————————— ===] THE DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist l Clalay, ve at _ LEGIS Camosun...... Princess Mary a BY Kypert M OUT, 8 Oy “rede Tebutn lJ, NO. 229 Prince Rupert, B.C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1912. ¥, PRICE Five Cunre ———E_ JULSTERITES SAY THEY WILL DIE AS FREEMEN | ‘ ——— } 4 DUKE. OF CONNAUGHT AND PARTY ARE ROYALLY RECEIVED AT THE CAPITAL CITY Bp nvss AGAIN A SUCCESS; —_KING WILLIAM'S FLAG IS PRESENTED BAPTISTBROTHERHOOD WILL PROGRAMME TO BE CHANGED TQ CARSON AT BELFAST LAST NIGHT; PUT ON COMEDY “OUR BOYS” ip . MANY ATTEND PRODUCTION OF KIRMESS LAST NIGHT AND INTERESTING COMEDY-DRAMA TO BE PRODUCED BY AMA- ARE PLEASED WITH DANCERS—SEATTLE GAGES ARE TEURS—HAD A SUCCESSFUL RUN OF FIFTEEN ' WONDERFUL AND LOCAL TALENT VERY PLEASING. ’ HUNDRED NIGHTS AT LONDON. vt | cece AAD .8 nique en-|both gracefully and cleverly pet ee ee Prince Rupert will have the op-]miss would be a crime. The i es .6,j) formed, again showing the re- | . ; T seals ll be ale : as Kirmess,| -'Th Th P A d M B If d Wi | portunity of witnessing on Tues.]5e4ts Wi ye on sale on Monday. sults o Irofess ( | harming and} i ; I co ree ousand ersons tten eeting at e ast an itness | day next one of the best of mod- Following is the cast of the ie ! ce ent trainivue " ibil tk - Q Sciniindtin ‘ snontg| Play and the names of the local played 10) wiss Kyle in the famous sword Presentation of Flag Carried at Boyne to Carson---Deter- rn comedies, when H. J. Byron *\Thespians ssaying the several 86 hited ‘audience| dance. and once again little Dor a . S R ° H R | famous “Our Boys” will be staged parte: S 48588) — he W estholme | othy Hendricks in a waltz clog mination trong to esist ome u e at the Westholme Opera House] sir Geoffrey Champneys (a ibrought the evening's entertair "\ , . rs » “Ou : a t the pro- alias manigpe a2“ rt ' — Special to Daily News.) junfurling and presentation to, tions held elsewhere during the ’ the members of the Baptist county magnate seeees tees "bg face show Ponight will conclude the per Belfast, Sept, 28 rhe singing | Sir Edward Carson, the chief, Week, there was a noticeable ab- Brotherhood, under the direction] — «--+-- Eee ens Mr. C. R. Simpson * : e ; sland hile tt . f “ \ a ; t th I | j t filet t hor sence of talk of armed resistance,|0! Mrs. Jack C hisholm, lalbot Champneys (his son).. e ie ie 0 janes entirely ‘ ro I 1? Hational anthen ry anl| leader n 1 fehl agains rome 2 meks we ’ Sa - | ” a — “es saa ' aa : ' se ‘tel art i by King but a quiet determination not to The comedy of “Our Boys” p rki ¥ M di .- Mr. Frank A. Ellis 7 u rramrnie ) songs nus ane iudience o S000 persons, com- 6, O ? é Ce eC satu ‘ . . i = “rkin 3} awi { j ed sal-|daneir is to be provided. The f Bel.| William at the = battle of the| #¢cept home rule was manifested) was first performed at the Vaude- ‘penaaaae toe an Or | i “ i . w representatives 0 el. lo t : sid ’ PPTMIGT) tee cree eeseve ‘4 md allusions| waltz competition and faney|, ba til | Boyne It was greeted with}°™ all sidgs. ville Theatre, Strand, London, Mr. Robert McIntosh oi | last s mdustri mercantile . » ee ee ee wer caused| dancing w replace the minstrel , " ' , | fre nzied cheering. Sir Edward Carson quoted if|ynder the management of Messrs.|Charles Middlewick (his son) q and merri | show and this should mean an-|“'’ and religious community, None of the speakers nor the|his speech the revolutionary! payid James and Thomas Thorne,| <..........-. Mr. Adair Carss ; jother bumper house No one| tonight brought to a elose the| letters they read from influe ntial| le aders of the Ame rican war Oflon Saturday. January 16th, 1875,| Kempster (Sir Geoffrey’s man b Misses] shi d miss seeing the smark-| great { ome uls neeting epe e e? . =" P . . — : mt i ? tt | e re . : eee ie ' _— - men in the Unienis party indi-}! independence: “Under God we and had a continuous run of over SOCURt: «+ «SM Barey sitter i lovey and] able le kiddies, Kyle and Hen-| jeter Hall amid a fervor never lare determined to, wherever and]. _ ; Poddles (Middlewick’s butler) | : feated any of the plans for resist-| 1,500 nights, a period extending ed entertain-j|dricks. as this wi pe positively before equalled, even by the anti K howsoever called upon, to make} "* : me ee en On 7 1) eee Mr. Leo Ives the last opportunity of doing 80./h me rule convention of 1892 ance in the event that the ing | , sur exit from this life, but we/Over five years. Just stop and] Violet Melrose (an heiress) . 