The Daily News Pee. tt 7 ~~ ve ‘i : - Se i REXA PRINCE RUPERT}; * ” assl Ss ) e Vews 1 e iL Agent font Oe we | i) eae en Big G. T. P. Boat Does Not Bring Lod Special attention is Many This Tri ie p, but Has Large ie The Pioneer paid to dispensing = — : Consignment of Freight. ; 4 — prescrip- ree TWO STORES The steamer Prince Rupert,| _THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES" HERE— G } Captain Barney Johns irrived eco Lee EASTMAN KODAKS | 82 PHONES 200 one toning Boards Zz Sleeve Boards commonwealth. aiming to attai K, room, large kitchen range, electric light ommencing at @ post planted on the| Sign W ritin o . a ow City Purchasing Agent fine, uninterrupted view of the harbor. | °@S' coast of Banks Island, about five miles | 8. » EFleetric Irons Mrs Potts Irons — th nee ‘south twenty ch nay thence eas | P i , ; ence south enty chains, thence east) H ng > PRINCE eer pasnems _| tok et ae. thence north twenty chains | aper- angl to beach, thence westerly along the beach 5 MINERS MUST —_---— about eighty chains to place of commence- Our Specialties ment, containing one hundred and sixty H. BADERTSC acres, more or less. es A PRANK B. ST. AMOUR ated June 20th, 1912 f Ph 101 ses EFORE SHOOTING A DEER General Machinist Pub. July 22, 1012 “We always deliver the goods. one Box Locksmith, Chimney Sweep, Razors Honed, Knives Sharpened, Scissors Skeena Land District—-Cassiar Range ree rece Ground, Ete \ TAKE NOTICE that I, E "$s Wise, or and 8 . ynene = . NEW PROVISION IN GAME ACT WILL TAKE FROM MINER THE 3rd 8t., Near Post Office within thisty ape. to or nolee — : uv permis - RIGHT TO KILL DEER FOR FOOD UNLESS BOX 277 PRINCE RUPERT Ee tf purchase the following described ne Commencing at 4 post planted HE IS ST ARVING. = dian ‘Rescrve st Goose Bay, twenty chain Geor etown eee anes eee eee sae g ictoria, Oct. 4. Some changes}! without paying further on the AN OPPORTUNI T0 eae chains north, thence twenty} | ‘ ins 2 » . BR ge ca yp, sooo ong ed } treed ap Hien saga I Y mains west to point of commacement. Sa ill Co Lid - > eee EL a a Sa a a Tae operation of the Provincial game organized distriets they were able ae epee eeee ana sconce mamma Dated July PP aa Carve, SGunt 1 , laws this year seem to have to do this legally, and a consider- Pub. Aug. 5, 019, able number of persons, even NEY : ieee a tial eine aia : Skeena Land Division—Distric L mbe A Large Assortment i t I 7 splaced | trom over the berder, had dis- 1 Loass Range five. . u r indignation, t is true that pros-| cover aeanen, Er Cr castor ‘red this method of securing rl [ 2 oe | ; N of Inverness, B, C., cannery employee, in OF pectors in unorganized districts|hunting privileges at a cheap }O GUESS WORK fe of apply for permiseton to lease the o ? ® 9 may kill game out of season if it! Pate. NO SPECULATION at a ‘post planted on the northwest. ¢ ornet Mouldings of smith Island at “ 4 en Ss and Ladies loths is necessary for them to do so} By declaring the districts or-|JUSf PRINCE RUPERT REAL ESTATE oa cannery, thence ;UnRINE east 20 ( — chains, “nee ‘ : in order to sustain life. j}ganized this practice has beea It west $0 chains cy Ba } rth 90 f 7 rightly chosen, it is the safest chains f : cd ; A large stock of 7 ink in he aes ed s ’ rig ) afest and 48 following shore ‘line to place K It will be worth your while to see our stock “ aoe a a oe m : oom ver, om to . nn - hardship has best form @f investment, Were ere 0 (ow commencement ‘and containing IB ae ing lumber on har : va ‘ ‘ ¢ i at ¢ er of districts are| been inflicted on the prospector,| bargains that we can recommend , umber a specialty, = ten Gane | I . Mele nw . . First cl mas oo Fall or Winter Suit. now organized which were for-| the officials declare, because SECTION