen it ' is editor of Thejing as a complete surprise lO}y.) though having purchased it Sows and was occupying the ed-| Mr. Mackintosh, his usual BOIS T cso years ago Mr. Jones; wae il chair f the last day, was|composure enabled him to re s engaging a gasoline boat with mposing room,| spond, expressing his apprecia-|,, men to accompany him, pur- h h is presented by the tion of the good fellowship which poses leaving at the eartioat op- : h a leather suitease as aj had always existed between the portunity, taking advantage of f the egret at his de-| individual members of the staff} )),, beautiful weather to make a ind the kindly feelings} and himself and thanking them) ,), ugh examination of his tained for him by each in-|for showing their feelings in property during the next few il Mr. 8. D. Maedonald,| such tangible manner, days. 12a Auction Sale. DEATH T0 LIFE BY A (mn Tuesday next, at 2 p. m., at the corner of Third avenue aad Seventh street, a large quantity NAIL’S BREADTH AND NO MORE of furniture to be sold, new and seconud-hand—inecluding 100 new chairs Frank A, Ellis, auction WINNIPEG’S LATEST WONDER | " RUPERT'S Special to Daily News. covered supposedly dead in the W g & 14 After be-| morning, sent two police officers & i dead by a quali-| investigate, One of them after] PASSENGERS pe ' a while noticed a slight move afte he request ment under the blanket. Another to the coroner for doctor was ealled, who believed TODAY him, 8. Mu-\the man only suffering from ! \dwood avenue, is) suspended breathing He drew OEE AGE +. g g about his business.\off some blood serum from the rhe Prince Rupert, Capt, Bar- lhe ifter the above| spinal canal with the result that : | suspecting there might|reflex action returned and the |"° Johnson, arrived on time this play, as Musik was dis-! man recovered, morning with 80 passengers and 50 tons general for 2 of freight Prinee Rupert and up river. Among the saloon passengers (F vere the following: Arthur A. Jones, Miss A, Hurst, BE. H. Mor R timer and wife, Tom Dillings, R. US G. Dundas and wife, Alee Ky- noch, Miss €, Rochfort, C, F., 0 PREACH Nelson, Dr. J. E. Brouse, A. Me- Innis, M. Albert, Mrs. J. A. Brown, Miss Doris Brown, E EF Dale, Sam Fagerland, A, W. Wit- In the 5 ourt Burch, the new rec- i this morn Rev. b. ¢ jting, Harry Kingston, Mrs. Cora & bet ! ship Magis-jtor of St Andrew's Anglican) Kingston, B. W. Johnson, Bertha Carss three Indians of thel church, who = arrived by the | Jacobson, J. H. Cohen and wife, Joseph pson, Reuben} Prince George this week will |F. W. Rossberg, Mrs. M. L, Goff and A. H. Poreeth wet a reach |William Pinkey, L. Christiansen, ( l Forse ere | eonduec service ane mre J . nf 1 $8 a 2 costs for ee ome ' ik. C. Gibbons, W Bullock, Wil- . x ‘osts ’ » . © | being - , morning and evening tomorroW.|iian, Hutchinson, Mrs. CG. B. “ K and disorderly. Joe ; ' sumons, tt } i m “ wa _ Lockhart, O. F, Pfordte, 1. Low- : iad-tup mie . as a and 7 ; W. Wark was a passenger on/ther, J. R. Edmondson, J. Knox aided again until Wednes | 7 ‘ Septem 18, hail being a! the Prince George on a short|/Wright, Mrs. M. 8, Gobb, Dr. “i sure tie f 8509 business trip to the southern | James Webb, H. Rockford, Miss eh ' eoast cities, D. Reitehell, M. P. Moran = and eT illic wife, Rev. Father Ortolan, Wil- hos } " Tee , ‘ . Morr s i >, ‘ F. ton beans are good, but| Prince Rupert's leading hotel— k um CG, Morris and wife, A, Boston Boots are better, 216-4718 Kerr and wife, Miss Dunn, A. Ss Ee McQueen, M. 8S. MeCague, Mrs. Maxine Simpson, A. Faulds, Mrs. iL. Tasche, Miss W. Gibbons, MININ( AC LIVI] y IN | Weather below——-Warm in Se- lattle: very niee in Victoria and Vancouver, Fine on up-trip. Subscribe for the Daily News. SLOCAN COUNTRY : | New Denver Citizens Pay Annual Visit to Prince Rupert Astonished at the City Progress Aton », ' today’s arrivals by the bent a uber are three promi- Stewart Wil! Be Quiet. ‘ ee Of New Denver, B. J. Boyd Young and family al | . . ean by . touse Of the Slo-j rived from Stewart this moruing * Hospital i , th a : At om McInnes of}, the Prince George. Mr. Boyd Neleon ; order, and ¢, F, ain a te removing his Pir ‘the Other visitors to : Or if the most