THE DAILY NEWS eee LES . ioe? ~ — ee : — ——= ' TICE LAND PURCHASE N« s : hn = = } NOTI {ASE NOTICES | LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. LLEN PUTS UP SESS ‘ — | Skeena Land District ate ( . F : trict District of Coast, Range Vt «Of Const.) Skeena Land District—District of Coast | ; : “ | a akeena Hang ” Take fotice that |, pete | Range V } give that ! | wow, SF Prince Rupert, ve ation carpenter’ of) , ake notice that Vernon F, G, Gamble, | ] ~ pation murchase the) 8d to apply for permission to purthace| aac titce Rupert, B. C., occupation broker : 1 0 a pur the following described land purchase ten nds ve apply for permission to pur : ; Ca eshore 4 — chase the following deseribed lands } \ . » the Commencing at a at l i ' % i nine a it “4 einenoe south 2 miles south from Grave y rd | ont * et 4 W. corm . 1 “tte. chose rth "0 og ey | { if . : the 5 »| #raph station ,and being o . ‘=. corner 6 , thence no } 4a ; wen OO oot orem of the Skeena Rive r, then ' ny 16 chums — thence west 20 chains, thence Says He Was Mot wm the Bost | i} i ; oe natiway right-of-| thence west 80 chains, thence north #6) mail? 40 chains, thence east 20 chains to Condition in His Fight | | A ‘ m0 f ' cast of the south-]| Chains, thence east 80 chains to post i Seres mor oF kh oe re od With Bayley ease ’ ry . -_ commencement, contai t 9 cres more or less » ' way 1 45 (4446, tages Fr" rent ae ioas aa ing 640 acres more VERNON F. G. GAMBLE, | } ue “a gh water Ina OF heach tw point PETER STACEY Daied Sev’ be atee M. Mille’, Agent, ae ) i aa t ; ontaining 2.0 scres co August 24th, 1919 Pub. Sept. 14. — Funny isn : “i veers { 7 : 1 i ‘ub. Sept. 28, 1919 the . hiers Bae Ons | ) y rat some fighters ote their > i‘ IGNACR MASSEY, Skeena Land District—District of Coast, defeats at the hand fa ‘ } ‘feats ¢ i aoofa clever nh, 1042 Skeena Land District—District of Coast Te Kenge V y 7" ated ig 19, 1008 Range V ‘ , tke notice that I, Hubert 0, Crew, of opponent Fake Bill Allen, the i | fake notice that 1, Horace ht oft Prince Kupert, B. C., o« cupation broker, i hit Hupert, B. &., vecupatl mm ge ntieman, in: cha . the rho a ibecribed 1s z er: LOEWE ore et stig ( : tend to appl or permisai . i. chase the following described lands . . afia ; on 6 tase gooenn Land Division Distrtet OF | Te anke devetoemutsion to purchase) Commencing at post panied two eng) Not satisfied with © th ' : : hat i, Milton Christian, Commencing @t @ post planted about @ the yw ie od —— 2 championship to Joe Bayle; the hl ‘ nery employee, in Miles southwest from Graveyard Point chains 7 ene River, fee —- > ~ eastern pug Wworrt sthe ilter j nission tO lease the|telegraeph office and about 1% miles| west #0 chains ‘hene south 60 chains to \ i Tae nel south of so . . ‘ ’ nce x : { ia be vent into 8 jirectly opposite In-] purchase, thence south aan teeetl” more or Vens. cone 0. eae the ring ane ‘ la clean i : ; running east 20] west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains Dated August 17th, 1912 ; knock out over the Ottawa be , chains, thence] thence east 80 chains to post of commence Pub, Sept. 14 ra : ‘ : : , thence Horth 20] ment, containing 640 acres more or less A threes round viet ght to] { Le” 10 line to place of HOWACKE ROY . . of the ‘ ral \ ie ‘ 5 ntaining 40 acres Dated August 24th, 1912 ' Skeena Land District—District of Coast, be proof enough « ! per 7 4 i \ . Pub. Sept. 98, 1912 Range V ity of the home brew, | Aller ) f ‘ LTON CHRISTIAN Take Notion that I, Ethel M, Thompson,|j. gyeain getting int pr Now { 1012 ‘ rince jupert . C., occupation | pee iy Skeena Land District—District of oast,| stenographer, inte nd to apply OEP, SUID 4 F enicensistinscinensaieeniite iia ) ig Sake notice meres 4” : sew to purchase the following described ‘ | tt ‘ ; enry Smith, of | lands ) is .-Cassiar Range Prince Kupert, B, C., ¢ ipation sail Commencing at a post planted four and » ‘i skeena 4 . . 