8 ; | | eee ne ne eee oo ee eae ———— THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Daly, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Supscrisers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. DatLy EDITION. DatLy Eprrt aS. __ Monpay, GREAT MANUFACTURING DEVELOPMENT OF CANADA DURING THE PAST DECADE 339,173; cent. SEPT. 16 The annual! output of Canadian 72,674; manufactures has grown to prac- tically two and one-half times its value of a decade ago. This is shown by the following statistics 1900, increase, 50.91. wages, 1910, 1900, 8113,249,- $127,245, increase, Salaries and $240,149 F996; 350; per increase, 646; per based upon the census taken last|cent. increase, 112.36. year for the calendar year 1910, Materials, 1910, 8600,822,791; as compared with those of the|1900, %266,527,858; increase, census of 1901 for the calendar) $334,294,933; per cent. increase, year 1900. In view of a total| 125.42, population increase in the decade Products, 1910, $1,164,695,032; of less than 35 per cent., ac-/|1900, $481,053,375; increase, cording to the official census, the| $683,641,657; per cent. increase, showing for manufacturing § is} 142.114. notable indeed: The capital employed in manu- Establishments, 1910, $19,202;|factures increased during the 1900, $14,650; increase, $4,552;|/decade, by 178.58 per cent., and per cent. increase, 31.07, the value of produets by 142.11 Capital, 1910, $1,245,018,881;/per cent. The number of estab- 1900, $446,916,487; increase, | lishments employing five hands $798,102,394; per cent. increase,;and over last year was 19,202, 178.58. being an increase of 4,552 in the Employees, 1910, 511,844;) decade, IMPORTANT WITNESSES IN NEW YORK POLICE SCANDAL ARRESTED AGRICULTURAL MINISTER WILL OFFICIATE AT THE PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION New York, Sept, 14.——“Gyp the New Westminster, Blood” and “Lefty Louie,” the! Hon, Price Ellison, minister of missing gunmen wanted in con-jagriculture for British Columbia, nection with the Rosenthal mur-|has written to Manager D. bE. Mac - der case, which revealed such a|kenzie of the Royal terrible condition of affairs injand Intdustrial that the Police department of this|will be very pleased to officiate on cily, were arrested tonight in ajOctober 1st at the dedication of flat in Brooklyn, where the two/the Horse Show building, which men were living with their wives.|is now being erected, in cone They were seated at the tea table| with the Provincial exhibit¢en when the officers entered, but|which will be held here Oetober offered no resistance. ist to 5th, Sept. 16 Society he Don't be talked into buying the Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hays went “just as good” kind of mattress.|soutn this morning on the Prince Insist on having a Restmore.| Rupert for a short visit to Seattle Hart's price is $9.95. 218/and Vancouver. -_ FRED STORK’S HAR DWARE Builders’ Hardware Steel Blocks Pipe Fittings Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Ship Chandlery Fishing Tackle Rifles & Shotguns Iron Pipe Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Tron “We Sell Nothing But the Best” Agricultural) IN SPITE OF RUMORS OF ICE-BOUND STRAITS THE HUDSON BAY ROUTE IS RAPIDLY COMING TO THE FORE THE DAILY NEWS WIFTEST UREST AFEST S | TWIN SCREW STEAMERS | “PRINCE/RUPERT” AND “PRINCE or Vancouver, Victoria anid Seattic MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS © a.m. Prince George Salle for Stewart on Thuredaye at & « m “PRINCE JOHN” Simpson, Naas, Granby Bay ang ; Charlotte Islands woowe GEORGE” Ween service to Port Fort Churchill to Quite according to traditionyby the Beothic, a privately-own-| Port Nelson or “PRINCE ALBERT” ladverse reports about ice condi-|¢d boat, which reports that on the straits through oa settel| Regular sailings for SP Pibes Wapert cnn Vonseaves’ WAY POINIS Detween { Hudson Bay and Straits August 10 while on her way from|seoured by ice by the powertul) Passenger service to Skeena Crossing from Prince Rupert Mondays, weg lions mM 1Gs0n Hay § . Port Nelson to Moose Factory| tides, and Saturdays at 11 & m., Making connections for Hare) o'er have been the signal for depre- she encountered packed ict for Tides are Factor | Cheap Excursion Rates Over Grand Trunk Railway System ‘iato “w . or e route DY] wie ; , | Seu ciatory comment on the route DY) sight days along the southern In Hudson straits themselves, | Between Chicago and all points Bast, connecting with all roads ty la number of influential eastern|shore of the bay. Icebergs were these tremendous fides prevent Pacific coast, Let us prepare itinerary for your trip BAST this vues ‘ : e islal nc a at ; fantlo Steamship Lines. For ail | | Bewspapers Happily, the