— | Lanaes Legislative Li ee Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ty ==} THE DAILY NEWs G= BRITICH COLUMBIA is oie t EES = > yOL. Ill, NO. 218 Prince Rupert, B.C., Monpay, Serremper 16, 1912. Price Five Cents TORNADO SWEEPS OVER STATE OF NEW SIXTY PERSONS SEVERELY INJURED IN RIOT DURING LEAGUE FOOTBALL GAME AT BELFAST THREE KILLED, FIFTY INJURED; — INTENSE FINED RECIPROCITY PROPERTY LOSS $250,000 EXCITEMENT FORRESISTING THE KEYNOTE AMATEUR DRAMATIC SOCIETY mm LL PRESENT “THE LIARS” wt ot a ear ee a IN JAPAN ARREST OF MEETING. sv» sar sissy wig oa mga 2 Sept 16 as bcgie Hed ' TO SUFFER HUNGER ae es } were killed ane , | lo which Special to Daily News.) In the police court this morn Special to Daily News. ) tornado en a Paris, Sept. 14 Hunger and lokio, Sept. 16 The city has|ing before his worship Magistrate Montreal, Sept. 15 We want : trail of disaster) eyuffering stars the poor in the — vit 5: | ai ilia ree uitii ; 1 kep n a state of excite-)Carss, W. MeGowan, a sailor off} @ 'arger marke an aL marke rihern part of|face during the coming winter) ! vo I e e enicide neon tt | . . is the United States,’ was the text vesterday. The| here, the frigid summer, wet and] ‘ h rie ide of General | the Prinee John, was fined 810 wo , \ ‘ . , ” sma vi | yvreached yesterday by Sir Wil ’ sombre, having ruined the crops, | ind bis wife, Countess Nogi,| and g2 costs for being drunk on}?! ok ss is estimated at , , rm i} mors that other persons frid Laurier and Hon, Rodolph 1 prope rom bread to wine le news! ’ ' “ve i »sistin ; A el shaped cloud , had harmp- their lives in testimony Saturday a ee and resisting! Lemieux, who! with their friends x 14s been published broadeast lor ; sl arrest The defendant gave a from Montreal and elsewhere. to i near Long Branch} Phe price of bread. now the high r devotion to the departed : : 7” ' : ed el Emperor Muasuihito All such good deal of trouble, two police|the pumber of several thousand. miles fro®}est on reeord, will go higher I ‘ how ' i to b jconstables being required to}held a demonstration at St. Clet pe = owevel proved 0 ; 7 About four hundred per-| Wine will be scarce for poor and an : jescort him to the station in the County of Soulanges he ind a panic fol-| rich; potatoes ditt: Never has Gieneral Nogi before taking Reciprocity was in the air, while building after building} Murope seen such a summer his wn life prepared three H. G. Helgerson, the well known} the keynote of the speeches was ppled f ind two inter statements which he sealed.|yYoung real estate man of this/ “Down with the trusts, and larger . is were hurled Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners Phese will probably be made pub-| City, left on the Prince Rupert) markets.” i diteh Phone 4 tomorrow jthis morning for a trip to the oo south, and will probably be away Mr. Frank A, Dowling returned Before plunging his sword into jabout six weeks, visiting New! last evening on the train from a his throat, General Nogi drew a ’ , POPULAR CITIZENS knife across his abdomen. eaus-| York and several of the eastern|hurried trip to Hazelton. : the skin to break This was/ Cities before returning. done in accordance with the an es a: prammeame x That old buggy gives baby a} _ PRINCE RUPERT ‘ t customs of the Japanese Suits! Suits! Suits! | terrible shaking up, doesn't it? General Nog I'ry one of ours and you will) Why not get one with a good which was most careful to observe in preparing|be — satisfied. Sweder Bros.,|/spring at Hart's. Prices from vas with feelings of sincere , Church of England choir and|for death | Tailor. | $412.50. 218 ha party of about thirty a! entertainments her tal : ‘ tat the G ent as a singer will also be j ‘ P| missed , ” oes The New ins with their many M Mrs. Ni a riends in wishing them pros s! eft by the Prin-| perity in their new home s Ma iki ip their resi lencouves la WALK OVER FOR VANCOUVER 1) AT " sh has been a} ce Rupert for the |Winnipeg Badly Beaten in First during which| Game of the Mann Cup Contest, ge in the same]crosse champ . i Whe hat paper became|and the cup give by Sir Donald ae News. A fe nonths ago he| Mar the ¢ N. R. team from udvanced | the editorial| WV pee was badly beaten by the Special to Daily News series between Belfast Celtic team! posing mobs, several thousands pos which he has|home team, who are the present Belfast, Sept 14 A flerce| and a team representing Linfield strong, which surged toward the with irked ability holders of the trophy rhe seorel|fight was waged in the Celtic Phe latter was leadine by & score players’ field where a regula , f Prince Rupert|stood: Vancouver 28 goals, football grounds today in which] 5 4 t 0. Some of the Celtic battle was fought in full view of j f this » nipes ri s ,p 5 eee eee 