THE DAILY NEWS Sa a te | XER —— _ URE SE NO CE V A (. BO es WASE NOTICES LAND PURCHASE N TICE . e ig The Helping Hand of Our | LAND ! t of Coast Skeena Land wre District of Coast, MEETS SCALER MAIL ORDER SERVICE ange cey, of Take notice that |, Agnace Massey, of| at entet H-| Vancouver, B. C., occupation logger, intend : { 1S EVERYWHERE \ , ij » purchase apply for permis nh to purchase the = : e ito pu lioltowing described fons)? el BOS wernt eaten tlnrnrmetiy Ernie Barricau, Amateur Cham- | Where there is @ post oMce or an e ; mted about) Commencing at “ post bianted at a | ll leer » team pion of Canada, Will Meet Kid press office in British cr ae om . . at co 0 ) , thence south The Cornwa i aid ’ . “ople may enjoy . pomt tele southwest ret t 444 A, Ihe : there the people ’ yar e bouts wae| tee fee t seence lowing the. shor rine Kddie McGoorty, who elaims arrived on the coast from| Soaler at Edmonton. eee aes and quality goods. This O « s, 4 Hortheaster ectlo Ot B ‘ « wave ¢ . mode o ’ ith 80 ebains, the Orand Trunk Pocne Railway right f-lihe middleweight championship a’ let endare ell confident] tks Mamita Gane ae thor uth , ‘6 ay tO & point 300 feet east of the south sali aking we 4 ‘ : : “0 rnie " Service, whic eae iors coh anumke Of Lot 4446, thence west 3001 of the world. js certainly mas that they will carry the Minto oe Vancouver, Sept * , 34 eee ar a ee r patrons by our i0 acre | feet to high water mark oro Y. P. right.| ood bid for the tithe, and it is th them, but New West.| amateur lightweight represented among ou fect buyers’ PACEY of-way, thence along the beach w poini|™ & ‘ps on put-| back with them, hey| Barrieau, an ; 2 Iustrated Catalogue, a perfe : ae j; Of commencement, containing 9.0 acres thought that if he ke« p t minster cannot see where the y} hampion of the Pacifie North help that will be sent to any address upon I ore ¢ le ’ ~ 1e " ”- » ' » one P ie 7 Basen ee ee ee te cael ijhave a chance. The games are | ake his debut into request i put | Dated July 90th, 1912 has been of late he will be eallee “i to take place on Oc-| west, will ma Write for this Cocporee) ‘anoss stock oast,! Pub. Aug. 12, 1049 , Me. | schedulec al ranks on Octo you in touch with the largest, ch ict of Coast, One Round MeGoortys : ist and Sth the professional tf Kid’ \ z, Salers Watches, Clocks, Stiverwere, : or " F 5 ‘els ‘ OF sow SEery ; Goods w& race Roy, of Prine District of Coast,| Goorty knocked out Dave Smith,| tober a ber 12th, when he meet : Cot Glees, Cutlery, (Leather " i 4 ' . ‘ District yistric 0 oast, . _ : , weight, 7 ities ih “ : Hw purchase) eens Land District — he Australian champion, in one Manager McGill, of the Denver| sealer, the Spokane ie int ee ° Lim ited . er es Coxte of > a = S : | . theste ‘Intyre, l pense Gotice thet 1, Jam Reet | weve: d, and now just a night of of the Western] at kdmonton. Chester Mc , Sons = about 3) pembroke, Ont. occupation lumberman,| round, an sk} Club, champions ‘ f the V. A.C ) pla a : PoImt) niend to apply ior permission to purchase] , . ‘ he knocked out Jac ; ’ has arranged for a POSt! physical director o 1 ae tenes the following described .— 1 st point] . the English champion,| League, ha ith Minneapolis | seneived a wired from the Ed ‘ JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS i co CIDE at & post planter 0 Harrigan ‘ ~ - . .s Ww ap ’ . é ae il saver, ana) Comune 7, ¥, Aly, htencen et zymago omen | serie — the American Asso-|monton promoters that Scaler Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director ips 0 : about 26 chains southwest from! in ons 0 ners o p 4 : f teur ls, Pnonce | tite River, @ 717, thence win | 1 ir ling to meet the ama P a os esterly point of Lot 1717, ren ai » be ilaved in was willing h 80 