— THE DAILY NEWS at “hE Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist eer Teenie {II, NO. 238 Prince Rupert, B.C., THurspay, OcTospr 3, 1912. ’ Price Five Cente BRIDE REFUSES AID TO THE STRIKING MINERS — = == TWO F ISHING BOATS ON WAY FROM ENGLAND TO NORTHERN BANKS EXPECTED SHORTLY PORT MANN WILL NOT BE. THE verte PRINCE RUPERT IS THE PLACE Engineer and Athlete Who Returned from Visit to the South. taff of the Evening Em TERMINUS OF C.N. R. LINES <==!" idence in Vaneouver, | ” rejoined by Mrs. MeKay, sin DONALD MANN TELLS $ VANCOUVER PEOPLE HIS RAILWAY. bi WILL COME INTO THAT CITY—NEVER MAKE PORT MANN AN OCEAN PORT; TO HAVE SHOPS THERE. weompanied by her chil | ne 0 the steamer Cheloh- Sir Donald Port Mann vill get the big} *! Mi and Mrs. MeKay and if the Can shops of the company and the | Children who were old time resi wis &@ passenger south last tation, says that the home town! is all right and all the big cities} to the south very nice for a visit, but Prinee Rupert for him and hel has come back to stop He expects a number of his friends to follow him here very shortly, Makes Smart Arrest. Constable Bailey, of the city police, effected a smart arrest this afternoon on Sixth street The prisoner is suspected of be- ing an eseaped convict wanted by ithe authorities in the state of Washington. The police here}¢ have been on the lookout for him for some time. Constable Bailey today recognized him by a pie- ture in possession of the city police ve n al coal barges wv put in here But) ts f the city, will be missed promised| ocean vessels, when the company|”’ the large number of friends be without} has its line established, will make they have made since their arriv- s of the! their port at Vancouver sir | a! in Prince Rupert ifements al-| Donald further said that the} from him in| transeontinental will be finished The Prince Rupert lowing the effeet|in 190144 He expeets to award alliub held a committee meeting : Ml is to get thatiecontract soon for a branch line ist evening at the club quarters us between Kamloops and Kelowna.|When several matters of import \W e the assem ince were discussed and business iins and will Bowling Scores at the Hub. bot 1 general character transacted f the ecom-} In a match game last night at Wark had high score {87, and I) d out that it} é 7 ng@man high average 16 Wark 187 14 117 451 ition of their) p. norvik 124 134 = «141 399 J. Melville 112 157 134 403 ther cities ; . her cities thes y cot 165 13 rT. 484 g their ter oS MeNab 12 ir ‘ both because 713 727 689—~2,129 i jisance Itipr. Clayton 128 i 125 TT) 9 nm ache 1 149 17 q und W y neman 142 is 16¢ > KR. was doing|]A. Ackerbere if 152 152 463 | : : Cumberland, \ | et ; Ir | 734 se 43—2,223 SUDEGATE CHANNEL IS TO BE =: a ae CLEARED ANTICIPATE PEOPLE 2." I presentat be placed I writ | CAPTAIN CAMERON LOSES SMALL BOAT IN MAKING PASSAGE |). Accordingly the miners FROM ISLANDS TO CITY—-SKIDEGATE PEOPLE EX- lrepresentatives addressed the day after s after one of ‘ j — , ~ be found on this coast would] .y ppage of work by the miners miest tips he saved by being able to use this],,, ployed by the Canadian Col af experienced | passage in going tl the west coas jeries Co, at their mines at Cum nh navigat-irather than by having to Ma@ke@/jerpland and Extension, for your asters t around the north shore’ Of! eansideration gate the Gil-| Graham Island ill gasoline Also Members of Board. ltray were elected as a gas com bad was the In enumerating in yesterday s| fate, which! branch of the B. ©, Mainland In lsame as required by law hat by this time she: surance Association the name of he beach some-/the firm of Pattullo & Radford es of wreck-| was:inadvertently omitted 3 Seen | ene eneversen working places The manage ment of the mines, upon the post- uee ‘har The e 0 e late M M Queen Char- he funeral of the late Mr . this report, called on the} ine particularly; Lennan, whieh was to have taken hief * rage ga Mr . 3 : inspecto ; oF . ile, have high} place from Hayner Bros. under on I ' Graham, to come to Extension] iis ong some-|taking parlors on Friday, . e « by the Domin-|been postponed until Monday} iplaces wi : srnoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Mr.