SS A.D.I9I2 as below, ask our latest refund the EITHER NEW 4 60 62 CITY ROAD, LONDON, ENGLAND. West End Depot: 133 & 136 Oxford St., London, England. Please ment 4 AD.1800 Men wore clothing has man been able t “outy fs) FOP SB,B0, “cian tewnnae ot There isa distinctive but real British Materials every time. One Silver and Four Gold Medal Awards. Merely fill in a post card and addre: nt of it « eiubu Inor ey YORK OR LONDON STYLES, Address for Patterns: CURZON BROS., Clougher Syndicate (Dept. 150). 449 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. Because he could not reach an | amicabl with his for- rom O'Rourke, Al. logical challenger for agreement jimer manager, Palzer, the Johnson's crown, has de the | Jack | cided to quit ring and go 0 YEARS AGO of some sort, but § | !@Ck to his father’s farm in Towa. never before in the history of the world ) clothe himself so ly and Palzer says he will leave the ring for the present, but may come back in the game in a few years George Walker middleweight amateur style and finish about a champion wrestler, C ve Suit or ¢ t which the "' re to and a member of the Vancouver ear’ or low-priced ma me spar ' . ' asure garments now Athletic Ch ‘a C . . Id in ¢ ada | There is no resemblance ; lub, has decided to en between them. 1 It Curzon” cutand finish ler the professional ranks is hardly « lle garments sold by the best Custom T charge re alwat sali r pr tive ie tko daat Dave Gibbons, the Vancouver ; i There is just that ease aii 1< t t our garments which give the eoal keeper who guarded the nets ra e appearance, for the Toronto champions this Then there is the cloth to remember Noting year s bae mn the coast H f ack o » coas e goal keeper in |} Was easily the best ithe Big Four ssame to us | naterial Together with patterns e instructions for accurate self-measure. W. A. Miller, the western prov- ge i iid ; : } nee forward, will be the captain en Gay A : ' you ) L / a if y Go not approve, of the Springboks, and his lieu- tenant will be F. J. Dobbin, the well Known Griqualand West half back, on their hngland coming tour in sociation The World's is determined Measure Tailors, so far consultative committee to stop betting in efforts resolution ‘The at- council having been as preventive rhe recently ention of the called to can following do 80 vas passed: this pauper the growing custom of Ries l the publication of football fore- —_ casts, and believing that such a aw wasrnensmsesnaaiail @ practice is a direct incentive to an. betting, and not for the good of - ~~ a tt a | | General Merchandise | Tro ~ LYNCH BROS. Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. are —— deemed misconduct the player s of rules of association for other any official, of the member association, the forecasts,” publication of - Largest Stock Phat the Dominion champion ships in the track and field events practically assured for British { { Columbia for 1913 was the news { given out at the annual meeting Be es ete te ae te rs rs mes eer eres if the British Columbia Amateu ~~ re eens ed pre rs er ers er ere ere Athletic Union in the board room of the Vaneouver Athletic Club , ‘ a Ty Frank Chanee either will be (anadian General Electric Company, Limited manager of the Chicago Netionsl maseDall team next yvear or sever Motors, Mining and Contracting Machinery | fi his connection with the team al Electrical Apparatus of every description Lomethes He inclaved: hetare leaving for Chicago, after read- Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 ing despatches ‘Church Services - ERIAN CHURCH * lay in the la im. and » pm p.m Wk M.A Pastor ig F f BAPTIST CHURCH cin ‘ AVE., NEAR OTH 8ST inday at i! ° 4 p.m Sunday , » p.m Baraca Bi ble as pm i hel BY.W.H. MeLEO ABD. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE inday at 1) ’ Sunday v PasToR VA NY ARMY CITADEL e Court anv . . , es at it . | th sun yp mm = services Mon W lay Thurs ‘ at : lay ‘> MKS TUTTE fumanding OMeers aE Semen | Price Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. No. 63 Hh the Meets Nelgerson Bloek Every Tuesday Evening Ihe ers Soni I ! the order in the ve requested to visit the lodge, \ '. ALLISON, N, G, W.G BARRIE, See, SONS OF NoRWay th “ay at 7 p.m Td A Al) “Valhalla”? Meets SCANDIN ANIAN OCIBTY every 2 ’ end ang P.m. in’ the | ‘ 1 4th Tuesday at 8 t 319 Srd Ave litl’'s NEWS MMudiney Pe CIGARS ears Ne Wspaper: MOBACCOS ang Ave. Be ) for a license feet per second of water out of a certain { stream rising in the hills to the south and east of Megan Point, Mowing about nor th west by | bears discharging of Hegan verted approzimately southeast from Hegan Point one and @ half miles distant and will be used for lands deseribed as Lot Range 5, fice of the Water Recorder at Prince Ku-| pert, be fled with the said Water Norwegians of S.H. & E.F, | | the property Agency PRUITS °W Kalen tsiand Club announcement of Charles W Murphy, president of the team, that he wo oO anage » 1836 THE BANK OF 1912 7 Pagan not mana the ibs e ear the promoter, is Mandot to come to the Frankie