chains,| most w 48 chains along G. T. P. Rly. right] . ‘ an-|ciation League, t and he “cinehed” the : or, | ore thence southerly and westerly Kngland is sending over ¢ * The teams will play till) champion ane saint RAC how e | about Fo joint of commencement, "| ther white hope to regain the} Denver * games jmateh by a return wire Jus a island to point of commencement ' ll lost}/either wins four ge hamall will draw down — JAMES COXFORD su pala jombardier Wells lwhat Barrieau ' ' » is , to profes- Dated July 6th, 1919 : ania his hope’s name i ager of the * his initial bow in Pub. July 93, 1912 when her rh I Charles Dooin, manager for ; nel seoenen’. trict of Coast, fom Cowler *hiladelphia National League} gionalism was the . Philadels t of the game for| put with McIntyre handling th Henry Smith, of skeena Land District-—District of Coast, an of|cluob, will be ou : it can be teken an had ‘ Ranse V ‘| Harry Clark, third baseman rf t of the season as a result) managerial reins. sad ME." ermission to ake notice that I, Anthony Ludgate, o » Ameri.| the res ‘ - mat Ernie was we bed nds | cence occupation lumberman, in-| ihe Milwaukee Club in the il/of a fractured bone in his right for granted the “FROM HOME TO HO : og an08s tol tend to apply for permission to purchase can Association, was appointer : aused by a foul tip off! jnoped after, \ 1 Point tele. | ten following described lands a oi the team to succeed| hand, cau : at st Barrieau, accompanied by Me- the south side) "Comment ing at & post planted at a pom manager of the tes »-|Roger Bresnahan’s bat a St. ari eu, ithe éhene of ‘ e north| Where G. T. P. Bly, Inte ins southwent free Hugh Duffy by Mrs, Agnew Hav-| Re Friday Intyre, will leave for the SIU uy thenes ru titz River, about 24 chains southw themes ; er of the| Louis last r _ Y Thursday morning, Oe- i ster] oint of Lot 1717, 0 reside and owner ‘. yattle on . simeetta Oi ‘chains al hg the 6. T. P. Rly.) Hor, | re | Tr hampion will x easte 48 chains alo . y saat dita as man- . a i: ies 1 che ; an a way, thence Tohowia Sher ae elub Dull wey = “Ping” Bodie, the oo velo ars t appearance as an _ iENRY SMITH pa bout 60 chains following shore {i am » gkaor f to 4 TU-| make his last ¢ ~e Vancouver. 19 f island. ‘to point of commencement — fence buster, according , ht previous, when ‘ ms Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in os ANTHONY LUDGATE ill be released to make famateur the nigh I ; vill The Finest, ‘ef Moderate Prices. Pub sane sete. rhe Boston Club were given a] mor, ‘ me recruit who can) with his brother Frank they y . Excellent Cafe. ac van OY US, veLurned}|room for = s¢ , round exhibition as ¢ Vv ouver i, trict of Coast, big eption when they retu ‘ a ore than “Ping stage a ten rou 3 » . anc , h sz their western tour.Juse his head more vind-up to the boxing contests 1142 Pender Street West i Vidak, oO home rom © v - 7 ‘ pation restaurant] — geene Land District—District of , as stopped for a short| does. |scheduled for the V, A. ©. on that Phone 8500. . mission 1 Coast Range Four ;| Business was ! ‘iialianias | s¢ ‘ibed lands Soo ieee See, ia" jae in-| time and nearly all the city Daniels, who is playing centre] evening. yout 2 c vert, occupation ol , : ; ‘ ra aniels, ¥ . . i “ cai enemas pu Polat teks oan rat for permission to purchase ned out to weleome the player ield for Vietoria, batted .3314 in| aaa ; butter — = . urd uth side sonst following Gescribed aes ae on their return The whole city ae “ ligt League, while Cle! Try Stalker & Wells bu dant south S0lmencing at & post plantec ks the ‘Pwill . r » Ibs. for 75 cents.| » 80 ° cnd Hill, Banks ' . » oe . vet. Twr ‘ eon to opet| West, One mile > 60 ‘chains thence|'is baseball crazy mentson butted .313 up there. best ve ag : hains tO pOStl siang the ace oe north 40 chains, 229-tf if TTT . i ining 640 BCreS) west 40 chains, ; e 4 . 