THE DAILY NEWS 7 2 NOTICES LAND PURCHASE NoTI( K pURCHAS LAND Ce ae ae a Per et Cees, MEDICINE HAT The Helping Hand of Our Sin ala Sateen? = =SPORT CLIPPINGS IS ADVANCING & Mat. ORDER SERVICE i : bed land following described foreshore y iihe t planted about Commencing at a post . | ..! re 0 tel a s planted at the sraveyard | int, vide | SOUthwest corner of Lot 4446, thence south “ IS EVER YWHER su" and being on the south Shee) s09 Feet, thence Following the shore line Fr 6 ; , ' Prairie City Claims to Have the ® \ : o ; : t Trunk pe ection 300 feet from ormer Ch Chicago, Oe ; inal § ar \ in inenee Saree pe Se, tre pent tod a ie Railway right-of New ¥ “a Arrives. din 7 soi for the tol ; Greatest Building Advance- Where there is @ post office or an ex g 640 acres MOTC] east corner of Lot 4446 i Of the south oe a Diamond a eee : se match be- ment in Canada. press office in British Columbia or the : ' feet to high water mark ‘or 0. T , pane Thomas, an English middleweight] tween Jack Johnson, heavyweight x Yukon, there the people may enjoy our en ee of “commences along the beach to point) boxer, former holder of the Lord| champion of the world, and Sam : moderate prices and quality goods. This ith, 191 See nent, containing 2@.0 acres Lonsdale belt, is here to search| Langford, to be staged in Sydney Medicine Hat, Alta., Oet, 2 is made possible through our thoroughly ’ IGNACE 8 ? : P "|fhe 1 creme : alin : organized Mail Order Service, which is coust,| Rated July sown, so19 AGE MASSEY for a mateh Mhomas lost the} Australia on Boxing Day, Decem.|The announcement that Medicine represented among our patrons by our . strict 0 oast, ‘ " . ) 1 * mea 7 Pub. Aug. 12, 1019 phell by a knockout to Jack Harri-| ber 26th, are expected to be com.|Hat is leading all Canadian cities Illustrated Catalogue, @ perfect buyers’ ange » : Horace It Ys so aa son lo prepare for any offer|pleted today, when W. ©, J. Kelly,[ this year for building record is help that will be sent to any address upon entieman, Skee ‘ , ; . » > Peon oto purehase| “8eems Land ee rite or s Catalo . 1 A about 2], a eae — i, James Coxford, of|'' nds going into active training | returns here from New York matter of eourse; in faet, this you in touch with the larwest, finest stock ‘ ’ q = e rome, ) oecupatio » o swelle y, * ) veyard §=Poimt end to apply lor perm'esion is purekant at once He is said to be clever Keliy asserts he is commis-|eondition was freely forecasted cut Gass Ceaery, over” Sam end 7 les ’ ’ 8 ’ vy, J spout 1% mile the following described lands ind a solid punches sioned to offer Johnson 850,000] several months ago by insiders Novelties in Western Canada ena River, and Commencing at & post planted at point ’ ta pplication 0) where G. T, P. Rly. intersects the > for two battles in the Antipodes,|familiar with basic facts AcsiiV . ae : nweat tre H Birks & Sons . i ns, penice tit i abo 4 4 .“« . : , a: 40 chains ined ‘Soden | 2 chain yuthwest from Ihe Cleveland elub, sinee|one with Langford and the other|early as last April, KR. H. Knight, enry ’ Limited ? point Lot 1717, thence ; ; a ro oF leas of war "“thenee” ao ther! Oe rignt| Harry Davis left are winning} with Sam MeVey. He also asserts|civil engineer, while stopping JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS "me Al 0 : ny er southerly and westerly | f om ' . > are > re eee fsland to —. , following shore line of | '#ht along They are now on an|that Johnson must accept Me-jover here in the interest of Ed- Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director ‘ , : eee “TAMES CORP. RI hea landing with Chicago forlintosh’s offer or quit the game] monton investors, stated I am 5 3] ; , Dated July 6th, 1912 fourth place for good, especially impressed with the ‘ub u 23 7 t—Distriet of Coast, y 9% SUSS —— large number of new industries . | : aon” ‘esas Smith, of | Ernie Barrieau, champion am- Judging from the box score of] that are now locating in Medicine uk ipation bail keena Land aoe District of Coast,;ateur lightweight of the Pacifie,|Saturday’s game, in which Ray|Hat, although the surprising fea- “py I ermssion > Me ‘ . ce 1 ivad . Take notice that I, Anthony Ludgate, or} W!!! leave for Edmonton in a few}Collins defeated the Detroit} ture is that this opportunity was | 4 nted about 70 Hsumkaium, occupation lumberman, it dave \ 1 : ‘ « . ‘ poet I a oun ‘tee tend to apply for permission ~ purchase! la vhere h vill meet Kid Sea-|Americans, it looks as though] not Tae ae oo much 4 P ) the south side] e fovowimng described lands f fi October 12 é . as formerly 0 »} sooner ith the development f} " thence south 80 wmreo tT. F hl r fave Gee a “Ls emt on | icone w rl | , I ir. that is now going ahcad in w t y ; 1s, thenes rt eG F y. intersects the Zymago riladelphia orld s champions,| the 8 1 ance est- ‘ “ ” d 10 chains to post| Ul Kiver, about 24 chains southwest from Billy Papke is a real comeback “ { | » cate y for}ern Canada, with the central lo FROM HOME TO HOME. | ; 1 6460 acres most westerly point of Lot 1717, thence ph ‘ a neback.|is going to ado sole alcening or seh PERE, . - } re J sees eS T f Rly ist night he beat Jack Denning,|the Boston Red Sox thomas] cation of the city, together with ; VAY SMITH rt 9 y, thence northerly and west . ‘ ne! ‘ . a ; ‘ 7 - ' erly about 60 chains following shore line f New Yo in ten rounds at} would be the ideal man behind the} nature’s gift of gas for lighting, § pt a8 regia: +9 Sg POMANTHONT LUDdre te w York bat in the big series next month,| fuel and power, Medicine Hat can- Dated July ohih, 1918 —__—— as he has been through severalj/not help but become a_ great / ' trict o oas "u uly 23, 3 ' } , Sid. Syk Manager , Land District—District of Coast, , ee | Manager Reidy, of the San|batties and knows the weaknesses} manufacturing centre. oe ‘ V 7 , ‘1, Mike Vidak, of Francisco baseball club, says helof the New York sluggers At the time when Mr. Knight The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. ie . io este an a veaed WO Oe permission | Skeena Land District—District of \ have the pennant winning| ———. made this statement the average Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. » i Coast Range Four i ; - ribed lands . i tea next vear. He is no +} f ‘ ric lailvy record of building permits! / fake notice that I, Fred Dawson, of| a ‘ now pick- When the all-star American|da reco ‘ i ng permi anted about 2 , , ga po Se ; Point tek prince — , en _ armer. i jing up a lot of new reeruits League team was gathered for|had jumped to ten times the daily | 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. ai a. eon side d to app or permission to purchase/ : | f g on the south side) the following described lands:—Com- | the purpose of playing the Naps|average for the corresponding} Phone 8600. x ns, th ay rth] MencIng at @ post planted three miles} Gibbor th st Paul Addie J Day, July 25, 1911,] period of last year As vel mn ains, ence Bo west, one mile south of End Hill, Banks| Se : aullom Addie Joss Day, July 20, 1911,) perio ‘ . ” , , cualn Bese ‘sland, thence south 40 chains, " thence| Marve s hot on Eddie Me-lthe eatehers of that great team|!ull in construction operations is at 6 west 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, ( wail ‘ MIKE VIDAK thence east 40 chains to point of com iw s track Mike says he is|were Paddy Livingston and Gabby noted, and it is believed the rec. August 24 1912 or lee. nt; containing 160 acres, more) ihe middleweight champion, and|Street. By a peculiar coincidence} ord of building permits should sept, 28, 1012 salon ts v4 song? DAWSON. jhe is going oul to show the pub-Ithose two players are the only/easily pass the $3,000,000 mark/}}{} " ‘ ad i rater ugus . y | . 4 | | Pabst setts, “tt © that he is. A fight between|imembers of that grand organiza-|long before winter. | Canadian General Electric Company, Limited t of Coas these tw would be o1 f the a . ate . tw ould be one Oo ‘}tion who are not in the big era | Range V | Th bert Lopas, of best { af sec . ies tal ng ets ‘or Sale—2 leve : Six it] Mining and Contracting Machinery ha A 5 -” Skeena Land District—District of , f the year leagues today, Street having been For ale——2 level lots on ixth 1] | ectrical Apparatus of every description permission t _— wana =? eer, » ft banished to the International,javenue, Block 24, Seetion 7,'[//| : g describ lands ake notice a , Isabelle Smith Ses ~— ‘ . pan ' oe ‘ Hit ° ‘ k nied about 30] 8, of Prince Rupert, occupation married Phe San Francisco promotors|while Paddy is catching for To-] $1,900; $650 cash. Post Box|} ||| Phone 245 Graham Kearney Mgr. BOX 974 ‘yard Point telegraph | Woman, intend to apply for permission to} say if they cannot match Rivers ledo 689. 