Pon mma AR «of ore, carrying high pper and gold, are shipped to the smel- \ party of experts from country house rhis summer a about to b visit has been made to Prince hu ue pert and district, and a most de Vaneouy lightful summer outing spent in ver will vis ® bi Island about tl : ; . Moreaby the Lakelse Valley They are st t val a of more than enthusiastic over all ‘ thitihe ange report on : f ' they have seen of this portion o properties. Tke Thomp-|.)_ . ‘nd his partner, Al, Wilds, the province during their stay K th ist f th here this summer After a short ~ | ew months wer ‘Nkaged in devel OnbaSs Wee! stop over at Vernon, they will Geveloping ‘vert 7 heir el nevernl. 08 leave for England, where they ins \t Houston Inlet Ike has ty will spend the winter, returning : ’ promising elaime ; i he Ivy ‘and Ilona indat ih “Ito B. C, again in the spring and ¢ > Dee lrive Ay a a Whilst in the old country they n le “operty MHout fifty feet ere ,will take advantage of every op portunity of dilating upon the fu i “|e or 1, RR. (¢ and will THE WEATHER ture of Northern be able to furnish information at Ra ele ! first hand of the immense devel ; ports this morn- ' re F ald a.m, y opment that is taking place het 0.36 vere Barometer, | ) Maxinun temperature _—— - a nim , , i arvie n the Paris um temperature, 44. | In an interview | iMatin, Miss Christobel Pank nien F. W. DO Te) WLING hurst has announced her | tion of returning to England al Suite! ‘Suits! Suits! ry one lonce to wage a war of violence: mM satisfied irs and you will] She said: Tail P Sweder Bros.,, “Tam ready to return to prison and am determined not to pay he ( penny of my fine We are rr 1 Mxchange at Winni-|soelved to fight men as men, b) to the “@ skyseraper ad violence, Our militant party ha in th Ba : “ent building, tol received powerful financial as “'sest grain sample|sistanee and is becoming a grea smeriog | force Next month we will hav a demonstration in Albert Hal thed at & OMplishe ‘plished arisloeracy, STRIKE RIOT IN WISCONSIN; THIRTY HURT CHANGE IN PROGRAMME. Mayor Newton at re ceived the following tek gram from the secretary to the Governor Genera ask ing that a change be made in the programune f his entertainment Mayor, Prinee Rupert qiovernor Genera \ be obliged to leave earl the 25th Therefore, please ar range Acropolis reservoir hospital plate and tree plant ing for afternoor day, curtailing sil f In dian band contest LOWTHER Secy. Governor General, left which must be cleared THE ISLANDS) GO TO PRISON. a This Ought to Interest You. We have sold a ‘ ormous quantity of furniture recently Hart's, but we still have some Mr. J. D. MeDonald, assistant general w days, returned south = this orning on the Prince George. passenger agent of the Grand Prunk Railroad, with headquarters at Chicago, who, with Mrs. MeDonald, has been isiting in the city for the last MOOSE LODGE RETURNS FROM SCIENTIFIC | ENTERTAIN AT EXPEDITION TO YUKON FOR . K.OFP.HALL © THEDOMINION GOVERNMENT 4 MMM ia owen es The Loeal lodge of the Loyal Mr. N. Demers, who, with Mr. solutats as it was in its native | nT , ‘ H Order of Moose held a very de-|Ulement 8, Lewis, contracted to] State. The pelt afd pi iin gal ; rhiful basket social at the K.; Collect the fauna of the Yukon ne are a ae sone measure- is ., | ments, ane le taxidermist = is i of P. Hall last evening rhe en ioe the Dominion government's then able to do the aah ae Victoria) Memorial Museum at a nafs ae tertainment was the first of its ; : Naturally, in maki : Ottawa, has returned to his oo abing auen . gy kind given by this order since the}, } : : collection many wonderful and nauguration of the lodge a few) (OMe in this city after @ most) iniaus specimens were bound to ; eee ee ee : a |} successful expedition of several : ‘ei weeks ago. The affair shows that ‘ be procured. Amongst such were th M a hel ; months’ duration. two absolutely white lynx, and na le oose are in oO way ehi . P