The Daily News REXALL Agent Special attention is paid to dispensing physic jans prescrip- tions TWO STORES 82 PHONES 200 C. H. ORME Druggist The Pioneer EASTMAN KODAKS — LYNCH BROS. General Merchandise Largest Stock Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. hs Tr? os 3S et eee eae eel ee epee ermers eres em Do You Bake Your Own Bread? Our Bread Mixers make this part a of house keeping a A child can operate one. Phone us and we’ll deliver one Phone 120 pleasure. Prince Rupert Hardware and Supply Co. COUGHS & COLDS »— Mathieu’s Syrup ef Ter and Coed Liver Of) Continued from Page 1 Alderman Bullock | fathered a motion to prohibit the flags bunting being loaned to but the jand Daughters of the Empire their approaching festivities \ warm on the city's and any for place Mont discussion took Alderman fighting for the flag Phey the property of the citizens and in the of flags he would not take question, komerys were matter such measures And on the vote he opposed the motion, The Council went into a com- | mittee of the whole with Alder- man Montgomery in the chair to consider the proposal of. the Hydro-Eleetrie Power Company All the aldermen and His Wor- ship took part in the resulting )diseussion, which lasted for lnearly an hour. City Solicitor | Peters advised the Council to “go slow” and not get into the same fix as the Vancouver and Victoria municipalities had done in giv- ling franchises too freely He ad- }vised them as to the proper jmanner in granting a franchise. | It was finally decided to ask } the company to submit a proposal jto deliver the power at the efty jwates, and the committee arose without report. SANITARY LAWS ARE ENFORCED | | } | .s } | Man Found Quilty of Infringing on Sanitary Bylaws Is Given One Day to Clean Up. Considerable time was taken up in the police court this morn- ing over a case preferred by Sanitary inspector MeFarlane against James Postula, an Italian, or an infraction of one of the city health bylaws. The aecused in a most voluble and belligerent manner declared ihis innocenee, stating that he | was fully aware of his obligations n the matter and did not con- sider that he had failed in this respect in any way. The specific charge was that he allowed a quantity of manure to be dumped just off the roadway on the corner of Ninth avenue and MeBride to lthe annoyance of the residents of the neighborhood, also that did not the sanitary arrangements 0 erty out Various tenants. him hy ions, he provide for proper f prop- himself to Magistrate ymply with the a heavy by rhe surs to e rented gave 24 the regulat sequenees of paying or take eon The Light Boys,” House that over tive years, the Westholme this evening comedy for at ran every “Our Opera Bowling Match. A bowling match will take place this evening al the Empress alleys teams the between representing as eu ’ it taf and farmers and cattlemen are) CAPITAL AND RESERVE OVER $7,500,000 vutchers o ie city and the sta . b ; . , ~~ iB. reported as uniformly prosper- not only a cough but cures of (he Empress Cafe, “The line-|..)." “phe second large shipmen'| Letters of Credit it. Its tonic and restorative up will be as follows: Butchers) (¢ the year of cattle from the 7 Ms ie « - George Frizzell, Ken. Rood, Ww. nen lekchies: tamed Gee thid For our customers’ conve- ee ng Pg Sherman, A. Astoria, A. J. Wild), int, consisting of 7,000 stock. nience we issue Letters of permanently thro cold. captain arene ee ae ers just purehased in Oklaha- Credit payable in Pounds 35¢ for large bottle. sce ag a creas ma for the aceount of R. Knight, Sterling for use in Great PR " aay of the Knight Sugar Company. itai ‘ Sold everywhere. |Three games will be played, the|\yanchile the dairy and mpet’-| Britain and all parts of the h. So MATING CO, Peep. GEEREROOEE. side getting the highest number]... pusiness of the Grandston world, and payable in dollars of pins being the winners. The district is in a flourishing con- for use in Canada, United > 1. Ww. WwW team will play the vie- dition: and it has been decided States, Mexico, Bermuda, tors in tonight's match on Sat- to keep the loeal creamery in Bahamas, Cuba and the urday evening. continuous operation during Lhe West Indies. Hospital Dance. ame, Sta ae We buy and sell Drafts on (@) | | a | 2} To The Ladies’ Auxiliary dance in Auction Sale—Furniture. France, Ge nee Bout oe oO D eo A v7 E fo] re) | laid of the hospital will be held in At 2:30 p. m. on Wednesday Africa, Australia, New Zea- | the Kaien Island Club on Friday| next, Oet, 2nd., in flat over Mu- land, India, China, Japan evening, Oct. 4th. 230.234 nicipal Telephone Office, Third and the West Indies. ’ | ™ , ieee ail eee |avenue, a quantity of furnish- PRI UPERT BRANCH i DIED. ings, ineluding