iS ee naest CIRCULATION uA iw OFTY AND NORTHERN | Lagislative Library THE DAILY NEw Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ay 10 pm. Princess 91 g00 Tonight Prince George. W ° sday, 10 a.m, se yOL. Il, NO. 230 CAUGHT ASLEEP IN BU Prince Rupert, B.C., MONDAY, SepTeEMBER 30, 1912. NG IS ARRESTED SIGNING OF THE COVENANT AT BELFAST CREATED NO BIG DISTURBANCES ON SATURDAY CREAT BLAST SUCCESSFULLY SHOT; FIVE COYOTES BORED gaTURDAY AFTERNOON BETWEEN FIFTEEN AND TWENTY Assistany Managir of Canadian TONS OF POWDER WERE SHOT OFF IN A GIGANTIC BLAST NEAR HAYS COVE—MANY TONS OF ROCK DISLODGED. sands of tons hurling great he ground i such pro i g threw against splaced was off at ex n Saturday kmen who ! ne near iy yards ize effected wht that it anvithing but those who bul it was r set off fired, the is the work of ded seventy and were} tiftes and \ ives SEATTLE WINS 1 At 2 o'cloek Contractor Archis MebDouga saw that everything | was in idiness and gave the ra Immediately the whole side of the great blull rose and I 1 gigantn sea comber Pall cedars and stumpy hemlocks |” shivered for at stant, swayed and went crashing to the ground Ihe arth for some distance bled and 1 moment tater like hie ash of a rattiesnake, an mmens neussion caused wave h ed itse ashore Picking up a huge timber it crashed with} dou force against the | piling of the bridge work that | thie perma wharf, displacing I ind yoo qua ! 1 ste ind be the tool h st the water be ol ow rhis ca a be recovered alt \ ue | br ‘ indpoint the} iblas vas absolutely suceessful LAST NIGHT OF KIRMESS GOOD FISH IS CAUSE ARMY OFFICERS ARRESTED MAN MAN FOUND IN PANTORIUM OF FIVE DEAD KILLED FLYING IS WELL KNOWN Nephew of Mead of Allan Line ts GEORGE LYNCH, ALIAS THOMPSON, FOUND ON THE FLOOR OF THE PANTORIUM LATE SATURDAY NIGHT, WAS ARRESTED —COULD GIVE NO SATISFACTORY EXPLANATION. General Electric and Family Are All Drowned. Special to Daily News, Omemee, Ont., Sept. 30 Wil- a McCaffery, his wife, mother ind » children were drowned in Pig Rive sterday when (heir i pset They were fishing ind MeCaffery hooked a fourteen dq muskinong vhich pulled hard that t overturned the ail craft McCatfery was assistant man- ager of the Clanadian General ectric Company of Toronto. Two American and One Britisher Killed in United States While Flying on Saturday. Special to Daily News. Washington, and Lieutenant Ros Bept ww lor poral Scott well, two army aviators were Killed on Saturday iffernoon when the aeroplane in which they were flying fell to the ground from a height of thirty-five feet Hampstead, N. Y., Sept. 30. John Longstaff, a former British army otheer Was stantiv killed and his mechantic is seriously njured when the biplane in which they were flying broke and fell with them to the ground Arrested in Calgary on Serious Charge—To Go to Toronto. Special to Daily News Calgary, Sept. 30.—Roy Thom- as, son of a wealthy K. C. and ephew of the president of the Allan Steamship Line, is in jail here eharged with obtaining oney under false pretenses rhomas is alleged to have se- cured large sums by means of vorthless cheques at Toronto, ind is being held awaiting the arrival of detectives from that place He was living at a good hotel here. “LABOR DEMONSTRATION AT LAWRENCE ENDS IN FIGHT WITH POLICE OFFICERS ‘Many Are Injured in Battle of Eaives and Clubs in Lawrence, Mass.---One Labor Leader Was Arrested But Later Liberat- ed by the Police---Many Were Taken to the Hospitals ind a number ef the labor men were removed the hospital ering from the elubbing ad- ministered = by h police, (ne eader of the Industrial Workers of the World, who were taking part the demonstration, was arrested, but was later liberated, Carto Tresea, of Pittsburg, an of the was the man who is an organizer Ww but editor fudustrial orkers, ested, liberty Perss gained his a few moments tater. ns that he but he him who saw his arrest say mrades, police let deny any knowledge rescued by ec says that the All the police of his was go. arrest. iwere passengers going south this | THE PENANT