time Is/also encountered at Belle Isle ove ice forming even in depth of win-} ee a eee A. &. momasTER, oll aoe” one zs }past when public opinion in the! Labrador. In Hudson straits},,, in sufficient thickness to Street east can be so worked upon 4s|ihere was considerable ice In stop a powerful and properly to aa < gee ae the bay tn however, there protected steamer. Only when ice ; i, is so near the heart of the west) was not much ice and it was Dot]; . prpowding out of the bay in the} | and which is now definitely un f dangerous proportions early summer months is there | B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE } oo a aoe gant, } Pee Quite a Fallacy. danger of a blockade and aod avo actual constructio ‘ o , : resents the} — this period which pre n ! railway to tidewater no govern- rhe above is used by the Ot most dificult problem so far as FAMOUS Semon SAFETY i ment could afford to stay its aan Journal as the text a say the bay and straits are concern PRINCESS CANADIAN SPEED Cor. Fraser and 6th Choice Wines and Cguy hand. even were a seemingly|ing@ that some doubt is thrown . the a tb belle? , the babilits ed; but it is a problem rather RUPERT'S PALACE of COMFORT strong case against the naviga-)0n : we Sones OF eee of delay than of physical danger,} LINE RAILWAY SERVICE | bility of the a and ae a oth ee ee ees hate affecting rather the price off S ' possibility othing indee¢ is antic lighway u “teharters than of marine insur . more certain than that within a/¢claim does not bear analysis. It ance Ss. S. Princess May Grand Ho e . , ears the route will be-| suggests an ignorance of the] . | ee t a oe ‘at , basic e ! f : i Danger Outside | SOUTHBOUND come a commercial fact That it} basie eonditions of Arctic nay | Workingman’s Ho i ; ca J ra? Greatest dangers are to be d Se 14. 9 m me will also be a commercial success gation and creates an entirely Satur ay, p- ’ a. . F Labo: Bur . : fal ‘ ¥ he f| feared and encountered outside ree ir eau in Connection has yet to be proved, iust as . he] fatse impression imely, that 4. @. M’NAB, General Agent } o : / the bay and straits and in the Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th commercial success of the fan | conditions are so bad on August th ' ; ama canal has to be put t» the] 410 they will be worse later onjopen sweep of the avant a aa ee rman sdk abe at wotue operation when the new crop movement Labrador coast line ae grea Great enterprises require great sets in. Of course the exact detached masses of oa eed faith, and it is encouraging tojeontrary is the case Sub-Areti | shown os icebergs crows ie C O from f é ane é s stre . those whose faith in the Hudson| ice begins to .move in June and from Baflin Bay and Davi P | EASTER A Bay route has never flagged to|the movement continues through But icebergs are a be found at ‘ | ‘ this season at the entrance to j reflect that de Lesseps was re-|July and the early part of Au E NS New Wellington Coal. Bes | ‘ inna , nine } , t on the varded as a visionary and the|sust. Big floes break up, de e s ete awe nd thougs XCursio Coast the us cease . more commercial success of Suez ca-|tached masses crowd out of the} '"ey mu ar ce ae Phon i ‘re formidable e 116 nal declared impossible. Hudson Bay through its straits}"umerous and more formidabl by the Rogers & Bd and join in the slow procession further north, yet it is a known Difficulties There Are. to the warmer waters of dissolu danger, and as such not insuper ° e e | No one denies that peculiar) 4j,) past Labrador and Belle able to careful navigation. In a difficulties surround the Hudson] peje word, the diMoulties of the route T] 1E [ROQUOIS Bay route and possibly if the fi . are trifling after the end of July| aod gain were not so immense it | Bay Inclined Prairie. so far as the bay and the straits Q. ali SOLID TRAINS 3) POOL might not have been found worth As for the bay itself, is is no ire concerned, and the real dan daily from Vancouver ectiah aii while to face them resolutely|thing more or less than an in-|ger lies in the north Atlantic wa-| or Seattle gee aad American Bilards with a view te overcoming them.