THE DAILY NEWS SOME OF LIFE’S JOYS (?) WIFTEST “a S UREST AFES1 TWIN SCREW STEAMERS “PRINCE’ RUPERT” AND “PRINCE GEORGE” For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattic MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS © a.m. Prince George Salle for Stewart on Thursdays a: & » “PRINCE JOHN" Weeasy service to Port Simpson, Naas, Granby fay Charlotte Islands “PRINCE ALBERT” Regular sailings for Skeena River Canneries, and all wa yoints t Prince Rupert and Vancouver 7 points between Passenger service to Skeena Crossing from Prince Rupert Monday we j and Saturdays at 11 & m., making connections for Haye!" Cheap Excursion Rates Grobe tam heuiey nt Railway System Between Chicago and all points Rast, connecting with all roade fy Pacific coast, Let us prepare itimerary for your trip BAST th -——— - THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. en TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING~—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DalLy, 50c | per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All, Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly | in advance. aid Queen THE Motor -Boae “ARO MOT A SAL 1m S1CHT HEAD OFFICE | Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorkK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 28rd St., New York City SeaTTLe-—-Puget Sound News Co. ~~ ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar are. Suspscrisers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of | non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. == =| ||-# THE Picmc S MOT AL. @.185 Agency for all Atlantic Steamship Lines. For all information apply to A. E. MOMABTER, Jeneral Agent. cen: B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE = [Savoy Hotel SPEED | Cor, Fraser and 5th Choice Wines and Cigars |RUPERT’'S PALACE OF comp SERVICE = DatLy EDITION. ween. FRIDAY, SEPT FAMOUS )\ oo EL LOL PRINCESS PACIFIC LINE RAILWAY ‘\ | ) S. S. Princess Sophia acy TRRaTuRes cuew nc -'cum too Has 118 SOUTHBOUND Grand Hotel. es es Hy SN y News on Daily Doings||| \. /) ‘ Sttente mn CAANRPIOM OiSaDwe STAGES Workingman’s Home THE BRASS-LUNGED Touts OF THE Gaecets us AT €Cace TRAVELLING : 2 ‘ RECIPROCITY STILL io hevalleis “anbda: Grnene q vr tocoaee aes eeatorh -—_ « AF raha hy de * Free Labor Bureau in Connection -) | Hie Sac" —— ———_ | saturday, Sep. 21, 9 a.m. LIVES SAYS LAURIER. the nations of the world? Mr. en oe Ave. and Teh Ot 4. @. W’NAB, General Agent Borden did not place the tour- GEO. BRODERIUS, Propricto: ist car in motion in any part Courtesy Vancouver Sun| i of the European continent. oe ies tellus. Poshaps, tt the] eeninent tad wccomishea>-| RINK COULD NOT HOLD THE Lester W. David Co, Ud (Seem EASTERN COAL question is not solved, It will Calgary Herald at ng not down. It is indispensible ee eee ge MASS WELCOMING LAURIER | 1 Flee Excursions New Wellington Coal. Best on the to our young and growing) faye done nothing. When you LUMBER Coast “Let my word be heard throughout the whole of Can- country, it is indispensible to} think it all over, it is surpris- | by the Phone 116 Rogers & Black the great young West, that ing how little that they have|/EASTERN MAIL ADVICES TELL OF HOW THE “GRAND OLD | markets should be provided done. He has been a consent- CHIEF” WAS WELCOMED IN HIS TOUR OF QUEBEC nT for its production if Canada is) ing party to wholesale dismis- UNABLE TO GET SEATS PEOPLE STAND IN RAIN. | First Ave. and McBride St. Box 865 Oriental Limited) 7742 :roguors | to attain the place she oO sals of non-partizan officials, - trust, destined to fill,”—Sir but that is hardly a work of Sturgeon Falls, Sept. 17,—)a neighboring hall for the over-| great national importance. In| Sir Wilfrid Laurier today made] flow, but it was found impossible} | PHONE 25 Wilfrid Laurier. eh the first twel he of rule} hi '3—— SOLID TRAINS ———3_ POOL . ta 1e first twelve months of rule] his first visit to this) province | to house the large throng in both . | daily from Vancouver ee 7 WHAT HAS BORDEN the Laurier government had in-| since the defeat of last Septem-| places. Mr. Z. Mageau, M. P. P., Prince Rupert, B.C. or Seattle English and en © ards DONE FOR CANADA? augurated