|?! : ver’ Sees os rr land the report of the gas com 5 ‘ ‘ saa amie . ‘he body will} is the Skide Kerr will oMfeiate The bo« i nitheds ssi daaeiiieel Sanam often and make an examination of the} in question Phis he did ble f not at} ‘0 s ay ible, if not atjarrive on Sunda this the place where Osear Mot irge vessels at tishaw was working was finished As wn ordinary Try Stalker & Wells butter land he was refused another place VW best vel Iwo tbs. for 75 cents ly, + manic cee idee See ae blasting | 220-tf Teen idje waiting for an oppo ltunity and asking to work Not \EW TRI TE A Necessary Work. lwishing to be the cause of any LEGRAPH | Rejoicing is the order of theltrouble between the management clays amongst the eilizens of} and the men, he left there and () | Petnee Rupert, who notice that a) went to Cumberland, where ly F OPENED start has been made this morn jsecured employment, working fot ing in the work of laying plank) a contractor in the mines of the intersections Of}same company He had only of the| worked there three days when th contraetor, Mr, Goe, received u crossings al the as New Telegraph) the sireets and ayeliics ing-——Will Move city. Wallace's corner is the firs! na Few Days to receive attention and it is tel structions | be sincerely hoped that the goodl ent, Mr. Henderson, to diseharg: M Coe demurred, saying Granby Bay Office Build from the superintend work will be kept up jh | lihat Mottishaw was a good work Quiet Day for Cadi. }man and he had no reason to lice] “el, 3 rhe gov. ed for the * Lelegraph : rhings were quiet in the p court this morning, James : ve will be tula, the Italian who owns @ /aree) 6 we H. Rivett, Eighth avenue, Mi . aoe a va { tenement house on the eornel of} daughter | “3! Ninth avenue and MeBride, and] who has been in trouble with the | j}health inspeetor lately, was given . L ready for a Born, this morning, to the wife ised for | temporary Roche Big Basement Pool tile : . : a Mr! another extension of time to Belly s being enlarged and is egra | PY OP-lthe somewhat strong smelling » of the most comfortable = POOMS.|euano spread over his garden , tau. Mathie tno Geel Hospita: Dance pateh, which has been the cause)!" ' ena ' 935 ° f patrons 0 La of annoyance to the neighbors of . ' . he hy . dance inilate. Two cases of vagrancy and Roche's Pool Room h | ' he held intone ¢ hinaman for theft will cor ; “ha Chub 4 p Pioneer Cleaners » & | ' Priday/up before the magistrate tomo ith re ae : 1-254 lrow morning Phone 4 oe sconce" PREMIER McBRIDE MAKES NO ENDEAVOR derson what reason he agreed togpay him, As Mottishaw was a member of » union at Cumber- PECT TO HAVE CHANNEL CLEARED. lfollowing letter to the Premie1 }Sir Richard MeBride *. LAmeron, OWne! t of a number of eks, at the | Honored Sir: We beg to sub-|' aft Gilford; Present time a distinet menace to}, herein facets nm connection any form of navigatior Iw jwith the cases of discrimination ‘ | was decided hundred miles of a bad water @s/ihat has finally culminated in a » office of the company,| superintendent, | | Some two or three months ago} shugly fixed losecar Mottishaw and Isaac Por-| » would not deal mittee to examine the mines of], i osing herjissue the local firms comprising] Joiq company at Extension and | » oneal ere foreed to!the board committee of the | call eport on the eondition of the} was discharged. During their examination they] tendent und and reported gas in five| give unquestioned employees of Cumberland was management want lo hear you at ¢ » returned to the meeting and reported manageme ntl would meet a committee ment of diMiculties and ailemsanes industrial operations » from you is this: appointed or kas committee ¢ afford them? [oprTuaRy| | The death oceurred last even. 11 o'clock of Jae > of London hing Premier When Appealed to by the Miners for Protection Under and dnd be-14 prvam ...°as HRS, 190— a8 the Act, Positively Refuses to Appoint Investigation 4 Committee---Miners’ Correspondence it prevent the employer or his agents from discriminating against them or discharging them case they make a report not satisfactory to the management? ROBERT FOSTER, District President G, PETTIGREW, Int. Board Member DAVID TRVINE, Int. Organizer. The miners’ officials received the following telegram: Copy. iMr. Robert Foster, President I M: W. of Au Have carefully perused your lletter and fail to find grounds warranting an enquiry under the Coal Mines Regulation Act. Let- lter follows, RICHARD M’BRIDE Copy of Letter. Rh. Foster, President U. M. W. of \.. Nanaimo, B,. C, Sir: I have the honor to ac- knowledge the receipt of your letter, setting forth particulars of the alleged = discrimination eases by the Canadian Col- lieries (Dunsmuir), Ltd., against *icertain employees, acting on gas committee, In reply I beg to confirm my telegram of today as follows: Have carefully perused your letter and fail to find grounds |‘ warranting an enquiry under the Coal Mines Regulation Act. Let- ter follows. Departmental enquiries are governed by seetions 48, 49, 50 and 52 of said aet, and in the ab- sence of any specific charge a complaint against any person or ,/ persons affeeted by the operation of the said aet, the department cannot undertake proceedings, | have the honor to be, sir, Your obedient servant, RICHARD M'BRIDE, Minister of Mines. rhis means,” says the miners’ srepresentatives, “that not with- standing the direct question put to him, as to what protection ‘men who are appointed or elect- ed on gas committees will have, he evades the question entirely.” | Most of that time had been spent al Port Essington He came to Prince Rupert about two months age he remains, which are in the hands of © lL, Fisher, will be out to come here to fish in Charlotte Island waters considerable TWO GRIMSBY TRAWLERS ARE EXPECTED WITHIN FEW DAYS TWO MORE BOATS ON WAY OUT FROM ENGLAND FOR NORTH- ERN HALIBUT BANKS—CANADA WILL ARRIVE IN A FEW DAYS. Oct, 2.