cata wrence, Mass Sept. 29 Pr r to ar mmense labor den Sound City Team Wins North- Pleasing Show Concluded the western Pennant After Close Three Nights’ Kirmess and ration here yesterday the po Ravce—Spokane Second. Minstrel! Show. ice and some of the paraders came to blows and a pitched 5 i} to Daily News Sa i gb gh i|battle resulted, in which knives 11) rhe f th ist pleasing |4 d clubs were used Iwo offi- jcers were stabbed and may die ius gamesjand le hif lertainme 5] Seattie winner) give h seas | Spokane secured Profes Douglas ind «| de the tuition of Professor hard fight | ! ldies, wh vere a ai-|Do uglas, has so astonished het pions, Van th | frie nds, was never seen to greater i place, one| ch P Ruy f j addy iniage, and in the Spanish I ul Phe hed a 1 ind vel three] dat made one of the big hits Vas ghis nt ta ‘ that Willlof the evening rhe little tot games and/always be emembered by th se| Flo Gray following in the f al eh attend the! footsteps of her sister, delighted warn and! performances i by he singing “I Want Some Opening n Saturday evening|One to Flirt With Me,” which she games and h a grand march by the et laces plished with all the aetion iweregatiol the severall/and aplomb of a grown-up act bia teams} nut bers were gone through with] ress vell and for|a snap and vim that reflected the | Little Winnifred Renworth and ’ ria had pre-|greatest credit on Professor|Mabel Westenhaver faced the I Island club’ Douglas, wh acted as stagelfootlights in a dancing act that better show-/manager and director Of thelfairly brought down the house been in the! two little visitors to the city, pu- Of the several other turns eg for the! pils f Prof. Douglas from his| space forbids hore extended mer. Van-| academy in Seattle, Misses Efie}]mention, the flag drill, maypole i f the sea-| Kyle and Dorothy Hendricks,| dance, rube act, all being brought tain winners.|} mueh has already been written./ off in the most sueessful fashion 7 ines in sue hey appeared in several roles One of the most graceful and th ago took ajduring the evening Little Dor-| pleasing numbers was the ex ~~ othy Hendricks delighted the au-/hibition of ball room dancing \ | dience with a song, sung with|given by Miss Marie Rowley and| . * KE. Ellaby of Hazelton | remarkable sweetness and feel Professor Douglas They gave a He te he G. ‘T. PL. Inn.| ing. faultless and fiished perform- Wedne . the interior on Miss Ethe! Gray, whose marked/ance, Professor Douglas himself venday ladvance in the terpsichorean art,|/beat his own record of daneing — against time whieh he has held for the last twelve years TWO FX At the elos the entertain- c NVICTS ARE ment, medals for proficiency were presented by i a Newton to ARREST TERS: Misses Effie Kyle, Dorothy Hen- COU dricks and Ethel Giray M RN ARE ARRESTED AT SEATTLE ON CHARGE OF INTENDED LOCAL /OTTINGS . COUNTERFEITING—BOTH HAVE Best meal in town at Savoy. ° necones. Messrs, J. L. Bagg and W. D Spe ) . Harris, mining men of Hazelton I$ eal Ws oe wows, 7 a lo in the city, guests at the Berge Kays a Sept, 390 LOCAL JOTTINGS. 2 ss tee te. eee ee -— form yf od in a been {of the owners of the Mountain g teen the eattle | Leo Reitechel, who has beet Saoe ubian’ tnemieh lane On ead gt A : tnd whe Was | visiting his brother I oO a I ed to a term | Reitehel, for the past three weeks ’ ue . for alleged|returned to his home in Van Ih Baptist brotherhood put jive me ' Na paroled | couver this morning on the Prince|on the play “Our oe oes \ , with J. G | Rupert, w evening al the estholm P ' el, who is| (dpe 1 House ' a8 a Coun l'ry Stalker & Wells’ butter Professor Douglas’ two little \ ed yesterday| best yet I'wo Ibs. for 75 cents.) pup from his Beattle dancing spiring to wom the Misses Effie Kyl nd bb thy Hendricks, with thei Mr, | Mrs, Winnifred Gibbons, who ' oft fortheir homes this \ we tL, | i f the has been visiting her brother the Prince Rupert oRnJ ( was & Giordon Davis Porchet Islane \ MeNieholl, superint nd id. K h the Salman returned to Vancouver this mort G. v. BP. Railway Go tl