=| THE DAILY NEW Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist South Friday A. M. . Priday, 9 a.m, SSS ee 11, NO, 221 Prince Rupert, B.C., THURSDAY, SepTemBeR 19, 1912. = = _—— a Price Five Se SIXTEEN ARE KILLED IN ENGLISH TRAIN WRECK ——SSSS— SIR WILFRID LAURIER IN SPEECH AT COBALT DECLARES HE WILL REMAIN IN PUBLIC LIFE EASTERN PASSENGER AGENT VISITS PRINCE RUPERT ver cities of the] road Mr. MeDonald \ i ( there is none that Prince Rupert in ordet ! }oughly acquaint | ge] sely watched by}, eq it him { tt trus conditions here rhe today an ’ _ , ") prospe ets for the future wn far and} position as passenge! | ‘ este! terminus of|the Grand Trunk at Chicago eand I Pacific Railway | Me Donald ¢ es in Gor h promising city of}® large nmuribe peopl ist \ in| Portance n the = finan hwestern cot ef { } ntens¢ interest | commercia world who awe i il ; ul is ta Prince Rupert by} *r interested th I f he astern pad | EO of the wester: westet! cities i M » States. the visit of Mr. J vie. I \ or himself the tremen¢ Dp. Meb i, district passenger] i Grand Trunk Rail-| : }district, Mr MeDonald Chica s important. Mr ed in the city | g on the Princes ; ge eft immediately a His vis \ east over the G, T.|?! able to give authentie i f is ¢ ‘ d= by the local th ‘ M ag Me Maste! On M Meb ild has be ght he expressed] ing the recs ( venti elf t » News representative | Americar Associatior ghted with the | s¢ ue and Ticket Agent f the trip and dition of the sibiitties | ’ we tu MANY KILLED AND INJURED IN ENGLISH TRAIN WRECK Special to Daily News. | | Sept. 18 rl express ra fre Chester | rpool was derailed at Dit Junetior ne es from here ist) night Sixteen were i and tft t a ! Fy " i ust i he i had ssed vel ENGINE JUMPED OFF TRACK aches, whieh took niated many bodies of the It is feared thal injured will die, Mr Fred inager of Male Montreal, is in the has made arrangements Martin O'Reilly Male Attire line Coast,” was the prediction made of the Gardens Co,, Ltd., of the to those n the east wh obab ! res the attte the . ut ipa Mrs. and Miss MeDonald DUKE WILL OPEN SIR WILFRID EXHIBITION AT TO REMAIN IN | ROYALCITY: = PUBLIC L Special to Daily News. Cobalt Ont Sept \ Sey iv Wilfrid La er spea X ha nm othe da le are hat he he Duke { ‘ i | ‘ ( (ie ‘ h bile ] s have b rt I ve a n Duke \ ‘ tie Provincia ‘ I sha N Westminster} witt h is K I bie fa “ | ves M sa I ‘ h Canada i I 1land f Liig ! har Thursday after This st be done b royal party will] ti I} party will leave Sir Wilfrid concluded Vietoria Thursday morning|dress with a f i by steamer atival question and an expo After the opening}his poliey for a Canadiar few hours will be/“If England is ever in ¢ the exhibits and|nay, | w not say that : is hh they will en land is evel trial, Ia Ve i of French origin, will bet “oineident with this announce-|to go to the people and cal es word from Sir Rich-]the mto assist with all our emier of British}Two inspirations guided my McBride, P mpia, wh was expected tollic life, and they conti the exhibition, that he willleo Canadian citizenship ible to accept the invita-} British ties, one to the While it was first an oa ed that he would be glad LOCAL JOTTINGS. Me lo New Westminster, his ‘ Native city, he decided that his Overseas Club. se - n Vietoria during the The Overseas Club wi : ere of the Governor Gen- special meeting on “ Was required, and for this tion evening in connec *"ts0n Would be unable te eome to H proposed reception } Diless accompany the Duke Thursday, as will also Lieu- mt Gove Phe fair ing will be held in on Seeond avenue al Patterson. 