Monarch range, NCER T A | Died, at Barret's Cache, Aldormere, Sat-| ate All in good order 234 F. S. LONG, Manager. }urday, September 29th, D eLennan, . . Lt | aged’ 23, . qative of aa Carron, ear, FRANK A. ELLIS, Auctioneer | shire, Seotland The funeral will take From Mayner Bros’ undertaking S| Salvation Army Sal from ayner ros wu aerial ws varlors v r y ale. il" iene att hs SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS| .,°¢ivtten, Arm, Sale were held last evening at the Salvation Army headquarters aud a very pleasant time was had, there being a large attendance, UST ARRIVED Mr. Frank A, Ellis acted as aue tioneer and disposed in quick Man es eee fashion of the quantity of stuff q that had been donated to the Dorothy Dodd Shoes for Ladies army as a thanksgiving offering, for which 8165 was obtained. Mr. J. BK, Davey and Mrs, J. Ford “Dorothy Dodd” walking shoes are both sturdy and Henderson very kindly assisted The Best stylish Our assortment of attractive models is unlimited in the entertainment with a song In fact no need has been overlooked, and every model is and instrumental selection, There} =“ chie, charming and eomfortable are still at the army headquarters i j Procurable. }@ quantity of aprons, children’s EXCLUSIVE AGENCY sa mae om clothing to be dis posed o Renworth & Jefferson Mr. I, Grossman loaves. todny : Spe , on ; on the City of Seattle for a busi Read The Daily News 31rd Ave. and 5th St BEST IN FOOTWEAR 3)wss trip to Vancouver, Seattle jand Vieloria Give Franchise Webster hospital] — ~~ 0 ee es ee rs ee ee re For Sale tte re ere teers mt Brotherhood Held Successful De- bate and Entertainment Last Night. _— —~THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” Mate ee Dt ere ees ee rr BAPTISTS HAVE || Fer = FOR RENT Three-room flat unfurnished, | GOOD DEBA with water Alder Block 220-018 McINTYRE HALL to lease for dances, etc ial rerms Gray & Son. Black 78 eos Last ve we at their eclub}/POR SALE--One 8x10 double drum evenin a . hoisting engine, in first class condition. rooms in the Melntyre Hall the Box 35 222-231 Baptist Brotherhood held (Cle | @ememmeeermermermerer somes rmmernes “+ first of their social evenings for Wanted the season This most excellent ! guild of voune men are leaders me reer — , in the entertainment line WANTED— At once, two experienced dress Games mins ned an im makers Mesdames Barbeau & Grant ir ‘3, iusic i i P shate Dp oe oy | WANTED—Immediately, first class glazier promptu debate kept things @ Apply Prince Rupert Sash & Door Co ing last evening until 11 o’elock,| g19tf when the affair was reluctantly brought to a close The debate, which was carried on in a most spirited fashion, STUART & STEWART on Accountants negatives, ALDERMERE MAN WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT D. L. McLennan, ‘of Loch Carron, | Scotland, Died—Funeral Here on Friday. Creamery Butter, Ranch Eggs Pure Cream Milk and Buttermilk The death irred very sud.| GIVE US A TRIAL occ! the question, “Resolved, that it 18) 399 ond Ave. Phone No. 280 ae wwe @enile ‘2 i, ar Prince Rupert P. O. Box 351 "i rence é a mw . rigat = indulgen — “| Auditors for Gity of Prince Rupert brought up in the striet ideas of the parents was won by the W. E. Williams, B. A., L. L. D. DIED N ATURD AY Heigerson Block Prince Rupert, @. ‘| |ROYAL - DAIRY accept this intimation. in charge of Prof. Douglas, for championship of Northern F.C Also the latest Ballroom Danc« will be on exhibition. MONEY PLENTIFUL IN SOUTHERN ALBERTA During the evening fancy dances will be on exhibition Crandston, Alla., Oct. ar.| ly harvesting in” the Cr oak ton} district is responsible for the| marked uplift and activity now} being noted in ae dusiness| 1836 THE BANK OF 1912 satay ee'tsnves| British North America investment ’ 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS plentiful, buildings and general purposes denly at Barrett's cache, Alder- | pnene 38 719 3rd Ave. mere, on Saturday, September 29th, of D. L. McLennan, aged 23 | H years,“a native of Loch Carron, | H. B DERTSC ER Ross-shire, Seotland A , | General Machinist rhe deceased, who came to this} 5 . j Locksmith Chimney Sweep, Razors Honed country three years ago, was em Knives Sharpened, Setssors ployed ever since his arrival by} Ground, Ete Foley, Welch & Stewart 3rd St., Near Post aoa unens The remains will be brought} | SOx 277 om to Prinee Rupert on Thursday by | Mr. M. MeLennam a brother of] the deceased The funeral will | ’ take place on Friday afternoon at| G y D > o'clock from Hayner’ Bros.’} ra § ance undertaking parlors, Rev Mr.| Wednesday Night, October 2nd Kerr conducting the services McIntyre Hall, featuring ‘rie s of rele es | please Friend f relatiy will plea PRIZE WALTZ i |