1 " pw: ngére made an ou.) "'**7 Rereone were severely in supporters unfurled a green and the grand stand rhe ee of ire and advance-|tremely poor showing, although ired, two of them being in al white flag and started to parade. a revolver shot caused a lull and s departure is an un-jat times the playing was decid-|[critical condition Five of the Linfield partisans at once dis- many left the grounds, but stone ss f Prince Rupert,|edly interesting It was evident)injured are suffering from shot played the Union Jack and imme- throwing was soon resumed, both less a host of citizens|at the start, however, that they]. nas inside and outside the grounds. Wishing him sueecess in|were not in the same class with diately stones and bricks were More revolver shots were fired, Ms new home Vancouve! Roth teams played a Phe fight took place at half hurled at them. The police were) put police reinforcements soon \ithough deciding to east his}elean game and only two penal-|{ime in the game in the league; powerless in resisting the op-|arrived and separated the mob elsewhere, Mr Mackintosh} ties were handed out, one to each 7 - - - - uWays have a warm spot in The second game of the series is heart for Prines Kupert, for|between the same teams will be soe ft tc int” RATHER MURDERS HIS OWN DAUGHTER MappY ranks f the benedicts.|total goals for the two games de- ‘. Mackintosh was not long injeiding the winner. fearing herself to a host of In the city championship tends, by whom she will be|series Westminster defeated Van reat ‘uy Missed As a member of|couver by a score of 9 to 4 Special to Daily News. Brownell. Neeves was charged} with them the Brownell children, PRINCE RUPERT ROWING CLUB C fax, Wash,, Sept. 45 Wes-!by bis daughter with having sale |Prowne ll} and his wife haa ey Brownell, aged 25, and his|treated her in Idaho and in aid- esa a hundred miles in search r ' ' Neeves. They had been with- ’ al old wife Winnie ree! ing others to do - oo | food for more than a day HAVE PROMISING FOURS cats it Miami tke chins BA ST Sinton Lane? Mad kad bidlon uot nk Sere o7 shot and instantly killed today|ranch, near Colfax, where Neeves| the Long ranch waiting for bringing | Neeves to appear, Members of the Prinee;four “that will be able to give alby A, Neeves, the father of Mrs,jand his wife had come, Rowing ub lave been taking|#e0d aceount of themselves in ( te va oy “cose )EPARTURES BALTIMORE SUCCESSFUL Ka ot cu aati shots) BY THE PRINCE - AVIATORS HUNTING TRIP sion Sat Een rg RUPERT, INJURED SATURDAY hOal, Which to the lower coast Cities ‘8 kind ve losers. | — w0Ck & Co, of Van-| cation. - cnticmninie haan: talk tee Special to Daily News, | ©, V. Evitt, of the Mack Realty Aiongai o ion . Chicago, Sept, 16, Aviator} Co., and Alex, Btowell, of the | and was built by | pert, going south for a short | pening of the winter the-| Webster, Miss Thompson, Miss atrical season is evidenced by the Jessie Mercer, Miss Milligan and Miss Johnston, Messrs. W. be Fisher, Basil Durant, G. 8S. Pitz- maurice, F, A. Ellis, J. Russel and Society in the prosecution of their|/H, O, Crewe. revival of interest taken by the Prince Rupert Amateur Dramatie favorite art The executive of ala ane np ienE the society have selected a play, Auction Sale. The Liars,” one of Hengy Arthur On Tuesday next, at 2 p. m., at Jones’ greatest comedies, to belthe corner of Third avenue and put on shortly before the holi-|Seventh street, a large quantity days. Mr. H. O. Crewe has con-jof furniture to be sold. new and sented to act as assistant stage | second-hand—ineluding 100 new manager, relieving Mr. H, Bul-|ehairs. Frank A, Ellis, auetion- lock-Webster of a part of that] eer. 218 arduous task. Rehearsals will —_—_— start immediately. Amongst the Launch Alice e B., W. J. Thomas. cast will be the following: Mrs.| Phone Green 391. Govt. Wharf. GOOD EXAMPLE FOR CANADIAN GOVERNMENT TO FOLLOW The United States government|through the clear water of a sixty has in operation in the Treasury| gallon rinsing tank; then a jet department at Washington ajof air whisks it to another end- laundry machine for the washing| less band of duck which leads. and laundering of dirty bankjover gas heated drums that dry bills The machine will wash/the paper, and in an interval of paper money on a lange scale andj less than two and a half minutes at so low a cost that it is esti-|the rejuvenated bank note is au- mated the government will ulti-| tomatically delivered to a_ tray. mately save as much as a million) \ supplementary machine irons dollars a year through the eeco-|the laundered bills by passing nomical process Banks, too,)}them on duck aprons over heated will be enabled to effect bie sav-|drums and then subjecting each ings The essential feature ole in turn to