a. 7 ; it i . = i ee THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexieo—Dalty, 5Oe per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SeaTTLE—Puget Sound News Co. LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Susscaisers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of | non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. SSS —=<——==— Dans Eprriox. ett Satunpay, = Editorial Notes and Clippings THE TORY PICNIC TO THE ISLANDS. H. 8. Clements, M. P., another to have made since his arrival in the but in the view of the practices in vorue since the Conserva-| tives have been in power, it} does not seem to be out of the way. This time he has not been advocating the advantages) of -any one townsite as being desirable property, but has ap- parently assumed that the property of the Dominion gov- ernment and the people of Canada is for him and his sup- porters, and to that end has taken the Dominion government launch Evelyn to Queen Char- lotte Islands. He has been ab- sent for ten days, and the launch has been out of com- mission here for that length of time. Not only use the did he presume to government property for his trip, but he took along, at the expense of the benefi- cent Tory government, those stout supporters of the Borden administration, Judge Caress, J. G. Seott, G. D, Tite and M. M. Stephens, all (as the Masset Leader says in reporting on the party) “members of the Prince Rupert Conservative party.” If a Dominion constable was use of any portion of the goods under his charge for to make his personal use, he would be blackguarded and called a grafier; were an Indian agent detected in the act of making personal use of the property of his charges, he would be discharged in disgrace. Yet the member of this district boldly makes use of the prop- erty of the people of Canada, not only for himself, but for the “members of the Prince Rupert Conservative Associa- tion,” The of the reason for the presence “members of the Prince Rupert Conservative Associa- tion” on the trip which Cle- ments told the people of Mas- set was a visit lo get acquaint- ed is obvious in light of the well grounded rumor Judge Carss is the one selected to contest this portion of the riding in the Tory interests after redistribution. So not only was Clements getting ac- quainted, but he was (after the manner of United States poli- ticians) introducing his chosen Ssucessor., seems} mistake | North, | that That Judge Carss will not be the unanimous choice party is well known, but it is likely that the well trained fol- lowers of the Conservative litical machine will subjugate their own and fall in line to the of the “powers that be.’ po- meekly desires bidding THE CLEMENTS TOWN- SITE SQUABBLE. In yesterday's issue our local contemporary attempts to off- Contract rates | of his) THE LIFE OF A BACHELOR Stety THE Remy as + Jew Geote ree “te Jott 4 crane te mane “ee : it yor Maree? & tee e On pews nose ¢ af aN ~ Fratan Mises - Courtesy Vancouver Sun FLATHEAD INDIANS HAVE THE LONGEST SKULLS OF ANY RACE. VANCOUVER ISLAND INDIANSPROFESSOR DECLARES THAT HAVE LONGEST SKULLS OF ANY RACE OF MEN ON THE AMERICAN CONTINENT. on| latter Seattle, Oct. 4 Finding grow to boyhood and girl- set one Miner's eriticism of the northern end of Vancouver thos dé thik dice becémes conical | Sees. ee: See Island what he declares are the] or egg shaped. The greater the only in giving a quite typical longest headed people = on sins! dletasias between the eyebrows exposition of backwoods jour- American continent, Edward 8 land the back of the head in a nalism of the sort which is,!Gurtis, author of “The North! straight line, the greater the happily, passing away as edu-| American Indian,” and a fore-|iteauty and distinction of grown cation becomes general. Aside/| most authority on aboriginal|/ man or woman of these tribes. from personal abuse, the only|tribes, returned from the wilder- | rhis practice s in distinet answer to the Miner’s arraign-|ness about Nootka and Quatsino|contradietion to that practiced ment of Mr. Clements is the|Sound a few days ago. The long| tor ages by the savage tribes of statement that the member’s|headed Indians are generally|the Pacific Coast, and by their explanation of his actions was|termed Wakashans, although| present day descendants rhese “quite satisfactory to prac-|there are fifteen or twenty sep-|bind a pad made of cedar bark iteally all the members” of the| arate tribes inhabiting a dozen|against the top of the skull of Conservative Association. The| villages Their heads are some-/the infant as it lies tied in its relations between Mr. Clements|times as long as eleven inches|basket cradle, thereby flattening and the local Conservative or-|from the eyebrow to the back of|the skull The @aacouver Island ganization are not as yet mat-|the dome of thought. jIndians try to build up the con- ters of public coneern and it Mr. Curtis found that by means|ical shaped skull until it fully is, perhaps, needless to say]|of bandages they shape the heads|attains a long, pear shaped con- that our contemporary is no way qualified to speak on behalf of the association. He is not a member of the organ- ization, nor is he in the confi- dence of the executive.