232 | ’ ith side of the|¥Urchase the following described lands . . . th 40 chains,| Commencing &t @ post planted four miles} and Wolgast for Thanksgiving alias 2 : west and one mile south of End Hill . { : ; Fg. i ence north 4 "| Da hey Ww endeavor to get ie Mve he ) ’ he A : s Islanc hence so ( | ~ ap Myers has now broken the on ng 160 canis "an re een 7 ry ‘chains, “theme ° ‘norte 46 Jack Britton and Willie Ritchie] wy site record in stealing bases —— . chains, thence west 40 chains, thence], ' , i é ALBERT LOPAS north 4 thence west 40 chains t OOK Up for the minor leagu: His total . i f co heement; containing 480 - f late i 106 The record wa 7 . acres more r less 4) OF : = > 3 > as : Dated Aug sti, 1012 ee oe f 1 point oe 2 mmencement, containing ninety Notice. katen Mineral Claim, situate in| prosecution, that tickets had been} NAPOLEON ROY Chicago, which instituted the 4 ee N GLER the Skeena Minuag Division of Cassiar Dis-| <,, ‘xceeding the seating ca-! — . t Bn ll i? ‘tou t trict Where located Near Granby, in ld exceedil os j District of Coast aA oth, 1012. . the sai. mining division and adjoining} pacity, and that the aisles were | ri ge V bat “ p ." seis the property of the Granby Consolidated i J | th stators Charles | 4 Mike Vukstich, of Pub. Sep . Mining, Smelting and Power Company,| Ce With specta . _ " pation restaurant Limited W. Murphy, president of the elub, permission t ® Cassia Take on tice that I, Sam McCague, admin : ae i g described lands ke ne Land Distric . Digiriet ‘ aoed istrator of the estate of James McCague,} Who was also made a defendant, post planted about 7 ake notice that Oli¢ esher, 0 ©e) Free Mines’s Certificate No. 52979B, intend, sharge re Se 4 s south lirection| Rupert, B. ©., occupation hotel meeper. ‘| sixty diss trom the date hereof, to apply} > discharged, Judge Seott rul- | 4 graph office and tenids to apply . ood cae to purchase | to the Mining socereer for a runes fling that Mr. Murphy was merely n ou O ever un Te- ‘i « the Skeena | the lowing desc ped us }improvemeuts, for the purpose of obtain 7 had ‘ uins, thence west ge ty re at 8 eet ees tae ling a Crown Grant of the above claim. an agent of the corporation. i th BO « . ee | east shore of Goose Bay, St 0 ’ > . ice . : } it we 4 oe f meen cmont and about one-half mile south of Indian) | aaor uscton “ss "must be commenced be. Ws A a ° ° ° ig 5 : s ae i serve, the nee 80 chains south, ge fore the issue of such Certificate of Im Billy Walters, welterweight ju Ice peop e wi e you (1KE VUKSTIC chains east, thence 80 « ® oorth, rovenents ‘ ; State August 24 1012 SsTICH 20 chains west to point of commencement, Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1912.) Champion of the United States if 1912 containing 160 acres more or less. SAM M’'CAGUE Sept. 28, 1049 . ar Narence English, at ; OLIER BESNER By His Agent, F. J. Coleman navy, and ¢ DAI N, W. . h i ated Jt Qist, 1012 b Aug : ahi ave 0 atched for t ot Dine —pustner ot conan) BARRY 8 pun sue adie SY SSM Tomaha, have been matehed fo LY NEWS is the home paper CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. a fifteen round bout at St. Joseph, ‘ =" >. nee of Mo., on the night of October tst. . . . A { a ’ re , keena Land District-—District of Coast, Notice—Rupert Mineral Claim, situate . ie aiaiaiilie . Ln & fon to lease the fol- | "*een Range V in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar | The weight agreed upon | 44 Oo } ince upe . . . . . . . . . . “ ‘ st planted at fake notice that Henry Burbank, Of} pistrict Where located Near Granby, pounds at 3 0 clock on the day of ' ‘ ‘ 161 — ae ees t prines Rupert, occupation fumberman,/in the