enjoyable so Hee Rupert tt stock to Port Simpson for the ne « ¢ ye wre ‘ese gentlemen ’ | Port E Pe Astonishd ' 7 , ther al affairs ever held in ort ks prog al the wonderful] present, where he has al : eress thade bh } ‘ neton took place Thursday eve their Jat » the City since} store, says Stewart ts destined | M Met. 8 eae 860. be very quiet this winter Mrs iz, when the boys of the Bal. r. Me] ; . . , able a , '* Teports consider-|} Young and family proceeded on}moral Cannery entel tained thei dust» - the mining in-| south on a visit, Mr. Boyd Smithy ends at a danee in the Gun ih th : . Denver r tity of Newl]returning to Stewart on the Ga-| vham hall, whieh was most ere is : ' | “Pease jn the i , ry mol mosin Mamemetely to super’ istefully and appropriately dee-} tpul of the elle . , stock ; } ®S and sey ® older}tend the shipping of his ' ed vith the Balmoral colors, | Deine Dew ones are ’ : pened rhe Standard Suits! Suits! Suits! iy thought ot be Mr ne pa . hy] ass ’ wr Sinn honthty divi. Try one of ours and you Wi! , rn oe o hed ‘ 900 and has Ore| be satisfied, Sweder Bros Vr Arey Of tm oe | ea | “st for twenty! Tailor 4; the end of the hall a net} & ; t ' | ~s oh & Springer Co : . ° Vern prea k \ 10, lees ' \ al rounded with th he ldah ehuly opened Wanted Bids on an Apart , os fi bit a bbe the shin ! Whieh “OO Thines, Doth}ment house, Plans al W I e : \ PPOMise well Bark ff isidustry and set off by a huge sa arker's office et" |% Program the G, T. P. wha ernoon, Septe 2 p.m, to 4 March, Waltz, “Enel Be Selection, Baritone Sole March, “Prai Luc mermoor Indian Inter Sextette, Cornet Solo, * World Overture, se “God Save Eb. BAND CONCERT Kitkahtla Pp. “Lynwood ; ‘ Coober eesbee. Ord Hume meee kb ete... B. INTE Ka-loo-Sa-loo Without eke 6 'e Hayden Bb. GAMBLE, Manager. ON SUNDAY by the Sunday aft 15, f1 » be give band on rf mber lantress a. B. yhemian Blanke Girl Balfe } Sweetheart Alton rie Flower »> Ore RVAL bi .» +. Donizetti Os- Ss Hume ‘ia Lam mezzo, H. Sawyer ‘What Is the You”. . Clarendou smiramide s Rossini King. HUNT, Conductor » the a San Francisco Los Angeles, Portland, 1; ¢ National York, 3; Cincinnati, 5; B 6 New Chicago, 3; Pittsburg, American League. Philadelphia, New York, 0; Boston, St. Washington, LOCAL J I H. his Mortim family, morning from they have been s by on @& sutniinel A Golden Rule. Cheap shoes: pa “Classic” shoes: Get them now an Seott, Froud & Co, have them galore. 216-17 L. Christiansen, of Christian- sen & Brandt, returned — this morning on the Prince Rupert from a business trip to the south, Ottawa, for the struction of Bay railway by the ways and will la ers BASEBALL SCORES Coast League. vacation, HUDSON'S BAY ROAD’S LAST LINK Sept. department 5; Vernon, 3 2; Sacramento, 3.| Jakland, 4. League. St. Louis, | | Brooklyn, 4. oston, 2. | Philadelphia, 5 Cleveland, 19, Chicago, 2. Louis, 2. ); Detroit, 9. OTTINGS er, accompanied returned this Victoria, where pending a month in and grief; great relief, d grieve no more, 14.—Tend- st link of con- the Hudson's were received of rail- shortly be let. mon placed so that it seemed to | be apparentiy making for the net rhe supper, which was served tu the Essingt» hotel, was a great suceess, the tables of which were most baotetully decorated) ly Mr. Givey and Miss A, Orwig, botn of the hotel, rhe music, which was excel lent, wes supplied by Ed, Water lan aud Alex Grey Vicsonast those present were; Ledbetter Miss Donaldson Stewart Grey, Mr. Alex Shegarig, Mr. O Williams, Mrs Reese, Mr. Hans Noble Miss Clark, PBdward Matheson, Mr Flien, Miss L, Niehol iss Ellis, Mr. Prank wie, Mes Hood, Mr. Kenneth jinainder VISITS LAKELSE VALLEY H. Roehefort, general manager of the Stewart Land Co., with headquarters at Victoria, accom- panied by a party of friends, ar- rived on the Prince Rupert this morning from Victoria. The party are en route to Stewart to visit the company’s property. Mr. Rochefort himself left upon the train this morning shortly after his arrival, for a-hurried trip up to look over the Lakelse valley, returning on Monday. The re- of the party will remain in Prinee Rupert until he returns before proceeding up the canal. canal, He Deserves It! Mr. Frank