THE DAILY NEWS nvRCHASE NOTICE LAND PURCHASE Nor ES = : : = : as — ee = .ND P : | | Laying the ) pone ~o ttn ~. Skeena Land Pristrict D vick—putiet of Comey gio Corner-Stone i nange 5 Take notice that | hark -_ - | agnace Massey, Of) of jundon. | an ; , egler, | fiom lower, we intend to" apply fe perm a tau The first deposit, with which ssion to purchase Wel chase the following ie rib , oe . : Ree » Ane FOresMOFe: aug] Commencing at a post et ange: | you begin a Savings Account, e st plantec hortheast corner f lot 20, the ce ; i P ‘ ‘ot 4446, thence sOUtH) I Chains, thence wear ieine, Genel | =6When ‘be. bi ives fot Vietsets aie eee bodies. There are thirts is as important an event as wing the seen” chem | 20Uth 30 ‘chains, thence east chains t : it | the laying of the corner-stone rection 300 int of commenceme contatr sanerel Next wee \ . men on le pay roll vine allway iri of per oe mmencement taining ninety] Nex ee} William Forrest, J. P., Witte ! Tle Mieseen tiie tdi of a fine building You are eet east of the sou CHARLES HEN ’ . a rid “ . | one ee a0 wa e rndian ; Way 10 8 (4446, thence weak 300 "Pleseander NauRo LER. nH him George Brug | Mines this week that the face of| laying the corner-stone of ‘ nark or © : Dated A 9 viz gys col iw of ore apee . : ‘ f eee the beach tO puint Pub. sept. ; ete. fu alent Tae a jthe adit was improving in ore your position in the world, of vi ptaining 2.0 acres 0 the distriet lo be placed on} , daily. There is now over two 0 ircle of business | IUNACE MASSEY. keena Land District—District of Cassiay.| xhibition in the mineral depart | fowt of solid galena in the breast or Zo jet fake Hotice that Ulier Besner, of Prince| MeNl of the for theoming Vietoria a acquaintance, of eventual is Wupert, B. C., occupeticn mnt pee ee , Pr é the rest being coneentrating ore suc " | ; ‘ otis fe cept vp pertnias lon to purchase , Phe collection embraces | with gold values running around P t-Diswiet of Coast, One Seacrine and aiipies Trom nearly every see-] j ; ‘ Commencing at & post planted on the! S12 per ton, Can you afford to postpone ing james Goxford, of | east shore of Goose Bay, Observatory hese hon of the distriet, including four ee ment at the Big Mis y . Ne ee o et net a cain Hh of Indian) spec ines f quartz containing} ‘ : i ; . that first deposit ? \ mission ty purch®s¢ on oo + 2 ¢ +. ‘ mush, thence 20 ‘ : souri is sti progressing with a ; Sean at point; 2v chains west Wo puint of snaneete canons S - ™ Forrest also has stall foree, An extension is be THE BANK OF ’ Soe ects tbe Byimegu onlaiuing 160 acres m re es less ‘| tp ile colleetion of saroples,|; made to & series f surface of Lot W717, “Saenee| Dated july zit, 19120 and the two combined will un Jopen cuts exposing the different ca 908 ‘ ‘ , i ub. Aug, 12, 19128 a ite ttraet ons rt ; ; = = Sera A ong Oe ey aeowriy | Goubted k pagptell nt ao aa lore bodies. 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS - Established 1 t _ owing shore line of : : : fe coreection is mat e| It is reported tha he trial , mmencement fake notice that I, J. B. ft rama Tr : ple fy 1 the follow-| i Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 . one . ‘ /AMES “COXFORD petnte miner, neve © apply to the chi ; | shipment from Fish creek to the Carpenters Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery . omimissioner oO au i perm t j pe i i Salmon River siz i : : | 1 : purchase the following described ands +) : Pacoma smelter returned splen i . ial si : oe y12 colnmenc ing a & post planted ten| tle Silver Lake Bruges eroup,| aig renulte 6H eb a: sequence Prince Rupert Branch, Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Taekle ° Chains Gistant anc ih @h easteri lirection = ‘ ) ‘ Manager. P last 5 Of COASt,/ trom the northwest corner or Timbe, M Pi Da group, Indian a further shipment w be sent F. S. LONG, Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns HKange », Limit 3990, on the south end of Lakeise it Salmon-Bear River Cas-| ‘ ae . a pauion } to the southeast corner of A. P. No.