THE DAILY NEWS ——————— a ma es - - - _ - a a —— eee wer - poceneenenne? ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? | /HE LONDON TIMES es ee ae eae anniversary of his birth We! DISCUSSES THE COMING Samak tek giegeens et Coenen her inspiring memories of the Get Our Quotations on past, and her not less inspiring sasH AND DOORS INTERIOR FINISH CARTIER CELEBRATION ambition to bear a part worthy CABINET MAKING MOULDINGS of her mighty destiny in the for tunes and burdens of our com. TURNING BANDSAWING From the London Times, Aug, 26, 191%.) ]jeet of the British Crown. From Store and Office Furniture. \s we announce elsewhere, itlinat time forward all his ener. Is proposed to celebrate the cen- tenary of the birth, in 1844, of Sir George Etienne Cartier, one THIS IS THE TIME to lay plans for the win- ter. Call and see our full line of Heaters, They are designed to please the popular fancy, and the price is equally as at- tractive as the design, Thompson Hardware Company, Ltd. mon and United Empire in the future. gies were devoted to the consoli- A committee has been formed dation of all the Canadas and] op the purpose under the pre- . ° . of the chief fathers and founders ate “aed po ai — sideney of Mr. KB. W. Villeneuve. The Prince Rupert Planing Mills Ltd of the Canadian Dominion, by = “oe ; onTederavionitt has received | encouragement ’ ie destined to grow in freedom, con and support from men of light the dedication of a monument § and Fraser Sts ‘ord, content, and trar tyl, ‘ . —— th ane wows : ‘ii erected to his memory on the amine ime British flag inquility) and leading citizens representing 339 2nd Ave. Phone 101 phone Black 244 PRINCE RUPERT, B. c. slope of Mount Royal, overlook. a salen tine . all shades of opinion in Cana- is altitude and sentiments in| dian polities and publie life and ing the city of Montreal The eeeeeee ° ee re Pa are ng , wee eennaeree? site is singularly well chosen for (ate ee + nar from others of like prominence it has been associated with the a few words from a speech de-|in this country. To judge by the re j oD ¢ § livered in London in 1869 at a list of names we have received, name of Cartier ever s se Can- ; OF CVOE Sthws 4-liime when he was a member of a ada has Deen Iie at Dominin ‘sivernment | hich we mwation siacwiee, wel NOW IS COMING THE WINTER known to mankind. It was an earlier Cartier Tr ’ | ‘ ‘ at ' 1¢ Canadian people desire to , , . ial Jacques by name, a man of thel,» faithful : if . at a “\promoters of the memorial are, of our discontent, but it can be made gloriously com- 9 same race as the later Canadis remain fenmnius to the old MOn-lag is natural and fitting, well. fortable by having one of our Hot Air Furnaces installed é t ater Canadiantarchial flag of Great Britain, nigh equally divided between in your home |p; Statesman, who was the firstithat fiag which wav ver ¢ a a : honiuts f ag aves over alll peanch ¢ . ; 2 . : European to set foot on Mount , French and English Canadians, We have them at all prices and guarantee satis- seas, that flag which tyranny/anq in particular both Mr. or- faction, CALL AND SEE US 3rd AVE. ard AVE. Royal, then overhanging, not the has never been able to overcome, den. ike ieensak Deine Minidles ry Of Montreal, but the Huron-lihat flag which symbolizes true of Cuan and Sir Wilfrid Laur STEEN & HEBERT he Best and Most Popular Brands of Cigars and Tobaceos Iroquois village of Hochélaga. liberty.” If that was the univer-| j,, “the distinguished predvces- SECOND AVENUE PIPES TO SUIT EVERY FACE He, too, had he been gifted with} sa; sentiment of the Canadian} gor, are a smight be expected, Agents for the McClary Furnaces | the prophetic vision of his later people in 1869; it was largely] nited in its support —— namesake might have felt “likelowing to Gartier’s personal in-| Phe prince aP Ceies aia theses stout Cortez when with eagle fluence over Canadians of his invited to visit Canada in the mameentemenmeeninnehh eyes he stared at the Pacific’ as|own race that it had become so. year of the aanbaete ond to pre- s s s hs ae ka _— = ae “ This wee the higher spiritual side at the dedication of the me. = Ste" Williams & McMeekin es awrence and the Ottawalajement of his work for Canada morial, and, should His Royal ee ry) gleaming away to the westward. a@ passionate aspiration com-| Highness be able to accept the rhe rapids of Lachine barred|pinod with uneeasing effort forl invitation. it ‘will aes tine eek } THE LEADING GROCERS ae sp pec = his ae the reconciliation of the two ra- be felt that the occasion is em. DON’T BUY ANY ut W was gacques Cartier WROlces whic s youth had bee . ~esanien ! first discovered the St. Lawrence] .,, Giese ae ~abhy nis] soy canes ce KIND OF SHOES = ) Phone 56 Helgerson Block and gave it its name( giving at] ypophetic vision also led him to have also been sent to the Pre- the same time the name of Can- work with no less enthusiasm, por ean of all the British colonies AT ANY PRICE { ada to the region it traversed and not only for all domestic legis- aan aa whole British Empire { of Mount Royal to the hill on which he stood at the farthest lel Monte Canned Fruits See ur window for point of his westward pilgrim- lation that might,make for the) win jn spirit be gathered to do concord and unity of the twW0/the honor whieh is justly due to age, The name Canada merely oar wer Pr csi: ecw te memory of the man who, al- - *}nada, but also for the extension] pejy pot of British blood and means a village in the Indian development, and the consolida- language from which he took it,|tion of that great