4 Miss Kyle, one Phe programme ts a8 follows rhe most dramatic moment of Si#ned the bill, | shall die as free men. My wateh-|think of it. What was the cause] «..eessseseeeeees Miss Fisher glas a Se i “2 i : mareh, cast lthe whole meeting was when the Compared with the Oe to you is: ‘Be ready.” lof the truly magnetic hold that| Mary Melrose (her poor cousin) aneed Sailor's , rule anes : aor utch Gan — —— -jithis simple picture of ordinary} .‘'" °°"? Es <2 ar F Miss McDonald " ible fashion, | ; Irish jig, Miss Dorothy F Clarissa Champneys (Sir Geof- ' sidhadeilt: ott Ut daa dudhiion life in a quiet English country frey’s sister Mrs. Chisholm ‘ It Miss Gray i. Sailor's hornpipe, Miss EMe} MURDERER IS town had upon the public? No Belinda (a lodging house serv- o| ‘Games. tneel ete play of modern times has ever antl. 1.201 Miss Brown \ ‘ making al 5 Xlophone solo, by Prof.| T equalled it in its power to amuse | » hit Douglas GIVEN L FE and yet at the same time bring Presbyterian Services. ‘a ae those in the 6 Reube I've Been Think Che -gcionss a2 casten omens Sunda E 4 7 i SsbA alentibt ta the vesms of teure, Sunday evening in Empress eviously! ing, by six couples Virginia , T P vi j Se Man Who Killed Inspector Her- His Majesty Suddenly Orders Can- Mediterranean Unit to Be In=| ‘Phe story is simple yet of en- mwcve ree ee . ot; “Sau H howing lat bert at Detroit Was Given cellation of Bail to Be Held creased Next Year Was State- |iraneing interest. There are the; Tesbyterian Hall on Fourth mnpletels 7 ta ron ul 5 ’ ne tk venue, ‘e g y i hy ' _ 1 a M eat dnd Peet Life Term Yesterday. Last Night Over Ireland. ment 7 Admiralty. two old fathers, the haughty old)" “ = rye ae ‘ ee est « ces iss wie MK ’ Be | service, Empress heatre, 7:5 : : a . impecunious aristocrat, and the} ~, . a Hendricks, the} Douglas se (Special to Daily News. Special to Daily News Special to Daily News. weelthe, lanseei,’ eantueatel joann ke Evening text, “He Went f Sve sum . Bhewa rrem sa ' , ' on W illiar London, Sept. 28.—The ball London, Sept. 28.—A statement] colf-made old butterman. Both|*@Y Serrowful, for He Had ? ' ’ . letiro sep - . ' i - § - or 2 2 mS vallet dance} Eihe!l Gray , oe th "i nn wh alae and| which was to have been given by|was issued last night by the ad-|pealily most lovable characters in| Great , weaevenions. Minieter, nerve and ” Flag drill competition, two owe ee i a Vi Majesty King George last night|miralty announcing that thel;peir different ways The two Rev. F. W. Kerr. ‘ ia . . “ iam | llec o adit susto ~ I yee hinted | waa ye ee cs | ‘ , De troit 0 ; jy; Was suddenly and without warn-! British naval foree in the Med-|.j,yn< of eourse. total opposites ;! PE REP NIM, Hcg’ °) 5 a Prey oO , s } ri to e er t etro 0 Ju . : , . - ro have! 1 Prof. Douglas trying t | tor ler , ! +4 M hin, to on, {ing to the invited guests ean-|iterranean will be greatly in-|iphe geod looking, handsome, Baptist Services. , ly See jernes Foewed wf Gencieg epetnet | SU, Owe aeeeeat of clean ite creased next year. breezy young Charles Middie-| . “ol@sh Patriotiom vs. Ghrie- SoM ipossible to| time; record held by him jter Canada on account of p nysi-| fie Men ws speculation and the opinion ex-/ Phone 4, & man’s gramatieal breaks, and| sermon tomorrow evening et 7:20 dd ad deed a mat 12. Caprice act, specialty, musi imprisonment pressed which is given the most senaliieitiniuliaiaiiadiiigs Miailiipeiten Faibot. Chamneys, the pamby.|° ‘clock. Morning worship, with hildren in the} Mabe Westenhaver; specialty, ; a te ‘ , ' “isermon, at 141 o'clock Bible credence is that His Majesty is Succesfsul Raid. by f I the bl , ’ i aes aa . oO . Burritt Entertained. pamby op, who apes ne blase| _, we : : , i . Miss Winnifred Rawr rth. a ; Mrs. a ae a ae busily engaged in discussing est auénib..