ONE. Dated July 12, we ne mate at ghost notive ass fit an workmanship guaranteed. merly unorganized, such as the/there is no organized district in| Lot 38, Block 16; @ lane corner on Third Pub. Aug. 6, 1018 Oo was @ : s . P , bar , ? . p " _. re 3 Slocan, Similkameen, Esquimalt|the province where a prospector aa Sioveoeen a ee oe a. a : i ea mene _ pape ee and elsewhere These were! is so far from help the : Lots 17 d lock 35 ° alr + s—cyeiuameauam : ore Senator — : ‘ f : it he is a and 18, Block 35, $15,000.00 pair : aad places easy of acce and it was| pelled to live by M rift tte ‘cen eh arene . mien bomen YB yes age f ss, é t ’ » by Ts rifle, e can Notice--Buflalo Mineral Claims, si , : situate Fi SWEDER BROS. é T ILORS found that some persons were) always reach a settlement and ob-| Lots 22 and ee En lots; level bi wee wlaies oivislen of Cassiar w : ! 224 . « 2; i B 8; leve str rere eat I i A taking out a miner's license andj tained food supplies if he has the «4 ifestreble in every way; 400.00 in the said iene atin a adjotning OFFICE ' x 2a nia oe o e pair the pr : PRINCE RUPERT then shooting in these districts! price, Lots 20 and 21, Block 20; lane corner on Miniag, Simelting and. "Pow a may EMPRESS THEATRE er0e second Ave., over size and below grade; | Limited — oe Cc 6th St. and and Ave ' 1 oeebee.08.. bet we Take notice that |, James J. Lee, Free nadie > th ane corner, 50 ft. frontage on iner’s Certineate 52978B, intend, sixt ! Second Ave,, only $3,300.00 wit from the date hereof, to apply to the ieee, ) ining Recorder f e "ate \ ene SECTION Five. provements, for the ures af ahiateie rwo lots on Sixth Ave., improved, income} Crown Grants of the above claims — Just Wri ht : ao - monthly, 812,500.00 And further take notice that action ot 17, Block 15, $2,000.00; 1-4 sh, bal.| Under Section 85, » 6 “ed , g over two years, oo before the “issue of enon en nemenced Lot it, Block $6, with excellent four wmprovemnents oS poor ome good fire place, a cosy ated this $0tb day of July, A. D. 1912 rome, only 2,000.00 AMES’ a Lots 15 and 16, Block 9, Fifth Ave., lots By His Agent v4 calames within block of MeBride, natural base Pub, Aug. 18%, 1912, ° , _ 5 ment, only $4,500.00 for the pair < , ‘ Pair MeBride St. lots, 100 tt. oF serest #-room cotias frontage, $30,000.00 fs me p20 ’ 6, B2¢ oo for men are the acme of ao i SECTION 81x. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. : ot 6, ock 9, $3,000.00 Notice Kalen Mir 5.roo Oust I , : comfol t, style and fit, Lot near McBride, $1,150.00 the Skeena Minto Division as geaias bise pneem Seu They are becoming SECTION SEVEN ot weete icone: Neer Gramm, ia} Bue, Bec. ©, © ieee aa ' . the sai mining division and ad olning hore popular every day Seventh Ave, te gai $0.00 a h Minthe,” Sotenn the | Granby Consolidated s ave y ; 4 . 0 , » we 0 ( . I'ry a pair and be eon Lots 24 and 22, Block 42, $1,300.00 pair.| Limited wilting and Power Company,| Mice on > vineed SECTION sient, Take netice that I, Sam MeCague, admin ’ Lot 14, Block $4, 6495.00 tstrator uf we estate of James McCague,| Carpenter shel *f SOLE AGENTS Lots 18 and 19, Block 1, @ beautiful double] sixty d ‘ ean the Gate hereof to uenie avenue me corner, $1,760.00 to the M C . . } R h Lots for $450.00 each on easy monthly leombovamhante, mpcories cares oa ee payments ing a Coown Grant of the abov slatas , 2 t The Best | enworth & Jefferson mana Farther take. ‘neues taste ston, ¢ . e | “Best in Footwear” | # Westenhaver Bros, |!-- 0 ss003i 0m Seiten? I Co Lid : e ‘ er cate oO m ? , , provetientia ‘ BP OC urable. Absoluiely pure 3rd Ave & 5th St. Real Estate and insurance Dated this 90th day of July, A. D. 1042 'G. R. Naden ey ! Third &. “a 5 AGte j Phone 100 ia ot, te ent, F. J, Coleman 2nd Avenue