1 janoesT CIROULATION ww crry AND NORTHERN British COLUMBIA rere ee ——— agitanive PERT ual Il, NO. 258 Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Prince Rupert, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OcToppr 9, 1912. THE DAILY NEWS EE in.. at EROIMLATI, oF Camosun... ———— Price Five Cents WAR HAS COMMENCED BOSTON BEATS NEW YORK ON HOME GROUNDS IN FIRST GAME OF THE WORLD SERIES SEVERAL NEW STORES ARE B NG RAPIDLY COMPLETED CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, HART'S “BIG STORE” AND HYDE'S STORES ON THIRD AVENUE, ALL PRO- GRESSING RAPIDLY. BATITLE FOUGHT WITH TURKS; PATRIOTS ARE LEAVING B.C. Special to Daily News. Gillvary, NEW LINERS ARE MODELS OF SPEED, SAFETY AND COMFORT ’ jeg |OFFICIAL OF THE C. P. R. STATES THAT THE NEW TRANS- PACIFIC LINERS TO BE COMMISSIONED ARE THE VERY BEST. | Kinch tinggi | In speaking of the two new/|Ordinarily, if a ship is designed | steamships, the Empress of Rus-|to float with only two compart- sia and the Empress of Asia,|ments flooded, a sufficient margin j}which the Canadian Pacifie Rail-|of safety is thought to have been |} way is building for service on the| allowed, but in the cases of the | Pacific Ocean between Canada and lthe Orient, a C. P. R. oficial re- marked a few days ago that he felt justified in saying that the two new boats would be the saf- est vessels afloat. “In preparing the new marked, {to make gencies, the ‘Empresses,’” “we for re. eare exi- boats plans he took particular provision for all and as a result the near to being be built The new are being built bottoms and the are as as can presses double compartments, latter unsinkable | Em-| the with | be trained in the life saving, ‘fire watertight jand other drills, which are a fea- being | ture numerous and closely placed. | ships. new Empress of Russia and the Empress of Asia, should four compartments be flooded they will still float. In the matter of safety these are the first vessels buill to fulfil these conditions.” It was also stated that the new steamships would be equipped with all the other latest devices making for safety, such as wire- apparatus, search lights, submarine signals, and from the very moment they are assembled members of the crews will less of this company’s steam- Dramatic Society Meeting. ef lock-Webster, nection with the business in con- early was comedy at gone into. attendance of the fact that through lack tion. The production of Henry Arthur Jones eomedy, he Liars,’ which had been pro- posed, having been found imprac- ticable, an order has been for- warded to New York for copies of jseveral other well known plays, upon receipt of which one will be and immediately put into Announcement of the high class date an There members, was a good | despite labsent some were of notifica- famous selected ehearsal. |play selected will be made at the earliest possible opportunity. Enthusiastic Boosters. Mr. EF. J. Tingley and Mr. Me- of the embryo cities of Queenstown and Skidegate, re- spectively, on the Queen Char- lotte Islands, arrived in the city this \morning on the Prince George, after a visit spent in the southern coast cities. Both gen- tlemen are heavily interested in mining properties and agricul- lands on the islands and are most jture of the enthusiastic in regard to the fu- large areas of mineral and farming lands that are tributary to Prince Rupert and which are going to play such an important part in the building up of this northern country Alberta Man Suicides. Oct. 9.—C. Boul- a late arrival from Alberta, suddenly drew a revolver and shot Miss Clarke, with whom he was talking, in a downtown hotel last night, and then shot himself The lady may Vancouver, auger, recover, Seals Are Increasing. Washington, Oct, 9 Since the ending of sealing in the Are- tie, the herds are replenishing. iSever al thousand will be killed in I accordance with the agreement Britain, Russia, Japan United States. | between land the Three Drowned at Lytton, Vancouver, Oct, 9.-—-Superin.- itendent Talmage and two men lworking on the ©. N. R. bridge lat Lytton are to have | ibeen drowned, reported Prince Rupert's leading hotel Savoy. atisfactoryitaken down and up again on n the seyv.