California “sen ing on the Prinee Rupert a \ ng » the Prinee : | ; 1 business trip to the NM flreny py a) nhabure Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners,| hup Presents South LOCAL JOTTINGS St. Andrew's Society. | the rhe regular meeting of St Andrews Society will be held to- ght the society rooms, Sib- bald Building, Second avenue, at 8 ck A good attendance is que sted Auction Sale—Furniture. At 2:30 p. m. on Wednesday next, Oct. 2nd nm that over Mu-} niecipal Pelephon Office, Third wenue, a quantity of furnish- nes me Monarch range, t¢ \| n good order 231 FRANK A, ELLIS, Auctioneer. Mr. Frank Kelly, of the Union rans fe Go., went south this morning on the Prince Rupert. Before returning he will make ar- rangements for the purchase of another motor car, to be used in the service of the company, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McDougall | morning on the Prince H. S&S. Wallace was a passenger south this morning on the Prince Kupert, ‘Our Boys’ A Modern Three Act Comedy Seats on sale at Orme's Drug Store Rupert. at the Westholme Opera House TUESDAY Oct, 1st, 1912 Baptist Brotherhood, un- der the direction of Mrs, Chisholm By the | News, Large Deals in Winnipeg Suburbs. Winnipeg, Man.,” Sept. 30. Among the rapidly developing districts of suburban Winnipeg none has shown more steady and substantial growth during the present year than the well located suburbs of Tuxedo Park, King George Park and Po- along the south bank of Assiniboine. The announce- of the sale of King George Park a few days ago at the pur- chase price of $46,000 has called renewed attention to the bilities of the district in question, residential bona, ment possl- coming as it does so soon after the transfer of the Pomona prop- erty to the same purehaser. In spite of unsettled weather, the year’s record of building permits for Winnipeg now stands well above the $17,000,000 mark, be- ing practically a month ahead of the corresponding figures of last year. Buildings for residences continue to make up the bulk of the new permits being issued, industries Locate at Watrous. Watrous, Sask., Sept. 30.—-The establishment at Watrous of the branch plant of the Farmers’ Machine Company is taken gen- : erally as marking a new era in the city’s industrial development. he factory will employ 25 men at the outset, many of them be- ine skilled workmen drawing large pay. The company al- a manufacturing and wholesale is ready well known in the West as house, doing an extensive busi- ness in fanning mills and all kinds of farm machinery. A ten acre site has now been secured from the G. T. P., and the new factory is expected to be ready to begin operation in the near fulure It is believed that the coming of the machine company and of the Perfeetion Fanning Mill Company, recently locating here, will lead the way for many new industries in Watrous Du Vernet Arch. deacon Collison left.on the Bishop and Rupert this morning for Van eouver, Mr. H. Rodiger, formerly pro prietor of the Dawson Daily is in the city, Prince LATE AT Being unable to give a satisfac- ately telephoned to the police and Constable Cargill was despatched from the station and arrested the man, When entered at headquarters he first the police said he was NIGHT ARRESTED George Thompson, but later gave jlory account of his presence in| his name as George Lynch. the Pantorium building, Sixth} In court this morning he pre- street, on Saturday night, a man| sented a sorry appearance and giving his name first as George| was evidently working under a fhompson and then as George|severe strain. When asked why Lynch was arrested by Police|he had given an alias he said it Constable Cargill, He was|Wwas to shield his people from the brought up before Magistrate| disgrace of his arrest. MeMullin this morning, who, He continually reiterated his after hearing a portion of the|statement of innocence. He had evidence, adjourned the case un-|been put in there by a little til 2 o'clock, Frenchman, he said, to have a Mr, James Knouse, the propri-| sleep. etor