THE DAILY NEWS Published Daily THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE DAILY News ET Lester W. David Co., Utd, THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA | | } | and Weekly by K i¢ Se LUMBER < TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING —50 cents per inch. Contract rates | %, +, NV - BY OP os a ‘PRINCE’ RUPERT” AND | ‘PRINCE GEORGE” oq. a: oe First Ave, and McBride St Box 865 MONDAYS AND ORIDAVS © a SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico— Daly, 50¢ | SS Prince George Baile cannes e on Thursdays a & a. m per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All| : 9 ) $ PHONE 25 Weesiy service to Port Simpson, ion Granby Bay and Queer Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, atrictly | YS in advance. Prince Ru rt, B.C. Commencing Sept. 20th, No, 2 leaves Prince Rupert 10 9 4 Saturdays; returning leaves Sealey 10 a, 1 rh : HEAD OFFICE fealey 10 am. rhursdays a Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SeaTTLe—Puget Sound News Co. LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar | Square. Susscripers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone $8 in case of | non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. | % (> Cheap Excursion Rates Over (The Double Between Chicago and all points Bast Pacific Coast, Only a few more days Agency for all Atlantic Steamship Li A. &. Mo Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. WIFTEST UREST AFEST TWIN SCREW STEAMERS Charlotte Islands G@. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER service Grand Trunk Railway System Track Route) connecting with all roads frop left for selling _— nes. For all information apply to MAGBTER, Jeneral Agent Street No. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE EE Every Tuesday Evening ———————————— — . Wy A AILLION ACRes All members of the order in the} DAILY EDITION. weg WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2| prrerre PENG O« city are requested to visit | FAMOUS =" SAFETY a phase rn the lodge. PRINCESS Vaatlanl SPEED gine an AN» ee Ue 8 la $ A. H. ALLISON, N, G. LINE has wan SERVICE Editorial Notes and Clippings G. BARRIE, See. FOR SALE S. S. Princess Sophia SOUTHBOUND Saturday, Oct. 5, 9 a.m. BORDEN MUST GET ADVICE. Mr. Borden and his colleagues are anxiously awaiting further orders from England before the Canadian naval policy can be made public. When one re- members the speeches made by the Premier, both in Lon- don, and on his retury, this seems a rather peculiar state of affairs. It was stated with admirable frequency that Can- ada is now becoming one of England's chief advisers, and that the ministers from the Dominion were treated to an inside view of the workings of British affairs. We were gi- ven to understand that what- ever Mr. Borden said was greeted with glad cries of ad- miration by all who listened, and that his statements would have much to do with fram- ing the policies of the world's greatest power. Yet Mr. Borden is back in Can- ada, waiting for a suggestion from England which will en- able him to make known his plans, a rather remarxable sit- uation, the Canadian premier anxiously preparing to receive instructions from the Mother- land. If Mr. Borden was sin- cerer in his remarks regarding the treatment he received in London, it would appear that the English statesmen are more shrewd even than we had supposed They suceeeded in giving Mr Borden the idea that he was really important, whereas future developments | | } | 4. @. M'NAB, General Agent AN € Members are dodging ot UNEXcerces cUmAT . ' Investors Notice Cc s ecouver Sun throughout their ridings pro- allan st Silver, copper and lead mines} mising, smiling and el ~ |at Kitselas, B, C., on the Copper} ‘ shaking, and maybe are tak-| P ’ River. Good copper and lead! ing the party's choice for the} showings from 6 to 14 feet wide newly to be created districts | . € about with them, that they too a vere may get acquainted and accus- Apply tomed to the baby kising game.