| . ._ eorwse © ae " being sacked p mission to pure hase 1,204, theucee north on hair mor | ' @ now eine é ° j . . , ' ‘ Panes 4 “ ‘ point less) tw the lake shore, thence Suahepte . i : j : ey o Mile, lush & Bagg, the whers of| e e Pumps Hose Pa ail ‘ 0 a shore w e po of ¢ i ree rom ran t s : : ; intel a te menee mont, and conten ing ten 4 : mer ( \ ao em the Columbia and Evening Sun,} ° Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Tron 4 80 : — wet ey la ‘ Queen i 0 oT, | | ‘ i a? ot “ut7, "thence OF iss J. bk. POWKSMAN partnot ere have been following a vein of Sawmill Co Ltd. ‘ | ' ’ ° > | the thlies yu i > 4 try a4 i “ netnentinetpanitmmnenes aa 43 che slong the G. T, P. Aly. ip and Bru high grade silver-gold ore and e pany a ee ee eee ft e northerly and west. gy’s iron claims. Georgia River. urranging to a eral 99 « 1 following shore , Skeena Land District Cassiar Range ' are i é - Si \ sever 6 . inmeucement 1AKE NUTICE that I, E. 5. Wise n Fish & Jarvis group, From one tt shipment | | t ning E sae t , ANTHONY LUDGATE Victoria, ovcupation geniieman, intend) Glacier Greek, Nesbitt & Archie's tons for ship F | um | e Oo u " 8 tt viz Within thirty days tw apply for permis _ ' B hold In preparation for shipping ie) a masiiiginen a ‘ ? a ia d = paeeoen as one Coser ing ine, oa - mee © sae this winter, George Bruggey has and j : pentes. of an commencing at @ “post planted! fxjt{, Cree from the L. L. & H . ‘ yo — $ about one and 4 half Miles south of in \ sent to the Bruggy group a cor ° i ina tadan Rarmege ine | sun Uhetee twenty chaliw east, dhenee| tie Mountain Ghat a Wit signment of ore sacks | Mouldings | = pe pation ae pes twenty chains orth, thence twenty | '! in Chief and William H. E. Newton reports that good sph permission chaits west tw point of unncement i 2 I dings 0 the : ‘ bed lands po | vy _ WISE ’ ! From he progress is now being made on | r At a pos plenee a Banks | W. Lyons Vorresi, Ageut.| Ne Terminus Mines on the tunnel being driven f him | A large stock of dry finish- 7 ‘ ’ ‘ uly 2 vis | . . e il ‘| 3 ent ! : 40 chains, "thence | Das fa 2 vo iets | Ame in Cree the Red Cliff on ny ive aed Gee ender contrast —- =. —, oe a e north 40 chains, | re Lvdd Cy t} Stewart on e he » TUES lumber a specialty. elivery ‘ . sada er ‘ ews and -_ 4 .O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 wt 4 sins to Per aero p / 7 , r| DS Charles T. Baker. made at short notice. THIRD ANENUE P.O. D ‘ g 160 oe | Skeena Land District—District of Coast and a eee OF eee Fist iJ . ac , Fish ¢ Jarvis are back at the é ; Range V Creek eee . s Sheet and Plate Glass ¢ PRED DAWSON. | ‘Take Notice that 1, Ethel M. Th ompson , Georgia group and vy continue Our prices are as low as any, Builders’ Supplies Plate Glass Mi Tt 1 ‘ viz f Prince Rupert, |B. C., pation Development at the Red Cliff : . : Plumbers’ supplies » 7 : J Sub. Aus yi2 e | stenographer, intend tw apply for permis ' t nn i the sinking of the 14-foot shaft Call on us before ordering. | Paints Stoves, Ranges Mike \ | te , being « fines » the 3 ane . , District of Coast, Hon ' purchase the following deseribed | i : . It was from this group that ex Oils ee ae -™ ‘ s a0 ot evels where the drills > i ye a nzo Hamblet, of | Commencing at a post planted four and] — ‘ ' tremely high grade gold quartz} Varnishes ‘ ‘ lo ; |oue-haif miles eas , ‘ or of} are ope x ) some fine copper- ° ' “ony De saaen ‘0 por: | th Quinamass Rive y the nee ‘north 80 Pl }was recently uncovered OFFICE: : o permission to pur-| iz on ore in the Salmon-Bear jirection from a wes rect ‘ , Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. ETHEL M. THOMPSON River Stewart Miner I i 2255, 5 | ‘ ‘ | Hubert 0. Crew, Agent . . ee | mains, tence east 80 chains, the | . vai _— MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ "°° vo ilies deen’ eae Hence » lower ‘| is now dri bt wing described son ed the | 80uth 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to| . | oo — EMPRESS THEA BLDG. Range.’’ ’ cust >= point of commencement, containing 640} LAND LEASE NOTICES. ling t Kiver and about ¢ | e 80 chains weet, ae ona h, thence 80 chains oo are 17th, 1012 Skeena Land ome. District of Coast, . e up 5 ) ‘ ying suder of sxeininn 9801 Take notice that Michael McFadden, of | BARRIEAU IS NH ment, contemin oa0) | Porcher island, occupation farmer, in ba + 20 HAMBLET | Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, j te ade to apply for permission to lease the IN THE N h Vv 1 n oe Kange V wing describe lands | H. Hamblet, Agemt. | ‘ake notice that I, Hubert 0. Crew, of| Commencing 8 Dp at planve d on tin i Skeena Valley echaco Valley via Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation bro west end of Gurd Island, about two miles | wig | ime ad to ~ ply for ermissios n » Dp ‘ }east of Lot 1793, on Porcher Island, in Bulkley Valley Fort George District hase the following de: scribed lands the hKitkatiah Inlet, thence 80 chains east, |} add 1 ACRES AND UPWARDS— and tri : entene of Commencing @t 4@ post planted two and/ ence 4 chains south, to an inlet not | IN TRACTS OF 160 Nalge vs if f Me € ence o t 5s re € - “tha Isabelle Smith Bl. | ioe ie ae, net From a. Gane Slbom et aaupencement, contelning “34 P R NTY LAND Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on Hee Tepe emu sa] chains, thence north’ 80 chains, thence|ecres more or less, the purpose for whieh| easy terme. : ey ripea come West 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to| te lease is required is to quarry lime | ae plant d four miles| Point of commencement, containing 640| frock MICHAEL McPADDEN | SS 2 ee : acres, more or less ‘ ‘ yD j “het le meray oom | rasp “ren tou'ern soc'eere” § NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY ‘ ,i ) ‘ igus 7 Pub. Sep . is, thence north 40 oon ‘sepe ee . Next Bout with Joe Bayley | ? . ‘ chains, pence . , 40 cha e west 40 chains to Skeena Land Division—District of at Victoria. PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 . ment; containing 480) sieena Land District District of Coast Coast Range Five neem ; 6 Range V TAKE NOTICE that |, Milton Christian, . . ‘Te. SMITH ELLIS Take notice that Vernon F. G. Gamble f inverness, B. C., cannery employee, in As a result of a tlhying Isit to —_—— _—— — — on eminent pane : € A f Prince Rupert, B. « cupation broker nd to apply for permission to lease the] Wietoria by Chet MelIntyre, Ernie] 3 ’ - intends to apply for permission to pur following described lands Commencing — —_ a . hase the following described lands at a post planted on the northwest rner| Bar eal the Vancouver amateur : District of Coast | . 9 . Commencing at @ post planted at thejof smith Island and directly opposite in htightweizht @hampion boxer sf ~~ ardline Jofitison, of |S. W. corner of L. 4419, thence north 40] verness Cannery, thence runting east 2 SUIS RIWereEt 1 ' ; scupation married| Cuains, thence west 2 chains, thence/ chains, thence south 20 chains, thence] be given the first bout which apply for permission| South 40 chains, thence east 20 ‘chains to] west 20 ebains to shore, thence north 20 ik aiid u 4 wig described lands, | point f commencement mtaining 8 hains following shore line to piace of |Joe Baviley, lightweight ¢ lampion oo ) pet eee wee \ ERN N MBLE t me OF ed sf end containing 40 acres!..¢ Canada, engages’ in at the ne ue ANO 6 iAMB nore © ess wace 60 chaies @0sk Syenes P.M, Milles, Agent MILTON CHRISTIAN, |eapital. Mr. MeIntyre made the ‘ theast rner of Lot Dated S« Sth, 1012 Dated July 12, 1912 nS aad i in wa ‘ ‘ haine gions Lot Pub. Sept. 44, Pub. Aug. 5, 1912 arrangement with Mor ri Con 20 chains asiong Lot don, manager for Bayley, and e \ ns pat loo Lot ' p , an accmnene. contale Skeena Land District-—District of Coast,| skeena Land District—District of Coast,| also agreed to post a forfeit of acres more or less. Range \ » Range IV $1,000 for weight, the figure laid n e 1 es e I e jut ANOLINE JOHNSON fake motice that I, J. RK. Pake, of Prince Take notice that [, Frank B. St. Amour, ’ e e W. J. Goodwin, Agent Rupert, B. C., occupation blacksmith, in-| of Prince Rupert, B. C., ecupation pros-idown by Bayley, 133 pounds at 7 ; ed May 20 1e12 tend to apply for permission to purchase! pector, intend to apply for permission & } e ! 