8 thagement feel much Meased that the Duke has con- id., has gon “ct , ‘Ss 35 o the | Visit the fair, and are busine vVipil t ! “Ure that he will be greatly im-|C!ttes Pressed with the exhibits whieh New shipment Turnbull shown demonstrating the} woolen underweat fo possibilities of Brit-land children, Wallace's ‘umbia ericult the eleetrie light plal turned to the city afl LOCAL JOTTINGS Bernard ON, a: walk Sake vacation in the south be ean at present located inf J. F. MeDonald, of th Tandy Bay district, is a vis-jion police, is a visitor lo ' he city, a guest at thel from the Queen Chartotts and will remain here u Panto; ~— the royal visil Phone , mu Pioneer Cleaners, We have only one range left, but it's a dandy Whe j the price is $80.05, CGamp stov Mest and best in from $6.50 at Hart's fall and wintee one coate CLEARED ' wear will be ‘ MN Demers opening on The farewell performance: ed ; Ladies Cordially in .|the Allen Players will roy at the Westholme Theatre 8 —_ night he bill is ome Wits! Suite! Suits! strongest of their entire natios be Urs and you will|ment— The Great Divi lailoy >weder Bros.,, New sweaters for wo children Wallaces he fais . : ne fair on Tuesday, He will Duke of Connaught he Sibbald G. A, Bryant, of Slo pro to assume the management, in tend to add several new depart Superintendent! Matthe rh } erat t be i ‘ | the py whing Kh. u he Gover Gen : 3 f Ws Phe il pa he harb on the C, I . \ h M . ly Lf ‘ i d to H ghness I Ma behalf f th . Oth pub I lies N ha i pI [ pl st gx ada sses il hey s Vish it the sa ‘ \ i the Duk \ iltend a i given i his hor by the Ca iia { 0) Pa ! h afte \ by i i z he different parts h ane 1 short while spent u stening I India and ¢ . vhich ike pla I he Gove! wharf Ii he evening the il party Ww ittend the be give iid of the hos vita at the Westholme Opera} H se An early start Ww by rade the] LAUNDRY WILL CHANGE HANDS | FOR BIG PRICE Otto Nelson, the propriet he Pioneer Laundry, which, as its name implies, can truthfully be said to have been the first business of its kind started tu Prince Rupert is just about to omplete the sale of the entire meern to a loeal syndicate Mr. H. F. MeRae, of Meitae & Co has purehased the business in} his own name, and ts in turn dis posing of it to a party of loca investors for the sum of $32,500 The new eompany, who are ments, being thereby enabled to do work heretofore rendered tm possible through not having the | ecessary machinery or the ex pert operators The plant at the present time furnishes employs ent to a large number of hands vhieh will be materially increaged LARCE SUM FOR FICHT BETWEFN DUSKY HEAVIES Repl is Kelly thie ( i f tueh Melntosh \ fialt promoter al ih day prepared to offer = oi asooo0d ft pattie Hu : \ h Sa Lane {ford and Sam MeVey PROGRAMME FOR THE ROYAL PARTY Presentation skin by his worship Luncheon at curing an expert from Boston | musicians on the DUKE OF CONNAUGHT WILL RECEIVE ROYAL WELCOME FROM THIS CITY the 25th ia on the Active preparation vile } the ne the eity for irrival of H ( naught erected in different city by the City Port Simpson Indians Dyvbhavn and so are today the ground and ! the city’s pa : rhey at the head and |} st avenut mere a avetit Westh e Opera Port Simpson heir arch eeting f Second McBride street. Prinee Rupert will be ehind the othe jminion in her outward display of ovalty and oceasion of the H. R, H, the WARNING GIVEN TO MARINERS, A LIGHT REMOVED Notice has from the Deputy rine and Fisheries giving warning to mariners of temporary light Island, Chatham Prince erection of a per- trance té Owing to the manent lighthouse ¢ building on the two heads forming to remove the Was Decessary culting gas beacon from the mit of the roek, fixed white oil hibited from pended from a point where be visible from proach, Don't forget day, Sep "ist ing at Demers’, < COWBOY SHOOTS POLICEMAN FOR OLD GRIEVANCE Lethbridge, iCity Deteetive and perhaps fatally wounded last night