—— ii. eT eR The Daily News —————————e KIRMESS (PENS aanornarmnaton a : C. HO ORME {Rexatt ||] THISEVENING!| “The News” Classified Ads. Agent the Pioneer Drogaiot | Satire | | "semstesatnstn.ce"|!! =<(ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion=~ physicians prescrip- —Dancers from Seaitle a SO *PLOLORP ODDO + OEY POPC COS PP oees AES ¥ J hays YY iii a tions ; - —~THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES HERE— G | TWO STORES ae’ wrestmolinn 5 eorge Leek EASTMAN KODAKS 82 PHONES 200 Pasatte the anziouely. awaited ~=4 Pee a ; ao the first of its kind in ; rince Rupert | Prince Rupert, will ope inder FOR RENT . Par eT TOO OOOO CONC C eee ead jthe direction of Prof. Douglas PRINCE RUPERT ee “ i n th A t eee | o fats o 4 vennue, Section 6.) Prof. Douglas has spared 1 o| oso soner insets einer eons ~~ . ee! w of s oe ih A yen ge, Be tion 8, | Great B espera ~ SRS his entertain 0 hree-roo fle furnished,|and steam heated throughout, fine bath-| aaa ne f of h self oil MAN WINS CASH with water. alder Blo x. a5 "920 048] vom, large ee rang Pee Mgnt, argains ment one worthy ¢ | i ne uninterruptec view o ty arbor afew tots in sect 1 credit to the city At consider McINTYRE HALL to lease for dances, ete.) Apply Low 6)-te etre - t a. ' : th rerms Gray & Son, Black 78 20st PRINCE RUPERT AGENCIES avenue, 834 es t e os ‘ as secured ‘ —_— nue, 994 b ne . best hild| W. B. Cornish, P om Clerk, | 1, RENT—Cottage on 4th avenue, near Phone 121 i: ‘y. ives ttag services of the two bes ehilt . B. nish, Post ce erk, McBride; $20 per month, Phone Green dancers in America kach of} Wins Large Prize in Van- — eed | H. DOUGLAS ‘ them will appear in tonight's couver Puzzle Com FOR RENT—Two large front rooms, on 339 Third Ave. P.0.8 petition. Fifth Ave overlook the harbor | Ox 606 are now ta dem an d | prow amme, which is itt Ave. over ooking | t eo "App (Oppocite Dest Ohes 218t | T. Minstre!| show, with Mr Wl Id phone Green 338 Our mail service makes it convenient |}Waterman as nteriocutor, end ee Oe ne ce q es es es re ee ome rs re PRINCE RUPERT INN Sea ; utes in figuring out the hardest , THE for those living at a distance from the city to enjoy the many appropriate wed- ding gift lines that are contained in our i aa tee, Jeweller; Mail Order House Our catalogue iflustrates these fine Geo. E.Trorey _ lines—write for it. Secure the newest Menagine Direster. and best goods on the market by buying from us—we are importers and manu- facturers, therefore, by dealing with us you save money. ’ essrs, Brown, Kelly, Rus- | aaa ~ : : I Ww _ . puzzle if they were sure that they For Sale W L i sell, eston: soloists esars wre 4 enya ; Clapperton, Corkh Fleteher we * es — “i : ss , on Mo Recestiinsentdinibiadeanicsinanenn vii oil AND estholme lumber Co, , Ornish, of the pos otlice i tar Ripe Brown, Kelly, Waterma Ru staff, however. was not sure of] POR, SALE—One 8x10 double drum sell: selection with bones Drove ee ' hoisting engine, in first class condition , his reward when he coneentrated Box 35 222-231 Demers his brain to the task of solving | Qt et erermermerer comermermere® 2 Skirt dance by Misses Me ’ Kay and eee a picture riddle which appe ared Wanted { ‘ | Lumber and Mouldings in the Vancouver Daily Sun ad- 1 LIMITED Vancouver -:- B.C. besos’ ‘, } We are showing all the new lines in Peek-a-boo Pe, toilet goods. Write for our Catalogue at : vertising columns | ‘ P ‘ once. Miss Doris Pattullo, Miss) 4), Montelius Piano House, of |}WANTED—At once, two experienced dress Owned and operated by the All Kinds of Building Supplies Mabel Westenhaver Vat ’ tints ad makers, Mesdames Barbeau & Grant Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on in . | Vancouver, was advertising prizes . ’ 5. Spanish dance, Miss Ethel GENTLEMEN require furnished room with the American and European plan. for the solutic of a complex rivate family Box 669 997-998 . Ciray. ! ~—t'e Excellently furnished, with : picture puzzle, Mr. Cornish sent . s First Avenue Phone 186 6. Sword dance, Miss Eftie WANTED—A_ nurse’ girl Apply W. E steam heat, electric light, and all in the correet imswer and yes Williams, Borden street 226-230 . modern conveniences, being abso Kyle, of Seattle 7 Glow Worm, Miss Lottie!’ day | ived by mail th |) WANTED—Immediately, first class glazier lutely first-class in every respect. ° , of 8135. Apply Prince Rupert Sash & Door Co, Casley. in iw todas vooeiving the con 210tr The appointments and service 8. Flag drill by sixteen girls. rratulations of his many friends,| WANTED—Cleaning, pressing and repair are equal to any hotel on the nN : Ou c a *} ance, Miss Dorothy ing; reasonable price Phone Black 328 9 Buek danes ; F who hope that his ingenuity may Second avenue and Sixth St 230 coast We R emain But aE ane ah, tatcaiie ing Me- again bring ee Seeetens: anger seem ( (| a ee ———— ——— | Namara’s Brass Band, introduc- . Lost and Found | Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. orner ing “Wal, I Swan, by Jimmy} LOCAL JOTTINGS / Russell, and Virginian reel by six rirls and } —— LOST—Last Sunday at the Rupert Marine J ter eouples of girls ane OVS, i ancien ru p 1 Iron Works wharf, one magazine camera t Ni FE 11 Furrow dance, Miss Ethel arsons, © 1€ rovineta in waterproof canvas case Will the td J finder return to Rupert Marine tron oa “\Savued Soaterdiny morning on ihe], Cee" visas 1 G. A, Sweet, Manager. SECTION SIX 12 Highland fling, Miss Ete vie. df Heaitis, jirain to his headquarters | Then the roof will be taken off from over our heads. | 13 Gavotte ect tee tenetien| ‘ as : UNSER Rew GHnASEEENT . 3 i i Amongst the a vals on. the $2000 cash and the ba We cannot wait any more than the tide. If you want girls, introducing “IT Want Some! ppinee George vesterday morn- ROYAL - DAIRY years at 6 per }One to Flirt With Me,” by Flora] ing were two we known resi : la . ee : } ' Creamery Butter, Ranch Eggs Gray; “O, You Beautiful Doll,”| dents of Stewart, Mr. B. F. Davis, Pure Cream Milk and Buttermilk . |}by Miss Ethel Gray; ballet dance] manager of the Empress Hotel, GIVE US A TRIAL -Church Services - Sa l H &C | Or You Lose Them [by Miss Dorothy Hendricks of] nd Me. W. J. Elmendorf, genera muel Harrison & Comat / Seattle. | » | Phone 36 719 Ord Ave. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Brokers and Financia! Agents superintendent the Portland ; bargains come at once } | : 14 Fairy dance, Misses Edith) Ganal Minit ( They are both} : ay oes’ are Pentee Se Second A Pri R mn ’ . ; ' , } Canal ng ey are De Chureh Hall at 11 id oO ve. rince Rw ' lhe Complete House Furnishing Store has but four Brown, Esther Naden, Alice Ton-| peturning north after visiting the STUART & STEWART iongene Thentv at 730 om = i days to run as a whole, after which none in Prince Rupert vey. llower coast cities Accountants REV —— ny ee a can advertise truthfully complete house furnishers. 15. Maypole, by sixteen small] : cV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor W. NICHOLSON-LAILEY, | girls A man named Henry Haneoek,| 309 2nd Ave. Phone No. 280) Architect c © ! t t 8:30 an employee of the whaling sta Prince Rupert P. O. Box 3514] THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH — e ° surtain rises a +30 p. Mm, i ” : : : ™ ’ - an 6 | McINTYRE HALL, SRD AVE., NEAR OTH ST | Startling Bargains Hit "Nedn "Harbor, as] Auditors for Gy of Prince Rupert] “™Raeames ar azcanan gi | Room 40 So | Short Notice Auction Sale. brought to the city yesterday|————— oe ae Phone 84 Sideboard, worth $36.00, now reduced to......... $26.00 | Tomorrow (Friday) afternoon] sutte from a dislocated knee] Alex. ™& Manson, B. A. Bible Class 2.90 p.m i“ Buffet, worth $25.50, now reduced to 915.00 jai 2 o'clock inthe flat, Rand|eap. He was taken immediatel cea hk ee” 1 ammeone: WERT ABBAY WORKS u wo ! now ay . jat 2 o'clock in re flat, an : ak ‘ ieee lain aaah nme P lBlock. at corner of Fulicn St.