@h' ahout %6lasce of the Gaull eee tenes no| chool and Brotherhood Bibl ‘Sea Metlakahtla and is Prise walts, ‘wo ao Mrs. W. I a " ~~ 1 with his ministers events in [re- o'clock a well exeeuted and en-|interest in his father’s natural] © le a at 2:30 p.m, All men in- # s : % nedals, to be recorded as chat er chi - ome © ran ! < Class . Mckay, Jean| med ‘ en 8 . os jar her charmin — wi ae land to give his attention to s0-/tirely satisfactory raid Wasidesire that he should make a} a. to this lass. Strangers ‘ irthert itis 0 nue last eve rf lig ! : : é : Ps cor , A Baily in skirt} p ship of North rn Briti ,. javenu last ev os 1 e i “ ; cial functions. . brought off upon a big Chinese|pame for himself in English om ae cordially invited. All Hl, pleasing lumbia; open; 10:15 % m ae j Hitt e party of fi : 4 in ge ‘ ee ie | joint on the corner of Kighth | polities. poate gee held in McIntyre Hall, Pe solo, Pro.|cialtv, Miss Margaret ren et-|the departure of her sister, Mi street and Phird evenue, where! o., Bl : oe 1ird avenue, near Sixth street. f rt ! hel | Mille ho has been her guest Then there are the two girls, brought} lakahtla liter, wiht ‘ | the police had for some time sus- Set tee ee 14. Buck dance, Miss Dorothy] for the last few weeks Music porte the existence of a gam-|°0U5!'™* the one rich and the Roche's Big Basement Pool irteen little Hendricks j aad bridge were played during | bites and opium = den. 4 few/Cther poor. The boys and the} Room is being enlarged and is ic drill were 15 Maypole dance. ee evening, | minute s after the police had made| girls fall desperately in love with} now one of the most comfortable q number of the guests were » sortie, a string of jabber-|each other, of course, but not/| places in town. Nothing too good os se who had taken part in the ing aad gesticulating Celestials|arranging things to suit the wants for the patrons of 235 i | [ ARRIVES AT VICTORIA yh ospital coneert, that owed Its Another daring = bureindt WAS! were being escorted up to police} old paterfamilias. This causes Roche’s Pool R : c ; Jsuccessful earrying out to the} successfully carried out last headquarters. causes all kinds of complications, | aonaiiuliiticaiasuminaaiaamti ERS }e@ fforts of Mrs. Burritt and Mrs./ night when entry was secured % Wong Long headed the list, as|the boys being turned out of) THE WEATHER afl AND IS WELCOMED JOYOU I so ‘ Among those presentithe Prince Rupert Fish & Cold proprietor and leading man, fol-|their comfortable homes to make | | we re the following Mr. and ire Storage Co.'s Third avenue store) jowed by Lee Hai, Gee Sing, Wong|a living for themselves in the | The weather report at 5 o’clock Fe. MeMaster, Mr. and Mrs. P.Jand a considerable amount of) man. Wing, King Sick, Wong|great city of London. this morning was: Barometer, PRINCESS ALICE IS ESCORTED INTO HARBOR BY FLEET evlt Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. eee money was secured Yam, Sing Wah, Wong Yet, Mah How they sueceed furnishes an| 29.777; maximum temperature, SMALL BOATS, WHILE THE ROYAL SALUTE IS FIRED Dr. and Mrs. MeNéill, Mr. an Details of the crime are Sing, Kay and Saun Yong, in|evening’s entertainment that to! 67; minimum temperature, 49. FROM THE FORTIFICATIONS. Mrs. William Manson, Mr. and]imeagre, and it was not until the) minor roles. | Mrs. A. G. Forster, Mi and Mrs place was opened for business Bail was at once arranged.|~ — a —— — YS 4 . S 8. Vietoria As the steamer entered the|D. G, Ste wart, Captain and Mrs./ this morning that the loss Wa8S) Wong Long, as proprietor in the ' ! Connaught] } l roval salute of twenty | Broadhurst, Alderman and : Mrs.