Burns, of Thanksgiving Day British North America 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS a CAPITAL AND RESERVE OVER $7,500,000 |, coast and fight Fran- trying James Coffroth, San fight » get Joe Oakland, on The Advantages of THE DAILY NEWS in San Francisec: rounds, The New York Tesreau will stop the they get dangerous in the series, But the Boston fans say if Joe Wood pitches against the hope of the Giants he make Tesreau look silly. Jeff Sox if world fans say Red will Bill Leard, former second base man for Seattle, is second in the hose stealing in the Pacific Coast League Carlisle of Vernon leads the league with a total of 53 stolen bases Leard is one| off Carlisle This oks poor] alongside Hap Myers’ record of} 112 stolen sacks Happy Myers is not the fastest man in the Northwestern League Freer, of Vaneouver, beat Happy in the 100-yard dash and again beat him in circling the bases Chieago and New York have — | Report is going around that The South Africa Football As-| | j}the game, resolved that it will be under the to publish or| President Taft will see the | world’s series. The President is la strong supporter of the Red iSox. He realizes that New York I ity is hopelessly Democratic. The Vaneouver Province says Umpire Toman was away out in containing the before nine more games to play lithe National League closes If |Chicago won all these they could }not displace the Giants Sam Crawford, of the Detroit oan | Tigers, is slated to manage some | j minor league team next season Hughie Meehagen wil! leave for America shortly for a bouts His main battle will be | wit! Packey MeFarland, who is ltoo heavy to meet Wolgast series of seme of his decisions in the series the and the In- cians. It all the trouble, as between Beavers seems that um- Van in this city. having Haltern is a little out pires are the world's Philadelphia in won 102 Boston record, as joston has tied record made by 1910, the season this going having cames in will the surely break speed boys are strong Pittsburg is but a half behind Chicago for n the Nationa Pittsburg won the other day while tied the gkaie f second place League race, and Cincinnati. Chicago lost other with one tert has been Reds this contract take the ‘rick, who mys-| Delmas, who the Modesto has signed a managing with Oakland and will place of Jimmy teriously disappeared about a} week ago and has not been seen since, Bank Money Orders for transmitting small sums of money are four. They are easy to procure—easy to cash safe inexpensive. We issue them at the follow- ing rates. $5. or under—3c. $5 to $10—6c. $30 to $50—15c, These Money Orders are payable at par at any Branch of any Chartered Bank in Oet, 3 Flat Chicago, Canada (Yukon Territory that the umpire stole the National excepted), in the principal | League pennant for the New cities if the United States | York Giants was made by Presi- the a signed Chicago Philadelphia statement dent Fogel of Nationals in published by the and in London, Eng. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH F. S. LONG, Manager. ing Post, The article says, in part: Bad umpiring, so far as giv- jing the Phillies the worst of it, j}was crowded almost entirely into WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water. Notice is hereby given that George E ; : é a a tat Bearns ‘and William H. Clarke, both of the | games played in New York, Phe | City of Vancouver, in the Province Of} pj re | protested, the more de- British Columbia, merchants, will apply| to take and use eight cubic/termined President Lyneh became unsalisfactory umpires As time rolled oO assign and hand it to us learned things from happenings which il would not be politie nor prudent purposes on the} for me to mention, but leading 19 and Lot 2737, believe that Lyneh figurehead, with a behind him prediction ts west till the point of compass thence south and west,;on, I pass one water northwest, mel. into the Potnt The mile south will be di and dents industrial me to was Coast District This notice was posted on the ground) jer ly a“ nh the ¢3th day of August, A. D,. 1012 The application will be fled in the power star f- | Sreatel Incidentally, my Objections may ! Columbia Recorder or|that his decapitation as president British with the Comptroller of Water Rights.) + in. joggue will occur in no | Parliament Buildings, Victoria, British Co tumbia RN distant future ; . ; s QROROR BREE. rhe players of all seven teams Pub, Sept, ¥, 1912 Applicants will tell vou that the Giants got re the best of the umpiring right CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. slong They believe the reason Notice-Rupert Mineral Claim, situate that the umpires are afraid of in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassar) anager Medraw, and the in District, Where located Near Granby,| in the said mining division and adjolNing) (})), of the Granby Consolidated) Power Company,| Lynch Had All Close Decisions we of the New York Club with Mining, Smelting and Take notice that I, F, J, Coleman, Free Miner's Certificate No, 