| | DR. De A. CONDOR Sichainiitieninniallininiiaiisanibi j VICTORIA TIMES PROVES CONCLUSIVELY THAT HALF HEART-| KITSELAS, B. ©. by th WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IN = ED DENIAL OF GLOBE INTERVIEW WAS INCORRECT IN | | ee EVENT OF AN INVASION. VIEW OF STATEMENTS AND ACTIONS OF PREMIER. Ipret the attitude of the British} The suggestion advanced by * ! }Columbia Premier as being © a pioneer missionary in the rhe report of the interview of|ing paper it should be admitted] similar nature en ited EASTERN north that were the threaten-|5!r Richard MeBride by a special that it was never so resourceful] As a matter of fact, Sir Rich | ed Japanese peril to even-|representative of the Toronto ®* to confine itself to one par-|ard’s views on the question of a | 3— -—— SOLID TRAINS 3 tuate Northern British Colum-|Globe, in which the Premier m ular tg but in wot ast) Canadian navy were quite cor-| daily from Vancouver ‘ , » battle gro three years has supported alll pectiy reported in the Globe.— | bia would be the battle ground) stated that British Columbia de- finin I , 2 a ee or Seattle suggests terrible possibilities poheles, sometimes im the same) Victoria Times — manded and had a right to expect article, with a vehemence and en | Low round trip rates to all pointe in for an invasion. True, such |Canada and the United States Call an occurrence may not be pro- jin Mr. Borden's naval policy a tertaining inconsistency all its and let us tell you all about it bable, for at least many years, oo unit on the Pacifie Coast,}own NNEL } “Sun’} has been widely commented upon The interview with Sir Richard and as the Vancouver “Sun Rogers’ Steamship remarks, would not be toler- - = East. No serious attempt) McBride, which embodies the ated by the United States. Then|®@s been made to discredit the) i. pe has expresses e ‘ AT STEWART substantial accuracy of the report|*. a mt . oe Agency again, the statement is made}’ . time again in this city, was ob that Japan’s finances would| fr several reasons. In the first} a oe : HONE 114 not allow for a war. That may] Place, in his conversation with cAifes OF Appormiment by one or Company Organized to Drive Big) ren ts be true now, but what about|the Globe man, Str Richard mere-, t! ost responsible and reliable Tunnels to Tap Portland ten years hence? ly repeated what he has stated in! journalists in Canada—the Pat Canal and Other Mines. To look at the matter as does publie meetings, on the stump, tn) llamentary correspondent of the UNION $s COMPANY OF BC Ltd the reverened gentleman, the|/"@Wspaper interviews in England|Toronto Globe—during a recent Stewart, Oct. 4 The last is — hia invasion is feasible. With ab- and Eastern Canada less than SIX} Visil here The time and Place] cue of the Gazette contains no solutely no protection for the|™onths ago, and ‘in the Legisla-jof the interview were arranged] tice of incorporation of the Port The new steel Passenger Steamers railway terminals of the north,|ure when the following amend-|by the Premier upon the solici- bane (rant ‘Is 4 { the securing of this port, five ment was moved by him and/tation of the newspaper man me! as wee” = és - 99 hundred miles nearer the Ori-|@dopted by the House: Phat the report contains Sitl}eompany is capitalized at $700, e 0 Sin ent than Vancouver, would be “That the Dominion gevern-| Richard MeBride’s real views OD] 990. divided into 2.800.000 shares an easy matter. Then were the Indians to join the Japs, as he suggested, and keep their line of communication open to the coast, the interior would be at their merey, while the Queen defense at the earliest possible} of his local organ is excellent Charlotte Islands would. be moment, and, be it further re-|contirmation in itself. ment be urged, in view of the}the navy question in a generall-ppic is the undertaking formed t —ARD— |great importance of the immedi-| sense the local publie will readily drive a tunnel on Glacier Creek ate and adequate protection of)believe, and the fact that the are ' eee =e sieve, & , ; ‘Ito tap the properties of the Stew Camosun” the Pacific Coast of Canada, to} Premier's explanation’ Was : , art, Glacier Creek, O. K. and the consider the question of naval|/buried away in an obscure part lowing are the objeets for which} es Sallewe:s the company has been incorpor- | go to show that he was merely made a pawn in the Imperial) game. It was cleverly done too,| for the press asociations car-| ried glowing accounts of the | enthusiasm whieh Canada had| stirred up in the councils of} the nation.—Saturday Sunset.