{lo the general hospital, where he WILLIAMS & MANSON ee Buffet, worth $42.50, now reduced to............ $25.00 [oe ee THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH | i Sixtt » ‘ ’ i of} is doing as well as could be ex- Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE | . an ixth Ave., a quantity : ’ ’ Buffet, worth $52.00, now reduced to............ $30.00 lmousehold furnishings without | pected. Services every Sunday at 1i Gold, Silver, Cop hd Heigerson Biock _ Prince Rupert, 8B. c.| Scho Mabe oe ‘eserve 997 ss d Schoo! 30 > : | Peserve. es | G. A. Gerr, fire warden at Kit- : REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Pastor 615 Hastings St. W | . Le > : . Ler } FRANK A, ELLIS, Auctioneer.| Jia. after a short stay in the : : VANCOUVER, 3.c THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL | | j Granville Court | | | oe a ee l cits returned up the line yester- ALFRED CARSS, ©. ¥. BENNETT, B.A. | Mr. and Mrs. David H. Hays] . of Pritich Columbo of B.C., Ontario, Sas- | wna Sly ; day morning on the train. and Manitoba Bare. katchewan and A'- | Sunday services at 11 returned yesterday on the Prince berta Bars. | ® m.. 3 ont $ Dm Sun | Ga) choo 0 )» m George after a short visit spent) Mr. R. DeR. Hovell, who has CARSS & BENNETT | Week night jonainen? Mon SMITH & MALLETT in Vaneouver and Victoria. |been a visitor to the city for the BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Ere. day, Wednesday, Thurs THIRD AVI ; | Office— Albert Block, Second A day and Saturday : ee llast few days, returned to his + Sheen, Second Svenus. | CAPT AND MKS TUTTE |} Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and | Comar oO -@ S = Try a Daily News Want ad. [home at Hazelton yesterday. REGRGRS Veleers Sheet Metal Wor ; | Office: 3rd Ave Workshop ; | . Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and sth Su j } 5000 WATCHES ae } DOUGLAS ; FOR SALE |... a i 5000 GRAMOPXONESE irae ’ | Dancing School 0. i 5000 AUTO-HARPS | ee ite “oe | tnd “aatsraey Sete. Wedneetey — "a i — DAV a mn , ; nvestors Notice a OF SINGING ao Y \ a Ae , Silver, copper and lead ‘nines | 2° OF WM. FOKON, BSQ., ARAM, 108, OM — at Kitselas, B, C., on the Copper | | River. Good copper and lead | . | . + |showings from 6 to 14 feet wide HAYNER BROS. ? | UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMES Easy Terms. | Funeral Directors Srd Ave. near 6th St Apply | | | Prince Rupert Lodge, .0.0.F.| DR.De A.CONDOR | | | KITSELAS, B. Cc. No. 63 ; _ Ts le eink E. L. FISHER Meets in the Helgerson Block CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. . . . P E : Funeral Director and Embalmer 4 | very Tuesday Evening ne CHARGES REASONABLI All inembers of the order in the} Notice—Butalo Mineral Claims, situate THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356 wily ave requested to visit Dieirict, "Winer tauren , of a oO ocate ear Granb. | the lodge. oe the said mining division and adjoining ; | the property of the Granby Consolidated " ' A. H. ALLISON, N. G Mining, Smelting and Power Com cone | sL ISO} N, » pany, | : ' Limited = a W. G. BARRIE, See i = — . G, L. h ake notice that I, Janes J. Lee, Free | awe wr the. date 52078, intend, sixty es | . | days from the date hereof, t ; li A : : LAND PURCH sa Mining Recorder for y ac arunente’ of on Empress Bow Ing as A] CHASE NOTICE provements, for the purpose of ob . . rich Crown Grants of the Vabove claims — AND POOL ROOM “ << —<—<—<—<—<<——-——wwmene | And further take notice that action, 4 ALLEYS 12 wae Skeena Land District—District of Coast unger Section 55, must be commenced Best Fitted and Most x | site — ‘}before the issue of such Certificate of ” : LOTTIE CASLES prema = i” . , Take notice 5 Basted thi 30th dé ; ora & ' | ! Who will appear in Kirmess at the Westholme Theatre tonight. | st Paul” Dieteieat te cnt, Potaaae of ce th ‘aes’ 2 en’? >> BOM, Pree ' woman, intends t i By His Agente F. J. Colemi Saas SS } “FROM HOME TO HOME." “=a purchase the "tollowhee Ghee Pub, Aug. 12, 2. olemen - ; iy Commencing at @ post planted about 80|——~ — mains ws me from the southwest corner of Ieee re | surveyec I 30945 on the bank of ” ~ Skeena fiver, thence south ‘80 shains WATER NOTICE, HOTEL ELYSIUM ONCE WORN-—-ALWAYS WORN BB iveice west so “shins, “themes” yorth | enaiiinianal oa “ins more or less to bank of 8 | : paver, ns nee in an @ asterly dire ction pons Tn, Snenee fe = ne ee Stop. b : e mink © river 80 chains more or | oa as Veorge : Sid. Sykes, Manager 1 . The Just Wright Shoe post of commencement, containing * io chy or 'Y A -- ie” pee a 7 ' : Cres “or ‘ "| a i ’ . ° re snce ; The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. h ~" “tone I pritsiy, Columbia, merchants," will avply ‘ i f wu f nse to , 5 . Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. for Men George hi Poem yt feet per ‘second of 'w ster ut of 6 certain 1 lots are ust Dated August 16th, 1012 : stream rising in the hills ae epute — Three beautifu il the ) > , 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. ri ht ce eee west by. west ull tna’ Hunky SaeUE BOTD: | and two green-houses; * } phe Ol the strongest Skeena Land District—Distrie ' ‘ bao boven ead eee a : . ‘ District of Coast,| bears northwest, thence soutt 2 ed; to be Phone 500, features f this shoe is Kange V discharging into ona pass one. a nonin ground emperor i SHOE the fitting Made to tit the Take notice that Allan Sim, of Prince eetad tie santiise hs eiaate Prot ) LS away fer ‘a 0 h . s ‘ 0 as om t s I they naturally kee p a ie “petmisato prigoman, intends 40) Point one and s half iniles dis stant and will | re . wine dederina’'s > £0 purchase the fol-|be used for industrial purposes on the } A ! ape and wear be Casienas . an : lands described as Lot 19 and Lot 2737 : oO hee at & post planted at the| Kange 5, Coast District 7 ee : | ter hortheast corner of Lot 170¢ and marked rhi notice w 706 f : ‘ 48 post o ‘ 0 ' . $ penne Mian Sim 8. BE. Corner, thence north 40}on the 13th day of August, a. De eis . é er ic mpany, FOR SALE ONLY BY St a a 20 chains more or rhe application will be fled in the of Easy mens ess an oO imogotiz River, thence/fice of the Water Keeor: -rince iy along bank o ; weer SD Crease Be i] otors, Mining and Contracting Machinery } R h ; i river in @ southerly diree-|pert, British Columbia Objections ma ; & J ff ion 40 chains more or less to the north|be filed with the si ; 7 _ . trical Apparatus of every dese jon | enwort e erson ae Of Lot 1706, thence east 20 chains| with the ¢ comptroller Water. = r on ript | lore Fr jess to post of commencement,| Parliament Buildings, Vict 8 . | Best in Footwear 3rd A containing 80 acres mor r | tumbi : ee we on ane r ve & 5th St. sore or less bla Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. | Dated August 94, 1919" GEORGE &. BRARNS, en Au 1012 WM. H. CLARKE, 2nd Avenue Pub. Sept, 10, 1042 Pub, Sept. v, i@ie Applicants |