ee ee REXALL fe | Agent | Special attention is The ‘Pioneer Druggist — to dispensing —, prescrip- | TWO STORES KODAKS 82 PHONES 200 EASTMAN “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vanenuver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - Phone 8500. Vancouver, B.C. || Canadian General Electric Company, Limited Plectrica Mining and Contracting Machinery ectrical al Apparatus ¢ of every description j —— Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. Bol 974 THIS IS THE TIME to lay plans for the win- ter Call and see our full line of Heaters, They are designed to please the p I fancy, and the price is equally as at- tractive as the design Thompson Hardware Company, Ltd. 339 2nd Ave. Phone 101 NOW IS COMING THE WINTER but one ¢ made ¢ Air it can be of our Hot of our discontent, fortable by having in your home. We have faction. Furnaces and Us them at all prices guarantee CALL AND SEE STEEN & HEBERT " SECOND AVENUE Agents for the McClary Furnaces The Prince Rupert Hardware and Supply Company, Ltd. The Home of the GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE also a complete line of the famous OAK HEATERS ALL SIZES—ALL PRICES A | STOVE FOR ‘EVERY HOME seeset et Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Street BRITAIN TO BUILD MOST POWERFUL OF WARSHIPS The x prodaiich. yet ordered is to be most powerful battle ship. ald down. af Mr. A. T. manager Mashatnouth in Movember by the of the local branch of the Union Bank, bas returned from Stew- Rritish Admiralty art, to which place he accompa She is to be 700 feet in length|niel the general manager, Mr, G and is to displace 30,000 tons,|A. Balfour, on a short visit, while her high-powered turbin- et Cee Why put up with that unecom- ed engines are lo develop a speed fortable mattress when you can of 29 knots, gel a “lKhestmore” for $89.95 at It is reported that the new! Hart's. vessel is to be armed with 144- ee inch guns, the first tried in the Launch Alice ‘B.. W. J. Thomas. British navy. Phone Green 391, Govt, Wharf The Daily News ? At the Theatre “The House of a Thousand Can- dies” Presented Excellently by the Allan Players. “The News” Classified Ads. ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertio RE— : Another erowded h se wif “ i ee _THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HE jnessed the perfor Mance iast ey ining of The House fa Tt ; ;sand Candles b the i ‘ jAllan Stock ( pa rhe play _ ch is a . For Rent | character has a st $ Tilite ies beape the th MERELY h j ; ’ a Stale ‘ MABEL ' RENT Tw m abin furnished ‘ on McBride St Apply Geo, Sutherland,) til the 4 $ ' REMARKS 704 McBride St gist : a . . rh ~~ ° FOR RENT—Two suites first class house A ex t s keeping rooms, also store, in pew build ing on 6th avenue, opposite Skating i and th sw ‘ That Septembe: ta stole Rink. All conveniences. Apply Tony ‘yr ; . 54-1 ariy plasing and ¢ ‘ ’ these vely days { ; und Christian 168 color sche f : I the puzzle is where did June 1 ® RENT—N furnished flat. Phone 1221 : in » pat 120 fuse splay f eandies tha *|place the missing es 4 : he ais j McINTYRE HALL to lease for dances, et — Terms Gray & Son. Black 78 20st! mon title f the pla a th rhat returning h lay akers most arb it = stag S(UMEl are welcc med with tl sunshine! that has eve bee att ted] they eft bel i ‘ pits i hing : seen | here. Great credit is O° bereriedé dating its Rup: Wanted ascribed t ihe inaue —_——— i i suet , ' i i h - : , That the gli : f ne WANTED—Within one month moder } } such 4 4 'Yidles on the stage as ah t 4 bedrooms with bath, furnished I j r unfurnished, for 8 moutt ; . 