a ee Autumn Wedding Gifts rHE HISTORICAL WORKS OF DAILY NEWS CANADA TO BE COMPILED AND LIMITED NUMBER SOLD have no place to store the goods. Our loss is your gain. DOOMED about five days. are positively forced to get rid of everything at unheard of prices. This will be the greatest Sacrifice Sale of Furniture, House Furnishings, Crockery, etc., ever held in the City of Prince Rupert. We positively must clean out every dollar’s worth of stock in 5 days commencing on Tuesday Morning, the 24th inst, at 9 O'clock Starling Bargains in Furniture, Crockery, Carpets, Etc. RUGS AT REDUCED PRICES We will get rid of every Rug in stock. Beautiful Axminster, Wilton, Brussels Rugs value. and Tapestry sacrificed regardless of Union Floor Squares in good designs, durable and attract- ive; sale price........ $6.40 Beautiful Tapestry Squares, suitable for any room; only ... . $6.95 Magnificent Axminster and Wil- ton Squares in all the popu- lar effects. Fit for a palace. Sale price from $39.00 SAVE DOLLARS ON FURNI- TURE—BUY NOW ° A tine weathered oak Buffet, mission design, with handy silver and linen drawers, cup- boards, large bevelled mirror. Sale pried oc csass $37.95 Splendid oak Dresser, extra large British plate’ mirror, Sale starts YOUR CHANCE TO OBTAIN ENAMELLED WARE plenty of drawers, ete. Sale price only . $19.95 Large, comfortable Settee, mis- sion design, solid leather up- Enamelled Teapots 60c heietduial only . $25.00 Enamelled Coffee Pots .50c Kitchen and dining room Chairs, (iood Enamelled Hand Ba- all prices. DR Maas. ow bie cot Ohad 40c CHENELLE PornTieRes, Lace = "'"*! “IN tlily_ Ketlies $1.50 CURTAINS, IN BOUNDLESS Fine Stew Pots from. .25c VARIETY AND LOW PRICES Individual Teapots ...,... 45c Our entire stock of Chenelle Large sized Pitchers..... .46e Portieres, Tablecloths, Lace Strong Sanitary Mixing Curtains, ete., will be at the Bowls ....., $1.00 mercy of the public. Don't Remember, every piece of tin ta ag rf 1 and enamelled ware in stock is hile 1ey last we will offer . reduce , » spot, Sale a fine line of Nottingham Lace ee . > a " Gurtaiss at ...... ... B0c ’ eee Some very high class Lace Cur- TOILET SETS — Bop $2.50 oo \ splendid range of extra mily, air an ia An exceptional assortment of quality decorated Toilet Ware. high grade Lace Curtains in There are ten pieces in the set, latest weaves: worth 83.00; worth from $7 to 810 a set. for $2.00 Take your choice; only $3.30 Tuesday morning, Sept. 24th, at 9 SPLENDID BRASS AND IRON BEDS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY Never again will you be able to buy these useful and neces sary articles at such low prices. Full sized Enamelled Bed of superior quality and design; were $7.00; for ... $4.00 Beautifully designed Metal Beds, very artistic; were Oi 4. GOs’ Cale is obec 0: $8.96 Magnificent solid Brass Beds, very latest makes; were ORO ee 8s. on $32.95 MISCELLANEOUS Glass Fruit Bowls .. 50c Good Glass Cake Dishes 75c B. & H. Radiant Burner Lamps, the best make. .$2.50 A fine Plate Glass Mirror, 12x 20, oak frame....... . $3.80 THE BIG FURNITURE STORE Come 100 miles if necessary. F. W. HART, Proprietor it will pay you. Be on the spot. are now in demand Phe Champlain Society was or-jare used for review purposes,, The society is supported by the . ganized in 1905 f the purpose They are beautiful specimens fi eybeeriy received from v wok making, and include repro-|, , « when called for, but n wae niag et Catal, wee, Henry Barks & Sons Bh) 01 punishing vaivaric ana prac-|Bok making, and include repro-| embers when called for, bul city to enjoy the many appropriate wed- —tinhet— ally ¥ \ , nee aa one oe iustrations:) exceeding 910 annually Ging qift tines that are contained in our Jeweller; Mail Order House shied to 406 -Bidteey 6f Canade laps c., an le origina exts ; pt i f #10 each have uy ge = Geo. E. Trorey 1 ame works produced by th © illed | date Fach me Ou we illustrates these fine oe. “ { was ended tha his «ociet ety are edited and translated by! ?' : wthies a amen a it. Seoure the newest Managing Director. itd be eprese i f aliithe best oe . a ’ il and)! ee Srey a aie tema ae onvene ean “aaa Vancouver ote B.C. ~ Canada and ha ' ted in a stvle hardl: yuatled; ©" ” it : of 040 facturers, therefore, by dealing with us _« s iny Similar society seal you save money. to the 8 . rie teil eve ‘ ~ ha ‘ Po We are showing all the new lines in ind th ' } g hie published and the eighth toilet goods. Write for our Catalogue at o b are suy : eee ah } rh once. a blist : s only. As uly published a i x ind tw ‘ ich hed ‘ bers, and is vt sua t. the w j h pa th , v exis f i undiby the society . ¢ a0 esetl gw the SRESRERSEESSESIES ES EEE. pies, of wh venty' mand a high pric : slready ca = 2 : z = supentom $ l 5 000 W orth of tie Beoane Bargains 3 Dollars to You Never again in B. C. ® © This Forced Out Sale cere | Flouse Furnishings | rhe" to obtain such mar- everything bought at velous prices. The roof F. W. Hart’s Big Furni- will be off our store in ture Store until the about five days. We roof is off. That ¥ e > a day. cooking arrangements; promptly on time. The Gurney Economizer controls everything. The a success and a pleasure. FRED PRINCE = Tre Gurney-Oxford is prompt No matter what comes or goes—meals we must have The preparation of meals comes round three times Every housewife wants to know that she can depend on her stove absolutely ; she wants to know that there is no element of chance or likelihood of mishap in her that meals will be ready accident and mishap in cooking. and found only on the Gurney-Oxford. One lever for hours and revived in a few minutes. ment of flues makes the Gurney-Oxford Oven always uniformly heated—the Gurney-Oxford Oven is never to blame! It will make a good cook a better cook; it does more than its share towards making every meal is an assurance against Itis a simple device fire can be slowed down An arrange: STORK RUPERT lor in payments of $10 each at u The J i liervals of six months Subserib An English lers choosing this latter alterna French x | l tive wil after these payments | J Bury l | have been made, be on a footing | in i iwith the other members ja scOvE The works already published |tain iby the Champlain Society are as Louisbourg | follows: bir » its I hTe History of New France.,/by J. 8. Mel | Vo I, by Mare Lescarbot, with] w) : j} English translation and app nd abo he 1 lices by W. L. Grant, and an in sieges troduction by H. P. Biggar ro The Cana be completed in three volumes 4) ny ’ The Description and Natural of 181 x History of the Coasts of North], oc 4 America Acadia by Nicolas], rto unedit Denys, translated and edited with preparation by | \@ memoir of the author, collaterall wijjjan Ww j}documents and a reprint of the Dierevill , ‘ res by Brot. William | meee © $708-1 ¢ Professor W. | Documents Relating to thel}y necting w Seigniorial Tenure in Canada} any pists : 1598-1854; edited, with histori a : cal introduction and explanatory rhe 6 | notes, by Professor Bennett }ro" matted Munro ame hy Ww. *. ™ : relate to the The Logs of the Conquest Off gj cp oyorios Canada, edited, with an historical Canada introduction constituting a his . tory of the nava Iside of the Brit- m youu Murra ‘ish eonquest of Canada, by ministration a Colonel William Wood. = ao p. A. M f New Relations of Gaspesia, by|'@!'0" aS . Christien LeClereq. An interest- the Canadia ing study, hitherto untranslated, \ of the Gaspe region and of the} minisiraly: , North American Indians, trans-]!% Canada lated and edited by Prof. W. F.Jation by P Ganong, University of | ; Samuel Herne: Journey from Sir bd Des N Prince of Wales Fort, in Hudson and Prot W Bay, to the Northern Ocean, 1769-]Arme B.A 1772 A new edition edited byporary see! J, B. Tyrrell, The original, pub plain Sor lished in 1795, is now dificult tefadian his! obtain. good wo g will The HUistory of New Franee,} hand will, b ve Vol. Tl, by Mare Lesearbot either of these - The following works are in| further informs course of preparation sire. Captain John Knox: Historical Journal of the Campaigns in Would License —- aol North America, 1757-1760; edited [he Rev. by \ ai Doughty Dominion appointed b Via archivist This work, now verylthe new B ' scares is by far the fullest ac decided al New count of the events of the time the gamb ineluding especially the twolyork City tt sieges Of Quebee in 1759-1760.) pore bi , The Works of Samuel de Cham than the plain An English translation | eugges th with the French text Edited bylor thi H. P. Biggar With Mr. Biggar] pepta will be associated a scholars wh have Cham number of} made j | | }Plain’s period a special study SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NER