tanoseT OFROULATION NEXT MAILS ND NORTHERN ; For South ww fry A Camosun .. Saturday, 10 pam, priTisn COLUMBIA Princess Mary Sunday, 9 p.m Princess May Monday, p.m. Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist OO SS Se ee nr yo: Ill, NO. 235 Prince Rupert, B.C., a OcToBerR 5, 1912. Price Five Cente H PEOPLE SCREAM CURSES AT ENEMIES ONE THOUSAND RUSSIAN FARMERS WILL SETTLE IN DISTRICT BEHIND PRINCE RUPERT TURKS SCREAM “CURSED BE BULGARIA, GREECE AND MONTENEGRO” AT MEETING | | | | | Thousands of Turks at Great Meeting Curse Their Enemies--- Turkey Can Meet All Her Foes, Say Leaders ---Germany is Pessimistic News { be | garia, ‘ ‘ I il Aus . i M ext s il J wa ady { ‘ i ired that J ‘ the i HE) wa i fac ull 1 h ui l ' a : Pa 0 | | he rf rh | re i | - ! ! Ba i 1 I | ! Ba i yu : bs nner h s! ‘ I h hos the | HOSPITAL BOARD HAVE BUSY 9 } Panama, (et 5 Despatches 9 ived here from Cuadra, the “ LADIES’ AUXILIARY HAVE TROUBLE OVER FUNDS SECURED Marine Returns Indicate That Nicaragual Vitis te gr i “*-\Carload of Ore from American MOST ENJOYABLE DANCE GIVEN IN AID OF HOSPITAL AT AT CONCERT—CONTRACTOR AWAITS BOND TO New Westminster Is Registered |~" that the gever wen Boy Is Awaiting the Arrival THE KAIEN ISLAND CLUB LAST NIGHT—MANY PLEAS- t aptur he o as- FINISH WORK. Port of Many Smal! Boats. have Capt ed th f Ma of Stee! at Hazelton. ING DRESSES. y Vv - s W 2 well known up river min- Beautiful decorations, a good; velvet. Mrs. Stanley Lucas } S|} MV ON nen left on this morning's}! qoor. excellent musie. appetizing | looked exceedingly charming in 1 Hazelton—Messrs. . lmauve etibroider ia af , a train fer Hazelton | I IL refreshments. tometer ail oe embroidered ninon. Mrs. i j g and W. D. Har The lat- es 3 ; bie ' Westenhaver had a gorgeous aa N, \\ Cg CT : wsine is knows ; meet —aiet epresentative Foca assembiage o gown of yellow satin with tunic , hat ster with a registra pl . *s on the Pacific Coast| Prince Rupert's citizens yas a gold and bronze dewdrop chif. ™ ; Tk ITATTTL Ts IAL ewer Deel Laerad Togeer at alton. Mise Newton” looked very tl y ind ‘ | i ‘ ‘ {28 12 the American Boy, a@|funetion of that kind, all tended| Pretty in yellow satin with tunic . ” , : Morgan Tells of Contributions to i al { sevel ake a aueiiinn’s’ Salle val} °! dewdrop chiffon Miss Drum- Mel es ' ; he Republican Campaign Funds f Ha that bids , , held th j}mond looked very handsome in “ Ad ospité all, held in e spacious . ; ! se } for “Good of Government. i the aimost immediate f Se neon Be a pacioUs! brown ninen Mrs. Patmore had f 5 ; quarters of the Kaien Island Club,, | ; ; Ihe a ! I 8 i bee a shipping ‘ se jeolden brown satin with tunie of \ z ; . of the most successful events | | . ‘ “ j : Sy 1] to Da News ha b wn all over B. ¢ aa a very pretty gown of yellow : s proba Sis 2 : ever held here. The patronesses » “aN “ —e . ' d the Pacific Coast genera jsatin and chiffon Mrs. Frizzell yough th ig smia ~ u i ; who looked after the arrange- i a ; 5 | \ he present moment the was much admired in cream satin i s 8s i Morga \ i fa - ments were Mesdames Angus ; I : ; ‘ u earload of ore that has 7 ri jflounced with point de Venice. . « ving hue ip] . . . : ‘ Stewart, MeMullin, MeNeil, Tre- ' , , he fresh water riv r-| " pound been packed out fr Mcintosh iN Miss Dudsey Dunn had a deli- 4 sh = ay » Me os t . ; ! » ; t who a t ; i , ja iy when he ying at Hazelton awa ee een A and Newton cious frock of pale blue chiffon ' sa ' i . if-| : : | Amongst the many beautiful} : , : ; . h nees stand after y i irrival of the steel rails} }over pink satin. ; ’ ‘ ia vy be es i ' -' can tie Tre gowns noticed were: Mrs. Angus ' inspo 0 oO ‘ “rs notice [re . 5 , iis f ve we rhis w be the first | Stewart in a beautiful creation of| Others noticed were Mr. and ; ‘ lis me it rs . ‘¢ . * 72 aa aa RJ che’s Big Basement Pool tril s stiga m = foo a ' ; pink and blue chiffon and lace|Mrs. Cambie, Mr. and Mrs. De- he! R s being enlarged and is|' f his ft 8 : ns xs aed os Int eal coal with diamond ornament; Mrs. 8./mers, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Me- lS SeGs . ace n e iterio ‘ ( . , } : M. Newton, who looked extremely! Laren, Mr. and Mrs. Youngman, ) i ! - w one of the most comfortable mesist of nearly thirty tons. The : | \ well in black and gold; Mrs. 8. P.