TE one — | | | REXALL eaters 2 tions : : £ C. H. ORME The Pioneer Druggist TWO STORES EASTMAN KODAKS $20.00 to $45.00 Mixed Tweeds, Navys, Black, Brown, etc. Also suit mod+ls and samples of eloth from which we take orders for suits made to your measure and a perfect fit guaranteed. H.S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Dry Goods, Crockery, Chinaware, Etc., Etc. COR. FULTON ST. AND THIRD AVE. We carry the most complete line of the above world famous steel traps in Northern British Columbia : : : : Prince Rupert Hardware and Supply Cor. Third Ave. and 6th St. Prince Rupert Concert to be given in aid of the Hospital on Monday Evening, September 23rd at the Westholme Theatre at 8.15 p.m. Seats now on sale at Box Office, Westholme Theatre. Tickets—$2.00, $1.50 and 75 cents. Total proceeds of the Concert will be devoted to the Prince Rupert General Hospital Everyone attend and aid a good and worthy cause. PHONE BLACK 78 PHONE BLACK 78 J. S. Gray & Son Ladies’ Suits The Daily N ews | two The delegates to the conven- tion of the International Gener- al Passenger and Tickets Asso-| ciation, which was held in Seat- tle jast week were keenly disap- pointed after spending two hours here on Saturday even that ithe arrangements had not called BE if a more extended visit couver. Everyone of the visitors was delighted with the cit d none more than I The speaker was Mr. J.b Donald, assistant genera pas- senger agent for the Grand Trunk Railway in Chicag wh accompanied the visitors Va eouver and remained ove take a trip up to Prince Rupe and eut the Grand Trunk Pacif as far as the end of ster “This is my first visit Va couver, and I am surprised see such a large and w b city It is a city t I d of This was the first as sociation met m h Pacific slope, and any f the easter delegates were ar d : the wonderful progress being race on this coast The ‘ ve Iwill come back wes 1915 San Francisco, and Ia hopes hat it will be held Van ive before long. Down in Chieago and the mid- die states there is a great deal of interest in ee imbia, which is regarded as the last and most promising west I believe there will be a big exodus fron the States his province be- fore long and an inducement will be the opening up of the interior by the new railway lines and im- provement of transportation fa- cilities.” Mr. McDonald was general passenger agent for the Grand Trunk in Toronto for many years, and is one of the most popular and best known officials of the system. Mr. McDonald followed out his intention and spent a few days in Prince Rupert, leaving on the Prince George Friday morning He was delighted and surprised at the wonderful progress made iby this city and foretells a great future for it. Floating Dock for Canada. The Dutch and Swaitzezee, reputed to most powerful in the world, took in tow last Saturday at Bar- row the huge floating ship dock the Duke of Connaught for the long voyage to Montreal The floating dock is the second larg- in the world It has been built. specially to enable it to be utilized at all seasons of the year, the possible freezing of water in the compartments and the affecting of by frost being averted. capable of lifting vessels afloat, her length over all being 600 feet, breadth 135 feet and height above pontoon deck 42 feet. Roodezee be two tugs the est mechanism The dock the largest . Forgot Her Baby. A woman was to her little girl on a seat at bourne railway station on day and go away for a ticket. She then disappeared, and the child was handed over to the po- place East- Tues- seen lice. It was learned later that the baby was accidentally left be- hind by the mother, who was leaving by the train. As soon as she realized what had hap- pened, she took the first train back to Eastbourne, where her child was restored to her. Companies Wili Join The Liverpool correspondent of the “Telegraph” wires that there little doubt entertained in the shipping cireles that the reported fusion of the Allan and C.P.R, steamship lines will shor- tly be fully justified. It is un- derstood also that the Canadian mail contract is now the joint concern, which com- bined form, will enjoy relations with the vernment. is safe for in its the closest Dominion Go. For a Deserving Cause The ladies of New Westmin- Watchmakers, Jewellers vee gol rca gre Be and Opticians Her Royal Highness the Duchess : of Connaught for the Vietorian Musical Instrument Dealers Seder of Wureee. lire. 0. B. Ma. Allister is acting as treasurer of the money collected, They have Everything in the Jewelry line. Headquarters for Musical Instru- already succeeded in