0 of com . a Es scsalieatnsicail - j | al Electric ’ c oo ; containing “tee ‘ooren, more Pittsburg ¢ rapidly climbing Narveson won five out of eight 9 al lots on Sixth |} }}} Cana MIKE VIDAK. Jmencement; co n Chicago in the National Ni tched in the Twilight For Sale—2 leve : 7 EI | . and Contracting Machinery 2 or less FRED DAWSON - last couple of| games he pile the list.| ave . Bloek 24, Section a j | ot mM of e : Dated August 1, 1919 League. In the la sytaaees. Be, Rr ce tie Bel lavees,” ied cash. Post Box|||/|| ectrical Apparatus of every descriptio Pub. Aug. 13, 1919 weeks they have been coming et $1,900; 865 ash. e324 III K BOX 974 ; Coast “ the Cubs do not hurry g of sending| ggg ave aa earney, Mer. strong. If the 1 ‘ngland is thinking 189. | 245 raham gr , : : he} Engla a tinitipliaasifaiipteeibie io) Phone ange V s, of District—District oi ' ll be overtaken’ by t . te hope to Amer- — | Alt Lopas, Skeena Land they will another white I 2 the Savoy. ii} ros 3 a our 4 . as over an at e — rmuasion tice that 1” isabelie a married| Pirates. A game and a half is all ‘a besides Cowler. His name is Best room in town == a lands “ pas Gar occupation married “ates them ne hman, who — , ew 1 90) lis, of I rince, 2 "toate for permission to/ that separates P. O,. Curran, an Irishman, _ — = k sated “ aan b ween, “the halowtae described ane - ee ; nile Imockel But Gunner Mole it - purchase st planted four mile wus for|rece ’ th side Of the! ommencing at @ post 5 Hill ill Nolan is not anxiou ‘ , le south of End ’ Bill a mn one round. cast rin a it. “ined” sunee south 80 chains, Willie Ritchie to fight Ad. Wol-}|in one rou north Banks Isiand, aie ne north 40 ile _a = uns 10 Dost Of | thence A xe " thence gast for the title. Nolan turned Jimmy Scott, pitcher of the vag ow a ae, nee we ‘ st 40 chains to] ¥! \ rol. Jim , ’ mores 40 CBains, TeRCS We 4 ti inin 48°) down a $3,000 offer to fight Wol thicago White Sox. has been sus- BERT LOPAS nt commencement, containing r ksgiving Day at|Chicago : i te period a sore oF less gast on iankse £ t alc * an indefinite p — * ISABELLE SMITH ELLIS i Nolan wants #10,000|pended for a sedadihidin ted August 1, 1912 aft, Cal. Nolan we ; ‘e.}for failure to keep in cone , P Aug. 13, 1012 out of $20,000 for Ritchie's share ‘ istrict oF Compe , ‘ord for thir- AWson'’s recoré ge V . of Coast Matthewson : mas A. Roy, ¢ ‘ d District——District o = wotiCRe tala . » Pittsbure ceupati n pros. | Skeena Land Range 6 ‘ LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. teen vears against the rmission 1t that Caroline Jobnson, of 4 I ws that Matty has tb 1 land ve >. occupation married Pirates shov ¢ them lescribec : couver, 7 > ission 0 oast 77 os *s agains orn, planted on the eek intends to apply siete tai. Skeena Land District District f Coa pitched 77 game await River and about to purchase the foll “post planted at the man Veen F. G. Gamble, | .. nning 42, losing 32 and tying nouth of eed Commencing st 8 Pp: t 3065, theace a Take notice the . C. yecupation broker| “! 20 and lost 44 in uing, thence west! uthwest corner of | hains east, thence] of Prince Rupert, a permission to pur ; He won 20 an ; el : hains, thence hains south, thence 80 chai oe a intends to apply' fo - > at the olo : ain in st corner Jescribed land ittsbure but a mimencement hains porth to uthea 3 alot Lol|/chase the following ¢ | ed at the|! tsburg, oe ess 63, thence west 40 chains slong Lot} Commencing at a post co. h 40 . is he captured only 22 out MAS A. ROY 2; thence north 20 chains woe fo W. corner of L. 4419, thence n rt Groun S j won es ot lls 0 . 