said mining division and adjoining ? ¥ . i z, ‘gection tram intends to apply for permission Se pur the property of the prey Se the tieht. ° est oO , . chase the following describec ands Mining, Smelting anc ower 20) Ly, : i ih 80. chains {o| Commencing at a post planted 40 chains} Limited : agcgee : Advertisers also tell us and will tell you that results obtained he tmencement containing 6 S south of the southeast corner of Lot 1728, Take notice thas Lr 4. Coleman, ree Joe Cohn’s reserve list for! e blict a6 in tin ; ow ho _ oe ange coast District, thence east 40] Miner's Certificate No, 52977B, intend, le pinch irins 69 ORGE A. RaneN Hange “ence south 40° chains, thence| sixty days from the daie hereof, ’to apply | 1913, filed with Seeretary Farrell, | rom publicity carried in the columns o 8 paper have exceeded t } ‘el es ) chains, thence north 40 chains to/to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate i - . Pe wing jlavers: ated September {orn | Lyons, Agent panmt ‘’f commencement, containing 160]of Improvements, for the purpose of, ob- | ime ot ™ lowi . I — 5 by far those obtained through any other newspaper published in D. Sept 8, 1919 — eres wree « less taining a Crown Grant of the ove ClUD. | Pitchers, raft, Gordon, ar- , ? — — Se en HENRY BURBANK And further take notice that action, a ate i Goche Prince Rupert Sheena Land pistrics Andrew Kennedy, Agent.) under Section 85, must be commenced |dreau, Toner, Strand, lochran, 4 Range V. OF COM) Darea Sept. sotm, 1018 efore the issue of such Certifeate of IM- 17 oonard, Pittman, Bridger, Hayes; The successful business man today is the one who advertises ge : sent. 14 provements ; . . ® We otice thes Mare. | iis ; Pub, Sept Dated this 30th day of guy. ay he catehers, Ostdiek, Graham; in- judiciously, who chooses the medium most generally read by , - 8 f ‘ulnam, 0 o N. . . ‘ _, sola, oecupation married i Pub. Aug #2, 1012 fielders, Gooney, Altman, Cart- 7 ADply for permission to) Skeena Land District—District of Coast) Pub. ANS wei raniiatiinmes iets Cegitne. tniake” ieee een citizens of a community; a business man who does not look upon i wing described lands wees. pake, of Peince| CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT et ere : * Post planted about 80 Take notice that |, J uthwest t| Rupert, B. C., occupation blacksmith, | in flelders, Johnson, Melehoir, Pow- an expenditure for advertising as an expense, but, on the con- southwest corner o ’ , . » ’ for permission to purchase Notice——-Cayuse Mineral Claims, situate).i) jiontiey, W. Johnson, i : ren = cont ne eee eet cnovthe described lands in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar |‘ a ‘ | trary, as an investment. This type of business man you will . 5 There locate Ne j in cmepepeemns hains West *) chains, thence north 80 Commencing at & pom, panes ot ee District, aor ene ond nisinn tae athe tad bs ton tent, deta a See PS lie his Aver, thence (#88 t0 bank of -Skeena perepwass sornes of Lo bank of Zimogo-| property of the Granby Consolidated Min Bowling Score. gene y pro’ ’ ng bank of | 40 easterly direction along | 60 Chains more ¢ river » elt and Power Company, Lim- 4 ata rs My . ) post of “Wer 80 chains more or less to) tite Hiver, thence along th bani of Tint) tig, Smelling ane . In a match game at the Hut dollars daily and moving his goods rapidly—and all through the j Wes More OF lene emt containing 640)! a areeeh 0 peat of commen¢ fake notice that I, James J. Lee, Free]Rowling Alleys, Second avenue, ess along river ban , more or 1es3.