collecting ments and Uniforms, Sole agents for the quite @ sum, z Get the “Classic shoe for the Stanley Pianos and Players children and avoid all foot troubles for them. Seott, Proud & Co, 223.224 High ~- Grade - Watch - Repairing - a - Specialty Se Choicest liquors and cigars | wavoy. alk, gudias “The News” Classified A =Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== | suuthwest corner of Lot 4446, thence south | » feet, thence following the shore line | ‘4 @ GOrtheasterly direction 300 feet from) vc Grand Trunk Pacific Railway right-of-| way to @ point 300 feeet east of the south- east corner of Lot 4446, thence west 300) more or less Pembroke, Ont., occupation lumberman, ntend to apply .or perm’ssion to purchase the following described iands: Commencipg at & post planted at point where G. T. P. Rly. intersects the Zymago- island Ww point of commencement, JAMES COXFORD. Dated July 6th, 1912. Pub July 23, 1012. skeena Land Dtgentes--piaeries of Coast, Take notice that |, Anthony Ludgate, of Kitsumkalum, occupation lumberman, in- tend to apply for pene w purchase the followipg describe Commencing at 4 t planted at @ point where G. T. P. Rly. intersects the Zymago- lita River, about 4 chains southwest from most westeri t of Lot 1717, thence easterly 48 ¢ along the G. T. P. Aly. right of way, thence northerly and west- erly about 60 chains following shore line of island to point of commencement. ANTHONY LUDUGATE. Dated July 6th, 1912. feet to high water mark or G. T. P. right-| 5 lischarging into the pass one mile of-way, thence along the beach to point) of Hegan Point. The water will be di of commencement, containing 2.0 &CFeS) verted approximately southeast from Hegan IGNACE MASSEY. se ) stri urposes on the Dated July 30th, 10139. tenes ented Tor 1 and Lot 2737, Pub. Aug. 12, 1012. Range 5, Coast District Skeens Land District—District of Coast, This notice was posted on the ground ange V. m the 13th day of August, A. D. 1912 Take notice that |, James Coxford, of The application will be fied in the of titz River, about 26 chains southwest from) lumbia most westerly point of Lot 1717, thence ous gE BEARNS, easterly 48 chains G. T. P. Rly. right H. CLARK of way, thence southerly and westerly Pub. Sept. ¥, Vere Applicants about 70 chains following shore line of - —— 2 for a license to take and use eight cubic feet per second of water out of 4« certain stream rising in the bills to the south and east of liegan Point, flowing about north west by west till the point of compass bears northwest, thence south and — sou Point ope and a half miles distant and will fice of the Water Recorder at Prince Ku- pert, British Columbia Objections may be filed with the said Water Kecorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, British Co STUART & STEWART Accountants 309 2nd Ave. Phone No. 280 Prince Rupert P. O. Box 351 Auditors for City of Prince Rupert Alex. M. Manson, B. A. W. E. Williams, B. A., L. L. D. WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. x 286 Heigerson Block Prince Rupert, B. C. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday in the Chureh Hall at 11 am. and Empress Theatre at 730 p.m Sunday School at 2.50 p. m REV. F. W. KERR, M.A... Pastor THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MCINTYRE HALL, SRD AVB., NEAR OTH ST Services every Sunday at 11 am. and 730 p.m Sunday School 230 p. m. Baraca Bible Class 2.30) p.m REV. W.H.McLEODBAB.D. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sunday at li am. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Pastor "CITADEL 11 THE SALVATION ARMY Granville Court Sunday services at am, 3ands p.m. Sun- day School, 1:30 p. m. Week night services Mon day, Wednesday, Thurs day and Saturday. CAPT. AND MRS TUTTE Commanding OMcers THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— Geo 4 = rge hak - Se |$ 618 3rd Ave. ae | Rupe London Trains Collide. on FOR RENT | ieeseessemecend «| The bravery of the driver of a For R t ee | : . Two fats on 4th Avennue, Section 6.' ! ‘ rai n st king t is pos Each fat contains 5 rooms highly Mnished Great B ized a 4 rhit e bee 0 € 00) hbed,| and steam heated throughout, fine bath i z what might hav nis La RENT — Tires. re m fat ae e sl om, large kitchen range, electric light, argains ;a lisastrous collision i the = ine, uninterrupted view of the harbor Fifty lots in se | Piccadilly Tube Railway McINTYRE HALL to lease for dances, ete.) Apply Lote 97-98, Biss oy W ; \ ; : Terms. Gray & Son. Black 78 208tf PRINCE RUPERT AGENCIES avenue, 63% : tT ednesday night : was 8 Phone 121 Two-room cottage, F . he ' OR RENT—Two large front rooms, on) 7 eMride r ‘a en people were sligh ed.