7 s Wise, of roader, intend tw apply for permission to ne-half miles east from the mouth of | { ® \ht ‘ bntieman intend | Purchase the following described jv ads the Quinamaas River, thenee north 80 | { FY ; as “al ply for permis Commencing at 4 post planted about 70] chains, thence east 80 chains, thence i Te following deseribed| CHains south from Graveyard Point tele south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to { y at a post planted| 6f@ph Office, and being on the south side} point of commencement, containing 640 \ oA . Jf miles south of In of the Skeena Hiver, thence south 80 | acres, more or less | 7 ul ae | Bay, twenty chains] Chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north ETHEL M. THOMPSON , ha nains east, thence|®% Chains, thence west 80 chains to post Hubert 0, Crew, Agent ee thence twenty of commencement, containing 640 acres Dated August 17th, 1012 ) ; P ‘of commneement more or less Pub. Sept. 14 } } : ains ' E. 8. WISE HENRY SMITH nt a! ‘ ns Forrest, Agent Dated August 24th, 1912 | W : Pub, Sept. 28, 1912 ; | ee lei LAND LEASE NOTICES, rb Z ‘ . ) if ‘ ) ‘| keena Lance oo, en t of Coast,| sxeena | and District—District of Coest, ) ¥ t District of Take notice that |, Mike Vidak, of | Range V ; rt Sheena Coast Range Four Prince Rupert, B. Cc upation restaurant}. Take notice that Michael McFadden, of ({ j EB 7 ‘ 1 fred Dawson, of; man, intend w apply for permission 1 | Porcher Isiand, occ upation farmer, in )) PL ? - ation «farmer, in-| purchase the following described lands tends to apply for permission to lease the ) r an ‘mission to purchase Commencing at 4 post planted about 2} 'ellowing described lands j ) ay = scribe lands G miles south from Graveyard Point tel commencing at a post planted on the ) a suited three graph office and being on the south side| West end of Gurd Island, about two miles "le | End Hill, Banks|of the Skeena Kiver, thence south 80| © f Lot 1793, om Porcher Island, in ‘ chains, thence] chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north} ¢ kitkatlah Inlet, thence 80 chains east, | 4 north 40 chains,| 5 chains, thence west 80 chains to post thence 40 chains south, to an inlet, not! \ r ; ; ‘ sins t point of com-|of commencement, containing 640 acres| ™*Med, thence along the shore line to \ = : . g 160 acres, more| more or less point of commencement, containing 320 j )) v nt MIKE VIDAK acres more or less, the purpose for which | FRED DAWSON Dated August 24th, 1912 ae lease is required is to quarry lime j i 2 Pub, Sept. 28, 191 ht ; )) iD. AUB. 1012. roe MICHAEL McFADDEN | i g 12 Dated Sept. 3rd, 1912 } } Skeena Land District—District of Coast Pub. Sept. 14. | } ‘ trict District of Range V | \ 4 4 ast Range Four Take notice that 1, Albert Lopas, Of|/skeena Land District—-District of Coast | } € 4 isabelle Smith B£l-| Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation pros Range V > | ) ae cupation married] pector, intend to apply for permission wo Take notice that George R. Naden, of BILLY ALLEN | i} i ’ ‘ps for permission to} Purchase the following described lands Prince Rupert, occupation broker, intends | ) wing described lands Commencing at @ post planted about 30] apply for permission to lease the fol —- - — —- -——— ~ — —-_——~ r | r | planted four miles] chains south of Graveyard Point telegraph) | wing described lands he claims he was not in shape} oi th of End Hill,j OMce and being on the south side of the Commencing at a post planted about BRAND { j 2 ith §=80 chains,| Skeena Kiver, thence south 40 chains,| four distant in a southerly direction from|)When he entered the ring aga- > \ , ; 4 4 thence north 40/ thence cast 40 chains, thence orth 40) Moore's Cove, thence east 80 chains, thence] { ; » . vO ti a te vl iy . , ‘ chains, thence} chains, thence west 40 chains to post of south 80 chains, the nee west 80 chains to| '''*! Bayley the second me, and 7 i a yoe west 40 chains to tinencement, containing 160 acres more] shore line thence north 80 chains to|/he is aching for another chance.