| Miner's CertiNcate No, 529788, intend,| : be ha ‘khart’ liberal use of newspaper publicity. f MKS, L. C, PUTNAM ge eer i corner inty days from the date hereof, to apply|/ast night, Captain Lockhart’s leorme : NAI rke Pake, northwest co eres ; ; » Por certificate , ’ lance’ ; ted Auguay FS, Putnam, Agent, | MAFWOd 2. . Behe J. KR. PAKE to the Mining Recorder tor nee of opin. (ream defeated Captain Vance's Try advertising as an investment, if only for a short time, and "WD, Sept. 17, 1949 Dated Aug, Sist, 1912 mprove ha slim. r 40 pins. A. Steeves had ‘ mk i, Pub, Sept. 16, 1919 Meer rther wake ‘notice that action, |) ay - ee he ee ee watch your business grow. "0a Land | 5 t be commenced be-|POtn Nis score ang aver. istrict 8 ¢ nder Section 85, must be commencec Range Vettes Of Coast, ‘ iit esiet--Distsics of Coast fore the issue of such CertiNeate of Im-|age, 465 and 157, respectively, Let our solicitors call and explain why The News is the best me- Skeena Land Distr out - , 8 * provements e ’ ¥ nha _ » . jake notice that Allan sim ok tah Range V Dated this 30th day of July, A BR Oe The next mateh game will be dium through which you should inaugurate your initial cam- i, WI uation bridgeman intends to Take notice that Joho Merritt, at P ines 7 em in played Wednesday night between , # de serie > pure ; } e 0 ation constable iten 8 ’ 7 ; ; x rl ee ew hase thg fol a te ee 0 - ee sus ban OE the Business Men and a picked| paign. ai ” at heast her net, BOSt Planted at the} lowing deseribed lands : team. an Sim gy Lot 1706, and marked Commencing at a post planted . WATER NOTICE. ig AMS, the her, thenee north 40|north bank of the Quinamas Kiver, & —_— Hs L ~ west 20 chains re rls as f Indian shack, thenes or a License to Take and Use Water. é a me “a Ne, ~a - i Mong bene Of iy noe Ur “hives,” Ghente ae sie ohio - the nee ‘ ast 40 chains Betas e is hereby given that George E On Saturday afternoon a party ¥ TON : (0 chaing JY@? (0 @ Southerly diree-}thence south 46° chains, thence West 40) poarns and William H, Clarke, both of ™ consisting of Messrs, Morrison, “d reo” 4 i” . Lot r less to the north| chains to post of commencement, contain of Vaneouver, in the Province © 2 Le a . . : henee east 20 chains|ing 160 acres more or less lish Columbia, merebants, will apply) Williams, Stewart and MeRae 9 "mw ! { . i » eight cubie Ming ' r commer JOHN MERHITT, | ‘ r a license to take and use elg : a . 4 aah Hore oe - i}, Fallowfeld, Agen cet per second of water out of & certain went out for a little pleasure | f . | he hills to th uth and I j h 8S tl | uted ALLAN pte or nd, 1012 stream rising In the hiMs to ihe se aunt in the launeh Shawatian, Pub. gave 1, 1949 SIM Dased September te sear Hegan Point, flowing about north: |? perignia | wm 19, 1049 oe re vat Shy west Ull the point of compass} returning with sixteen duck, This northwest, thence south and west, ° of the ee nio the pass one mile south) '> only another evidence es ta lischarging inte e 35 " MONG Distries Skeena Land District-——District r Hewan Point rhe water will be dil} splendid sport which residents of} Distric y Niet Of Coast Kange V yroximately southeast from Hegan Tak we verted apt ’ 1a To , ‘ Vaicouver py tat Beryt 1, Gampte f fake notice that Thomas Partington, Of); t ope and & half miles distant and wil Prinee Rupert enjoy within such ! 7 , S h ? - - uses « , il “pation spinster, in-| Selkirk, Man., oceupation clerk, intends lO) he used for industrial eee ks 7} easy reach, | one VD desert tssion to purchase} apply for permission to purehase the Fol) \q . roast Distelet , wa | i uae é 1 lands lowing deseribed lands Kane — : s m th round ‘ ; ; ‘ \ POSE Planted @t whe Commencing at a post planted on & | i a i 2 we eee . ~ ro Mean temperature for Septem. 09 ‘ . We* Cast 20 chaine’ eut® 40] island one mile easterly from Indian spplication Wl be fied in the of | ber, 54.5; precipitation for Sep- It rim hains more orlserve at mouth of Quinamas River, then rn Water Recorder at Prince Ru horth uf Lit No, 545.) south 40 chains to Piver bank thenes a f british, Columbia, Objections may}tember, 8.39 inches; maximum P hore thence west @ ; ains m iver bank thence] | ; auld » scorder of 7h : ’ ~ i to point of com: Cate nana “shane oy ast 40 chains | mats ii : Ww L nny highs lemperature during month, 76, ® 80 ‘ : waptro i en eee We ee a eee Parliament Buildings, Vietoria, British © }on fith and 15th; minimum tem. : ares thhore or eas A ; 7 Y |, GAMBLE fHOMAS PARTINGTON, Locator } tumbta GEORGE EB. BRARNS, perature during month, 40, on Pub, soph” ,SM 101) Miller, “Agent 4. G, Pallowneld, Agent. | WM, H. CLARKE the 22nd ML ta Dated September 8nd, 1012 b. Sept. ¥, 1018 Applicants | Pub, Sept, 27, 1012