ne ae acest CIROULATION worry AND NORTHERN ariTish COLUMBIA —_—— Legislative Library x THE DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ——E : ee —— FS acs aad yoL. Ill, NO. Wad Prince Rupert, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OcToBpR 2, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS ——— ms S PREPARING FOR WAR WITH TURKEY HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMPANY PROPOSE THAT CITY GIVE THEM A FORTY YEAR F RANCHISE CONDITIONS POWER CO. OFFERED TO THE CITY FOR FORTY YEAR FRANCHISE “: Prince Rupert Rents the Poles to the Company and Buys Power | From Them at Cheaper Rate---City Can Now Supply Power to Users of More Than Ten Horse Power the agree-| City of Prince pert, and to do the Prince ill things which may be neces Companys il the pplying { electrical Hupert, as for ct il powe and i nt ad heating purpose ring th erm wht's Couneil , 2s t vears f the lat is follows:| he ! h word rh x ght f the Prince) supplying electri current to Compan porwe sers ha x a connected s and as- i] with a rating equivalent to rporation le 10 h se power! r less is ition of the) ress ed th rpora n and the his bylaw sha i grant mean the he company the gh or ( rporation p g sup] x I ver for pany may i i ge an electri ghting d maintam »b ess vith the corporate granted to the " s du gz th said pe i of md subjec 1 bul al person, firm im coy p ‘ h sa cust t forth, per f ite pat ind is using fe t ind - ! ha hi | hud sti re ! eh pow | db 8 \ ! pa >a al id : a8 i ss i i er ! h powe may . 5 f th pt t! npar TURKEY GIVEN TWO DAYS IN WHICH TO MAKE THE REFORMS EALKAN STATES ISSUE ULTIMATUM GIVING TURKEY FORTY- EIGHT HOURS IN WHICH TO MAKE REFORMS IN MACE- DONIA—-GREECE WILL ALSO FIGHT TURKEY. Da News - ! h xa 1 Urete With the ex ( ‘ i bu has th pea ‘ lecla ha ac ~ ' \ ! il edia va | a the ‘ ul Or ee BASEBALL SCORES. ’ Nit ! rouble : National League. he Balkar § iste tame Philadelphia 9, New York : ite sbure 4, Chicago 1 x the reforms ; M lonia within} St. 8. S, Sime , , | B yn-Boston, ra say that American League. seus ail) Philadelphia 4, New Y k 3 Purkish} Boston 12 i decidedly Coast League. Washingtot ind is con Sacrament i Vernon f further re ee INSURANCE MEN ORGANIZE NEW FIRE UNDERWRITER COMMITTEE LOCAL FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS JOIN TOGETHER FOR THE MUTUAL PROTECTION OF THEMSELVES AND THEIR CLIENTS. protection of with those taking insurance! business Iniand see that ever) precaution ” ce Rupert) possible is taken lo # ard against Kt Mainland! fire, both by the ervie Tre pro Was formed/teetion system and the action of property holders mak private afeguard i ‘ t board) ine every p ive eligible | against fire the organiza Phe following local firms ¢ run on the prise the board commiitles nderwriters , a Messrs. G. R, Naden & ¢ Peck ch it is a e@om Moore & Co MeCatlet a@ Gl t will mean| bons, Mack Realty, M. M. Steph paties repre.| & Go., Gontinental Trust Go., ¢ ho in placing|sehreiber & Co. ¢ Db. la iform rate ; r Westenhaver Bros., Law, B OPRAnIZeG i { i & Go Mr. M. H, Hobu ! 2 Oo we : “| Continental Trust Co s h individual i . ary. his This| ~ Deing ab Pope's Physician Dies Dr. Petace His Hol vyesterda ards the ‘| companies home, Oet, 2 ‘ual imsur the future vals the physician to In died here Pope thee 1 the @om Prince Kupert's leading hotel Savoy. | ing to the said corporation its own purposes ons b Before plac ing any wire es upon any pole poles ~s4 longing to the corporation, wopany shall obtain the con }sent in writing of the Mayor, the |}chairman of the Board of Works land the chairman of the Light of the said Couns fo ommittee the] AMATEUR PERFORMANCE BY BAPTIST BROTHERHOOD PROVES A SUCCESS Those Who Saw ‘Our Boys” Wer Were Delighted With the Plot and I the time being, and it shall be idwtel for Ma Aid Mayor, chai Playing---Amateurs Displayed Amazing Skill---Great iman of the Board of W Ks and *, * . chairman of MABIEIght committee Credit is Due Mrs. Chisholm he purpose of generating of the Couneil aforesaid in grant Last evening the performance! with their natural and unaffected] The famous third act, showing ht for the lighting ihe busi.) 8S SOR comsems to impose such). ine popular comedy Our] aeting. the attic of a cheap London lodg- ess premises of such person,| "®@sonavie ene-proper conditions Boys,” by the Baptist Brother Charles Middlewiek, the hand-|ing house, gave Miss Annie Brown nem orporation upon which is to position oF wires and ‘ "| some, breezy son of the old but-| her chance, and she was not slow i re plied by the com-| Bervieion o! work as it may deem/hood at the Westholme Opera terman, was played ecapitally by tak jvant f we | pi 1 m 1 a ie a , play pitally by|in taking advantage 0 it. Both pany for power purposes as fi : House proved to be a most sue-| Adair Carss, who made a most|in make-up and in acting she was said is used ou Phe company shall pay tO) cessful entertainment Despite) good looking and attractive lover.|the typical London slavey, the ' rhe company may, during na ae con eaten; the stormy night, there was a Frank Ellis in the part of the|historical “Belinda” to the life. he said period of forty years, use]... up to aaa itt in good attendance, and everybody! !a-di-da son of the old aristoerat, Unquestionably the play was a h poles up the public} \ 1086. Gat bech en aad py) it the house went home satisfied) Who was considered by everyone|great suecess, the continuous ele as may from time to theese jshe denamal ie a pipers that they were more than repaid|the fool of the family, could not/ripple of amusement and tense be erected or owned by the cor : 5 for facing the inclement weather.) have been excelled, his every/interest shown by the audience poration for the purpose of ear- ra ee my ees Great eredit is due to Mrs. J.| Word and action being an artistic|attesting to this faet. ying the company’s vire ! Continued on Page 4. Chisholm for the energy, work| study. After the performance’ the vires der the terms and econ and skill she devoted to her task | rhe two girls, Vielet and Mary| Brotherhood gathered in Knott's lit s, that is to say of directorship, which produced| Melrose, had charming and ac-| Bakery, where a pleasant little 1 Th ry atic ay with NEW INSPE( IOR such excellent results. complished representatives in| Supper was spread for them. : ehares ode sbilit Space forbids more than slight|Miss Fisher and Miss Margaret ee ee ee mention of the splendid work of| MeDonald, who both acted in a Roche's Big Basement Pool subject to such reasonable CUSTOMS FOR B C the players. finished and assured style, as if}Room is being enlarged and is ind prop s as p ® C. R. Simpson and Robert Me-|in a private drawing room. now one of the most comfortable f wi and suj ‘ Intosh, in the strong character Of Mrs. Jack Chisholm’s im-| Places in town. Nothing too good ' is the company 1 New Westminster Man Appointed|jparis of the two old fathers, Sir|personation of the aristocratic for the patrons of 235 pose se al p i s th as Inspector of Customs in Geoffrey Champneys and Perkyn|old maid words fail to express Roche’s Pool Room. \ i f h pa 1 This Province. Middlewick, were every bit as|the excellence of the characteri-