The Daily News .SSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSS=SSEn | AUNCH LEAVES — ~ | erence a C,H. ORME | ®=xaxx ||] onrovci Tr!) “The News” Classified Ads. ei svg | ferns tsezcs"|| ==One Cent A Word For Each Insertion eee _THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES" HERE— Those who witnessed the start t x | made this morning for Masset on are My | éy ‘SUR Ae George Lee | 618 8rd Ave Pr | ’ Special attention is Druggis paid to dispensing The P ioneer Drugg ist physicians prescrip- tions ; ; : TWO STORES KODAKS 82 PHONES 200 e Rupert jthe Tittle thirty foot gasoline] papa ar LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, | S*ttererereososoorocssoees a iaunch Westover by a party of NEWS N TES OF For Rent eee sii siheeidlaiipeaeiinallil 4 Skeena Land District-—District of Coast) SR o=— o a : «0 ’ : r so » worm. Range V pe ~~ ~-o ~-@ g| ten people, including rie * on , he j { serious misgiv FOR RENT—Three-room flat unfurnished, Take notice that Vernon F. G. Gamble, FOR — +oo em jen, had the most serious mise ; Lider Block 920-018] Of, Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation broker | ; ' with water der intends to apply for permission to pur ings as to whether the topheavy McINTYRE HALL to lease for dances, ete chase the following @ scribed lands Ss 1 wv roor little eraft would ever make het Terms. Gray & Son, Black 78 208tf! Commencing at a post planted at the f YNCH BR | i t W. corner of L, 4419, thence north 40 . chains, thence Wwesi 20 chains, thence } idest'nation in safety. Calgary bank clearings for the} ron RENT—Furnished house, Apply boX| south 40 chains, thence east 20 chains to T e Waterfront men, accustomed] past fiscal week were $8,400,000 1 Daily News 239-209 coum =. —— neement, containing 80 GREAT SNAP ; . cres yore oF ess t a Pe pie etl la elie to the ways of the sea, say it] For the corresponding week last] \ FURNISHED room for rent ar VERNON F. G. GAMBLE ; ' i> ae F ‘ ; M. Milles, see I looked the craziest appearing e@X-| year they amounted to $3,500,000 Dated Sev’ Gth, 1012 ————— —— = — —==—— SS 154 ee ot 12, Block . General Merchandise - . Largest Stock | pedition ever attempted. Dit ccas rene ge La eee bel te tH ’ . j low market _ = ——————— The party consisted of a num- In Edmonton a_ four storey For Sale Skeena Land District—District of Coast, | : ber of people going over to the|modern apartment house has ‘ _ Range V | H. DOUGLAS — —> Take notice that I, Hubert 0. Crew, of 339 Thi dA t P . ‘ N h B C. islands with a view to land in-|been announced. Prince et B. C., occupation broker, r ve. P.O Box 60¢ . “Nhe « app 0 ” is oO . Lowes rices in orthern » Ge vestment. This time of the year iain FOR SALE—Furniture. 105 5th Ave.| Chase the following described lands:— (Opposite Post Office rhe West 232-234 ne ; : . across scate Straits is 7“ , ineg ! Commencing at & post planted two and) the trip acer Heeat — Phe city of Winnipeg will im . .lone-half miles east from the mouth of} % = +++ mo 3E never unattended with danger,| mediately start the survey for a] POR SALE-—Cheap, 28-foot cabin motor) the Quinamaas River, thence east 80 : boat. Apply 513 6th avenue 232-237) chains, thence north 80 chains thence THE Bo ee ts eee rer comer nernslye eet recGemsrmermemersrmermmermeomemmeg fever if the most seaworthy and] pipe line to Shoal Lake for a vis west $0 chains, thence south 80 chains to| : reli » of ere a . atan point of commencement, containing 640) o eliable of crafts. ible water supply acres, more or less Westholme L : -— Wanted HUBERT 0. CREW. | um rT Dated August 17th, 1012 oertnsetns > Pub. Sept. 14. LIMITEL RICH ROCK AT sx se2nos22it. at ee ket was opened recently Thou- . | . oteliindiinaaets . Take notice that I, J. E. Forsman, occu | sands of housewives and others |“ ae ‘ = baeiies = me i pation miner, intend’ to apply to the Chief] . tt a ; bah i makers esdames Barbeau sran Commissioner of Lands for permission to| re “acte ane surchase . » follo “ac ad lands PE th = re : hs eT GIRL wanted, experienced in serving in a =o on anes Ll . ———_—— - ~ oe ee = lelr winter supplies 1e pro a lie hele pa an” beet chains distant and in an easterly direction) Lumber and Mouldings from the northwest corner of Timber ducers secured satisfactory prices Limit 3990, on the south end of Lakelse| , and the consumers got a price “lake, B. C., thence west aboud 50 chains| : : |Reservoir Group Proves to be| juwer than by the usual methor oo the podtheast corner ofA. P. No All Kinds of Building Supplies e then | th Ny Lost and Found 22,203, thencee north one chain (more or A Large Assortment - G@ood—Near Rocher de | purchasing. #3205, themere orth ge ght caine Boule Mines along the lake shore to the point of com. | | mencement, and containing ten acres, more | Fi A | A building permit has been is-|LOST——A number of business letters, Sep-| or less J. E. FORSMAN | Firet Avenue Phone 186 The Reservoir group of seven-| sued for a warehouse, to cost tember dates. Please return to concern 9 es 9 iddressed 232 Skeena Land District—District of Coast, en Ss an La 1es Cloths teen claims on Rocher de Boule} $50,000, - Range ¥ | Take Notice that I, Ethel M. Thompson lmountain are showing themsel- TELEPHONE MANAGER. ¢ Petes Rupert, 'B. C., occupation to | mething in the mat he largest single shipment of Applicatior will t received by the | Stenoe! apher, intend to apply for permis ° . ives to be some gx in the mam- yplications re ceive ry b | sio oO purchase » follo . é It will be worth your while to see our stock - flour ever made by one Company! undersigned up to 5 p. m., October 5th, oe purchase the following described ne ou e essrs. moth class. Halleron 1912, for the position of manager of the Commencing at a post planted four and before buying your Fall or Winter Suit. | _ comprised thirty-seven cars. municipal telephone system. Salary $150] one-half miles east from the mouth of ‘j , : and Thompson were out the past ver month, subject to annual increase to 5 e nce First class fit and Ww orkmanship guaranteed. | . : . ‘ inaximum or 3200 per month State. ex ea i we oo 4 og, |}week and brought in some sam- Saskatoon’s returns from taX-|pertence and give references Mark ef-| south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to j o 8 . 0 “ velopes “Manager 232-233 o ‘ oO ‘ ~me " sane lena — — | ples with them to have assayed ation thi year amount to Ix ” ERNEST A, WOODS, City Clerk + a in io ~~ aes OC orner a | hundred and tifty thousand dol : ETHEL M. THOMPSON | They had three different samp- lars, compared with four hundred| Hubert O. Crew, Agent SWEDER BROS. - TAILORS }/!.:2% 204, fou samples thes emake oseand. lust seats | @ORPORATION OF Princ muPenT. | [Quxugy 17h TPs | Zth AVENUE }still have. These latter are high —— Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, PRINCE RUPERT urade and do not need to be as- In Vancouver a new lumiber | Teneore for Delivering Stee! Pipe and Coal. Range IV SECTIO \ SIY Take notice that I, Frank B. St. Amour, | | saved, fhe three samples run],,jj}; for the Fraser River w ill] of Prince Rupert, B! C., occupation pros gave the following results: No. 4 st $350,000 I! have | Sealed marked tenders will be received) pector, intend to apply for permission to 4 » $98.50 ; oP Cost Fo0N; , and will have aj by the undersigned up to Monday, noon,) lease the following described lands samiple, silver, BL5.00, COPPer,| eanacity of 125.000 feet daily Oetober 7th, for delivefy of approximately Commencing at @ post planted on the ¢. } . ot pa fi , | an j $2000 cash and the 4 e $79.22 total 107.74 No 2 11.000 tons ¢ast iron pipe, as specifications, | cast coast of Banks Island, about five miles ee ’ : aa | also for delivery of 400 tons approximately|(n an easterly direction from End Hill, years at 6 pe sample, copper only, $42.50. No A steel company purchased al of coal, from Provincial Government wharf| thence south twenty chains, thence east : : j to electric light plant bunkers j eighty chains, thence north twenty chains 2°00 oco } sample, copper only, $64.20 site for a $300,000 plant, to em-]| Specifications oina be seen at this oMfice,| © beach, thence westerly along the beach sarily , spring i wagon j ‘ at ; . neaate about eighty chains to place of commence 9 Karly next pring \ ar ploy 200 men, Lowest or apy tender not n ar Iment, containing one hundred road will be built up to the pro-} accepted 2se vo acres, more or less — Samuel Harrison & Company business men FRANK B, 8ST. AMOUR posed camp above the fails and) In Regina the city proposes to > eee Dated June 20th, 1912 Brokers and Financia! Agents ans > « . 