|Mr. and Mrs. Broadhurst, Mrs. i TUL scus places il wl Nothing too good announcement of the returns w ; ear MeMordie had a modish costume| Roberson, Miss Ellett. Mr. and i re tl ‘ s¢ = Sif the patrons of 235 be awaited with the greatest of t bi “ae ’ ; : Mr Sontidaainis tes ation h | fr tie ! re Roche’ | Room. tereat ‘ lack net, and silver sequins! Mrs 4 erson, Miss alfour, a : en a he’s Pee _— relieved with bunches of Alice|Miss Thompson, Miss Milligan, : h blue Mrs. D. G. Stewart was} Miss Johnston, Miss Martin, Miss ely te . ‘ , ER ISLAND 1uch admired in white embroid-| Fisher, Miss Curtin, Miss Jenns, < ered ninon over satin Mrs.|/Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, Mr. and — Presbyterian Services. Hubert Ward looked extremely|Mrs. Thompson, Miss Barbeau, woe Morning service is held he | HAS RICH ORE L well in maize satin, with bands}Miss Fulton, Miss Carmichael, i ae Presbyterian Ha Fourth ay of Persian embroidery. Mrs.| Miss Phelan, Miss Hurst, Miss B. ' . ; [ Rev Nelson Dunn was much admired) Dunn, Miss Champman, Mrs. 1 arra . - : : ® i a ; : | in black lace Mrs. Bullock- | Chisholm, Miss Rowley, Miss have| F. W. Ke ' ee Babine Lake Property Has Sich Man on His Way to Wedding Is). y, laintily gowned in) |Holtby, Miss Brown, Miss Em - he Empress Theatre| Bedy of Ore Which Took First | meyer, Wee ee See nn , ae Mrs. W y ae Forced to Make Part of Journey | hj acne voile with touches of} mons, Miss Villeneuve, Miss Me N.M Mc.}on the great epochs of the ch " Prize at the Exhibition. Retstde of 0 tune Cater champagne t ne . Mis ive, Miss - ri a Bios { j 9 . cream lace. Mrs. Jay Kugler/Kenzie, Messrs. W. E. Fisher, | a ¢ ‘ in ser : : nae = > . vt th reatest f th A pr which has attract was a dainty figure in pink and|S. P. MeMordie, O. H. Crewe, = bD rk A til the { day ee ae Sneed ail Masset, Oct. 4.—-Jesse Britton| white chiffon over rose pink|\Gamble, Harrison, Pettigrew, Ti- ark we ithe ed a good aei ‘ . . . : : . has arrived from Nash's survey] satin. Mrs. Kergin had on ajtus, Bodwell, Clancy, MeNight, “— Sit. Francis of Assis Ww be the ate « the Silver Island in Ba pe : cd , : aid iia” eatoaaitad A oa re Renita Mallean end camp up the Yakoun river and in|lovely gown of white satin and|W. MeNight, Tooker, G. Tooker, a pI sent the « ree f ' WwW. Powel Vancouver, dir two weeks will start for the old| Brussels point. Mrs. R, A. Me-| Fitzmaurice, B. Durant, Taylor, a ais the Dark Age rh W folloWlectors of the company operating J. P. MORGAN country where he will be mar-| Mordie was a handsome figure in| Harris, Blaine, Phillpotts, Mel- } ; te Savonarola, Luther, Knox, Wes-| th perty, are in Hazelton to — — ——- | ried He rode part of the way|black and velvet and lace. Mrs. lior, Simpson, Garrett, Doyle he amour avonaro ‘ Op ’ , " r . H it ley, ending with Wwe=lda their way with additional/the Republican campaign of 1904) down the river astride a cedar RK. L. MelIntosh wore a smart}Dennis Allen, Tippens, Kugler, _ ments within both the Protestant) men f the mining crew, which|and 1908 for the good of the|log which was the only convey-|froek of Alice blue poplin with} Wharton, Chapple, Roerig, Beat- ry nsid und Roman Catholi che W b i \ g throughout|]government and the people.”|ance to hand when he decided to) Corsage chester of blush roses./tie, D, G, Stewart, Crippen, j a th the w Ore from this prop-|}Women and men, drawn to the}come out. Black bear are beeom- Mrs. Hugh Dunn had a dashing} Poulin, Hugh Dunn, Nelson Dunn, det as the Lthe ' . wer oh : . ' ys Dens Pioneer Cleaners \ he first prize at the/hearing by the fact that the/ing so familiar at Nash's camp,| costume of white satin with lace} Travis Lucas, Leo Ives, Newton, tl Pr a . sal ; Va \ fair. Consider-| world’s greatest trust organizer|Mr. Britton says, that they enter) tunte and decorations of cerise| Hilditeh,. - ¥ pome 8 sbhie ' « being prepared for|was to testify, stood on their|the eamp after meal time = and a shipment, Mr. Neilson says, and) chairs and cheered the famous|take things from the table even the provincial government WHUl/ financier after he left the com-j| while the surveyors are near ’ ) MEN HOLD P TRAIN b isked ‘ str a