The Daily News | SO OOLOLDOLOLDD Dw yy on ==========SSS SSS === SS =SS a NEWS NOTES OF = SSS mr « weenene REXALL | jj THE GREAT WEST}; “The News” Classified Ads. - The building permite issued in i i San sled ts dameeuins Calgary this year number 2,600, =(One Cent A Word For Fach Insertion= — prescrip- The total value is 812,500,000 — nian tions ; “ oO is’ - a THERE ARE NO “DEAD TWO STORES Winnipeg building permits for George Leek 1912 pass the 817,000,000 mark. — <= 618 Srd Ave ‘ Odd Fellows’ convention opens - , tomorrow, and 10,000 will attend, recccoocccsoeeesooerscsscesssseyy| Bank clearings for the past fiscal WEE DANCERS For Rent FOR RENT | ssaiieanstsestntnaiaimmaesadimalatind 6 :7 Two fiats on 4th Avennue, Section 5 e ‘rease 0 ove . Mm = moreased § 97,000,0N oy ; Each flat contains 5 rooms highly finished throughout, fine bath lthe corresponding week last year FOR RENT—Three-room flat unfurnished,| and steam heated Great Bary ain | with water. Alder Block 220-018} room, large kitchen range, electric light 8 | edit " fine uninterrupted view of the harbor Fifty lots in Sect T POR RENT——Two-room cabin, furnished,| Apply Lots 27-98. f k ray The directors of the coal prop " on McBride St. Apply Geo, Sutherland, PRINCE RUPERT AGENCIES avenue, $31 I jerty being developed at Entwis 704 McBride St eiser || Prone 92% Saacedech dotes at ! : | . ® ‘ e * jtle, west of Edmonton, visited the MCINTYRE HALL to lease for dances, etc jof McBride ’ Gray & Son, Black 78 208tt| H. DOUGLAS jmine and were pleased with pros- rerms | : 3 : : pects, and state the plant will! —_— POR RENT—Two large front rooms, on 339 Third Ave. P.O. Concert to be given in aid of the Hospital on develop rapidly, Young Professor Milton Doug-| Fifth Ave., overlooking the harbor ‘Two Lots Wanted (Opposite Post aa 606 & “SUR ANS plieeniemeeiaioie tain an eee ee 82 PHONES 200 nee Rupert | Monday Evening, September 23rd Beautiful location and close in. | Apply ——— las, the clever and accomplished phone Green 338 iste | Harvesting in the Edmonton] son of Ald, Douglas, has been |poR pent—two suites first class aaeetel IN SECTION TWO THE at the Westholme Theatre at 8.15 p.m. Seats now on sale at Box Office, Westholme Theatre. keeping rooms, also store, ip new build.) Tickets—$2.00, $1.50 and 75 cents. district is proceeding rapidly] Working hard ever since his ar ing on 6th avenye, opposite skating | under ideal conditions. The grain] rival in the city, in preparing the Rink, All conveniences Apply Tony ADDRESS : Christian 164-0 | es e I P. 0. BOX 292, PRINCE RUPERT . is in splendid condition—high large aggregation .of children a ne * asurees yields and grade, All barley, 90} Who are going to take part in the q per cent. of the wheal and 60 perjentertainment, known as Kir- For Sale ————— cent. of the oats has been cut,}/™mess, which will be put on at the | Total proceeds of the Concert will be devoted to the Prince Rupert General Hospital Everyone attend and aid a good and worthy cause. There has been no damage from Westholme Opera House on the any cause, evenings of September 26, 27 and|ror SALE-—-One 84x10 double drum Lumber and Mouldings ‘ 1. . oist irst cla ondition coi 28. There will be a change of] Joists engine, In _ 999-931. PRINCE RUPERT INN -]) All Kinds of Building Supplies The Battleford, Sask., Board of} Programme each night, which ARE Trade purchased the output of ill consist of fancy and bal! | the Homogenized Milk Company/'0O™ dancing, songs, flag drills, Wanted AND ° . . «@ : ete for Saskatchewan, and will erect ; Fi ; ret Aven Canadian General Electric Company, Limited | ||)‘, “**s\chewan ane will eect vi ininstrel show will be in nt | First Avenue Phone 10 | : ’ , " ’ j WANTED—At once, two experienced dress | saovere, 8 Mining and Contracting Machinery thousand dollars has been ap- : luded in the entertainment to} thakers. Mesdames Barbeau & Grant AN NEX | moctricel_Apperates of a eels description propriated to purchase cattle to)’° provided on the first two ev WANTED—Immediately, frst class glazier | distribute among farmers. This}@™!"8s. On the last night Pro- Apply Prince Rupert Sash & Door Co } : Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 will greatly encourage mixed|fessor Douglas will endeavor to] *'" ne Ou ; break a record held by himself,| WANTED—Immediately, a good general | farming. ; of oes pes Pte 980 at of dancing against time, and a Ave. Reet ee, oes 296 | Owned and operated by the . 