THE DAILY NEWS : — tee NOTICES LAND PURCHASE NOTICE a f Coast) Skeena Land Dist SOCCER SCORES IstrictDistrict of Coast acey of Tak Range ’ penter, . im Ta e hotio that |, Agnace Massey, of ™ re ‘ ; ecupation logger, intenc i ha apply | err - ‘ , intend + about} lowing ad cribed tf Pethree er cnase the planted abou Co onen fc is Point tle-| eouthweer ng at aD yi planted at th the south side feet, thence : , thence 1 80 chains,|in a northe , terly hireoine ~ r . vine Many Surprises in English and north 80) ihe Gran un . a 200 Tee rom re oe ine, Gren a ire KI ecific R ullway right-of Scottish Soccer Resultse— eeet eas the so i0 acres more | pons gotase of Lot 4446, thence west yy 7 Many Leaders Defeated. ee » high water mark or G. 7 7 ' STACEY ot Way, thence along the be ach wo ae OF _commenceme nt, containing 9.0 Eat London, Oet. 4 Following are | t results of leaguc football IGNAC MASS | u agi ha | Dated July 30th, 1919 , HASSEY i ‘ j of Coast, | Pub. Aug. 19, 1049 | f piaved last Saturday in Prince | First Division { ‘purchase | Skeena Land District—pistrict of Coast Blackbu Rover , Notts , Range \ "4 { ' ted about 9 Sekine t ag I, sate : : ve of ' ; ; ud «Point eeupation lumberman, rad ad tit Sheflield Unit ; end to apply .or permission to pure VM wn the following described lands. purchase | aij { ef 2 — { nimencing at at ited TF hains, | oe River, about 26 chains ithwest from Derby Gout 0 Middlesbor mmenes m st westerly point of Lot 1717, thence } > asterly 48 chains along G. T. P. Rly. right j Ck it ; ;of Way, thence itherly and westerly kiverte 0: Ast Villa 4 : shout 70 chains following shore line of . } island to point of commencement Manche er Cit ; Bolton JAMES COXFOR Dated July 6th, 10129 ” Wand 0 ; Coast, Pub. July 23, 1019 SheMfield Wednesdas ‘: Man | } i mith, of lester United ‘ 1 tail] Skeena Land District——District of Coast, s derland 2 Potenham Het r i n t Range V i rake notice that I, Anthony Ludgate, of) °!'''* al h mkalun yecupation lumberman, in W t Br h Albi y: Lis Point tele-| tend to apply for permission to purchase ' : th je| the following deseribed lands i th sol Commencing at & post planted at a point! I | where G. T. P. Rly. intersects the Zyntago | W eh A , 1; Neweas ‘ j j tite Kiver, about 24 chains southwest from| I ted 14 ‘ ‘ | most we sterly point of Lot 1717, thenc e| j easterly 48 chains along the G. T.’ P. Rly.| Second Division : MITH elit of way, thence northerly and west eriy about 60 ¢hains following shore line | I gham 1 Stockport 1 if sland t point of commencement i It ' ANTHONY LUDGATE ria } Fulham 0 Dated July 6th, 1012 Brist ( { Preston orth { Coast ib. July 23,1012 * “ End 4 Get OGDEN Sfor“PURITY” ke , Vida ot I Rarnsley |“ OGDEN’S “ “AROMA” m Skeena Land District-——District of ( : ' rie “ 1S 4 pissiot a foe 7 3 { : oop 0. | OGDEN’S FRAGRANCY” ‘ : Tak notice that I, Fred Dawson of (arimil vn 3 tradford 0 e “ « ESS” al it i nt tek Prince Kupert, scOupation farmer, in-| dads 1 d | . R Late i Sanaaes aa “MILDN ul ' tend 1 Apply for permission to purchase| ! siie } es 1. south so} “ie following described lands:——Com Foase 0 COOLNESS hence n mencing at & post planted three miles ins to post| Wes one mile south of End Hill, Banks} Lincoln ¢ 1; Hull City 4 Smoked All Over Great Britain and, thence uth 40 chains thence} l ‘ a west 40 chains, thence north 40 chains eed \ hampton MIKE VIDAK thence east 40 chains to point of com-| Wanderers 10c. per Packet. mencement containing 160 acres, more Nit hat I ' , | E h k or less ig am orest ; surnles > . oO FRED DAWSON ‘ ach packet contains a coupon. Daw 1 August 1, 1919 Seuth . These coupons are good for the ib ig s, 1012 utnern 4s m a . following presents : ‘ ne eens ark ang- Lopas i , Coupons Jickel ‘‘ Sheffield’ pation 5 Skeena Land District—District of ers ( 3 Nickel Sheffield pocket 4 Coast Kange Four Northampton Brentford 0 penknife. Take notice that |, Isabelle Smith El S e- adex ag -he \ rince Rupert, occupation married a gham 0 Milwall Ath- ” Three t ded _ stag - handled i womal niend to apply for permission to a