the British prefer-| ber, and his reception was that| told how families had driven over | eeaneeinnine — | ; | Twelve Tables SECOND AVE The Calgary Hérald sends forth; eee and much other import-jof a conquering hero, Stripped) forty miles for the opportunity/Spokh, Chief William Holland; | Kow round top "taited gS poate © a a pean of joy on the approach ant legislation which started of the badges and trappings of) to see and hear the “Chief.” They| Kispiox, Chief Spokh; Glenvouell, | and let us tell you all about it :] f th inne ad i the country on the road tojoflice, removed from the prestige! started yesterday afternoon and|Chief Spokh; Kitwaneoll, Chief! of the anniversary of the de-) cuccess and progress. But|of the premiership, the people of|took the journey overnight. The| Gettemtidgak, Chief Gamnakg- L. A. Barbeau ’ : feat of the Laurier administra- what has Mr. Borden and his|Sturgeon Falls and the whole| disappointment was so great that) kuk; Gisgagas, Chief wuntt | Rogers Steamship tion and proceeds to give some party done?—Calgary Albertan.| district of Nipissing, over five|it was decided to brave the ele-| Chief Woemeanoiseck; Gladoah, | reasons why Canada should be thousand in number, testified to} ments and hold the vast meeting| Chief Gwa More. Cartage, Coal and Storage Agency Reliable Messenger Service joyful because of the success Come to Stay. their esteem of and affection for|out of doors. Men, women and Those whom we wish to thank | PHONE 116 | of Mr. Borden at the last elec- Dorie Was ‘radiant over & fe-1” great Canadian. children were gathered under al especially are: oe | Phone 68 735 3rd Ave. ! tion. cent addition to the family, and A Memorable Occasion. _— oe eee SNe Oe ae Sh Se, ONT: TER: A. EPROM. a | It says the crops have been) ....hed out of the house to tell ntidh. anh) Heath tiiooie Wilfrid spoke the clouds|Lawyer Perry, Mr. P. Phillipson. _ les - hi a i ene eilo enka for e Rinses et . _ Sina i j hy 7 e Gped, that te - niggestr gt —_ the news to a passing neghbor.jcitizens uniting in doing him + ae ’ a san : ae tl sag re | ane ' sa = . owe UNION $5. COMPANY OF B. C.. Ltd - - Pa oe aes auad a “Oh, you don't know what honor, if was a memorable occa- mo a ‘S — - ™ _ rene ben oat, am e R. EB.) versl es 10S. place of consideration no a! stairal” newts ; hada atateaman| oer e™ ,oring, Was not present to par-} the nations of the world and rr ae ee eee oe es ticipate in our celebrations. | The new steel Passenger Steamers y ; ; ; s 7 ‘ 0 0 sut »motion,}* } dialog Decors thet a C. P. R. eae ee “It's a new baby brother!’ and|Leaning forward from the gar- On behalf of the Indians, 6“ e 99 ‘whe en meson new ae ee, © she settled back upon her heels|landed platform, gazing into 1 th L tt B LOUIS EDGAR, 0 In mountains of Central Europe ; ‘ : . : z 2 ; ; and folded her hands to wateh|thousands of straining eyes, Sir n e elter Ox a cali el | ° *,° bearing its Canadian inscrip- the effeet. Wilfrid Laurier feelingly ae- siaiiaiaiaias ign Writing.. tion upon its ot hi | “You don't say so! Is he go-|knowledged the remarkable greet- NEWS NOTES OF ” P H . Gigaent worcly. > 01. claim ing to stay?” ing from the province which a Indians Are Grateful. 66 aper- anging P “I guess so’—very thought-|few months ago voted him out . mosun . ; ; . : = Mr. Editor: ecialties eredit for the good crops. a fully. “He's got his things off."|of power. ditor ie. THE GREAT WEST Our Sp prices are good in spite of the “May God bless you!” fervently| Louis Edgar, as representative tainae tet th re —_ Borden government. They wal ae ee a of the Skeena River Indians, | ( Tet ta hace meh hethie Too many honest people make - a a pioneer at the front wish to thank the following par ————_— as follows: \“We always deliver the goods. “ait the mistake of trying to beat ajOf the throng. ’ phe The Calgary municipal street|« -_9? but for the policy of the ad- : ’ ties for taking such an active : Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 10 p.m. ; wig . * , ad: asenien ale ea 156 Green ministration. Canada has won swindler at his own game, May Be Recalled to Office. part in regard to our Indian af- railway net earning for August 7 “ 2nd Street Phone Oa aie ; were over $16,000 Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 p.m a high place in the considera- Sir Wilfrid raised his hat amid] fairs, and we wish also to thank ven : | tion of nations through the ef- Hub Bowling Alleys. impressive — silence, “He haslespecially the undermentioned Waites: Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0 forts of the Laurier govern- A match game will be played|blessed me,” he responded quiet-| persons for their zealous en- \ building permit has been is-| and Monday morning, respectively : ment, and not through anything|this evening between a team of|ly, “for more than seventy years,;deavors in our behalf. Through| sued in Winnipeg for a large that Mr. Borden or his govern-|business men (Capt. G. McNab) |and I ask Him to bless me more.| these persons, on account of our} !"C? foundry. An offiee building| None safer on the coast than these two Dealers i ment has done during the|and a_ picked team Capt. C.|It may bee that I may again be| being late, we were able to inter- and theatre is announced to cost fine passenger steamers ED AND twelve months in office. Vaughan). Game called at 8j|called to the high office in which|view H. R. H. the Duke and $100,000. ll i HAY, GRAIN FE ° What has Mr. Borden done] o’elock. 228 I was privileged to serve for fif-'H. R. H. the Duehess of Con. A SEEDS cu eellenematin atari eee | 'een years. But whether in or)/naught, and we are thankful Additions have been announe J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 - out of oe my heart and life are|for it. ed to the Canadian Pacific steam pmmermermermersresag | al the disposal of my Canadian Our Duke has travelled on the|ship fleet on the coast and Paci- a ne ‘ . th ~$00-—- a i fellow countrymen.” G, P, tine as fer iia dosed fle aaa ' Agents for the International Stock toot , For a thrilling moment the] x, 4 To CARTAGE and Newtown and Kitselas, but had — STORAGE sreat gathering rose and stood it not been for Prince Rupert, Forty-four hundred tons of " “LY ATTENDED 10 silent, then it gave vent to its)ine last great West, he would not/steel rails passed through the G. T. P. Transfer Agents MAM, ORDERS PROMPT! fe ce Se 9 oh wee mn of iave accomplished this journey.|/customs last week at Edmonton, ‘te oe enthusiastic anc unrestraines “ _ or ne le , i ce Orders promp: » ces reasonable. WAY URES de eRe BS i, AM cheering. baie td ee - oe new lines in the northwest OVFICR—T. B. Rochester, Contre. Phone @ SONS OF NOR - ouis Edgar has been appointec ———- Se emhcandeee General Merchandise - - Largest Stock Drove Forty Miles to Meeting. by us to visit and deliver to the Twelve Regina farm machin- thease tie st a ae -|Meets ist and ord Phu a Nor- = == Despite the fact that a misty|Duke the message of the differ-|ery firms this season sold twolge ’ p. m., at 319 Srd _ rain fell throughout the wholejent villages on the line of the| thousand thrashing engines and Little’s NEWS Agency wegians are welcor : . morning and earlier part of the|G. T. P., as follows: separators, valued at $8,000,000, —— ; Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. afternoon, it was necessary to Kitselae, Chief & wee, Chief Also five hundred extra engines. Magazines :: Periodicals :; Newspapere ‘“Valhalla’”’ of S.H. & EF. hold the meeting out of doors.|R. Ceeil; Kitwangah, Chief Simi- inecensggiennetnertimperenes Se oo 38 Arrangements had been made to|dix; Kitzekukla, Chief Weegot, Launch Alice B., W. J. Thomas,|CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS iia ee eng éth Tuesday a8 ~~ p use the large skating rink, with’ Chief Molkan; Hazelton, Chief! Phone Green 391. Govt. Wharf.| 2nd Ave. Below Kaien island Club ron tthe hall at 319 3rd Ave. ao —_— ——— SE — ———— —___—_ —— ee — ———____-—— — She Got Her Politics F Her Husband a e er Froultics rrom rier riusDdan — ie —Drawn for The Daily News %Y THIS BIZNUSS OF TAKING A i BEG PARDON LADY, BUT = TRAW VOTE ON WHO THE, MAY T ASK WHO YOU ARE LADIES LIKE FOR PRESIDENT I STUCK ON THE MosT - IS A HARD Game TO BUCK! HusBanp! ‘AROUND HERE. ( THEY LL GET THE SAME DOSE THAT a ar > ald WHO,DOES YOuUR_ \F ANN ONE OF cae s« WARP E LIKE THE < ‘EM COMES HAN (ING BEST WOODROW, WAIL LIAM , ORL