8, 1012 the following described lands lease the following described lands:| 0 ClhOCK being accepted by the commencing ab @ post planted at the| Commencing @1 @ post planted on the Vanes Ve man ro 1 a e 4 Dis (District of Coast, northwest corner of Lot 1706 th ce SOUTD) east coast of Banks Island, about five miles ; F Range V 60 chains more or le8$ to bank of Zimogo-|\ an « asteriy direction from End Hill, Phat was as far as the ar- 4 t '. MH. Hambiet, ol} titz Hiver, thence along th bank of river) thence south twenty chains, thence east nts for the proposed bout ation engineer, intend) in a northwesterly direction 30 chains| eighty chains, thence north twenty chains|angements fe © proj , ‘ 6 4 pe to purchase the/along river bank © post of commenc to beach, thence westerly along the beach progressed, however, Phere are li b " @ descril itis ment rT. 40 acres more or le8s./ about eighty chains to place of commence . . - eRe oc " ¢ a & post planted on the} Marked A. Pake, Borthwest corner ment, containing one hundred and siaty}several rival promoters in the Some men figure that as the mercury climbs id bank Bea iver and about 4% J. KR. PAKE acres, more or less. a listoria 3s so far : ie ‘ . . . ‘eaten Teele Meimeine sot Tk ts FRANK B. ST. amour, |fleld in Victoria and . is = up sales will fall down. And figuring that way, Ts Wes ‘ a 2255, thence Pub, Sept. 16, #042, Dated June 20th, 1012 vermit has been issuec ry le ° e ‘ “a . F ha ! e 160 chains “est, ; Pub. July 22, 1042 rs Bay municipality for the fate is kind and does not disappoint them. 3 ‘ ins o thence 160 chains «_Destric of Coast A ' . . , Wing eander of river back | Skeena Land Distriet—Drstrict of ast, : sae miiiin. inikee ai Laken Cte danenned a : : ‘ i, co b Skee ri istric siric oO ,083t, . , =O), Cones See Take nOlice that Henry Durbeak. of —. (8 “Range _ uarantee of $5,500, or 50 per So there has #rown up a commercial supersti- Prince Rupert, oefcupation lumberman, Tak yt that A. W. Agne of Prince|“" * , > « M “ ake hotice nat J Agnew, ne a iit ne a . “ . eT. WH ambien. hee ut fends to apply for permission to Pur) Rupert, B. C., occupation civil engineer,| cent. of the gross receipts for} tion that Summer is a dull season. } owe chase the following described lands acting as agent for Porpoise Harbor Land] paviey’s end. but neither MeIn-| y "i Commencing at & post anes, + teal o, Lid, of Victoria, B. C., intends to] ”’ ' ' th | south of the southeast corver o 0 728.) oon ~ yermission to lease the followin re nor silly lavies, who with 9 Range §, Coast District, thence east 40) Geese Sanda” ease She Following) ty No greater fallacy has ever gone so long un- oe OAL —District Of Coasts! chains, thence south 40° chains, thence Commencing at a post planted on the} Vince Gray is undertaking to pro- ” Roties thar l’ tase » Nico, of] WESt 40 chains, thence north 40 chains to] most northerly point of Lot 501, Range 8|jete the bout, could see this de- challenged. ! CUPL Oe toe aie Of) point of commencement, containing 160] Coast District, on Porpoise Harbor, thence . oS ‘oe ie acres, moree or less, neue neehinatin north to L. W. Mark, thence engterty and}mand at all, and the match may ; ; hog” - , : wtherly following the L. W. Mark to a ; : : aan . ° als post planted om tf ew Kennedy, Agent.