—Omin- eca Miner. (poe THE CANADIAN SENATE. Conservative newspapers are beginning to speculate on the number of years it will require to change the political com- plexion of the majority in the Dominion Senate, which proved such a stumbling block to several attempts at vicious legislation during the last ses- sion of Parliament. The en- quiry is not a cheering one to the supporters of the govern- ment. There is not the slight- hope of the majority be- coming Conservative before another general election oc- curs; and another general election is not unlikely to rele- est gate Mr. Borden and his fol- lowers to their old places on the opposition benches. But, even were the government re- turned, another five years might be required to alter the balance to the required de- gree.—-Vancouver Sun, of their infants so that as the | tour, i The witness was a young Ger- Forwarned Is Forearmed. man immigrant, whose evidence It was a hidden spot on the was required in an accident case.) seashore. The waves lapped “Now, Britzmann,” said the ex-! contentedly, the sun shone amining counsel, “what do you | sweetly and everything was quiet do?” jand peaceful. “Ah vos bretty vell,” replied | The yard of sandy space be- the witness. jtween them had dwindled to two “Tam not enquiring as to your] feet, to one foot, to nothing. health. I want to know what you They watched the seagulls do.” lcireling round the white cliffs, “Ah vork!" jand she told him that her name “Where do you work?” con-| Was Edith, tinued the counsel, | “Edith’s a sweet name!" he “In a factory.” | declared. “What kind of a factory?” ‘'Ow you men flatter!” she “It vos a bretty big factory.” murmured, “Your honor,” said the lawyer | He edged still nearer. His turning to the judge, “if this arm was in the vicinity of her goes on we'll need an interpreter.” girdle zone. Then he turned to the witness ‘Ere, she said, as she fished again, 4 pair of men’s gloves from her “Now, Britzmann, what do you| vanity bag, and glanced at her make in the factory?” he asked. | white pique waistbelt, “if you're “You vant to know vot I make| sin’ to be friendly, you'd better in der factory?” wear these! My boy's a police. “Exactly! Tell us what you] !an, and he's a nut on finger make,” peer” “Dwenty shillings und sixpence a week.” The the interpreter chance to earn his daily Try Stalker & best yet. 229-tf Wells’ butter got a bread, Ea — ‘faced the Two Ibs. for 75 conte. Lester W. David Co, Ltd, | First Ave. and McBride St. PHONE 25 Box 865 Prince Rupert, B.C. The Butter Supply. Anno Domini 1922 was chalked | upon the almanack, and the great Eastern — ftiy express Was skimming along on journey from London to Pekin. Suddenly the -plane its midnight mechanical dicky- bird found itself in difficulties} | among the stars, Something was visibly wrong with the engine, and the customary speed palpably slackened, ‘Ga-hoodness, per, brating quarter of a second late! ails the engine? What her go so slowly?” The begoggied, perspiring en-| gineer hopped from his perch and | , with 4 cried the skip- at the We're a What glaneing astern propeliors commander in his eyes. “Sir, he remarked = sagely, ‘we're passing through the a Prince Rupert for Vancouver AND POOL ROOM follows: 4 ALLEYS way and the propellors are rh ae Best Fitted and Most Luxurious 0@ | of butter!” ‘Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 10 _ mM. { And the skipper, being a gre rat| . y p i (( M. &. ROBB, Prop Sra | astronomer, let it go at thal “Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 p.m.) Seen ae Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening | and Monday morning, respectively | Launch Alice B., W. J. Thomas | Phone Green 391. Govt, Wharf Vi-)j rd WIFTEST REST AFEST S “PRINCE’ RUPERT” AND “PR Por Vancouver, MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 6 Prince George Gaile for Stewart on Thursdays oi “PRINCE JOHN” Port Simpson, Naas, Gra Charlotte Islands Weensiy service to G. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER SERVICE Commencing Sept, 20th, No. 2 leaves Prince Rupert sda Saturdays; returning leaves Sealey 10 4 m. Th Prince Rupe Dp. 0 Cheap Excursion Rates Over Grend Trunk Railway Syste (The Double ven Route) _ Between Chicago and all points Bast sqnectty Pacific Coast Only a few more days iett for Agency for all Atlantic Steamehip Lines. TWIN SCREW STEAMERS Victoria and Seattle For on information app! A. E. MOMABTER, Jenera! INCE GE« )RGE” am Sam nby Bay a ww -— all road the yw Agent B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE PRINC erent ESS PACIFIC RAILWA SERVICE Ss. S. Princess Sophia SOUTHBOUND Saturday, Oct. 5, 9 a.m. 4. @. M'NAB, General Agent i coast by the j | | | Oriental Limited i SOLID TRAINS ———3 daily from Vancouver or Seattle PRINCE RUPERT INN ANNEX Owned Grand Trunk Pacific Ra | the American an Excellently | steam heat, electr modern conveniences. | lutely first-class in « The appointments are equal to any Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day G. A. AND and operate 1 European ; furnished with Sweet, Manager. | Low round trip rates to all pointe in “ | Canada and the United States. Call| | and let us tell you all about it :] Rogers’ Steamship Agency PHONE 116 UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd The new steel Passenger Steamers “Chelohsin” — AND— “Camosun ” None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers Phone 116 Artistic Job Printing at the Daily News office, J. H. ROGERS, Agent — —_ TO ALL ADVERTISERS. New display advertise- ments cannot be guaranteed insertion in The Daily News unless copy is handed in not later than 9 a. m,. on day publication is desired. 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