4 stag 4 - ‘ alled those da g . ‘ ehts people, ne children H. W Haskamp | fu “ i on 5 ior | t gh 3 g inda-tl we used to have | Phone 44 i s i t Ailar t s silicates | POSITION as domesti apable of doing : i th . all kinds of general housework, wash The pla his z ary That if the } wed ha s g. ironing, cooking, et Address Miss « ar Whos Ba Are| bawil tonight th: at 7 A. L. Tomlinson, care Bishop Du Ver ’ : ’ 9 et, Prince Rupert Yor «s the greates } mak wed to baw! t hes ‘ — ‘ ay-| WANTED—-Cleaning, pressing and repair , . ng; reasonable price. Phone Black 328 zt a bumpe ! =¢ hree - That if this weath: 4 Second avenue and Sixth St Cal babies having . speciaiy dou i I > : WANTED—Piain sewing. Phone Red 404 procured fi the ‘ ASOT wh ew ; e! h 20U9-2te will make the iifst appeara ®\ for ever of tl Rur . WANTED—First class wood turner. Prince re Rupert Sash & Door Co 149-0 on the profess i r any her ; , lage j00D CARPENTER wants work Box M, stage Phat the best of friends must News office : part, but the best part t parting 4 + ; is when the best ff is part LEADING sill the best of friends Miscellaneous . | | i ceaeipaiaiiniadel om ommermne® | YOUN man with ommercial training | Wants position Apply A. B — ; m v WATER NOTICE. a - ee SOUTHBOUND a ij alist i mpanied by his secretary, Perey R. Jackson who have been visitors to this C. D. Newton, the well-known district the last few days, left on the Prince George for Vancouve . — , Prince whe Mr. Frame Thompson has|#upert, and an itimer the his privats which he wi north, having be f the proceed on his return east Mr.jea eat arg suits “4 sail for Fra rh pson before leaving|the golden shores of th Klon- expressed himeelf as genuinely| dike, left vesterday morning n delighted with his visit and allithe Prince Georg: on an ex- he has bee ible t see of theltended visit through the States intry during his short Slay,|/ proceeding as far as the British] and is enthusiastic about thel{sles and the continent before great future development that is|returning to Prince Rupert again }assured as soon as the railway IiSisome time the early part if completed. next summer. $100,000 HOUSE PERIL © IN THEHOLE AT FALLS Special to Daily News. Winnipeg, Sept. 13.—A w Montreal, Sept. 14.—Onhe man|rant was issued today for the was killed and nine injured when! rest of Robert Gibson Lari @ water turbine in the power| Y'* president and treasurer Larimer & Co., Ltd., local bra house at Shawinigan Falls burst, of thé | flooding the building to a depth pany of 10 feet. Detroit Automobile Local bankers elaim L PERHAPS Com- Ten men in the build-| mer left $100,000 in unpaid ing at work at the time got outlelaims here. with injuries, but Thomas Fitz ; . : | patrick was killed. May End Turko-Italian War. ———$__—-—__- —___ Chiasso, Switzerland, Sept. 14. | Both Ttaly and Turkey are un- derstood to be willing to accept } the good offices of the United EXTENDING |States and end the war. | The famous “Queen Quality” rT 99) shoe for ladies cannot be beaten. Ask the woman who wears them. } Scott, Froud & Go., the Leading Shoe 8 “eo 9 - Special to Daily News | a pare. Se eae ‘ae 3 Edmonton, Sept. 14—J, D. Me Don't forget to look in and see Arthur, president of the Edmon-| Hart's fruit jars; pints 1.00, ton-Dunvegan and British Co- quarts $1.10, half gallon, $1.50. lumbia railway, said today that paiiiipneatileah iain siete Lees the line would reach the Pacifie Mr. G. A, Balfour, general coast in two years. Before the| manager of the Union Bank, re- end of winter steel will be laid/turned from a Visit to Stewart, on the seetion from Edmonton tol proceeding on- south by the Athabasca River. Prince George, ar- ar- ner, of nch ari- LOE VERSE... Where did Your feet I never A shoe Why They Their And buy awfully you you look saw that fits Ren & Jeff, the new fitted with these lines are stylish they do their your Bill Brown? shoes, swell, before well, wear ao shoe store, the nice and neat, best to please, GEST IN FOOTWEAR RENWORTH & JEFFERSON Corner 3rd Ave. and 6th St, For a License to Take and Use Weter. Note is hereby given that Geor Bearns and William H. Clarke a 4 it un e| eit wf Vancouver in the ish Columbia, merchants will “epi | a license to take and use et feet per second of water out wee stream rising in the filis to the 6 of liegan Point, Nowing ab west by west till the point bears northwest, thence lischarging into the pass one yd Point The w ter roximately § ast from Hegat 1d a half mile oo 1 wil I m the and Lot 2737 fi was posted mn the ger f August, A. D. 1912 m will be t nm Une Water