22e City Purchasing Agent P 22, 9 are now wearin operations will be tarted. These provide householders with free al a : eee ub. July 1912 aah ieee Prince Rupert week claims are on the New Hazel-|yerandah lights and current to ton side of the mountain and just/purn all night, for the purpose of | ©! Federal and Provincial gov-| “ ” T 2 Rego Gavwvees back of that town. The boys say] petter lighting the streets and to} @’™ments to further mixed farm they have a big proposition,| make it possible to find house|!"* and animal plauded over the entire country Georgetown W. MICHOLSON-LAILEY @ The fact is significant ; it mecns that large veins and lot of them, and] yymbers at night, ete Architect. 200,000 men recognize that “Rego” if they are correct this group| rhe company is composed o Sawmill ( Oo Ltd. Room 10 Ste, : style is what they want, and that Rego alone will make New Hazelton an | ; prominent Calgary men, andi e Phone 84 quality and value are the right standard. important shipping point for ore. | In Lethbridge of twenty-two} farm fifteen thousand acres. They | carloads of wheat shipped from “Rego” Clothiers are London's leading Sample , “e CE . en} state this is just a beginning and] . : 4c 4 , Samples of the ore can be seen : : : J Tailors (with 23 shops in the Empire in Harvey & McKinnon’s ain.) Bow Island station for whieh! they will import many more sheep | Lumber and SMITH & MALLETT Metropolis), and they offer you high-class dow...timineca Herald, THIRD AV! | os : | London tailoring at practically ready- ‘ | . Launch Alice B,, W. J. Thomas Mouldings Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting a | husbandry is ap- gradings have been received twenty-one graded No. 1 hard. in the near future, made prices—or less. Mrs. New: “Yes, most of the In Cluny the Western Horse : ‘ : “e 99 Phone Green 391. Govt. Wharf 4 : rk REGO NEW YORK servants are as independent _— Ranch, Ltd., farm on Crowfoot is, be es a pate oo Metal W ee ‘ a, > Aes > s > Ron » aaa . _ a * % ce: STK ve . 1 aeh Oe @ American Model Lounge Suit. The | a or tein - Ja roa : as y" Speck | reteives $0,000 sheep, fry Stalker & Wells’ butter—| A large stock of dry finish Phone 174 me ave oe me 7 cat and fashion of this coperh model TE ee oe aad train ber] ure bred ewes, Cotswold, Mer-|best yet. Two Ibs. for 75 cents.) [56 Seer salty. Delivery . have been endorsed by experts as “the | young country girl and train her! ine, Shropshire, Southdowns, all 229_tf ! td eee : y ery hot Aaah tied ome.” kb in the way she should go, and) pegistered stock. They trailed in . se P. O. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPEE the suit you should be wearing. The | then i sixty days from Chester, Mon- Our prices are as low as any ee , oy * New vork” c. only aut ah tke Mrs. Olden: “ First thing you | tana, via Pend d Oreille and Med- STUART & STEWART Gilt cttus beteinenineied, JOHN E. DAVEY many smart styles illustrated and fully know, she goes. icine Hat. The Western Horse Accountants TEACHER OF SINGING described in our tailoring magazine | ; : sa | Ranches Company is acting on | on. oe » 309 2 Ave. , » No, 280 . FOKON, BSq., A.B.AM the recent suggestion of Minister 309 2nd Ave Phone N 8 a " “FASHIONS FOR MEN” lef Agriculture Hon. Martin Bur- Prince Rupert P. O, Box 351 OFFICE: scoiiiatiihiies -_ | TRY A NEWS WANT AD s rell, and have been curtailing} 4¥ditors for City of Prince Rupert! gapREess THEATRE BLDG. BENNETT, 8.4 (just published) a Free a ae FREE Copy of which, with full their horse business for sheep. pont ee Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. cn Cobenite ’ { B.C,, Ontarig range of 1912 patterns and simple celf- ne ere — |At present most of Western Can- ~ & ——. Dies eer and Manitoba Bare a ie 7 measurement form, we will send you on UNGER NEW MANAGEMENT ada’s mutton is imported from te a CARSS & BENNETT application. The ROYAI DAIRY alien Rome -) MEE ite a WILLIAMS & MANSON masetunn Woranins. 