B F ’ ae : re fa gen Specimens of every beast and ryt Ps f the other organizations of a also two white poreupines with A ' ' th ' |bird, from a mouse to a moose ilver tipped quills These al io similar *haracter ) ae “y'- s rT a 8s. e - egal 4 — ran Po: " nrer-)and from a humming bird to a ve tainment of their friends. | , binos were, of course, freaks of : | baldheaded eagle, was to be in- ‘ ‘ Social games and a general! , nature that oceur in animal life ; cluded in their search, Mr. De- . good time was spent, prizes being| as they do amongst humans, f th best d t }| mers and Ue partew bn mr Moose were simply abundant, and Ba give 0 Pp es decort i se sre & & ries . te : eee jtheir field of operation in the ad e 5 . basket and the highest — it was just a question of ob- ; learly part of the summer, taking ; i basket at the auetion sale. Alto-} taining the best specimens pos- es j} with them a specially constructed gasoline power boat, built in this city, of exceptionally light draft, which enabled them to aseend rivers and navigate shallows and sible. A seientifie point of in- terest is the fact that in obtain- ‘ ing specimens a great deal of a importance was attached to not- sandbars with comparative ease, ~~ ee wane er ders in the city, he couttey in wile hich found and obtained. Mr, i : , ~| Demers “xpe ing and trapping was carried on Demers, whose long experience was .@) the Nambietios of fal life in the wilds, living alone try some of our fresh made de-|piard. Nugetlin and Hoole rivers with nature, pursuing his favor- cious candies, E, E, Confeetion-|q yast area that afforded oppor-|''” study, would furnish data for oF “23 |tunity for obtaining specimens a big volume, says at eee tions of this nature are amongst gether, a very pleasant time was spent. The Order of Moose, which now comprises nearly sixty members, bids fair to become one of the most popular fraternal or once Patronize home industry and nlention of th unto closed down J. W. SIFTON (Special to Daily News. Overseas Club. | ( wv — ‘ding for 1942])'Ten thousand seats have already ‘100,000, Righty| been sold We have penetrated i t . distriet jc ‘arvesting in this|all classes of society, even the urred sooner, as it Was the} planned for general strike would| known live thing were obtained. | Stewart, has returned to Prince up the whole f the island col- ‘ries as the cold weather ap- ached, and so foree their de- and| mands, which ineluded the estab- idle} lishiner {ofa minimum wage and » payrnent of the same seale as in foree in the State of Wash- ington, was thought last year that minimum wage could be ob-} iined by legislation, but during recent provincial campign | ee te McBride, at a meeting jhere, expressed his disapproval a minimum wage, saying that feared that it would become PASSENGERS ON PASSED AWAY — PRINCE GEORGE AT WINNIPEG §=— 10 THE SOUTH ree left for the| The Prinee G uth this morning with a large] assenge list, amongst whom vere the following Mr. Hol land, Hl, Smith, N. MeBeth, H, ° Garden, L, B, Cleeves, J. H, Bous Mrs KBouser, C. L. Brown, Van Arsdol, D, A, Rankin, F Martin, D Reynolds, J. Batson, hk. Allen, Mrs, Allen, Verna Felton, Biron Eagan, Raymond tipley, G, D. Zueeo, J. L. Mitehell, ves Clapp, Mr Harris, Mr \. Kenek, Mr, Sehrenks Karsavor, Mr Aradi, Mrs. .|Canadian ships during the year) dove, Mrs. Farnsworth, F orloek, BE, Welham, C, G. Mae eal Miss Patterson, Miss Bechavel |, Mitehell, ©, MeQueen, s. F. M, Pelly, FP. M. Pelly, Catt, H, G, Catt, J. Catt | . @) organization in their fight gainst svn enn ee ann a ss ine ont wi WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE | | CANADA RANKS jot the marine states of the world GOLD MEDALLISTS— \ i ' | Norway, Franee, Russia, Italy and i} Benefit Children’s Aid, 28 of every known bird and animal), . ‘aeiiea ; im the Yehok Ritiies. Oe the happiest recollections of his towin’ lo 0 fab thadee of ae and even though forced to " IXTEEN H