Sheffield’’ penknife, \ se the following described lands ' 100 « Gent’s Watch Chain mi ng at & post planted four miles} Watford i nity City oe . h 40] West at ¢ mile south of End Hill, : , i 150 . Box of three full-sized knives \ to post b thence south 80 chains, 8 hampt Portsmouth 2,} and forks, ‘‘Sheffield’’ acres more! ti s chains, thence north 4( Readir 0. Swind or { | : ots , ha west 4 chains, thence tee u indo Town manufacture. SRT LOPA north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains to| (Crystal Palace 1, West Ham| 9 ® Small sized Nickel keyless minencement; containing 480) or * . in . less | United 4 watch. iaieadl: Hine Ta ELLIS Plymouth Arg ; Exeter| 2 Ladies’ watch and wristlet. t f 4 Pub Aug i ivi2 Ciitv 0 | | oa 4 | Merthyr Town 1, Brighton and pation | | Skeens Land District—-District of Coast.) Hove Albion 0 pero n tol Kange 6 | bed lands: | ‘Take notice that Caroline Johnson, of Norwich City 4, Bristol R anted nm the! Vancouver B ( occupation married)... 4 " I and al womal intends to apply for permission 5 ish & h of Shame purchase the following described lands: | cottis eague. ° 4 4 3S aso oc Oo Ray os mmencing @t @ post planted st the| 9 ease ssestessesteseecsease ste sce ss sins, th th ner Lot 3 theuce 80| M n 0, Aberdes { " 1! ha s the e 80 chains east, thence} Airdrie ial { Motherwe i sins north to southeast corner of | The Helping Hand of Our - fA A ROY ence west 4 chains along Lot Dundee 1.0 « Pa 0 her north 20 chains along Lot j ; thence 4 hains west along Lot) na ' bh Acade cals 0, Ka j point of commencement, contain-| jp ( ® acres more or leas. 1 CAROLINE JOHNSON fearts 1, Hibernians 0 IS EVERY WHERE ed May G0 ee heen Raith Rovers 0, Kilmarnock o.|NEW YORK WON CHOICE OF DATES AND PLACE OF OPENING R Dated May 291 : ? ma | Pub. June 18, 1942 St. Mirre Third Lanark 2 GAME BY TOSS OF COIN—-UMPIRES SELECTED Where there is a post oMfce or an ex 4 AND SEATS RESERVED. press office in British Columbia or the sk s Land Dristrict—-District of Coast Rugby. Yukon, there the people may enjoy our \ ub i hanes Rossivn 16, Old Blues 11 moderate prices and quality goods This f Sandon, Enuland cocapn i > oe Richmond 11, Old Allyians 0 new Yor, © -—The open- persons who have already made is made possible through our thoroughly ‘ ‘ "’ oly "7 ere aol o oy pur Leicester 6, Devonport ( for he . d’s bas« applicatio Their applications organized Mail Order Service, which is a . mins, } / " ; , vs » » rons 7 : @ ‘ he following described lands : ‘ : ao ; have bee filed and they w be represented among patrons by our west $6 ee tae aka bath See tt Blackheath 14, United Serv ries will be held in this) "* 7 ’ , Illustrated Catalogue, a perfect buyers’ | ns a oe a om om ces 9 bs y. Tuesday. October & wtified to send the money help that will be sent to any address upon wun | hains, thence east 30 chains to/ London Seottish 18, Chathar rt : eh rhe tickets, good fo three request | mmencement, containing ninety} raele TF .1 ~~ Caner. 4 alternate be- mes eac > issue Write for this Catalogue; it will put acres More pee } = 7 aan a. Ye en here and Boston, one game ne ach, will be i ued you im touch with the largest, finest stock HAKLES HENRY ZIEGLER : Harlequins 314, Bedford 3 | 2 wi In New York, with a view to de- of Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, : ol sat. | Alexander Noble, Agent ch city unt the series is Cut Glass, Cutlery, Leather Goods and Dated Aug. 19th, 1012 | neluded feating the speculators, the only Novelties in Western Canada. Vukst Pub, Sept. 3, 1012 Glasgow Semi-Finals seats reserved will be a block of ‘ gs i seit | Glasgow: Oct, 4--The result off ‘The tose of @ opin. dovided|s'ty fo aus maser Grandered Henry Birks & Sons, Limited - 1 st 4 Land District—District of Cassiar.