} point due west of southwest corner of| fall through on this account, Summer 7s a dull season for many lines—but : at & post planted on the Dated Sept. “$9, 1912 ot 446, Range 5, Coast District, thence Melnivre received a proposi- . , ; hs ween lection Pena Aan em Bape. 84 east to ii. W. Mark, thence southerly fol- , ais ee there is no fundamental reason why it should , : rectes poe the lowing H. W. Mark to @ point due east of{tion to match Barrieau against i 2255, thence a : ; rth nce 80 chains weet, Skeena Land District—District of Coast . - nal ane rly 6 Pp ia — = \l. Jeffs, the amateur lightweight be. dilis thence 80 chains Range V eran : ae a ee ; : . t nha » witg meander of river back. to Take notice that Beryl I. Gamble, of re, Sees cSemlom iawn’ a champion of Victoria, but — he ! : it es s i) : 5 £ ,T ® Wore OF egy COMMANDS 980) ids to apply for pertission to purchase| wost southerly point of Stapleton Island,| made no decision in this matter For instance, take a typical case—that of the ooee Spey fur oe ”e “| thence east to the H. W. Mark of Lot 642, yr the ‘ttle “nt of the ne- MARGRITE NICOLL the following described lands | Seemce o . ak pending the sé em . : * i of : og ot BUT. BH. Hamblet, Agent Commencing at 4 post pisan d of the | the “ oS an can of oe = ¢ cout gotiations for the bout with Bay- ( anadian Ww allpape r manufacturers * Ul ivig N : rner of I 4409, nence south 40 7 . July 16, igi Hh. i BOERS east 20 chains more or gone of Lot 504. a oem tet a lev. though he admitted that he J 4 } . 545 ark, ence lo . BF : ‘a4 aes spee to W. Day (of Timber Limit No. S4e-lpoint due south of the most southerly| wa. prepared to accept this bout They wished to secure their placing orders } wane’ District—-Distries of Coast,| thence north 40 chains, thence west 20 point of Lot 501, thence north to this ; ‘ + ° % h ; Range \ a te chains more eo jneee 4 = i point, thence northerly following e. W.Jif the other mateh fell through, from the retailers before the early Fall—when tha Seymour ayhor, cont . Mark to the point of conmmencement, uaapdeanee ——— : B. ¢ upatio , , » TD., ois Sm ~ ) appiy tor permission’ te part BERYL 1. GAMBLE PORPOS HARBOR Bale o>. Lie. Goliad hina’ tihniiele, American lines are offered. Through educa owing deseribed lands Pr. M. Miller, Agent od July 23rd, 1012. : ° opt iat , , > ug at & post planted on the Beted sept i iei2 Dare a peed, wht Mikatheene kioaiaie Sie tion by Adve rtising, they advanced the season » Bea Kiver and about 2+ “ub, pt. t4 ; ; . ® in a wes irection fromm ‘aie stedmer Kamerun, which sailed to start the middle of June, instead of the end q er of T. L. 9955, thence r 24 i i i mains south . : ‘ 2 rus " 40 chaiay (ene 160 chalhs west, CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS, | fl!) Hambure Augus( 24th, has of August, and they now beat their foreign a ins th » . a recke : s OE following meander Ot eee bane CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Notice—Buffalo Mineral Claims, situase been wrecked on the west coast competitors to the market by nearly three —_ uehcement, containing 640| Notice——Kaien Mineral Claim, situate in/in the Skeena Mining Division oo of Africa The members of the ° i r les . ~4 , Cassiar Dis-| District Where located Near Granby, é EYMOUR TRAYNOR Set Whose tntered ee Granby, in}in the said mining division and ne ¢rew Were rescued and taken to months. eq je ELT. HM. Hamblet Agent the said mining division and adjoining} the property of the Granby Consolidatec Monrovia. Liberia Db su’, Om. 1948 ’ ' |the property of the Granby Consolidated] Mining, Smelting and Power Company, a, L : Wy 16, tory Mining, Smelting and Power Company, Limite a coins ee A Meek & bd eine Perhaps vou face a selling problem that edu- Limited. — Ses 520788 ¢ "a i " Nanst “Plstrict of Const, | ,..reue Motice thas 1, Bem McCague, admin; | Miner's Certificate $S07GB, lnsend, | itty viahan Sieg, cation by Advertising will solve. Perhaps iW panee V "| istrator of the estate of James Mé¢ a | ining | der "Ce vate of Im Lieutenant Seibert, an aviator ’ ° ia “ee that |, J , a or’ 2 tate No, 5297968, intend,| Mining Keeorder for @ Certificate o 2 leutlené : » fi ‘ . ° R 4 8. C., occupation marrion’ ase sisty days trom the