|/clined prairie, tipping up to-j)ters beyond rhis danger can | Twelve Tables SECOND AVE But these difficulties are magni-'wards its south end, where shal-|be minimized by the resources of| Low round “2? ee 7 = pore ell Pi as , ante =. | tier thor ‘ | mode atience. of ie , |Canada and the United States. a an fied for the faint-hearted by mis- low waters debar James Bay as} lern science, f which wire and let us tell you all about it apprehensions of the actual dan-|a navigable outlet for ocean ship|less telegraph stations on the : gers to be encountered, while, ping Here imprisoned ice is|coast line and on all ships plying > S ] . L. A. Barbeau banished to the background is |driven and stranded, formidable the Western Canadian ‘rade Rogers teams P Cartage, Coal and Storage i i ar p, Uoal amd Stor the salient fact that the bay and/ possibly from the bridge of the/is the greatest factor for safety A Reliebte Messenger corel its approaches have been sue-| Beothic but through which a pro-|—-Manitoba Free Press, gency : t a cessfully navigated by ill-equip-| perly sheathed vessel could| — — —— —___— | — ped vessels with an extraordi- | steam as though so much spin-| Lumber For Lighthouse | PHONE 116 Phone 68 735 3rd An. nary absence of disaster year in/|drift, should she be so misguid The Lester W., David Lumber and year out for over 200 years.\ ed as to be so many miles out of Company has received another | Ice Bugbear. her course. For no ocean bottom)large seow load of lumber. con UNION $s COMPANY OF B.C itd . : Misapprehensions of ‘is dan-| would have any business at the/taining over a quarter of a mil- — —e versi eS 108, gers are well illustrated by the| foot of the bay, but would main-j|lion feet for the lighthouse be latest account of them, provided | tain her deep water course form|ing constructed on Holland Rock The new stee! Passenger Steamers The up-to-date House Decor Convineing evidence of the im- perative necessity for accident insurance can be found in the following statistics in regard to annual accidental deaths and in- juries in the United States: Annual accidental! deaths nearly 10,000 by railroad acei- dents), 63,000, Disabled for life annually, 100,000, Temporarily disabled, annualiy every 100,000 of population. Six per cent, of deaths from all causes are due to accidental in- juries, Ages Twenty to Sixty. Annual accidental deaths, 46,- 500. Annual deaths from disease all disabled prior to death), 435,000, The proportionate mortality 15,000 ACCIDENTS FOR — EVERY 100,000 PEOPLE 7 YEARLY IN THE STATES Prince Rupert Lodge, 0.0. mosun through accidents (among males hundred deaths | from all causes is 12 per cent. | Railroad for the last j twenty years, injured, over 1,- 000,000; ‘killed, over 150,000, of civil wounds and than 300,000, ;oubt of every one accidents Cost 6141-65 war, from disease, less Cost of Spanish-American war, Cuba and Philippines, less than, 2,000, over 10,500,000, “War with its awful carnage Non-fata! accidents, annually,|'% ‘errible, but in comparison 11,000,000. "| with the fearful result of the daily Non-fatal accidents from or- unlooked for aceidents, war is dinary causes, daily, 30,000. safety,” comments the Prefer- Fifteen thousand aceidents to|®"tial Pilot in setting forth the foregoing statistics. returns of the Do- minion show an inerease' of twelve millions and more for the Customs five months of the fiseal year, The receipts for the month just closed totalled $10,147,908, as against $7,678,395 for the corre- sponding period last year, an in- crease of $2,469,512. For the Sign Writing. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties oR “Chelohsin” —AND— Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver | Meets in the Helgerson Block as follows: i\“We always deliver the goods." Be ‘Brery Teentag Srentng ie Chelohsin a Wednesdays at 10 0-8 | an o Gen "| Carmosun” - Saturdays at 10 p.m.) city are requested to visit PRINCE RUPERT FEED Ch, the lodge. Dealers | A. H. ALLISON, N. G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec. HAY, GRAIN FEED ANE SEEDS Lester W. David Co, Ltd. CARTAGE and LUMBER jnpsiys-x2; ca ; >ROMPTI G. T. P. Transfer Agents MALL ORDERS PROM Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. OFFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone 6s. PHONE 25 ? ~~ hnakittiliseatiaaeritil Prince Sainost: B.C. Little’s NEWS Agency weeps Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Iisiand Club Phone 166 Gret Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively None safer on the coast than these two | fine passenger steamers J. H. ROGERS, Agent Agents for the International Slock fal y ATTENDED 1 First Ave. and McBride St. Box 865 SONS OF NORWAY Meets ist and 3rd rhursdaye p. im. at 349 3rd ave. All? wegians are welcome “Valhalla” of S.H. & EF (Scampin antan Society Tuesday a8 Meets every 2nd and 4th ivese p.m. inthe hall at 319 3rd Ave. en five months the receipts totalled $46,397,937, an increase of $12,- 801,794. Say, Scoop, Try Not to be so Forgetful, Next Time —Drawn for The Daily News Y op” — IVE GOT A SCHEME, THATS Scoop -YOU DRESS VP AS AGIRL AND GO OUT To THE PARK AND Make @ MASH- THEN COME Back GOoD IDEA OF WWE Crry EDS — TUL WINK AT THE First BOOB I MEET A PRETTY A MaTcH 2-TLLE LOOK AND SEE. \= TVE Gorone! Hoy SMoKe,A\ 2?) FRA-JET! “4 ip Oa mowed