wagen!mittee room rhe party is working Im some f Rabine uke the fine timber, some of the logs be- at Decker Lake a dis-| ght {2 feet through | AND SECURE TEN THOUSAND wn ', ~ : 7 gO . v road wil be of eat bs | QO BET UARY |, tee terwe store { tabine dis ( Hyde, the well known F THR settle he Babine d FE MEN HELD UP KANSAS CITY TRAIN LAST NIGHT, BLEW yc), gs well as (0 these who are) contractor and property| SITTLS ee CAN GE Sa To OPEN THE SAFE AND GOT AWAY WITH developing mining properties | Nicita Klinashevich, a young} owne is erecting a large one} co _RESERVISTS 2 MAIL AN ' Miner i Russian, but lately arrived in this|storey building on his two valu-| . D MONEY Oniineca | . | os ( try died suddenly alt the able lots on Third avenue It : : 0 ; - ‘ede mitetion Sao te neist of.tuo stot nd Special to Daily News janniversary of the national inde- ' ve ee nksgivin ance. OSPR! Oe . Sern eo _ . Sth e ine nee ) if Baptist Services rt = ao . the Kale leceased, who Was only years fice buildings and will be under London, Oet, 5 Little authen | penaonee 1 j \ 1 grand ba f ag leaves a voung wife in his|lease to 8. Harrison & Go. whoe|tic news came last night from — : i‘ »¥ ig eae } om . and hev, Wilbur Wright, B.A ; ¢ Than) atiy and nd is survived injhope to remove there from Bee the Balkans. This indicates that} $t. Petersburg, Oct. 5.—The - . ach at 14 a. m,. and Oy : Bib The afta h ty brothel The re-}ond avenue in about tw nihes ; pigorous eensorship is being| departure from 8t Petersburg . Ol i essage will be helptf M f the i ‘ al al | l i ae s un rie sapinbabinint tin datiinkk tn the Gahia last night of a large force of \ b } riakil pal rs awaiting intel —— B igaris sar ts was the oc. M. Gorkhill wil iw a ba ! i a wires ulgarian reservists | h 4 i by a otice of which will be \ M Asancheyeys accom iecasion for a monster Slav dem- ria ihe evening ry an af panied by his seeretary | \ lt has been learned that cer : xpe P : y onstration at the depot behver h tnd Brotherh i Bara : we eles Pickeigein, left on this mor 1in forees of Bulgarians and} | ! : , f oO ps Mira : LD» forget the opening dance/ing’s train for Hazelton on bus Greeks have crossed the Turkish} ae — , j ‘ \ ! he Prince Rupert Dancing) ness in connection with the Rus.| frontier lt is believed that Bul ry Stalker & Wells’ butter il | \ 5 We n,n ° > ° -s : K rt's leading hotel Club Saturday evening at Ms sian settlement seheme. of which! garia will make a formal declar-| best yet I'wo \ibs. for 75 cents, ! ‘ vre i yy ye Ss : « held Melni ’ M Intyvre Hall, Gentlemen #4 235) the former is the promoter ition of war today, as it is the 220-tf Third avent I ‘ Sixth tree bayo) ' ROYAL CITY IS WEATHER WORTH FIVE MILLIONS PER DAY TO PRAIRIE FARMERS Special to\ Daily News. Winnipeg, Oct The fine warm weath: vailing on Phe prairies worth five miflion dollars pe day to the farmers, at ng to the statement of J. B Walker The gra ing rushed the i it i ale of one h irs per day. NICARAGUANS TAKE A CITY :*": | Despatches Say That Nicaragu an Government Troops Captured Town of Massays. ONE THOUSAND FARMERS TO SETTLE IN DISTRICT BEHIND PRINCE RUPERT Leader of Gigantic Colonization § Scheme is in the City---First of M Settlers Will Arrive Within Thirty Days to Build Houses for Families That tw hundred families, colonization seheme for Northern|yev’s company. This is subdi- gating neat 1 thousand British Columbia. |vided into forty acre blocks and sons will arrive with the first The new colony, whieh will be|is sold to the colonists at a very s of spring to settle in the operated on the eco-operative|"easonable figure on exceptionally plan, will be composed entirely of| ¢@sy terms. Stock, implements whborhood of Hazelion and) pussian farmers, men of superior|@nd everything necessary to rristown and engage in farm-|ahility and attainments who are|Coinmence active opeyations for was the statement made yes-| experienced agriculturists. jthe cultivation of the land is by Mr. A. M. Asancheyev, I'wo sections of land, each four| provided by the company on the rrived in the city this week! thousand acres in extent, have - mnection with a gigantic been obtained by Mr. Asanche- Continued on Page 4.) AMERICAN BOY HOSPITAL ALL WAS GREAT — . 4 > a i i. ti