o fthe establishment, was -_— aye returning from the theatre short- Suits! Suits! Suits! ly after 14 o’cloek on Saturday Try one of ours and you will night, when he looked into the|be satisfied. Sweder Bros., store and saw a man lying on his| Tailor. back on the floor. He immedi- Tony Cuish, charged with sup- plying liquor to an Indian, was remanded for eight days by Mag- istrate MeMullin this morning to allow the police to secure an im- portant witness. WILL CONSIDER MONEY BYLAWS Money Bylaws will Be Considered at the Meeting of the City Council Tonight. meeting of the The City Coun- G. T. P. Steamship Service. _— Through an error it was an..| nounced in The News on Friday | that the Prinee Albert's service to Skeena River points had been} discontinued. This service is} continued the same as before. Roche's Big Basement Room is being enlarged and is new one of the most comfortable places in town, for the patrons of * 235 Roche’s Pool Room. Special to Daily News. Belfast 30, ing proof of their , Bept. \s a crown. determination signing the solemn covenant pre- pared by the anti-home rule leaders No place disturbances the day, although) flahts ocourred, | serious during several minor but these were soon stopped sir Edward Carson was the first to sign the covenant, which jpledges him to “use all means | before their | believed by those who found the | bodies Pool| the dwelling. Nothing too good| Phone Green 391. NO DISTURBANCE IN BELFAST WHEN COVENANT WAS SIGNED NATIONALISTS TAKE HUMOROUS VIEW OF SIGNING OF COVE- NANT ON SATURDAY—SIR EDWARD CARSON WAS FIRST TO SIGN AND WAS FOLLOWED EY MANY ULSTERITES. never to submit to the domina- tion of an Trish parliament on the lines of the home rule bill, thousands of Ulsterites, as the Unionists and Orangemen = are designated, devoted Saturday to} took | PASSENGERS ON PRINCE RUPERT Many People Went South This Morning o nthe Big Grand Trunk Pacific Boat. The following were among the gil tonight is likely to prove most|}departures for the South this interesting, as many important}/morning on the Prinee Rupert: questions are to be discussed, J. Kelly, V. Cole, W. D. Chris- Among others will be the report|]tianson, B. Jackson, H. H. Seott, of the committee appointed to]A. J. Scobie, Mrs. Winnifred Gib- deal with the proposed money|bon, Bishop Du _ Vernet, Mr. bylaws, which will be received and|Hicken, L. Reitehel, G. A. Me- considered, Nicholl, H. SS. Wallace, A. R. —— Holtby, T. R. Griffiths, D. Jen- The Baptist Brotherhood will/kins, A. OO. Webber, MeKay hold an “at home” this evening! Meikle, E, Swanson, F. Rogers, for members of the organization] D. Bruce, J. Lessard, W. Taylor, in the MelIntyre Hall, commene-|E,. W. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Archi- ing at 8 o'clock The evening will|bald MeDougall, Bertha Patzman, be given to impromptu debating] Mr. and Mrs. MeNeil, Mrs. E. W. speeches, ete, after which re-; Roberts, Miss Roberts, C. J. Rei- freshments will be served. All| del, ©. C,. Seoop, E. Roberts, H. L. members are invited to be pres-| Landes, Mrs. W. Lessing, Areh- ent. 230 deacon Collison, Were Killed and Bodies Burned. Ill., Sept. 30.—That Mr. and Mrs. Charles’ Pfan- schmidt, their 16-year-old daugh- ter and a friend were murdered house was burned is Quiney, in the charred ruins of Launch Alice B., W. J. Thomas. Govt, Wharf. Warm, clean rooms at Savoy. found necessary to defeat the present conspiracy to set up home rule in Treland,” and also refuses fo recognizes the authority of an | trish parliament, Thousands of the rank and file of the party signed the covenant lafter Sir Edward Carson had done I so, Solemn religious services were condueted during the sign- jing of the document. lhe Nationalists took very little interest in the proceed. serious ings, and considered the whole | affair in a very humorous tight, whieh tended greatly to lessen their hostility. After-the signing of the eove- nant Sir | Liverpool, Fdward Carson left for ' 7 a " # wv ie Pe BH j" Y 4s a id rae ¥ 7 ay a id 1 —— ak pean. lew