} ) ment; containing 480/ or less alia iti point of commencement, containing 640 Bavley'’s time i j \ aluable} y BA OPAS acres more or less t " s loo ‘ i } ISABELLE SMITH ELLIS Dated August 24th, 1912 GEORGE R. NADEN to waste n anv but real claim- e se { August 1, 1912 Pub. Sept. 28, 1912. Per Daniel Lyons, Agent ' s nau . ; | i} Aug. 13, 1012 Dated September 19th, 1912 ants to the title, Allen was beat- u eriori i > 3 9 { Skeena Land District—District of Coast ro Se Oy Poe en twiee, and that ought to be \ , \ and District —Distriet Of Coast, Take notice oe Theme A. Roy, of ; enough, His wails to the effect a ao ES SS SS SEE ptice : 2 y, 0 ——— — \) at aroline Jobnson, of| Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation pros CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. that. he was not in shape is in } line Jobnscn, of] pector, intend. to apply for permission | litself an admiseton of defeat as It’ 1 that you should expect greater style, value and satisfaction ) ; upply for. permission] Purchase the following describ jan is * Notiee—-Cayuse Mineral Claims, situate - : ; : t’s natura at yo ’ i . ng deseribed land Commencing 41 @ post planted on be}; » Skee Minit Divisi« { Cassiar » ac lots of time to ge into \ Moe too wost ‘plated at the| south bank of the Skeens River and about| ("ine Séeene Mining Division of Cessier/ he had lots 0 aa from 20th Century Brand garments than from any others. They have i Lot 3065, theace 80/2 miles southeast of the mouth of Shames| ine said mining division and adjoining the| proper shape, Allen's refusal to} 7 ; . : Thei iorit ie \ $0 chains east, thence| fiver, thence south 80 chains, thence west| property of the Granby Consolidated MiN-|j rain will probably mean his re- a big reputation to maintain. elr superiority was never more man ) itheast corner of Loi] 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence! ing smelting and Power Company, Lim-| . ‘ )) 0 em Se isi|cnumne 646 toro meek |e ; tiremeat from See ring, unless) fest than this season. For proof—the clothes. We are exclusive agents. 2 chains along Lot] containing 640 acres more or less Take notice that 1, James J. Lee, Free : tin til . { Xt ‘ ins west along Lot THOMAS A. ROY Miner's Certifcate No. 52978B, intena,| He can secure another bout with tumencement, contain Dated August 2¢ th, Lore sixty days from the date hereof, to apply| Ravley The Ottawa boy has} e . 4 ures more or less. Pub. Sept. 28, 1012 to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of} : . {{ ARULINE JOHNSON improvements, for the purpose of obtain } been one of the few wise ones,| oan ompany, Imi ! W. J. Goodwin, Agent ing a Crown Grant of the above claim land has packed away quite a few | * May 29 i912 Skeena Land District—District of Coast And further take notice that action,|‘ . pi i a ” i : June 18, 1912 Range V inder Section 85, must be commenced be-} jpg men forethe rainy seasen. The Store of Better Things )} rake ot that I, Napoleon Roy, Of|fore the issue of such Certificate of Im } ake 0 ° 4 : ) | soni — o Cc { Wallace, Idaho, occupation mill man, 'iD-| provements | ee \ | District of Coast,| tend to apply for permission to purchase Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1912 Prince Rupert, B.C. Ange I} the following described lands JAMES a LEE. | ) § 1 haries H Ziegler, | Commencing at a post planted about 1 By His Agent, F. J. Coleman | \ gia pation gentieman,| mile south from the mouth of the Shames| Pub, Aug. 12, 1912. . - temas: [ | pb permission to pur River, and about half a mile south from or Nk a a SS SSS . .oo.-.-2-2-.->02. > ——_I—EREEEE.