Dominion that and that again is significant in We have arriving next week a large assortment of GET THE BEST VALUE POSSIBLE race, was one of the first to com- prehend the majesty and dignity a ee its symbolism. sate rene as John meee of the Empire, and of the fore- once said of the United States,| nogt to promote its dignity THE oo = l_CFCC COCO eOemmrroOo—=m02=——S——--—0—0n>—>SSSSHK' 'ry a package of the New It is reported of Themistocles|“from the wild billows of the At- Breakfast | .. eink? that he pleaded that, though he/jantie westward to the calmer ne = st ume had no skill to tune a harp nor| waters of the Pacific main.” Core Frans, a viol, nor to play at a psalterion We need not enumerate the French Army. The most imposing and most extensive Freneh army manoeuvy- SHOE or the WALK-OVER yet if they did put a city into his|many measures both of internal ers in years opened recently in Touraine and Poitou, when 120,- Swift's Premium ams , i Ham hands that was of small name,|organization and of external ex-| eee ae ewes: i weak and little, he knew ways|pansion and development with} , stock, enough to make it noble, great|}which his name is associated,)°°° soldiers and 50 Seroptanes Both American Shoes of World-wide Fame and strqng.” This is just what/the many Ministries of which he| and two dirigible balloons took : | the field for a week of mimic EE —— Ne George Etienne Cartier did We/was neither a member or the} know not if he was any more of|chief, the many colleagues whoj ¥@'fare. | iinsinlitieienintiertininin Life Saving Modified. a musician than Themistocles| shared his labors and contribut-| SCOTT, FROUD & CO. was, though in the setimation of|ed to their noble results. It suf-| THE LEADING SHOE STORE Satisfaction Guaranteed Prices Right ' ; ' Lord Duff ’ Modificat ¢ Wit aving is counters en *® Was no meat ices 0 > or P 8s} Meo "¢ or o e sé intrymen he was no mean'fices to quote rd Dufferin difieation SEE OUR NEW RANGE OF DRESS SLIPPERS —— poet in the tongue of his race. appreciation of them in a letter! regulations submitted by the fed- But he knew ways enough, and|written in 1872, when he was go-| eral supervising steamboat in- aoores lhe followed them tos to makelyvernor-general of Canada and spector to Seeretary of Commerce lthe ‘village’ which Jaeques Car-|Ctartier was within a few months|and Labor Nagel, at Washington, — - ftier had named into a Domintonijof his death Your name is|for approval would permit the e e jhoble, strong and great lindissolubly incorporated with | lesser life boat requirements of W t h es R | George Etienne Cartier was|the most eventful and most glor-| the summer season to remain in ’ a Cc e@ epalring |} born on September 6, 18144, at at.|ious epoch of your country'’s|foree until Oetober 15th for a’l M e 9 es Antoine, in the county of Ver-|history, commencing as it does} Atlantic and Pacific coastwise an a ouse e S @ r Tr | cheres, in the Province of tees your entrance into politi-| vessels, y | bee He was educated for the} cal life, and culminating in that Ln ————————— SEES = = law and becoming a member of| consolidation of the Provinces Son of Doctor. the rapid growth of business we have found it |the Bar in Lower Canada, he/to which your adam eee Robert Gibson Larimer, for is due to the worries oocasioned in securing the home ove into larger and more convenient prem- soon aeguired a lucrative prac-|and ability so materially contri-| whose arrest a warrant was is- We ire now located on tice mn thet profession. ooeealone | sued in Winnipeg, is a son of the necessities, particularly the food supply. some part in Papineau's rebel-} To such a man, who is justly | late Dr. Larimer of Belefonte, If you desire to have a sweet and even disposition lion of 1837, and had for a time/held by his countrymen to have} Pa., . He left Bellefonte three eiek wa T H I R D A V E N U E lio leave the country. But he soon! been one of the most honest, up-|or four years ago. Nothing is : » repented of his youthful aber- | right and far-seeing Ministers| known of his present whereabouts Just East of Post Office lration, and returned to Ganada|jwho have ever held office in the| or of his financial difficulties in las a loyal and enthusiastic sub-| Dominion, it is eminently fitting | Canada, e 9 | We bh had many years’ experience in watch repairing —=— = YIZZe S eal ar ef suarantee our work to be as good as the best. Your THE HIGH COST OF LIVING ike is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed We al- a ' ds of jewelry repairing We ore a stock of all the latest and most popular sheet | and get only the best in ~ \ & music | | OF ALL KINDS ‘# . S. W. GIDLEY CO., LTD. Phone Orders Given Prompt Delivery to All ; " Careful Attention Parts of the City PRINCE RUPERT Ai! THERE i CANT you 5 | PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. a rane fd mucn : 3rd Avenue AS | CAN BO | To Touch ‘em! ) ied MANICURING SBAMPOOING Dorothy Dana SHALL | BEND SS We Down A LITTLE é NN FURTHER, OR sore mot ? P. Burns & Co., Ltd Meat Merchants BEEF AND PORK PACKERS Wholesale and Retail HAIRDRESSING FACIAL MASSAGE SCALP TREATMENT PHONE 424 PRINCE RUPERT Cains isininaian i surrose | must wait } ers ‘Nd Dealers in Live Stock, Manufacturers of perator Hlams and Baeon, “ Shamrock Leaf Lard Head Office: Calgary Alta. Mlention given to the Shipping Trade Smith’s Cigar Store Everything in the SMOKE LINE New Post Cards, Fruit, Confectionery ‘Phone Blue 69 veelal Markots ' " Prince Rupert, Stewart and all the principal Cities and towns in Alberta, British Columbia and Yukon Courtesy Vane ouverSu