THE DAILY NEWS Mc Coll G | 5 Rober »bertson | SHE IS PRECIOUS AND you 5 PON Phone 443 Phone E CAN HELP PROTECT HER f Girls are coming into Canada| serves, At the same time, there te. - in tens of thousands. The coun-|4r many complaints of the scar : Try our Ceylon Tea 2 lbs. for 75c. (ry needs ‘thei, and ought. (oft of domestic. helpers. ket | ; elas” Hii i 4 « har , yse whe eel the need take the 1 ii : for them. oe th ve 4 kind iad in raisin domestic service to abe . of care is personal, nm fla" lits rightful honored place, hen cmmasteageaieta natant OT eerie lresrminen, rp Boneless Ham of Highest Grade “A girl friend for every strange! it will be iaiie to dispel the FIFTH STREE fibites lb li is a grand motto. What is need-|prejudices _ that exist in the 35c. per lb. sliced ed is the co-operation of tens of{minds of workers NEW GOODS ARRIVING ON ALMOST EVERY BOAT thousands 0 great-hearte Few of us realize the sitnation broad-minded, democratic “wom f a girl who comes to Canada en, who will welcome the strang-| fiom other tands, or to the city Boiled Ham---the Best ers as guests, leer ther Away om ‘the eountry—the eatin ove stook Wilt en be! Comte | from the dangers that beset the|otf of familiar associations. the ° lonely and friendiess, and help|appolling loneliness and horne Our Prices Are Right and Our Goods Are the Best | 40c. per lb. sliced to cure the dread disease Offsic.ness the narrow life in the homesickness, boarding hecuse, the craving for We stand back of our goods and if they are not perfectly satisfacto { Class prejudice may exist/ company that makes the refund your money, * among workers and domestic] stranger seek the bright and i eoee The.... service be rated lower than it de-lcrowded streets.—Toronto Star. Our wish is to please our customers ; ° Call and see us, we want to get acquainted with vou Ae rince upert rocers We have the largest store north of Vaneouver and when our stock is a we will have the most complete line of dry goods in the 1 th | o_O - | | THE GOVERNMENT BEATEN : ==: HUGHES === - 2 Lots on Third Ave. $10,0000 down, balance 5 years hence. Sine ' HK: This beats Government terme =S!S]!]!lS CCC EES on} Corner Sec. 8, $400 down, balance terms. Price much below — market INSURANCE } See us. Strongest companies in the world. ‘ PATTULLO & RADFORD 2nd Avenue and 1st Street orem very Home Has LAW-BUTLER CO. ~—- I P sal apres saaetgtee ts Furse a - ¢ fon ws Ballet and Buck Dancer who will) appear in the Grand Kirmess to i Lots 54-55, Block 34, $40,000; 1-3 cash, bal. arranged, Ke : PI Lots 11-12, Block 26, $10,000 each; 1-4 cash, bal. 6, 12 presented by Professor Douglas at the Westholme and 18 Opera House, Sept. 26 to 28 Section 6. 5 Lot 17, Block 27, $1,000; 1-2 cash, bal. 6-12. Section 6. Lot 12, Block 9, $2,500; 1-3 cash, terms. Lots 1-2, Block 10, $10,500; $2,000 cash, bal, over 3 years. Section 7. Lots 55-56, Block 3, $3,000; $1,150 cash, bal. arranged. Lots 75-76, Block 3, $1,600; 1-2 cash, terms. Lots 14-12, Block 10, $1,600; 1-3 cash, bal. 6-12-18. Lot 24, Block 16, $1,000; 1-3 cash, bal. 6-12. foams s : And 99 yf 100 - Lots 23-24, Block 3, $1,100; $525 cash, bal. easy. n oul O every unpre Lots 52-53, Block 38, $900; $400 cash, bal. arranged, Lots 15-16, Block 14, $1,050; $250 cash, bal. $25 a month. . di d l ll] ll THE Lots 7-8, Block 17, $1,200; 1-4 cash, bal, 1-2-3 years. ju ice peop e wi le you Lot 27, Block 3, $590; $217 cash, bal. easy. List Your Lots With Us for Quick Sale. DAILY NEWS ° h h List Your Lots With Us for Quick Sale. 1S e ome paper LAW-BUTLER CO. Pri R CP 5 5 ft , Real Estate Insurance of rince up ert ‘ P. O. Box 1540 Phone 60 619 Third Ave. Advertisers also tell us and will tell you that results obtained from publicity carried in the columns of this paper have exceeded by far those obtained through any other newspaper published in \ i 2 in ae aati F Prince Rupert Y 3 The successful business man today is the one who advertises , ) W.- A- R- -. \ judiciously, who chooses the medium most generally read by ; 1 citizens of a community; a business man who does not look upon +The Reliable Jonson i od Opticans.. an expenditure for advertising as an expense, but, on the con- alee aoe t.. trary, as an investment. This type of business man you will generally find in the front ranks of his profession, turning his dollars daily and moving his goods rapidly—and all through the liberal use of newspaper publicity. Miss EFFIFE KYLE Champion Child Dancer of Canada and the U.S., who will take ‘ ; part in the Grand Kirmess in Westholme Opera House T dvertisi i it t, if ly for a short time, and Diamonds, W atches | 1 rat 0m a ae roll pera u ry advertising as an investment, only for ’ | TE watch your business grow. ' G Artistic Jewellery | Let our solicitors call and explain why The News is the best me- dium through which you should inaugurate your initial cam- | | ]™ 5000 WATCHES — | 4 an ss aa ; ( gent for nF, I Foy “> | Heintzman Pianos National Cash Register ' C2C ay res oy } eek wes 0 rwommis 1|SEND NO MONEY. SELLE SELLE SESE LLLP LE EESSSSLEEELEEEEEEEEESESS 4) Ee rs BS DAILY NEws a test Cinematograph ted Glazed Pe eeee = Wis giv five cont, all wo its each. Mid sirian seats trea Phone SIXTH AVENUE, SEC. SIX ial BS yf 98 ler Skates, Toys, a ——_ ns, Genuine Ruto- Mth ou Three Lots excellently situated, only $9,000 or i days wis cardealae ff ans f \ One-third Cash, Balance 1, 2, and 3 years. : end we wil! reward you scoording | } ee - @ - aw - aon.. “SS Tener = z A mL. F. McRAE & CO. | Be 4°] Subscribe for The Daily New