Recor Prince Ru r imbDia Objections may wi ith the said Water Recorder omptr ller f Water Rights nt Buildings, Victoria, British ( with the Parliame imbia GEORGE E. BEARNS WM. H. CLARKE, ‘ Applicants Pub. Sept. 9 W. NICHOLSON-LAILEY, Architect, {0 Stephens Block Phone 84. Room STUART & STEWART Accountants 309 2nd Ave. Phone No, 280 Prince Rupert P. O. Box 351 Auditors for City of Prince Rupert ALFRED CARSS, of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc Office Albert Block, Second Avenue. Cc, V. BENNETT, B.A, of B.C., Ontario, Sas- katehewan and Al- berta Bars. Alex.M.Manson 8.4. WE. Williama,s.a., L.1.9 WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, ete Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.( ANOTHER AVIATOR una}! ne $8 ind 14, Bloek 44 mn 7, with house j i $2, 600.00 y One-third cash, balance} H. DOUGLAS in six, twelve and eigh-| 339 Third Ave. teen months CONTINENTAL TRUST CO., Lid. Phone 318 nile This Three Button Style Is “Most Popular Because Quiet| Samuel Harrison & Compan and Correct measure Sloan & Company LIMITED “The Store of Better Things” An Extra Week’s Pay ~ When your Savings Bank Account reachesa reasonable amount the to tell, interest begins One workman, who had a few hundred dollars on deposit, said that the Interest seemed like receiving an extra week’s pay each year. They all had to start once. Lose no time in making your initial deposit. One Dollar Starts an account in THE BANK OF 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS F. S. LONG, Manager. IS KILLED Chicago, Sept. 13. Aviator Paul Peck of Washington, holder of the American duration flight record, was fatally injured last night in a. fall with his biplane while flying in a gusty wind. He attempted a steep spiral and when he struck the ground the heavy engine came through the wreckage, striking him on the neck, Hart's “quality store,” WMhird avenue, is handling a fine eouch. Call tonight and see our selee tion from $89.00 to 824.50 KE. ©, Gibbons, of McCaffery & Gibbons, real estate dealers, re turned to the city this morning on the Prince Rupert, after a short business Visit to the lower Georgetown Sawmill Co. Ltd. Lumber and Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty, Delivery made at short notice, Our prices are as low as any Call on us before ordering, OFFICE; EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor, 6th St. and 2nd Ave. coast cities Subscribe for the Daily News. You will note that there are no } extreme features whatever about] rw this, new. 0th Century rand] WEST ASSAY WORKS de It is neat, quiet, correct and gentlemanly We show it in| Gold. Silve Copy riet of the ewest an ae , woke _ 615 Hastings St. W sma st weaves eady for serv ice r tailored-to-your-special VANCOUVER, 3. C British North America. Capital and Reserve Over $1,500,000, Prince Rupert Branch, | 2 ' . POPC sey, 7 George Leek 618 3rd Ave Great Bargains P. 0. Box (Opposite Pos: Office “ Westholne Lumber ( Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies First Avenue Phone 186 One Double Cor ner 7th AVENUE SECTION SIX $2000 cash and the i years at’ i Brokers and Financial Ag>uts Second Ave. Prince Rupert SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting ad Sheet Meta! Work Office: Srd Ave Worksbep Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and sb Su P.O. BOX & PRINCE RUPERT | JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING | PUPIL OF WM. FOKON, me@., 4.2.4.m, LON, OM JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate Loans j and Insurance Phone 34 319 3rd Avenue HAYNER BROS. — UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS Funera! Directors Srd Ave. near 6th St Phone No # E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmet CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 39 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT AND POOL ROOM 4 ALLEYS — Best Fitted and H. E. ROSS, Prop | Empress Bowling Alls | Look at Thi Three beautiful lots cowast and two green-houses ~~ ground improved; be 9 away for $5,000 —— Easy Terms TRY A NEWS WANT AD