NDRED MINER TRIKE . ye . etonse ad tore’ hiy return to Ris business imleteee i 9 Ce a eee : : oan in the city, his heart is always "4 acguainted with the. country really fn” te great big mrignty : the Indians of the district, with- Yuk eee at’ Meee: ‘ out whose aid it would be almost i. See >. aan appy es hours of his life have been spent +a impossible to make a success of} ca tog the last few years. : such an undertaking. Mr. De- OUT DEMANDING BETTER CONDITIONS <2" Seer c. €. Van Arsdol, divisional He is well versed in this study construction engineer of the G, : and has from a child made aj*' fi opular man in an effort, it was|time the miners have been pre-|poppy of the collection of fauna r. P., left on the Prinee George - eged, on the part of the com | pa ng for a strike. On May ist In conversation with a News this morning for a business trip ye y to avoid trouble. ithey held a monster demonstra-| representative yesterday, Mr, De- to the lower coast cities. ; Had the South Wellington and|tien at Nanaimo, the point where|™ers Was full of enthusiasm in Db. A. Rankin, the well known i the I dM Worker f regard to the success of the trip,j contractor, was a passenger iki anaimo miners deeided to strike |!" Shee ©. apes orkers ©"! which will be practically eom-|southbound on the Prince George with those of Cumberland ana|*™*ric® Were weakest. It 18! dioted this fall, Mr. Lewis still| this morning. ae err junderstood here that had the Na-|peing in the Yukon finishing up Henry Avison, provincial sani- | Extension the walkout would have! jaino union Been stronger the|the work. Specimens of every|tary inspector, lately located at A. leaders to} have taken place several weeks \ great deal of work was entailed] Rupert to permanently reside , if in preparing the specimens for{with his family, iit jago, but at that place the men shipment. At their headquarters It is especially requested that have a working agreement with|eamp a huge shed roof was con-|all military veterans meet in the i | the company which does not ex-| structed with open walls for dry-|court house this evening at 8 a pire until next May, and some of|in@ purposes, and at times asjo'’clock sharp for the purpose of e Hie man were jonah io pivike bel ee eee Indian girls were!making final arrangements for employed in skinning and stuff-|the parade at the forthcoming fore that time. ing the smaller birds and animals.| visit of H. R. H. the Governor e If the company and the men do|Of course this was only of aj} General, . + ets temporary nature, until they Don't forget to pay a visit to ‘ae wot come to an agreement withini | Moh expert taxidermatists|Hart’s Quality Store, 3rd Ave., ' a few days it is feared that the}at Ottawa. In the case of the|this week and if you are a lover | other colleries may be closed also,|!arger animals, immediately up-|of beauty, don't forget your , on their being killed exact meas-| purse, because the temptations f® The miners, it is reported, have! ypements were taken, ensuring|to buy will be almost irresist- uy ithe assurance that the United|a reproduction of the animal ab-| able. 222 . Mine Workers of America will ~ . = —— —_—<$<$<<$<—<—<—$——————————— ' ri back the local branehes of that NINTH IN THE ‘A: Grand : Concert ‘ SEA NATIONS) PORT SIMPSON BAND | Special to Daily News. Ottawa, Sept, 20.Canada now stands ninth in the tonnage list |The order of standing of the 9 vight leading countries is: Great Vancouver, B.C., Dominion Day, 1900 i Britain, Germany, United States, Prinee of Wales Honors, October Ist, 1901 « Dominion Exhibition, New Westminster, B.C,, 1905 Japan, The number of Canadian ves | sels on the register books at the will be held on end of 1911 was 8,088, measur el ss et ladle Saturday, September 2]st and boys finding employment in : AT 8 P.M. f numbered 44,447, British Co lumbia employed 227 sailors,| CONDUCTOR A. PRESCOTT, )} A.R.C.M., London, Eng. i lag Day, Saturday, Sept, 24