| discovered Phe safe was found sun mof $200, Wong Yet for be- a) weliaial arer S ” a a lmullo wk-Webster, Misses Chap-/open and the money, which was! jing found in the act of hitting the sanehen ae. one guns was fret rom man, Curtin, Johnston and Jenns,} under $100, was missing pipe, $100, and Wah for endeavy- hoard the Work Point forts while the and Messrs. A. Stowell, G, Gar The police were informed of oring to get away with money in 88 Aliog | sirens and whistles of the boats|pett, Adair Carss, BE, ©. Gibbons}ihe burglary and are investigat-| sight on the fan tan table and = |shrilly we leomed the Governot | and Lionel Crippen, ing it, but refuse to dévulge any) making an ineffectual attempt to , eo . details. sis 8 ). The re ler a . im eata tal of resist arrest, $50. re remainder ee ee ee Game ve tne wessern © “2 ” | Harvest Sale at Citadel. --— were let go at $25 apiece. A eee LAST GHT ae t TT o ig | he 0 Wit af wu ; vy . ’ ( jal ada, and, formu 7 I rhe annual Thanksgiving sale For the safe keeping of ae pipe, opium, playing cards and jeither side of the big steamer , if the Salvation Army will be held and valuables secure a safety de-| other Chinese gambling devices CHAMPIONSHIP jeseorted her to the dock lin the citadel on Monday evening.| posit box at the Continental rust | were captured and taken to the | As His Royal Highness, attired) i. iddition to several entertain. | Co, 229 police station to be used as evi- } ) in the uniform of a fleld marshal, ing features thesale will prove ee dence, | Ls | came down = ne — - lmost interesting. Mr, Frank A 4. W. Agnew was an arrival rhis morning the accused all t ‘ . » e ena _—_——— Moder iwas welcomes ry leu leilis will auetion the goods,|jhis morning on the Prince Ru-|answered to their names at the C1 pi aa ae + ur ; . seamior| ; is on exhibition in Gray's Jewell hy » Three Act Comedy General Patterson and Prem ' jwhieh include an unique collee-|pert, having returned from aj police court at 10 o'clock, when m ” ° ony, Otaee aa at the | Bride, who escorted him = the Jtion of valuable and ornamental! snort visit to Vietoria, at whiech| the eases were all adjourned un- —— . W | Parliament buildings Where) vrticles. Several exeellent cam-|pjace his father and mother, Mr.| ti! 2 o'clock this afternoon, ‘ i estholme Opera Ho Mayor Beckwith read the elvi joras, clocks, vases safety razors.) and Mrs. Agnew, late of Montreal, — —_——__—_——- — / rof. Douglas will try USE {| address of re : His|' lothing, household articles, el¢.,|/have taken up their residence for | Special ceils at the Citadel. , ~~ y . : ome Is) . ‘ In wi ae na an to the Ihave been donated and — lithe future \ series of special services will to break own record ( T U E S nee ae 8 st ie Wietor!e d to the highest riba ny . _ 7 a an re be held at the Citadel on Sunday} l ) great changes ade in ori thors wishing to eontribule may I'ry Stalker & fells’ butter ’ ‘ : | a sth AY| land British Columbia since the " = slept ng Captain I i r th for 75 cents poe if G. m. 3m Mm. and 6 p. m. \ | - e ce waa’ 40 thaldo # » by telephoning west Ve ' wo ds or 75 eents.! ty the evening Captain Tutte will S L f t B ll D i Oct. 1 occasion of his tas “| Putte 220.tf jdeliver a special harvest thanks- ee ales attroom ances ‘ . Ist, 1912 | provinee, and spoke in glowine atiitasitiminiil . meena s » address op . i on Sine tulere in clore for wiving address, The citadel is eee allie iia aati . i BY the Bans, ss 0 , ve . oO dies’ shoe shining par-| here were several Cases up| nicely decorated and the music} 4 i _ bust Brotherhood, un. 1} | He country, Se a ive the first in the eity. Ren-|pefore Magistrate MeMullin injand singing will be appropriate ' ) o) rect of a the evening tne » . ne : ) & Jefferson's Shoe Store.|jhe police court this ‘morning,}to the oecasion. On the platform | { in was entertained ata von ’ a which were all adjourned until 2) will be displayed the goods, ete., es O me = eda re ij I) given at the Government bh o'clock this afternoon, with the! kindly given in aid of the work, Li. i The city presents a beautiful Suits! Suits! Suits! exception of an ordinary ease of which are to be sold on Monday} . r i , ho On sale al Orme’s i) $4 es in 2 way en es ' f ours and you will/d, and d., for whieh the ecustom-|evening by auetion, All are eor- | Popular Prices $1.00, 75c., 50c. i Tug Store and last night was a nee | fied Swede Bros... ary five dollars and costs was im./dially invited to attend § these Sa light from the eleetrie lights used) be nosed Fe aad | we cose ii decorating. Pailor \ ' |