the pressure of the machine consists of tiers of| compressed paper drums. Each copper rollers set in an oblong | mae hine requires bul two opera- frame work, weighing about eight| tives—a girl to feed the bills and hundred pounds, which may be/another to keep wateh that the raised or lowered in three sec-|crisped money is ejected properly onds, and when in position for] at the completion of the opera- washing operation fits snugly into| tion. a hundred gallon tank filled al most to overflowing with a algal We still have at your disposal tion in which is dissolved a spe-|a good selection of bedroom cial soap, the formula of which] crockery. Decorated 10. piece was discovered by government|sets at $3.30. This is less than officials. Passing back and forth| half price. You will miss some- over the rollers is what appears|thing good if you fail to secure to the ordinary observer to be ae 218 web of cotton duck, but is in real- od ity two of these endless bands, Baptist Brotherhood Tonight. fitting snugly one on top of the An important meeting of the other. Between these two duck} Baptist Brotherhood will be held belts, each sixty feet in length,/at 8 o'clock this evening. All travel the bills to be cleansed,|members are requested to be and the washing or serubbing is| present as matters of importance accomplished by the passage over| will come up for consideration. the successive rollers, all of a which are so shaped as to impart A. D. Me Phe e, a well known a peculiar rubbing motion to the; mining man and for some time soiled currency. manager of the Red Cliff Mine at When the washing is com- Stewart, left for the south this pleted the bill is, in similar;/merning, accompanied by Mrs. mamner, swished back and forth| MePhee, | WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT .ciioss, TO-NIGHT MISS VERNA FELTON and the Allen Players PRESENTING BSL the fo . . te , s h aie cen OuUr-mMen crews on the Prinee Rupert thi Howard W, Gill of Baltimore was) Bank of Montreal, had a most rday afte, or @ Whirl on Bat morning A, Stewart, J, Roberts,| fatally hurt on the aviation field) syeeessful little hunting trip on| were the Mig A. G 5 \ Nicholson, H. Helgerson,|Saturday night, George Mestach| saturday afternoon, only being Fallowti | thapple, a’; - Wileld, J Ole Stewevig, A. D. MePhee, Mrs./of France, whose monoplane! away a few hours when they were| ares, atr roe egevig, , | Nor Gibson: | \ - »'ked by D ‘MoPhes, Andy Jobnston,| collided with Gill's biplane when! fortunate enough to bag a very} W Gamble irsen, A. Johnston, Mrs./they were participating in a race) fine deer, which, it is understood. | Ghapph H } Go by A 4 : Cambie, enough, Mrs, Irving, Miss}75 feet in the air, was picked up| jis to be credited to the prowess| PIN Barney : allowfeld ; | Father Ortolan, Mrs a but later he revived) and unerring aim of the former Jo 8 \ hnston, BL ¥ and his condition was found to’ ajex, Stowell remaining in camp| MOU Be J, Petersen, Miss J, Ross, y} winbie, stroked} » not serious, Gill died an hour| atie e . - asaial . 5. Long | Special to Daily News G Rh. Naden, John Albi, G, W. be no oe. * j attending to the more prosaic we the m ; Rk. Dubeau, Mrs. G. RB, Naden,| after the aceide } duties of seeing that the boat did} ma mpeg icc ip London, Sept. 16 ane, @ltew- Mou Mr Db. M Haf not get away, But, of course everal ing ' s.|! iys, Mrs ays 00d oa < = pull ajing bulletin was issued by M: ) Jack Petersen, a well known|acecording to the etiquette of the “itnhoug 1 Cubs _ P rogare i : > ‘ time a i m » Of elGeamberiain tonight = er THE WEATHER lmining man with large interests} followers of the chase, he shares i ied 0 . . . , osep ee ov liek : s ul of|the health of Right Hon, J ph jin the Portland anal district, | in the glory of the expedition - *NEHONE spent 1s oe in| Chamberlain Phere is = ty-four hours ending} went south thiss#forning on thy 8 And — rt : in-| foundation to the report : i september 16; Barometer, | Prince Rupert WantedBids on an apart Pho pw eaaon | rei i re 5 { on ‘ . ‘ . : . ason why p — be eek hamberlein eonditiol 4 or ximum temperature ment house Plans at Ww L. “ hot be al ‘ upert) very well and has been oul wa ‘um temperature, 5@ Warm, clean rooms at Savoy, Barker s office, > lurn out aling today, “NELL GWYNNE” OF DRURY LANE Produced in its entirety with complete scenie equipment and correct costuming. Incidental and Entre’ acle Musie by the THE ROYAL HUNGARIAN STRING QUARTETTE Tomorrow Night---“That Girl from Texas” A high-class comedy Seats reserved by telephone will be held until 8 p. m, Phone No, 444, Curtain rises at 8:30 sharp. ADMISSION, 50c, 750, $1.00. BOX SEATS $1.25. ie rae Ph He " i ‘ rf tas tg 4 : i‘ ‘ 9 aa J is ‘ant : | we ted ¥ ae 8 PS i 7. a 4 4 ee |) ts a ; 4