629778, intend, | asked four club owners sixty days from the date hereof, to apply hey had lost in tw the Mining Reeorder for a Certificate) }\.,\ iny games they had kt of Improvements, for the purpose of ob \ \ vhich would have gone taining a Crown Grant of the above claim And further take notice that action, ih hh way if the umpires bad under Section 85, must be commences : ral ¢ wefore the issue of such Certificate of Im | given the Giants the best of The lowest and the provements . Dated this 30th day of July, A. D, 1089.) es! Fr. J. COLMAN 4 » wa two ivi | e deeision highest Pub. Aug 12, FOGEL CLAIMS UMPIRE STOLE GAMES FROM HIS BALL CLUB $10 to $30—10c. | PRESIDENT OF PHILADELPHIA NATIONALS SAYS UMPIRE STOLE GAMES FOR NEW YORK GIANTS—LYNCH WILL LOSE HIS POSITION. charges Even- | | presented to the |} twenty-one games away i} Giants and they would not stand six. V'll admit that T claimed the half dozen, but that each of the suffered to the ex- three out of the played with the total twenty- the umpires Giants. Take from the seven teams tent of twenty only £anies would which Giants, i one games one, two, three, but helped the Giants to over twenty- the umpires one games. “It was apparent there was a scramble on the part of four or tive umpires te get the world’s series, where the salary for a week's work amounts to 20 per regular salary for They fell over cent. of their the whole seasen each other in trying to warm up to MeGraw by giving New York everything possible. Even the spectators notived it, During the world’s series last year one of our umpires told me six weeks before the end of the regular season that Brennan said asso.ute_y ALONE. at tne toe of the world’s bottled beers is the supreme position occupied by Old Reliable Budweiser Its high reputation and mild and exquisite flavor is the re- sult of 50 years of untiring devotion to Quality and Purity, and exacting obedience to every law known to the ancient and honorable art of brewing. Bottled only (with Corks or Crown Caps) at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery St. Louis, Mo. The North British Columbia Liquor Co., Limited Distributors Prince Rupert, B.C. —IN THE— Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Bulkley Valley Fort George District IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— LANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on easy terms. PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited VANCOUVER, B.C. 309 2nd Avenue Auditors for the City of Prince Rupert W. NICHOLSON-LAILEY, WILLIAMS & Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. ALFRED CAKSS, c. of British Columbia and Manitoba Rars. BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Erc. Office Albert Block, Second Avenue. P.O. BOX 28 JOHN E. DAVEY PUPIL OF WM. FOXKON, BSQ., A.R.A.M.. 1ON., ENG Srd Ave, near 6th St. Funeral 2nd &t., cor. 2nd Ave. STUART & STEWAFT peer? KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 HARDWARE Phone 280 PRINCE RUPERT, 8.C. Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Architect, Oils Tinware Varnishes Graniteware Room 10 Stephens Block. Phone 84. MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ “Si S*%"> W. E. Williams, B. A., L. L. D. MANSON Prince Rupert, B. C. The Helping Hand of Our——— con on # MAIL ORDER SERVICE IS EVERYWHERE katchewan and Al- Bars Where there is a post oMfce or an ex- CARSS & BENNETT press oMee in British Columbia or the Yukon, there the people may enjoy our moderate prices and quality goods. This is made possible through our thoroughly organized Mail Order Service, which is represented among our patrons by our Illustrated Catalogue, a perfect buyers’ help that will be sent to any address upon request, Write for this Catalogue; it will put you tn touch with the largest, Mnest stock of Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass, Cutlery, Leather Goods and Novelties in Western Canada, Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director Vancouver Vv. BENNETT, B.A, PRINCE RUPER’ | TEACHER OF SINGING HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS Funeral Directors Phone No, 36 E. L. FISHER Director and Embaimer CHARGES REASONABLE Phone 366 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT “FROM HOME TO HOME,” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager that if the Giants won the pen. nant he woukt appear in the world’s series, What conclusion is deducible? None, except that some one Connected with the Giants must have held out some inducement to Brennan,’ Fogel sugges .s that the Ameri can League president pick the National worlds series umpires and that the National League pick the’ umpires for League, president American Choicest liquors and cigars Savoy. SMITH & MALLETT Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Ottice: Srd Ave Phone 114 The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. THIRD AVE. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - Phone 8500, Sheet Metal Work Vancouver, B.C. . Workshop tnd Ave, bet, 7th and Sth Sts ao ty