|)p. coy i f : w which city was to get the ope ? t Besner, of Prince| ‘He semi-final + the Glasgow Seats in the lower grand stand ‘ a..." ik ee eri occupail 0 hotel keeper, in | p, played Saturday, is as fo ug ue President MeAleer of we oe Ripa lida JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS ' und | tends to apply for permission to purchase), | | the Boston club, chose heads, the| 24 bleachers will be sold at the Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director Sk q | thee wing described lands — : Polo Grounds, each person pur- west! Commencing "pa "\ eorven on Dp Celtie 0; Clyde 0 coin falling talls and the game hasin 1 ticket must pa lit Vensouver . hen east shore of Goose Bay, Observatory Inlet,/ A : : ehasing i ckKe s ass dire : oe 11. |and about one-half mile south of Indian | Partick Phistle 0; Glasgow] Went to New York ectly into the grounds ease ssl ate sseaseese see scenes : ii hence 80 chains south, thence 20)... Blas “ a ose 0o4 10 @ C00 cools KaTicn, | chains east, thence 80 chains north, thence] @ngers 0 A similar toss with i ore In the event of rain, it was de- 2 hains west to point of commencement, The final will be plaved Oct. result, fixed the opening game led tk | i ; ‘ I i 160 acres more or less | . . > cided that the visiting team re ey - es “OLIER Coenen wer 88 for Tuceday, October 8. The meet ne n in town until the game i Dated July 2ist, 1912 line eish avbferred Monday. Gare © @ e game is f Coast Pub. Aug. 12, 1912 les me Ore | played, \* — , CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. mth k .-™=- fhe Boston club will control) Among the reserved seats will : ~_ Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Notice—-Rupert Mineral Claim, situate| » a block of 75 for » Me ‘ se te — ; Range V in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar|the sale of tickets in that city.) be & biock of 76 for the National FROM HOME TO HOME. unted about Take notice that Henry Burbank, Of} District Where located Near Granby,/-ppis is a victory for Ban John-| Commissioners, two for each > 7 ' van, | Prince Rupert ceupation lumberman,]in the said mining division and adjoining ’ ‘ , . . | y a ie . thence| ‘tends to apply for permission to pur the property of the Granby Consolidated} son in the American League member of the Opposing team % heed hase the following described lands Mining, Smelting and Power Company, The umpires selected were and not over fifty tickets for hains to| Commencing at a post planted 40 chains) Limited : ny , : tainit south of southeast corner of Lot 1728, Take notice that I, F. J. Coleman, Free) Vatignal leagwui Klem and Rig- members of the local papers eames = (889! Range Coast District, thence east 40] Miner’s Certificate No. 52077B, intend, rhe bien tay be etlioted daionl Rh. NADEN hains, thence south 40 chains, thence] sixty days from the date hereof, to apply| ier; American league O’Lough- le Dumber to de alloter 0 oul. Sid. Sykes, Manager ns, Agent west 4 hains, thence north 40 chains to te os ane Reser = ° ary > daa Winns j}of town correspondents was not , ” o ott cement, containing 160 ) mprovements, or ae urpose of oO . . m ‘ 3 i point of commenceme laining a Crown Grant of the above claim.) [;, New York the sale of tickets} announced The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. , HENRY BURBANK And further take notice that ction, | os ‘ | om Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. andrew Kennedy, Agent.| under Section 85, must be comanencud will t handled by the National | The list will be approved by Db t of Coast 2 efore the issue of such Certificate of Im \ Dated Sept. 10th, 1912 i ss pato ‘ “ke | . t abe Vriters ssocia- Der act i provements yomission, Boston has work | the Baseball Writer Assi 1142 Pender Street West m Vancouver, B.C. Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1912.) ad out a plan, it was announced,| tion. ; L. C. Putnam, of b COLMAN , ' bet Ho} ie! | Phone 8500, patior ‘ . ’ ‘ whereby tickets wi ye deliver. —---—_-—-——- _-—— pera te Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, Pub, Aug 12, 1012 " ep CKE a oaliaas ”. necat ‘eal coeces aaa ‘ ribe ds Kange a ane a ed, so far as is practicable to . Cc or v i ated a ry Take notice that I, J. RK. Pake, of pripes CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. west Co , Lupe B. occupation Dilacksmith, in - wae aan r« eo apply for permission to purchase} Notice--Cayuse Mineral Claims, situate \" - a a h 4 Of) ine following described lands in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar eh ) chains ing at & post planted at the] District. Where located: Near Granby in } eee ee ae ee ormer of Let 1706 thence south] the said mining division and adjoining the T “ye 7 Skeena) ©) chains more or less to bank of Zimogo- | property of the Granby Consolidated Min 5000 WATCHES . ae a ! ’ along lita Kiver, thenee along th bank of river] ing, Smelting and Power Company, Lim . 1} ° re of eas to or, bg . | » ection 30 chains} ited af | mtalning 640] 2 & ‘Borshwesterly | de f commen Take notice that I, James J. Lee, Free} ene. re sone ‘ eos aieb or i ss.| Miner’s Certificate No 52078B, intend, | | Electric Mining and Contracting Machinery PUTNAM ment, Contains 40 Ortrest cornet sixty days from the date hereof,’ to apply 5000 AUTO-HARPS 1} ectrical Apparatus of every description um, Agent fargod J, A. Pake, J. R. PAKE to the Mining Recorder for @ Certificate of 1} ] = sist, 1912 improvements, for the purpose of obtain Dated Aug. ist, 1018 nas Crown Orant of the above claim iFTS ae ||| Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 1 b b, vig And further take notice that action, I rict r mder Section 85, must be commenced be \ ) oast, + coast.| fore the issue of such Certificate of Im Skeena Land District—District ol provements n, of Prince Range V Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1912 —_—_—_— ‘1, intends to} ‘Take notice that John Merritt, of | es ee ‘Le n ase the fol- | Rupert, vecipation constable, tite nd t By His Agent, olema. lapply for permission to purchase the ub, Aug, 12, 1012 pianted at the} lowing deseribed lands and marked Commencing at a@ post | wa 1 a. WATER NOTICE. north 40; north bank of the Quinamea live 4 ha more or|20 chains east of Indian wk, For a License to Take and Use Water. tz Kiver, thence|north 40 chains, thence east 40 cha | Notice ts hereby given that George } therly direc thence south 40 chains, then west 4 Bearns and William H. Clarke, both of the to the horth] chains to post of commence nt nian: | y of Vancouver, in. the Province of east 20 chains| ing 160 acres more or less tish Columbia, merchants, will apply Mmencement JOHN MERRITT, Local | 4 license to take and use eight cubs A. G, FPallowheld, Agen t per second of water out of & certain AN SIM | Dated September 2nd, 1012 istream rising in the bills to the south and Pub. Sept. 27, 1042 1 f tiewan Point, Nowing about north | days A conde, "= © . west by West Ul the point of compass) you can at two cents eagh lhears northwest, thence south and West,| 4 td urging into the pass one mile south ‘ r }Skeena Land District—District ! ‘ Hegan Point The water will be di = mnas | Range V spproxtmately southeast from Hegan Gamble of fake notice that Thomas Partingtot ea ia half mile * distant and win pinster, in elkirk, Man occupation clerk, int ul i r rs Be = Los 9787 | to purchase | apply for permission to purchase the | ribec Oe ee lowing deseribed lands - was posted on the ground w6 pranted at vie Commencing at @ post planied on 4 - ) ) —! Sa i th day of August, A. D, 1012 i uth 40/isiand one mile easterly from indian ; ‘tion will be fled in the of ACTE &CO., Ld. (Dept, :) ) 85 Fleet St. Londes, wy Mot OF) serve at mouth of Quinamas Rive then ‘vo Water Heeorder at Prince Ru ms ‘5,/ south 40 chains to river bank thence Ww ; lumbia Objections may West 20/40 ehains following river bank, thence sith the said Water Recorder oF eC est f m-\| north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains | moptrolier of Water Rights 2 4 » here OF) the post of commencement, containing BK idings Victoria, British ¢ re s j res more or less wr ' GAMBLE, | THOMAS P Ni ocator mbia NS ° | 5 ATINGTON, 1 a OFOROR B&B. BRAK . Miller Agent G, Pallowneld, Agent | WM. H. CLARKE t Ww t / oc " ‘ | Dated eoptamber vod, 1042 } Sept. ¥, 1012 Applieauts in ug a e s an e Pub, Sept, 27, 1912 rus a : i m e j : i , - WL. iA