2 : | ‘ize t , , : if Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on Daniel Ehman and John Sehu-| PP! waltz competition will be} pogrrion as domestic, capable of doing A iE 1 ee 4 esident f Regina, narrow held for the championship of ali kinds of general housework, wash the American and European plan. orn man, residents o egina, narre - Northern BO The prise for this ing, ironing, cooking, etc Address Miss | Excellently furnished, . with lv ese a with their lives when . | ! A. L. Tomlinson, care Bishop Du Ver-| aa | ee raps K j “ loded th terrible} “ners, and their names will be] WANTED—Cleaning, pressing and repair | modern conveniences, being abso- ff) 7th A VE N ! thman exploded with terrible) corded ma hol } ing; reasonable price. Phone Black 328 lutely first-class in every respect. l ° force, badly wrecking the house on wa ooks Of the] Second avenue and Sixth St $30 | EE Oneida Jump and severely injuring both men,| /@"¢ers association, an associa- The appointments and service fj) . ee : ce tion that Bs ‘ are equal to any hotel on the SECTION SIX is operative in each state of the union as well as in Miscellaneous coast. Hawley-Norton and which was caused by the break- British Col I ; itish Columbia. Prof. Douglas | $2000 cash and the | e ing of an improvised gas tank, , has authority from the reeorder | | Newhouse Tra the men were engaged upon an . BC. to hold tt a MARRY——Why remain alone? The Ideal | years at 6 per cent . 10 etic f 0 “, to hol Ms competition Introduction Club is @ strictly private, ‘ i Pp invention in connection with au- in Prince Rupert high class, reliable medium for intro- | Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. . tomobiles and which it was hoped : I . ducinf worthy marriageable peeople; any | | ee On Wednesday next there will nationality or religion. Particulars =| to have completed during the D stamp. Wits. Wilson, bos 1776, Ven- | . &C Be a : arrive from Seattle two children conver B. C == ' | mue arrison ompay i next two weeks. At the time of the explosion, alance ver of the respective ages of five B i —— . rokers and Financia! Agents . and eight years, the latter be- G. A. Sweet, Manager. . , Next year the Nelson Improve- : Second Ave. Prince Ru We carry the most complete A I ing the champion dancer of the Lost and Found = : ment Association will again dis-|— . 7 } line of the above world famous tribute ruse bushes at cost price] ='#te of Washington. They have ro ‘ ‘eceive ‘ir entire tre ‘ LSON-LAILEY | steel traps in Northern British to residents of Nelson and dis- = aa bale ae ts LOST—Last Sunday at the Rupert Maring W. MmeneLsO f a i sisal iz under rofessor douglas, Iron Works wharf, one magazine camera ; Columbia : : : : trict, according to W. R. Jarvis, rh ee en in waterproof canvas case Will the Architect. president of the association. He Ns unique and refined enter finder return to Rupert Marine tron tainment will be the first of its Works Office? 223-228 Room 10 Steph ‘ declares that the scheme inaug- tad tel De R e Phone 84 ( rince vo a any i urated this year had proved 80] 0. one ” upert a ‘ - Church Services - | i successful in aiding in beautify- . Public Holiday 2 ing the city, in spite of the de-F piri, von go | gage FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WEST ASSAY WORKS » ’ > o rey “o ’ *¢ . —_-— rl layed arrival of the bushes, that oe ee ve theatre Services every Sunday in the ’ go to the E. BE. Confeetionery for ° Chureh Hal! at 11 a.m. and j it had been decided to follow the foeshs anand’ condinn 999 Tour of Inspection---Recep- Empress Theatre at 7.90 pom Hinid Bites? Con) same course next year bg : ’ Ah, ti by La h a a ea “ and