| Qe TORIES ALREADY AT ELECTION TACTICS i The warning issued by Sir Wilfrid Laurier to the Cana- dian people to be prepared for an election does not come with so much surprise as would be the case with most govern- ments of one year in office, For some time the signs of an impending election have been manifested throughout the country. In almost every constituency, especially those which will be divided by the redistribution act, which is inevitable, the Tory campaign is starting. | their naval base. Japan realizes that if she in- presented to his honor the Lieu-| poses a fleet unit on the Pacifie, vaded Canada she would have|eant Governor respectfully re-| has seized upon the alleged de-| mines including coal mines have to reckon with the Re- questing him to forward a copy|nial by the Premier of the inte1 inineral claims and mining prop | Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening public and knows full well that of this resolution to the Secretary } view with avidity, and would have! rties and the winning, getting,| and Monday morning, respectively of State at Ottawa.” the Eastern people believe that, | treating, refining and marketing! And marching valiantly behind} like itself, Sir Richard MeBride| 4p mineral and coal therefron him has been his devoted local! is against everything in the shape| ia morning organ, which in numer-|of a naval poliey, except a con-| Choicest liquors and cigars a ous articles emphasized the im-/tribution in the North Sea. The perative necessity of adequate|Star has frequently belittled the Savoy. | J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 the Pacific CGoast would be}™4val protection for the Pacific)claims of the Pacific for a fleet | under arms and = thousands Coast. In justice to the morn-| unit, and is endeavoring to inter-| SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS cA - —___—_—_—_——_ more of them would be pou. —_™™:™: - ing across the border from LINDSAY'S CARTAGE and Lower California and Mexico. STORAGE And what would become of the —IN THE— G. T. P. Transfer Agents Hawaiian Islands? It is only one chance in a hun- FARM aisona Valley Nechaco Valley Orders promptly filled Prices reasonable. ) , Bulkley Valley Fort George District OFFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone 6s dred that Japan. would ever at- 5 ; : IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS-- tempt such a thing as to wat against the United States and Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on DS Fi Canada, but it is for Canada to easy terms. Little’s NEWS protect herself against that ency 0 age ig My NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers must be carried out and en- PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000,00 VANCOUVER, B.C. CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS larged. 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club the United States’ fleet would not leave their own coast un- defended to go six hundred miles north to fight Canada’s battle, while at the same time thousands of brown men on fine passenger steamers Excursions: Portland Canal mines Phe fol — Prince Rupert for eniniliiaee solved that an humble address be! The Montreal Star, which op-lated: For acquiring, managing,|‘Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 10 p.m. developing, working and se 1)“ Camosan ” a Saturdays at 10 p.m. | None safer on the coast than these two | Savoy Hote Cor, Fraser and 6th nes and ( were RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT COAL |New Wellington Coal. Best on the Coast Phone 116 Rogers & Black : THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND Ave | L. A. Barbeau Cartage, Coal and Reliable Messenge Service | Phone 68 735 3rd Ave, Silversides Bros, |The up-to-date House Decor tors of Prince Ruper Sign Writing. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties “We always deliver the goods.” 2nd Street Phone 156 Green PRINCE RUPERT FEED Cl. Dealers (HAY, GRAIN FEED AND SEEDS Agents for the International Stock Food | MAUL ORDERS PROMPILY ATTENDED ™ | | | SONS OF NORWAY Meets ist and 3rd Thursdays at? p. m., at 349 3rd ave. Al Nor- wegians are welcome “Valhalla” of S.H. & EF. (SCAN DINANIAN SOCIETY Meets every 2nd and ith Tuesday at8 p.m. in the hal! at 319 3rd Ave Bowling + Alleys s| eo rom | 12 root | 4 ALLEYS Best Fitted and Mos the ( st | Grd Ave H. E. ROSS, Prop. — LADIES -OUR PAPER 1S TAKING- A S\RAW VOTE —- WHAT ARE YOUR VIEWS ON THE VARIOUS PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES? The Long anil Short of It ° —Drawn for The Daily News by a - TM. FOR NICE PLUMP rve, SO TALL AND STATELY AND Nor > Too Fat! STAND SKINNY FOLics! © 410 Bil. TAFT— IL cant STARTED SompPin’! Q)/ “Hop” ‘ ' ~ INTEL =~ SIMD,