|? Fifth ave.. overlooking the “pi f McBrid ~ The « sion ecurred a he Beautiful location and close in ti y H. sled ‘ i i at 0 phone Green 338 ae Thire a. ; eucl if ae sia at | 330 q Bo a PO NT—Two suites first ease, house: | Ww Lots Ww ed x 606 | w he a non-stop train, procee d. ay cme o a cere, oO ant (Opposite Post Office jing from Finsbury Park to Ham- ing on 6th avenye, oppo “Seated Rink. All conveniences < - mersmith, crashed into the re u —_ i | IN SECTION TWO ne = | ' - ,of a stationary trai he driver | seeing the danger, applied the ADDRESS Westholme (o es ' yssible speed For Sale | umber skes with all possible spe aa P. O. BOX 292, PRINCE RUPERT , By his pr ptit the inpact LIMITEI ‘as ‘ndered ess seve rhe —_ FOR SALE—One 8110 double drum ver applied the brakes with hoisting engine, in first class condition, "| . - ne 2 his " non lll ae Lumber and Mouldi she« am le sustaine er I 0" . PRINCE RUPERT INN m oer : | All Kinds of Building Supplies Died from Eating Eggs i : a 9 9 WANTED—At once, two experienced dress: | | Shortly after having escaped makers. Mesdames Barbeau & Grant. | AND i the ravages of feve it Powell wanrep—tmmediately, first class glazier i . . Firet | River hospita Moses Mossada- Apply Prince Rupert Sash & Door Co.| Avenue Phone 186 2ive jira, a Russian, died from eating | ANNEX i oa WANTED—iImmediately, & good general) i) 21 eggs servant Mrs. P. |. Palmer, 720 4th) ! According to the loctor wh Ave. East Phone 209 221-226 | was summoned the man’s! POSITION as domestic, capable of doing} ne ou | sid hortly after the -lebra all kinds of general neasenere — | side short! afte © coMnura- ing, ironing, cooking, etc. Address Miss ition of his fever convalescence 4. L. Tomlinson, care Bishop Du Ver Owned and operated by the iMossedara ate Kimself to death| “* "== = Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on while in a weakened nditi WANTED—Cleaning, pressing ane repels the American and European plan. orn a. a ing; reasonable price. Phone Black 328. | - Cr The man’s body was brought| Second avenue and Sixth St 230 Excellently ee oan jto Vancouver where interment steam heat, electric light, and i we nad modern conveniences, being abso- | 7 h , rer as inade Miscellaneous lutely first-class in every respect. ff) th A ) E N L E Launch Alice B.. W. J. Thomas.| The appointments and service | SECTIO \ SIX Phone Green 391. Govt, Wharf.| MARRY—Why remsie alouef The ides) are equal to any hotel on the / a | Introduction Club is 8 perietty private, coast Pp ae, ; high class, reliable medium for ——— Cae Ge Sneeneny nationality oF Teligion Particular rs 4 tor $2000 cash and the balance over ter ROY IRY stamp. te Wilson, box 1776, Van | years at 6 per couver . Cc . AL -DA | Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. Creamery Butter, Ranch Eggs Pure Cream Milk and Buttermilk | Lost and Found Sa | H . & ( Give vs a “TRIAL i — — n a ere and Financial Agents Phone 36 719 3rd Ave.) LOST—Last Sunday at the Rupert Marine % . Sweet Manager. iron Works wharf, ohne Magazine camera G A S » oral Ave. Prince Rupert | in waterproof canvas case Will the J sk ON y finder return to Rupert Marine tron LAND PURCHASE NOTICE | Works Ofee? 923.295 | W. WICHOLSON-LAILEY, Skeena Land District— Distriet of Coast, | WATER NOTICE. ? Architect. Take notice that 1, Agnace Massey, of Por » License to Take and Use Water. R 40 Stephens Block venoeree, 5B. C., See logger, ey Notice is hereby given that George E : oom es el o i i ) apply Tor permission to purchase Bearns and William H. Clarke, both of the one following described foreshore: city "he ‘ encouver. im the Province of - Church Services - | Commencing at @ post planted at the) pritish Columbia, merchants, will apply WEST ASSAY WORKS | Gold, Silver, Cop; eact ' 615 Hastings St. W VANCOUVER, 3. ©. SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting a Sheet Meta! Work Office: ard A Phone 174 Worksdop and stb Su ve. 2nd Ave. bet. Tth P.O. BOX & PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING on, FOR SALE Pub. July 23,1042. Skeons Land District—Disiriet of ALFRED CARSS, ©. V. BENNETT, B.A. Investors Notice satis pred pawscn, ot] Sea Mathe'Bet — Fanewen and a prince. Hipert, x Saha in = R and ee ¥ and lead mines tend wo ly for permission purchase a itselas, C., 6 the follow Gescribed lends: — CARSS & BENNETT f a . on the Copper mencing at & post planted three tmiles BaRRISTERS, NoTARIES, Etc. River. Good copper and lead west, Ge mate seam of End _ Gens Office— Albert Block, Second Avenue. showings