-~-0N=2£2E=2=2>27—2—=220-0-0EEFG3== —— ase the ving deseribed lands the south bank of the Skeena River, thence 4 gat & post planted at the/south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT. . - mammaneese / Bur beds dot 29, thence porth) thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 Notice——Buffalo Mineral Claims, situate 7 4 west 30 chains, thence/ chains t) post of commencement, contain Qrrenttianativen 7 in the 8 Mining Division of Cassiar | mwa ad mae Se ae re © SOLEON BDY District, “Where located: Near. Granby, STUART & STEWART ae 4 un ment, containing ninety APOLEV , livision and adjoinin eeerneray , Pees . we > Dated August 26th, 1012 > te one ee : oe a “ . Accountants ‘ P the property of the Granby Con date Pugilists Wear or Carry uate as Pub, Sept, 2& 1012 Mining, Smelting and Power Company,|Many Pugilists 908 ahd Qeenes Phone 280 ; e eh ho Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| thier “Where located: Near Granby, in| ©!" biel W. €. Williams, B.A, LL. D., sv eter JACKSO | Bieena Land : Distriet Of Cost Range V the sai. mining division | and adjoining Pet Jackson pinned ris . 1 ~~ ~etict—Oistries OF COses, erty of the Granby Consolidated) ¢. oa j air rhtin — Hange V etalon ‘ fake notice that Mrs. L. C vutmamn, of te property of ‘and Power Company,| faith to an old = of _ — WILLIAMS & MANSON - : © ‘hat Henry Burbank, Of}s: paul, Minnesota, occupation married) | iid shoes. He wore lem sin s b | . 7 | { upation lumberman,| woman, intends to apply for permission to L ee notice that 1, Sam MeCague, admin Y chee: eaten. amanaal Barristers, Solicitors, Etc in . * permission to DUF-1 purchase the following des yd 1andS:| istrator of the estate of James McCague, contests until they were past ¢ ti Box 2865 | ’ ha owing deseribed lands Commencing at @ post planted about 80) pice Mine Certifecate No, 52979B, intend,| ¢,, on “oteetion to his feet. It | s post planted 40 chains} chains west from the southwest corner of ae i a \com the date hereof, to apply| @rding protection \& | Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, 8. C. ieetere, Mining and Contracting Machinery rher of Lot 1728,| surveyed T. L. 300456 on the bank Of} ). the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of} js said they became valuable as Apparatus of every description MIDS, then av istrict, thence os 40] Skeena River, thence south 80 on Improvemeuts, for the porpese os epeale props” later when he played the| ——— _ 0 ee ee i 0 Chars oe #2 chains, thence) thence west 80 chaim, thence north 8°) ing « crown Grant of the above claim. ’ i oat ae D pont op NBS, Whence north 40 chains to}ehains more or less to bank of Skeena/ snq further take notice that actlot,)),aqg in an Unele Tom's Cabin ALFRED CARSS, c. V. BENNETT, B.A. | Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. ‘BOX 974 Reres ‘“heacement, containing 160] River, thence in an easterly direction @lON€| under Section 85, must be commenced be- ’ ss ea i a ees bank of river 80 chatns more or les tO) fore the iasue of such Certificate of lin-| company of Brisa Columble - and at | HENRY BURBANK, post of commencema@nt, containing 640) provements : Charley. Mitchell, the boxing Manitobe Bare. eee ated ,Audrew Kennedy, AgeMt.jacres more or less Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1912. ‘ ee : te Pub. Sepe R th, 1942 MRS. L. GC. PUTNAM SAM M cages. champion of England, generally CARSS & BENNETT ' George “K. Putnam, Agent vn tone nee sported a dilapitated — billyeoek BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETC s , 1012 ‘ , Se pated auguat 120 ee Jat when he took his corner. It] Omm-Aiber Bleek Beoed Avenue FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 4nd Dis m4 . ” e a . ; ——

; ) me 4088 more or less to ‘post of commencement, war Section 85, must be commenced ibly he put it aside after that Pumps Hose Paint ) more or less ioe Ue » of such CertiNcate of Im-|* , ; ; Sheena Land Dist sontaining 80 gered more OT AN SIM ae of eee fatal day on Richmond Field HAYNER BROS. Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron i. ‘irict—Distriet of Coast, Dated Auguat 31, 1012 Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1012. Jabez White, the English light UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS re , COLMAN, Jabez 1 . lake Pub, Sept, 19, 1012 FP. 4, COL ’ funeral Directors sninapaimeemianeniaieaiinges a Raper, Uoties ‘ha h Merritt, of Prince Pub. Aug 12, 1042 weight, had a little tot’s shoe! a See ne { vi ! tak “nds am ay . . . . . . . . Whig ot bert | purchase the fol | Skeena Land District—Detrict of Coast tucked under his belt when he “Ww ll N . B t t” ) a Mmeneine ‘ Range V bie, of WATER NOTICE. fought Jimmy Britt in San Fran-| e Se oO ui the Bes int by 6 4 4 post planted o . Take notice that Bery! I. Gambie, : . ae " balk \ : 1 on thel y } nc spinster, i siseo. Tt was his baby's girls ( Mins coe’, QUIDaMas River, about] Vancouver, B, C,, occupation spins apchasé Yeo Water CIsei i : | ae ‘ get ee 4 worth 40 chars Indian shack, thence} tends to apply for permission to pu For a License to Take and Use | * Ibrogan, but it failed him. , Une . © east 40 *h the following described lands ve Notice is hereby given that George b ore " ‘ 1ins, thence wait al mmencing at & post planted at whe) ullee o villlam H. Clarke, both of the Big Charlie Miller used to be} ME 100 a ' commencement, contain: |N: B corner of L. 4409, thence south 40) Hearts ANY Tl a, Sil ine "province Of] “me and his ring badge} * more or less . chains, thence east 20 chains more ey iuish Columbia, merchants, will apply a motorman, a Ss us | E. L. FISHER NHN MERRITT, Locator less to W. bay of Timber Limi ne ‘eélfor & leense to take and use qiene Mg is “24.” the number of the car| ed * Pa he a thence north 40 chains, WHEE ose SY 4 eco f water out of @ cer ‘ ged: i ee Agent ins more or leess to point of com ot per Saas ‘ibe bills to the south and} barn where he reported for duty Funeral Director and Embaimer PL 27, 1019 ’ mencement, containing 80 acres more oa Hegan Point, flowing about north-| i) the pailroad service | CHARGES REASONABLE ‘ . . . a fs BERYL 1 GAMBLE. [west by weet Mi thce south and West) 1; might have been worse. |[m 2f Oy eer Sed Ave. Phone ase FROM HOME TO HOME.” q 8 “ oO eat, s g i : Ee , ~ eM Lang | P. M. Miller, Agent.) bears BOrtaWin es tne pass one mile south) : : OPEN DAY AND NIGHT ' y Strlet Of Coast] Dated Sept. Sth, mo12 - Hevan Point, The water will be di-) Charlie might have pieked up a (alge , o ‘ ewe ‘ . Th ; . Pub, Sept. 14 verted approximately southeast ro meee headlight or a trolley piole as * Sirk, Ma ‘ as Partington, of 1 t ye and @ aoe nT nacspena - he hi satan ie pe aaa dalla aaa a I HOH Clerk, intends to a :. For occu | be 1 for mauve * 7 " . J “ , veri i 3 se bi . Poraman, . © and Lot #737, ae Geseribed 4 1 purchase the fol ae nase at > é . to the Chief] la : ined 8 ? oo , then Flynn would have been hard ‘ ® at 4 ommissioner Of Lands for perinission 10) Kane) vn’ as posted on the ground]. i handle Sid. Sykes, Manager weve gi’ Mle easter» MIAMMed on an} purchase the following described lands | the 13th day of August, A. D, 1012 ai . ut y a plant . indian re Commencing at @ post please a ° i spplication will be uled 2» the a - —- = SMITH & MAL I ETT The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. . 1 ‘alas ver, thence] ehai 1 an easterly directo , ve 4 ecorder @ *rince a | ; : ps 40 "bank thetioe west fram the "northwest “cormer, of vaiedes ! yi Watelumbia.. Objections may! Baltimore drew 53,000 less THIRD AVE, Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. ; A coos 2. Dan, thence] Limit 3990, on the south end of Lakelse || ; with the said Water Recorder or sople this year than in 1041 res WihOncene #*t 40 chains to] Lake, B. G., thence west about 50 chains = iptrolier of Water Rights,) peop! . oe were Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and now : Ment, containing 160] t0 the southeast corner of A. P nO, . waa avainas Victoria, British Co Piteher Dent, of Newark, draft Sheet Metal Work 1142 Pender Street West - Vancouver, B.C. PART) 22,203, ree nowth one ghain (more } Pariiamert : : ae ea « . 0 Pah 2Ns Locator less) "te tele” pioe, thence easterly | limbia GORORGE KB. BRARNS ed by New York, has been turned! | omee: ard ave, Workshop Phone 8500, Pub go *P'mber gn4 ) held, Agent along the lake share to the point of com | WM. H. CLARKE, over to Washington Phone 114 tad Ave. bet. Tth and 8th Sts Wl 87, igig ' P82 mencement, and containing ten sores, more | y, 1012 Applicants or less. i. B. FORSMAN, | Pub. Sept