Su | sereeenemeenenaenigenioceiae ton by unchnes REV. FP. W. KERR, M.A PASTOR 615 Hastings St. W Rehearsal Tomorrow , Monday, Sept. 23rd, will be observed as pp y LGem, corvines The members of the Veteran’s i i Nener’ fines it of " "cat ee ee ee & 8 oe Brigade are requestd to meet at Highne s the Duke fe anes bi and perty BENTYRS KRALL, SRO AVE. NEAR OFH ST. é i s ) t s e Duke o 0 ught and party Cor. Third Ave. and 6th St. Angtican Churoh. th Knights of Pythias Hall on], The route of the tour of inspection will om ond 18 om Renday The services in St. Andrew's|Monday morning at 9:30 sharp Bride’ P nag TP eer ae pee een oe er cum Barees SMITH & MALLETT Chureh, Centre street, tomorrow]in readiness for the parade of] 40d Fourth Aves. Tatlow gnd Fulton St. |] REV. W.H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor THIRD AVE will be in connection with the|weleome to H. R. H. the Duke of| Government wharf __ Plumbing, Heating, Steam/itting and synod, and the special preacher! Connaught. It is hoped the citizens will decorate as THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH j Sheet Meta! Work will be Rev. H. E. Fox, prebendary far as possible SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE | nasil oA ; wenie ee oe ’ wustarhe anon —$$__—__—_—— It is also hoped the owners of launches Services every Sunday at 11 , | Office: 8rd Ave. | “a 4 ath St of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, Get the “Classie” shoe for the} Will co-operate with Capt. Babington in| a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday | | Phone 174 and Ave. i asm = THE TIME Rng Among the clergy taking|childre: d j ee ©] welcoming the Royal steamer at 11 o'clock] oa ea se. ‘ J a S ‘en ane avon a foot}on Monday REV. C. R. SING, B.D. PasTor ‘i " part, in addition to Bishop Dul|troubles for them. Seott. Froud S. M. NEWTON, Mayor. — 7 } pace sureal to lay plans for the win- Vernet, will be Archdeacon Colli-|& Co, 293.2994 saaiesetaaia dian ile leis THE SALVATION anny CITADEL | P.O. BOX @ , : : aednwe | * ter. Call and see our son, Rev, William Hogan, Rev. etnptiiiiiaianiiillgiesh Sears WATER NOTICE. Sunday. sepnees Git JOHN E. DAVEY full line of Heaters, They F. L, Stephenson, Rev, J. Field, Mr. G. A. MeNic holl. superin-| por @ License to Take and Use Water. day “Sehool, 30 Pp. m TEACHER OF SINGING are designed to please Rev. William Crarey and the rec-|tendent of the G. T. P. R; ' sethe ws : one Week hight services Mon i the G. T. P, Railway,| Notice is hereby given that George E day, Wednesday, Thurs anan. 160.08 the popular faney, and tor, Rev, BE. C, Bureh. returned from Vancouver on the Bearns ona William H Clarke, both of the day and Saturday | PUPIL OF WM, POXON, BSG Aly oO ancouver, in ie ‘ro e oT : Tu : y the price is equally as at- mT Prince Rupert this morning. British Columbia, merchants, will apply : estas tem i tractive as the design. The ladies of Prince Rupert fost por aneema of wen oraes ortain HAYNER BROS will appreciate the service that stream rising in the hills to the south and oak LMERS Th Re “th ‘ Jeffer ar . east of Hegan Point, Nowing about north UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALME ompson ardware enworth & Jefferson are en- west by west till the polit of compass Funeral Directors Y, . rive » > es- bears northwest, thence south and west, pene te « avoring to ow thom in the es discharging into the pass one mile south F R } Srd Ave. near 6th St Phone No. # y, : tablishment of a shoe shine stand of Hegan Point. : me water will be =. | _ “e » pes verted approximately southeas rom He 1 339 2nd Ave. Phone 101 inside the siege. 1 will'be ready Point ope and a half miles distant and will | , e for their patronage on Tuesday, be used for industrial purposes on the 24th 992_99 lands described as Lot 19 and Lot 2737, I a 24th inst. 223-224 Range %, Coast District ; nvestors Notice : ee This notice was posted on e grounc on the 13th day of August, A. D. 1912 Silver, copper and lead mines | E. L. FISHER The application will be filed in the of . : ; fee of the Water Recorder at Prince Ru-|at Kitselas, B, C., on the Copper rt, British Columbia, Objections may in . " aed be filed with the said Water Recorder oF River. Good copper and lead with the Comptroller of Water Rights,/ chawin . ; __ ; Parliament Buildings, Victoria, British Go wings from 6 to 14 feet wide. Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT For delicious eandies and cho- colates go to the KE. E. Confee- NOW IS COMING THE WINTER §) °°"! * ome of our discontent, but it can be made gloriously com- oe W. V. Doughty, of the lumbia. GEORGE E. BEARNS, Easy Terms. P . ; . . > Pup a8 . Skidegate ‘isheries as ¢é as- WM. H. CLARKE, + fortable by having one of our Hot Air Furnaces installed wate Vishorics, was. 8 pas Pub. Sept. #, 1912 Applicants Apply me —___—_—_—— -| DR.DeA.CONDOR | SSS STUART & STEWART KITSELAS, B. C. Empress Bowling Alleys Accountants AND POOL ROOM 2 in your home, senger on the Rupert from Vie- We have them at all prices and guarantee satis- toria, en route to Skidegate to faction. CALL AND SEE US resume charge of the plant at that place. f STEEN & HEBERT ks , TABLES SECOND AVENUE Smart American slippers of 309 2nd Ave. Phone No, 280 LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. . and Most Luxurious @ Agents for the McClary Furnaces silk, satin, velvet and patent Wh is the demand f Prince Rupert P, O, Box 351) —— ee . = ave |) y or Auditors for City of Prince Rupert Skeena Land District District 0 of Coast ast, | H. E. ROSS, Prop ard bi leather, in great variety, just ar- Hange _— ived at Rc 2p ao 8 —_——— en Take notice that Mrs. L. C. Putnam, of | See = i s a 4 " J . a, rived at Seott, Froud & Co.'s, the St. Paul, Minnesota, oceupation searvign | ES Leading Shoe Store. 223.224 Alex. M. Manson, B. A. woman, intends to apply for permission to . . A. &. &. O.| Purchase the following described lands Ee © Ws. 6 Wittens & A. & & © Commencing at @ post planted d) lands: | oe ; WILLIAMS & MANSON chains west from the southwest corner of Look at Ti sei ae Miss Helene J. Sloane, pupil of surveyed T. L. 30045 on the bank of : ii, anil dhnetieetedl We 3 Skeena River, thence south 80 hains i t ya onservator of Musie, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. thence west 80 chains thence corte ‘80 Milan, Italy, who arrived in Prinee Sho e , § ? Box 286 River, thence iD an easterly dinectow chore 7 9 x I s ’ Rupert a few days ago after an Ss 0 re at! Pri R 8. c bank” of river "80 chain inere of teas | we er | ‘ OO 4 1 Heigerson Block rince Rupert, post of commencement, containing 640 extended tour through Alaska, ) will take part in the e eP -—--- - ————e |acres more or less ' Mondes nies = Sen oe Because they fit well, wear well! aLrrep CAKSS, ©. V. BENNETT, B.A. Cocent i: &. PUTNAM Three beautiful !ot <_< hos tal ’ and look well, of British Columbia of B.C., Ontario, Sas Dated August iéth, 1019 mam, Agent and two green- -houses; al rospital, Made in Rockland, Mass they end Manitobs Bars. katchewan and A- Pub, Sept, 17, 1019 d; to be given ome mumemien - ” i" berta improvec, ice T have become the most popular CARSS & BENNETT Skeena Land Digtri t-Disirict of Coast, ground p shoicest liquors and cigars American made shoe selling in BaxkristeRs, NoTARiEs, Ere, sels enticn CTR te. os prince| ome” for Savoy. Canada today. Office Albert Liock, Seeond Avenue. Rupert, oceupation bridgeman,’ intends to Commencing at 4 post planted at the! | UNDER NEW man Prices are $6.00 $6.50 and $7.00 northeast corner of Lot 1706, and marked | , AGEMENT F Allan Sim 8 Corner, thence north 40] em | The Best ROYAL - DAIRY R th & } “ DOUGLAS samt Eek ie k — Creamery Butter, Dancing School Hon 4 chains more or ess. tothe ‘north Pure ra main nd Gone enwo Jefferson Adulte’ cies tesene Wetiiores ree tt i itt G R. Naden (o., Lid ao ie a gale on ‘bu: Ainations [hing dederibed tangs "'rehee the tol-| $5,000 ——— Children containing 80 acres more or less | Lrocurable. Absolutely pure owe ve rm Smith Block £7, wee Sa eS oil See oo 718 Grd Ave. 3rd Ave. and Gth St. Papee Ampwes 04, 8 ee 2ud Avenue