from 6 to 414 feet wide. west 40 chains, thence north 40 ch ins, thence east 40 chains to point of com- Easy Terms. mencement; containing 16 ecres, more E FRED DAWSON Apply re agen axe” "| DOUGLAS |] or ve x"conpor us. , j . skeena Land District District of Coast, | Dancing School KITSELAS, B. ©. Take notice that |, Alonzo Hamblet, of Adulte’ Class Monday, Wednesday ; t, occupation ¢ inven, | and Gaturday Evening. Children a Everest, pV eahinston,” ouieaten ne core) dally. LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. chase the foflowing described lands oa See Commencing 4| & post planted on the) north bank of Beaver River and about 6%) Skeena Land a District spistrics of Coast,) miles in @ westerly direction from the! Skeena L +2 ange southwest corner of T. L. 9955, tact ace | and Diges District of Coast, Take notice that Mrs, L. C. Putnam, of| 40 chains worth, thence 80 chains west,| Take notice that I, Eli 4 H. Hambiet, of 5% Paul, Minnesota, occupation married thence 40 chains south, thence 80 chains| Terrace, B. C., oecupation engineer, intend| OM", Intends to apply for permission to} purchase the following described lands east, following meander of river back to to apply for rmission to point of comupencement, containing 320 following described lands: purchase the |" Commencing at & post planted about 80 acres more or less. | Commencing at @ post planted on the chains west from the southwest corner of} ALONZO HAMBLET | south bank of Beaver River and about 4% | Urveyed, T. L. 30045 on the bank of Per Eli T. H. Hambiet, Agent. |miles in a westerly direction from the| =*®en4 River, thence south 80 chains ated June iuth, 1042. | southwest corner of T, L. 2255, thence thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 ub. July 16, 1912. 40 chains south, thence 160 chains ‘sest,| Cains more or less to bank of Skeena thence 40 chains north, thence 160 chains River, thence in an easterly direction SS Skeena Land District—District of east following the meander of river back| 28% Of river 80 chains more or less | Coast Range Four, | 10 point of commencement, containing 640| 20%! Of commencement, containing 640 Take notice that |, Isabelle Smith El- | geres more or less. acres more oF less lis, of Prince Rupert, occupation married ELi T. H. HAMBLET. MAS. L. €. PUTNAM woman, intend to apply for permission w Per Eli T. H. Hamblet, Agent George KR. Putnam, Agent Purchase the follow described lands:——| Dated Jane 10th, 1012 Dated August 16th, 1012 Commencing at 4 ont planted four miles Pub. July 16, 1018 Pub. Sept. 17, 10142 west and one mile south of End Hill, Banks Iisiand, thence south 80 chains, Skeena Land District -—District of GCoast,|Skeena Land District—District of Coast, thence east 60 chains, thence north 46 Range V Range V chains, thence west 40 chains, thence Take notice that |, Maregrite Nicoll, of Take notice that Allan Sim, of Prince north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains to Terrase. 6. C,, ocenpation widow, intend| Rupert, cecupation bridgeman, intends to iat of commencement; containing 480 apply for permission to purchase the| apply for permission to purchase the fol acres, more a tone me described lands lowing deseribed lands ABELLE SMITH ELLIS Commnencing 41 & post planted on e Commencing at &@ post planted at the Dated August 1, 1012 north bank of Beaver iver end about 4 northeast corner of ub 1706. 4nd marked Vub. Aug. 13, 1012 miles ig & westerly direction from the|Allan Sim 8. EB. Corner, thence north 40 southwest corner of T 2255, thence| chains, thence west 20 chains more or —_—_—_— —_—— 40 chains north, thence 86 chains west,j/less to bank of Zimogotiz River, ‘direc: | " a | Mence 40 chains south, thence 80 chains|along bank of river in @ southerly direc Ad rtise east following meander of river back to|tion 40 chains more or less to the aren | j ve In point of commencement, containing 32°) line of Lot 1706, thence east #0 chains | acres more or less more or less to post of commencement, -| Per Bu - ours NICOLL containing. 80 acres more or less |. Hamblet, agent ALLAN THE DAILY NEWS| Daze June 40%h, 491 - Dated August 34, 1919 = July 16, 19149 Pub. Sept. 19, 1018 AND POOL AS soanndl, HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS Funeral Directors 8rd Ave. near 6th St Phone No # E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 3% OPEN DAY AND NIGH! 4 ALLEYS . Best Fitted and Most | the (os H. E. ROSS, Prop. nen eceaenanas Look at Ths Three beautiful lots nd and two green-houses all 2 ground improved; be 8 away for — Easy Terms be R. Naden Co, Li 2nd Avenue