20. = chains thence : 4 ot gee of conmnecosmneet, contain chains, Chasis wees a 7 ( mene tolof 40. u S 3065 int comune = 0 chains, thence east 2¢ ‘ ng 860 ccres more oF lena outs ot -Geuneemees containing 80 ; ~~ GAROLINE JOHNSON t Sores more or less Barrenkamp, formerly with 5 A $ more or less arrenks s ) t of Coast W. J. Goodwin, Agen acre VERNON F. G, nn. mit : th Calgary in \ Dated May 20th, 1012 P. M. Milla’, | . }Seattle and later wi 4 Napoleon Roy, of Pub. June 18, 1012 oo ‘sept. “a = the Twilight League, has an I man : Pub. Sept. . > having won purchase . of Coast, ; 0ast,;/average of .800, ha is Skeena Land Dristrict—-District | Sheena Land District—District of Cos pevornyy lost three. He 44 in dienes Range ana Liegier,| Range V t O. Crew, of|{welve games and los ; > += n of the Sham ee ee cupation geutlemman,| take notice Se woccupation broker! )ed the league and it was through | ence | of London, Englan © permission t0 PUr-| prince pees, ©, SS to pur Ste ‘idge that j : yly for perm ly for permission 1 Pete Standridg scons River. Se intend 00 ang Jescribed lands intend to apply fJescribed lands him ane : st 80 chains hase the following ¢ , ted at the chase the following des © and S he ennant. 1 jl . t & post plan ost planted tw algary won the p # b west § mmen or me 29, thence north Commencing at a p the mouth of| Calga | — x f COMMAIN” | northeast ¢ ce west 30 chains, thence me-half miles east sre Se aa of citewenai a : hains, thence ae a st chains line Quinamaas er, : thence f eran ‘APOLEON ROY south ee te pe Ag chains, thence north 80 chains, | thence arthus Brewin, ‘th " te » =e int of commencemen est 80 chains, ee . 540 . . . andes ' acres Moree HENRY ZIEGLER point Of Goammbeneemnente, containing 64 scout, says that the left he - a onda r Noble, Agent. | acres, more or rs BERT O. CREW. | itchers are fading away. : 1 _ HU : _— . an ct of Coast Dated Aus yorh, 1918 Dated August 17th, 1912 has travelled the country se y, 1083 ‘ ' » see sha 1 Vukstich _ ” a ee E. Forsman, occu-| never before has he seen suc f ever ] 00 unpre- . ‘ t . Pors , ie pa restaural t of Cassiar lake notice that 4 yply to the Chief ‘arcity of port-siders. ou. Oo. y jon 1 strict—Distrix . iner, intend to app : t sca perantssves skeena Land Dis i Besner, of Prince} pation m r of Lands for permission t ae bed lands: Take notice that Olier hotel keeper, in-| Commissioner o lowing described lands “a anted about 7 t, B. &,, occupation bo urchase| purchase the follow t planted ten ‘ilbane and Steve a 4 srect conte t a co koi, om ees a easterly direction Tommy Kilbane + been | e ° wi e you ‘ Mice andl the followine de 7 rw at planted on the} chains distant and in 6 te Timber Ketchell, of Chicago, have i. ; udice peop e the Skeena ‘ < ng 4 ag : , Inlet,| from ve end of Lakels« ’ : : ds in MMe ncl ob ator : th enc 4 sive roun sins, thence west] | Commencit Resse Bay, Observatory Sees Limit 3090, om the south ond of chains! matehed to fight twe a r | : hains, thence d about one-ha 1 south, thence 90 Lake, B. C., orner of A. P. No a a Monday. Renoncomens Res rve, thence 80 $0 chains Bot th, thence) to the ay one chein (more ay ~ eee oem | N, 1s e me \ i Kk ricu cpeina vy hogy point of commencement, £ re t ~ lake shore, thenc . ae | . b 5 20 5 5 ~~ ess , » DO 0 » a 1018, containing 160 acres more ory DESNER Jong the lake shore to the point of com ., y Burns is trying to ar-| k containing OLIER BESNE mencement and containing £9 Seat romm bat n Young ‘ e . J AN, ight betwee ° ist, 1912 r less ‘ange a fig . e . . : f Coast Pub. Aug. 12, eote : et—District of Coast, T wo, the Japanese bantam- oO rince uper. a. fF Ree? , er Gkeens Land tae Vv elated i Jimmy Walsh, of| 2 ; ig and . : : we KR. Naden, of ‘ of Coast, Ethel M. Thompson,} wojeh » : ade } ker, Intends} sy .ena Land District plete t of ) Take we i, _—) occupation Boston, for some holiday date | ill tell you that resuits obtained , , f ce . srmis ’ ease the fol ee ry Burbank, of ographer, intend to apply for peri ed » better if Burns would | tell us and w y Take notice that H etion lumberman, | stenogras rebase the following deseribed) 1) Wo. ig py ; San Advertisers ai f this paper have exceeded oO . e occupallo ou sion WwW purchas - j rom Se | d — ro Prince oy for permission so 8 =| lands st planted four and) bring up Kddie Camp . as | from publicity carried in the columns o' published in 1 roan ee intends to following described J —— Commencing at oom the moun. of Francisco to meet Walsh, as vom Pi h any other newspaper l : hains, chase Si , . lantec - miles eas ' —_ or so; rre a ag in 80. chains, fo] COMMERCE at theast corner of Lot abl the ‘Guinameas et ee ee Campi gave Togo a bad beating) by far those obtained through an 50 ecnains $01 south of the sou thence east 4 mace east 60 ¢ . ‘4 i ~ . 3 strict, chains, thence ; 28t 80 chains to niaining 640 Range 5, Coast Di shains, thence a hains, thence wes 540 t long ago. ; chains, thence eT 40 chains to = of ‘commencement, containing 640] no Pe Prince Rupert lay is the one who advertises Lyons, Agent point ‘of commencement, containing 160 acres, More OF ETHEL M. THOMPSON Che Freddie Welsh-Matt Wells The successful business man tod ly read by wniel Lyons, point o rr teas . 4 'O, Crew, Agent ‘he Free , . : m most general Sept _ — MENGY BURBANE. a isis hich was to have taken| diciously, who chooses the mediu , . Andrew Kennedy, Age Dated August 17th, fight, wh October 21st, | ju =e ¥ man who does not look — Land District of Coast} pated Sept. 10th, 1042 ren, RA 8 place in England = November citizens of a community; a business : 2 : Sept. i4 rz aa ‘en postpone 0 NO } expense, but, on the con- ' Pub » 3 NOTICES has bee I ; I Ti atches in| i for advertising ass that 4 L. ©. Putnam, of t of Coast, LAND LEASE NOTIC Rc fith, as Welsh has ma } an expenditure f business man you will ; ; yes a Skeens Land "eeee yea | ; a adiabeisiaenoates of Cosst,) America which he has to fill, | trary, as an investment. This type o session, turning his ap for permission to} * Pake, of Prine a Land Distric ’ hi . & described lands » natice that I, J. R. Pake, in- ] Skeena e V. . aqme ranks of his prof at a I anted about 80 PM. wie ef ee ee tanner Take notice wat Michael a. . ligzs Donahue, onee famous generally find in the front dly all through the thwest corner of ly for pertais occupation . : Jiges € ’ ; oods —and tend to apply » nds | Po: island, : ase the ~ ton in the is "80. chains. | she, following described, lands ith] tends to apply’ for —. Chieago White Sox — > | dollars daily and moving his g rapi south 80 chains Commencing ‘1706 thence sou 7 fescribed lanc A the : ane asylum. t West & j , , ’ Let 1706 ‘ » | following ¢ st planted on State insane as) ublici y- thence north 80 corner Ot eto bank of Eimogu: Commencing at © poss plans two miles Ohio Stat liberal use of newspaper p t, if only for a short time, and a o 60 chains : th ban 2st end oO J rcher island, -_--eo | en \ terly direction along er, thence along 0 chains} we 7 793, on Pore : . ; ite a. investm on cme tains More OF less to ing. northwesterly Gpost of comment the kitkatiah Inlet, whence 50, chet, SO In a game a short — 9 it. | Try advertising as an Mencement miaining 640) 0) ng river bank to pos more or less,] the ‘0 chains ‘south, to line to *hiladeiphia ant detroit, ‘ aor oe te ae corner ene oe along the cates szo} tween I aeods \y ce: un aa watch your business grow lain why The News is the best me- PUTNAM Marked J ake, J. BR. PAKE t of commencement, for which| with the bases lt and explain