8 “R ” Cl thi * great market, and the company Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. . - Office— Albert Block, Second Avenue ego 0 ers, Creamery Butter, Ranch Eggs thinks this is a good time to en- Box 286 Ld. Made to Pure Cream Milk and Buttermilk er e business. The announce. | Seleereen Block Prince Rupert, B. C. Measure Dept. O P.O. Box Montreal. © ; GIVE US A TRIAL ae pan just we ioe oe li bs | PRINCE RUPERT INN vonge © 719 3rd Ave. HOVement of the Canadian Pa- FOR SALE } AND mare a UNUVERT SRS AND BAL New Hazelton lot contract Lot 18, Funeral Director Block 36, Sub-division 863 No interest | ear 6th St 9 Original purchase price $500 My equity ear — I N $200. Will dispose of contract for 225, | purchaser to assume balance, payable #20 j thonthiy | ADDRESS H. R. HARVEY, ELLENSBURG, WASH. Ill Fitting Shoes Cause Foot Discomfort PANAMA STUDIO ieiek aod ciditeh bet E. L. FISHER No ® above Nien ther’ atuie Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on Funeral Director and Empalne! The average shoe is not built for comfort—many Christmas ts Coming. the American and European plan, ceAnees Ae pneee of them do not fit properly or shape themselves to Mave your father’s, mothe ra oF ebiidren’s Excellently furnished, with 2nd Oe - on the foot—so when night comes your feet are tired in oils, ete, steam heat, electric light, and all ‘ Make Early Sittings for All Distant modern conveniences, being abso out and ache. In the “ ra ee lutely first-class in every respect Mathieu’s Syrup os Tar ané Ceé Liver 00 not only a cough but cures it. Its = and restorative The appointments and service FOR RENT jac" '="*1 TQ RENT i fat contains 5 rooms highly tinished } i | fi and steam heated throughout, fine bath the solt fibre cushion compresses under your room, large kitchen range, electric light, ¢ finé, uninterrupted view of the harbor | . heel, the ball of your foot and your toes—giving § , a } and y gi Apply . h @ properties enable the system to ample support to your arch—and your foot PRINCE RUPERT AGENCIES Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day, | 3-room cottage permanently throw off a cold. rests in a natural position in perfect comfort. 4 | 6, $20.00 35¢ for large bottle. We have your size in a variety of shapes LAND LEASE NOTICES. [5-room hous: ’ and leathers, At least come in and ee eee re G. A. § M Sold everywhere. try a pair on just to satisfy yourself Be auarion, Skeena Land District—District of Cosst, . - weet, anager’, Ff) nue, Se w etvii ar nceatio thn EELS BALLS OF PLET AND Kange V }. - MATHIEU CO, Peep, SHERBROOKE. how stylish and comfortable the i ae Take notice that Michael McFadden, of Office on Second 4 Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes are—\ Satin rads nowow races | Porcher island, occupation farmer, in 9 s , > »} vane! oo. tends to apply for permission to lease th | " it will be well worth your while lfollowing deseribed’ lande— — Carpenter sh 9 | Commencing at 4 post planted on the i ' | West end of Gurd Island, about two miles avenut mt }east of Bot 1793, on Poreher Island, in MA al 1 .. SYR For Sale Only By |} the Kitkatlah Inlet, thence 80 chains east, H BADERTS ; thence 40 chains south, to an inlet, not ° hamed, thence along the shore line Ww © a sw | 2 REN WORTH & JEFFERSON }polnt of commencement, containing $20 General Machinist Po | acres more or less, the purpose for which) Locksmith, Chinn Sweep azors Hones the lease * required is to quarry lime . Knive ; “ah im My iF ortnn rs ae (0 [td S © D L 4 Yv | = R @ ) a 3rd Ave. and 5th St “ wit MICHAEL MeFADDEN “round, Bie ° . a ell ” . . Best in Footwear Dated Sept, Sra, 1919 Srd Bt, Near Post Office 9 Avenue Pub. Sept. 14 BOX 277 PRINCE RUPERT 2nd