—Making al]Canada is of 154 tons and was from the United} built in Beverly in 1892. Officials of the B. C, Fisheries, Lid., state that the salmon pack at the big Aliford Bay cannery at present amounts to 20,000 cases. first of the steam Doughty interests, the| Provided the weather holds good she has been named,|the packers hope to make their is expected to put in an appear-|cateh 25,000 cases. When the within the next ten|salmon fishing is ended the men will turn their attention to hali- vessel is now out! fishing, and it is expected that Grimsby, England, about|large hauls will be made during and she has re-|{he winter, ported at coaling ports at various The Canada will be the first of After the Canada ar-/the fleet of the company to start rives she will be given a thorough/in the halibut business, and in overhauling and in about a month| view of the faet that her skipper to go north. and crew are new to the fishing is bringing out ajindustry and its requirements on composed of Grimsby fish-/this coast, their work will be Following the Canada|watched with great interest by England is another|other fishermen. steam trawler, the Trymple. She There was a report in cireula- will not report for some time yet,|tion that the Doughty interests sailed several weeks after| were to enter the whaling busi- Both trawlers were|ness and would erect a station ‘units of the great Grims-|on the Queen Charlotte Islands, fleet and have seen| but this has been denied by offi- service there. The|cials of the company. bulletins to the effect that beacon has been erected at Passage; the beacon at to be moved to Danger Rocks, communication for protection of shipping has NEW AIDS TO NAVIGATION ANNOUNCED FROM OTTAWA MANY CHANGES OF LIGHTS AND "DISCOVERY OF SEVERAL UNCHARTED ROCKS ON GRITISH COLUMBIA COAST ANNOUNCED. the cable. An uncharted rock has been discovered in Cordova Bay, on the east coast of Vancouver Island. Commander Henry Py- Marine department ead = it hor vessels in the vicinity of Campbell Island, present on Koya Point, at the en-/pus, R, N. R., struck the rock, Houston Stewart Chan-| which is five fathoms round, on Charlotts Islands, is|August 5th with the yacht White Cloud. It has been named Pybus Rock. A new are of visibility has re- placed the old lamp at Porlier established by the govern-| pass, in the Straits of Georgia. Canada between the/It is a fixed white light and is on Lennard Island! situated on Race Point. government telegraph An uncharted rock has been Tofino. discovered in Hudson Bay Pass, The telephone line consists of| Dundas Islands, Chatham Sound a land line from the light station| (latitude N, 54 deg. 30 min. 24 to a small cove at the northeast|se¢., longitude W. 130 deg, 48 Lennard Island, distant|min. 30 see,), When on the rock from the lighthouse; a/the south point of Randall Island the above cove to ajand the north point of Baron on the west side of|Island are in line. It is small Peninsula, distant about 3-4)and surrounded with deep water southeast extrem-|and covered with help. Island; and a land The United States government Peninsula to To-|have replaced the whistling buoy at Neah Bay with a gas and are warned not to eee buoy. shipped this afternoon at 2 o'clock on Mr, Frizzell’s launeh|)), to Port Essington for interment | Prinee ‘ens srvcs' INDIAN WOMEN fisheries inspector's vaniwe com "TONGUE FIGHT morning for Van-| sonitlibelldeded | Society Matrons of Port Simp- | gon Air Social Grievances on Prinee George left this Day of the Royal Visit. morning on her scheduled run to - a small passenger; Indian Agent C, ©, Perry ar- rived in the city last evening from ——— Port Simpson, where he had been steamer Chelohsin re-!presiding over a number of po- the weekly run to/lice court cases, in which several at the mouth of} Indian women were concerned. last evening at about/It appears that several of the leaving shortly after-| native women got mixed up in a Vancouver. tongue fight on the night of the ene lvisit of the Duke to Port Simp- Neepital Meeting Tomercow. json, Some pretty strong and un- regiilar meeting of! complimentary language seems to of Directors of the|have been indulged in, resulting Rupert General Hospital) in fines being imposed by Agent at the city hall on} Perry in some cases, whilst the The regular meeting of the| Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock | remainder were held~ over, to | Board of Trade will be held to morrow evening in the city hall! -}at 8 o'cloek Job Printing at the | sentinel | Daily News office, | Best meal in town at Savoy. ' jcome up at a later date. ae