in front of the on the prineipal by Richard punches as feud private citizens Egan was shot} MEDICINAL HOT SPRINGS DISCOVERED AT LAKELSE ; SANITARIUM TO BE BUILT Prince Rupert is soon to have[springs are situated about mid- hot springs and a summer re-|Way, a few hundred yards from the lake, A townsite has been plotted out sort second to none on the Pacifie by Mr. D. ©. Roehfort, president and surveyed, containing about 1,800 lots, whieh will be placed Lakelse Valley. on the market in the near future. Mr Rochfort ,who is a promi- It is the intention of the com- nent young business man of Vie-|Ppany to build a sanitarium and toria. has just returned to Prinee| establish a summer resort, as Rupert from a visit to Lakelse|Well as subdivide a portion of Lake for the purpose of thor-|their holdings into five and ten uighly examining his company’s|aere blocks. These plots will be new holdings. In conversation |Cultivated, the soil being suit- with The News representative|able to the growing of fruit and yesterday he was very enthusi-| Vegetables. astic over the roseate prospects Close to the springs and near of the Lakelse district, a particularly choice piece of rhe company, which is a elose|beautiful shingle beach, ground orporation, composed of well|/has been reserved for the erec- known men of Victoria, have ae-|tion of an hotel as well as the quired by purchase 2,000 acres|sanitarium. Not only will the of land extending over five miles of the lake shore The hot Continued on Se 4.) NOTICE OF BILL G.T.P.MAYBUY FOR ANEW LINE SECTION OF THE FROMFT.GEORGE DOMINION ROAD he first notice of a private] Special to Daily News.) bill, which its promoters intend Ottawa, Sept. 19.—That the to apply for at the next session|Grand Trunk Pacifie may take of the Legislature, appears injover the Transeona - Superior ithis week's B. ©. Gazette. The|Junetion section of the National applicants desire to ineorporate| Transcontinental Railway on the a railway company to construct|/basis of the government taking a line near Fort George. The|the earnings and paying the ex- line, according to the official de-|penses of operation until the scription, is to run “from a point} whole line from Winnipeg to on the Nechaco River, at or near| Moncton is completed is an idea Fort George, thenee in a south-| which prevails in the capital. As easterly direction to the Fraser| stated by General Manager Cham- River, thence following the} berlin of the Grand Trunk in Fraser River to a point at or near} Montreal, this proposal has been Six Mile Creek, thenee in an|made and is now receiving the easterly direction to the Willow] consideration of Major Leonard, River, thenee in a northeasterly| chairman of the N, T. R. Commis- direction to the Bear River,| sion and the minister of railways. ithence in a southeasterly direc-|It is expeeted that Chairman [tion to a point at or near Barker-|Smithers and President Cham- a . berlin of the Grand Trunk will ini be here this week to interview Tickets for concert to be given the government with respect to on September 23rd, during the the proposed lease. royal visit, on sale at Orme’s Drug Store. Prices $2, $1.50 and Dead Sure 75 cents, Those purchasing re-|Snap, 3rd Ave., near post office, served seats will be able to se-jonly $15,000.00; $5,000.00 cash, lect their seats between the hours|balance 4 and 2 years at 6%. of 1 and 6 p. m., Thursday, Sept.| McLachlan & Button want to see 19th, at box office, Westholme|you about it. “Ask a _ Police- Theatre. 220-221] man.” 220-2214 WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE Farewell Performance TONIGHT MISS VERNA FELTON and the Allen Players WILL PRESENT “The Great Divide” ADMISSION, 50c, 76c, $1.00. BOX SEATS $1.25. Friday Next---The Amateurs