date ‘hereot, io apply| provements, for. the purpose of obtaining) viiached to the Red Army in the your Summer business needs the tonic of DDLY for peri 10 punaenLt ne Mining Recorder for a Certificate of| Crown Grants of the above claims er ; ve | Red myeeton to purchase edpevcenmall, for the pur nose Of obtain: | And further take —. wee aeten, | imperial manoeuvers now in pro Summer Advertising. ? ‘ post planted on the|'@& a Crown Grant of the above claim ser, the issue Of such Certificate of|gress in Saxony, fell with bis ‘. “iver and about 6% And further take notice that action,| before the Issue ¢ | } § t? livection from the| Under Section 85, must be commenced be- | unprovements acm thn ok tae 0. OP ieee aeroplane while seouting and was - r. L, 806k. teem fore the issue of such Certificate of Im Dated tis 9 " JAMES’ J, LEE killed, His companion, Lieuten- “vce 80 chains 5 »vemnents 5 s . J. Coleman th, thence 80 chaint| Dated this 30th day of July, A D108) me, Sie hae ’ . ant Zimmerman, was seriously ; ; : bi th f Commensate! Of river back to SAM M'CAGL . a — 6 s the mercury climbs up to its highest degree, increase, rather ane ement containing 640 y His Agent, F. J. Coleman injured . d li ff Y ill t less , Pub. Auge 18 1048 Ts. — slacken, y ising and selling efforts. ou wi Per Bu 4 JANET TRAYNOR, | CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMEN ema. ree than slacken, your Advertising g . i « _—___oOo . . . . 10th, 19)g. MMe, Agent, sentinel > find it profitable—in the highest degree. 1919 CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. | Not Cayuse a ee gens The official ojening of the Bu in the Skeona Min 5 a | Md District » trict of Notice—-Rupert Mineral Claim, situate] }\.tio. Wher Jocated " gees ress charistic Congress took place t I “ Siric 0) Coast,/in the Skee Minit Division of Cassar @ 8 Lining division Tr ajo ee : . nates rs ' wt | Distriet ont ed ‘Near Granby, | \ ‘of the Granby Consolidated Min-|last week in the Cathe dral of Bt, f *!SUtkalum K oder ck W vio in the said mining division and adjoining | ne jelting and Power Company, Lim-| 2), phen’s, Vienna rhe message : occupation . > . . . idate< ; i ’ ina” ARRWY "tor. Dermnls-| Minike.” Mateliing “and Powen company, | ted tice that 1, James J. Lee, Free) sent by Pope Pius was vead by Advice . your edvestising portions be qeakite thoongh sag ; 7 Wig deseribed | Limited PR... t e No, 52078B, intend, \ nial ries recogni vcnattinn vertising ‘y: Secretary Fat & post piantea t F ake notice that 1. ¥, 4 Coleman, Pree) sinty, da mi the date hereof, tw apply Cardinal i Rossum, the Papal adian Press Association, Room 503 eneeee Relies Se Enquiry f 1 Of Beay ‘any 2 ih the) Miner's CertiNeate No, 62977B, intend,| !*!) Recorder for @ Certificate of) jogate to the Congress, obligation on your part—so write, ifia Rive . ; : - terested ‘ow ; Al en and about 2% | sixty days from the date hereof, to apply : ut Ss w the purpose of obtain ; a involves pn y f rr. ue .. from the} to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate | |! wo Grant of the above claim “ 10 cet thence’ yao sees, smene e| of Improvements, for the purpose of ob- | 'i# 8 ske notice that action, Wants Protection. mon hair th, thes ebains west,| taining a Crown Grant of the above claim solo @ 25. must be commenced be ps si Pacific. Railr i } Deemer. * Piver ba oy * pains | And further take notice that ection, | —_— r such Certificate of Im Ihe outhern acith ailroa " 4] =eu i , ° bolmt of} under Section 85, must be commenced) '0'' anem as { » » State , ij “N1Ng 640 acres, more! before the issue of such Certificate of Im-|P! ey u tay of July, A. D. 1049.) ! pany has asked the tate de | PRED W. VINGEN? | provement.» . JAMES J. LBE partment at Washington to pro-|f} & sees : July tae 10ig Dated this 90th day of July, A, D, 1012 By His Agent, FP. J. Coleman tect its interests in Mexico. z oMSTS a mediate sleet iviy | COLMAN ‘9 a ———"S | Pub, Aug 12, 1002 Pub, Aue .