poin less, the purpose ' bat and} olicitors ca . ee 1. Putnam, Agent 12 creas more or less, to quarry lime aggert came to a Let our 6 ur initial cam- Aug i" Dated Aug, 31st, 1912 the lease is required is out, Magee i ould inaugurate yo a" ee oe bor rock ICHABL MCPADDEN. | Jingied, yel not one run wa dium through which you sh : om s. rd mn d Lapp was on third, ‘id Pp District of Coast, strict of Coas ated Sept, 3rd, scored, ‘ : mange V Skeens Land a v" ab =e Oe District of Crabb on second and Murphy on paign. a dis ’ an . tha f Prince bo Merritt, of Prine Skeena Land Sree abe { Mageert hit a hard line oo : : Take notice that John table, intends | Coast mene Milton Christian,| first, ‘ he ball struck ws : “Durehane seen Ore, COURSED CO ae ase the f KE NOTICE Se oy camara, & own short and the be . — x “7 hase the fol-| Rupert, | permission to purcha Inverness, B, C,, cannery “fe. lease. the} dow! running to third d apply fo ' r inve wv permission kk . hae » was r e 4 lanted at the} lowing deseribed post planted Op it }tend to apply rived lands Comet} Crabb as he ‘ ut Detroit od es ozs \ ; 1706, and marked Commencing at Quinamas Hiver, al following descr d on the northwest corner and the side was out, . a ” ‘ i thenee north 40} north bank oe “Indian shack oe . fat s gery ‘and directly pees > ’ the game, 8.6, | = hains more or|20 ehains « Seeman east 4 ail smith bsle thence running eas : won ‘ t , ( hains west At ss Cannery, s thence ; Kiver, thence} north 40 ¢ hains, thence ¥ | verme th 20 chains, - | © bank , «” south 40 chains, contain: | s, thence sou nce north 20 re x | less to the “See eeen to post of commencement it 20 chains to shore, teense ners Johnny Kilbane is ougrowing| to the horth} cha res more or less ' vhains following shore line 40 acres we : In his} ‘st 20 chains} ing 160 acr JOHN MERRITT, Locator. ——_ prot and containing the featherweight limit, J : ‘ inmencement G. Fallowtiel as ThE UE on . deed, in } rs Te Dated September gnd, 1012 more or Ke MILTON CHRISTIAN bout with Johony Dun | 8 rated a : ; ts 0, > tae ,, ALLAN SIM Pub, Sept. 27, 1912 pated duly 9, 9018 New York, a short time ll ‘ 5, on sunds, Now) ; ; aoe oe District—District Of C4) bone weighed 125% pi . ut his Phone ‘ f Coa . id . . abo s Land Distriet-—District Skeena La hange IV St. Amour,}he should not kiek abe , mene , rank B. st riseoll, the 4 vetrlet Of Coast mange ¥ ake notices enat § oe cupation pros atch with Jim Driseoll, . Ka V omas Partington nce Rupert, B. G. of ’ jon to} Mie : eight Ven hat be Gamble, of rake notice ae Tee lerk, intend \ f Prin . wo apply ae English champion, over weig . ation ster Selkirk an, Of . rehase the | following . on the : bern “e ante apply for pe ceniagion, 8 pure pean ink Bh ‘ pee = ‘ive miles| ( onditions r . lows leseribec I - anks island, ul, — : gt ing at & post planted : ‘ fe - lirection from knd will | , 1 ries | ented Ot ts cee mile easterly from tnd a . ‘ twenty chains, thence peins | The Chicago-Clevelanc me i Hence south 40] isiand one able s River, then : ‘ u . orth twenty ¢ } 4 » vach | . Limit Noe 5 Qe serve at mele = Viver bank thence we ; : ha thence R... along the beach for the year ended in a draw, = . n Mt No. 545.) south 40 chains Sa nk, thence; els , ence 6 ce of commence ' ‘ os, al. a i hee west 20140 chains following iver bas nt , hains « place of oom MY) toam winning eleven games . ' ‘Acres iy mms | Darth 40 gd nt, containing 16 “ ining One Mm Ir ugh the Sox had a big leat w aig “res thore orl the post of comme |" ‘ ore 8T. AMOUR Ww : : Gores Dare oF PARTINOTON Locator }4 RARE 2 ” lover the Naps at one time | I 1. a THOMAS P ent e 20th Vie if 1 & h Millon bates A G. Fallowfeld, Ag Date : 1042 Pub. 4, Dated September @nd, 1012 “ : i i Pub, Sept, 27, 1012