ee ee ad tte ene enn et rd mr gon Nag ae ee ee ee ne : ti ; : vets —--- THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS ... | PRINCESS PATRICIA WHO IS TODAY OUR TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—S cents per inch. Contract rates on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Daity, S0e_ All per month. or $5.00 per year, in advance. WeEKLY, $2.0) per year. Other Countries— Daily, $8.0 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year. strictly im advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building. Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. Mopar, Serr. 2B GUEST IS ROYAL IN NAME AND MANNER ’ ior ; ld Daily News on Daily Doings PRINCE RUPERT WELCOMES THE ROYAL VISITORS of the membered by him as typical the spirit of the great west, Today Prince Rupert and the home of men. North welcomes His Royal Gay flags, banners and arches Highness Arthur William Pat- are appropriate and pleasing rick Albert, First Duke of| they. can not give His Ro- Counaught end Governor Gen- yal Highness half the satisfa eral of Canada; Her Royal tion as does the sight of the Highness the Duchess of Con-| great rock cuts, the fills and naught and their daughter,| pathway of steel which grad- Princess Patrica, with the ually creeps eastward to ‘con- whole souled welcome of the} nect again and bind strong: west. Older cities may have; the West with the East All) put on a gayer dress in wel-| this tells in mute accents of coming the royal parts on! the toil and labor of courag- their official tour of Canada, eous men, who do not hesitate but no place has given them a to undo the work of Nature more loyal or heartier greet- and battle with the wilderness ng than has Prince Rupert, of Time so that the great The Gateway of the North- Northwest may be developed west.” and His Majesty's Dominion From hundreds of miles along may become more prosperous the coast line and from the dis These are the people who have tant islands and the wilds of gathered together today to} the interior, men, women and welcome the Duke to their children have come to make battlefield and they do so in the welcome of His Majesty's truth, for as a greater king has; representative, himself of roy- said: “By their fruits ve shall al blood, one that will be re- know them.” —_ = > PUBLIC SERVICES MIS-MANAGED A Matter of Interest to Every Citizen of Prince Rupert As a result of the rankest «ind of mismanagement of the pub- lic services of the city of Prince Rupert, The News is forced to come out today several hours late and this on an occasion when the citizens are particularly anxious to be supplied with details of one of the most interesting and important events in the history of the city The News had made all arrangements for issuing a special edition in connection with the visit of the royal party, but without any notice whatever from the Power and Light department the staff arrived at the office at the usual time this morning to find that “power was off” and that none would be supplied during the day Alderman Clayton, who is chairman of the Power and Light committee of the City Council was communicated with Hh was surprised to learn that the power plant was closed, having given no instructions to that effect. He immediately took the matter up with Mr. Matthews, superintendent at the power house, who abso- lutely refused to comply with his request that power be supplied The situation was explained by telephone to Mayor Newton, who is publisher of the Empire, but this gentleman was too busy to discuss the matter and in a most discourteous manner hung up the receiver. The Mayors motives in refusing to discuss a matter of such importance can easily be guessed by those who know him best Unable to secure power from the city plant, The News had to resort to the kindness of the publisher of the Journal, who al- lowed the use of his plant, which is operated by gasoline power, and in consequence coday’s issue is several hours late. The management of The News regret that the citizens of Prince Rupert must suffer from such mismanagement of the public serv- 4 ices of the city t THE BEST SECURITY ON EARTH 1S EARTH ITSELF For reliableBusiness Property, Revenue-Bearing Prop- Residential Properties dont fail to call at 319 Third almost opposite Post Office Motto: Treatment and the Best of Service.” JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate Broker Prince Rupert, B. C. erty or Ave. Our ‘Honest Phone 384. Scoop, What Were They Looking For—Scrap or Argument? ALL RIGHT, SMARTY YOu KNO SO MUCH ABOUT IT - LETS WIFTEST UREST rn S AFEST Btu TWIN SCREW STEAMmERs Se Lh ae “PRINCEZRUPERT”’ AND “PRINCE GE¢ 7 Van ver ae poneave ae rmoave 8 am Prince George Salis for Stewart on Thuredeys o « “PRINCE JOHN” IRGE” Weeay service to Port Simpson, Naas ant ay Charlotte Islands “PRINCE ALBERT” Regular sailings for Skeens River Canneries, and 41) we Prince Rupert and Vancouy See Pass ager service to Skeens Crossing from Prince Ruy “ and Saturdays st 11 & ™., Making connect " . Cheap Excursion Rates Over Grand Trenk (The Bouste Track Rewte) Retween Chicago and all points Bax ‘ of a Pacifte oast. Let us prepare itierrer for ’ D EA . Agency for afl Atlantic Steamenhip Lines For Gti information ase A. © MCMASTER, ener: d¢ - Railwe, System B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE Savoy H Hote RUPERT'S PALACE of ™ COMPOR? .Grand Hotel, Workingman’s Home Free Labor Berean in Connection Phone 178 Cre | S. S. Princess Sophia SOUTHBOUND Saturday, Sep. 21, 9 a.m. 4. @. MNAB, Genera! Agent Oriental Limited sr: 1p OQuoIs 3———- SOLID TRAINS ——--3 English and Amer re or Seattle & _ Twelve Tables <5 Ave Low round trip rates to all points in Canada and the United States. Call | él and let us tell you all about it The Princesse Patricia { Con-lation is one requiring a brave heart | thous? at e al and naught, who is accompanying her|t® meet and vanquish success! —— woh apy th ,|Not only has individual preference | most Englis rincesses august parents on their r rr \ Be cdmaiiiees tet caytelding ree : senators ° e Du ke -- state through the ties of the Do- sone 6 Gas This te bet ene it esught were rougt jminion, and who is today rm€istance of the many as Princess Pat a asat girl once | Prince Rupert with a visit, is one which the Princess arriage as fia Mama says re may of the most popular and riking been under disecussior Very € rzet ab being y ' personalitie amotgst the ger | have newspaper headlines emem ber at we a ad members of the roya b ses f aimed A Royal Marriage 3 ' r ks weve € Europe The Princess f name is/ ored, the suitor in e« koe he failinely fe bered ww was Victoria Patricia Helene Elizabeth ing of rank brilliant e: z ea jue her sa r ess ‘ of Connaught, and she was born a isfy anyone; but as yet 1 ne bas take r a f ente za Buckingham Palace Mar 7 een « easful Ar e reas arriage * t ‘ f less . 1886 That is known alone the Pris and sustaining he : nm ge Golden brown hair arge {ne cess era € e ere eyes, a noble rofile, strong if ts Princess Patricia sc endeared (those days, amusing veca resemblance that of Queen V herself as royal lady every quar-| extreme youthfulness rhe ‘ toria. and a really superb carriage.'ter of the Empire in * she aS e ever eve Madame de which is emphasized by er heigth shed her gracious esence N Morinn Once € a pers Lge make Princess Patricia a ty al princess possesses ersonality |than Quee \ ria herself ay royal lady, her reser ed air eing more swaying ~ wearing ex} ed whe the itempered by a ODright emue and strength and everness : al | Princess was €