|the new sit P ° 0 W h b d d 2 h B k ee ce a aris, Oct. 8---War has been declared in the Balkans e eC} yvoe 18 gfome near ist the imme-lwith his two stores on Third) by Mont d has b de by the principalit | street and| Sg alin Ed y Montenegro and a move has been made by the principality . ra sureer ¢ avenue, opposite 1@ pos otiee ‘ and expects to have them ready) against Turkey. Troops are already pouring across the Ba of Com for ecupanecy by the end of No. in a ‘ ‘ on to the) vember, The frame work is well! frontier and it is hourly expected that the other states in- | soon bejunder way . as e | pante | volved will declare open hostilities and proceed against the \\ pioneer furni- \ ting will be held at the 0 that no de-| Baptist Brotherhood club room ttoman. SRN orn ee oes vs eran dy the Turks and M ins h in b | preparing} © Pigs saloons sepa Already the Turks and Montenegrins have met in battle mio 118 tr the: coaaing becket ‘Dall Turkish sid h i h it is k Hue splendid 108 Or Me oeucuiay v_| OM the Turkish side of the frontier and although it is known Bank of Mon- ' ; s “ ° ; au d that representatives of d d Mir. William| “vested! (hat representatives of) that a large number of men were involved in a desperate piles for the , - 7 = —_ orogressing|endea be present struggle, no definite word of the outcome or the casualities Harts inten . Hlion of his, New dress goods and tots of} has been received. Sixth and ther new fa goods Wallace's ° . e ‘hich will be| 237-298 The foreign office has been informed of the fact that he M in ch d’affai C inop!| ked the Montenegrin charge d affairs at Constantinople aske Empress Drawing z . ), WORR r drawing for acash| for and was granted his passports, and has withdrawn from a he Empress Theat s T k WON'T GIVE IT : tet” 4 wh a Tenaehl ” ous ind jast night whe the drawing ee — ! r the wee was made the place London, Oct. 8 Although|the majority are anxious to wait{over the declared war by Monte- as packed t he doors, wl as dh he ae i op|for a few days to see what pos-|negro, and already several hun- je Refuses to Deposit Money for| "> |" a seeted ot. eee eee te oe me Ge Fumes Praga tnttics.s a as Sp Rio fan . a ae ‘ an almost equally large crowd a that Montenerre bes declared sible chances there are for an/dred are preparing to leave fo! ecurity of Light—Matter | te ded the first performance ' 7 ye : m jearly ending of the trouble their home lands, while several} of Principle. Iw s the high ass pictures|W@t against Turkey and has al-| J ' M Mastoras, the head of the|/thousand will follow in a few | sh wh, but did t awail the re eady thrown troops across the|jocal Greek colony, received a|weeks. ut the last) cuits of the drawing Alderman) frontier, no official notification| telegram several days ago from Chemistoeles Ethan, proprietor { neil p 1 Dor yfliciat in his usua jof the trouble has been issued by|the Washington legation calling}, , he Paradieé restaurant f against the | ett 1t ma but s great] the foreign office jor him to aid in the forming of Georals ian ee ee ee and 1 ht| had the f business | : jan army of 140,000 men in Amer- : i comply ia week been that wae Ses Seattle, Wash., Oct. 9—Greeks,|'€4 return to serve in the pe of the aopinaiy : ot ttle time before a successf _ |Greek army and navy leaders among the loeal Greeks liown by the Montenegrins, Servians, Rou-} : : ' rrent | ticket holder could f id aniens daa Balearians are There are about 8,000 Greeks|say that there are about 1,800 equal to ce aopagy: pouring into the city from the|!" the State of Washington, and! Greeks in the city and that many th the city| Ladies Worked Hard. nstruction camps throughout}|® Wwarter of these are in Seattle.!,¢ these will have to return tol , hey would] For the s ess f the ballithe State of Washington in readi-| Gireece, as they are on the re- given in the Kaien Island Club/ness to proceed at once to the| Vancouver, B, C., Oct. 8 rhe} serve list, while others will volun-| he had not|reoms last Friday evening in aid/seat of war j different colonies here of the/tarily accompany them to fight if sleniieniiie of the hospital, the entire credit While many are determined to) peoples of the different Balkan | for their country and against the vas a erying|is due to Mesdames Angus Stew-/leave at once for the seat of war,/nations are very much exeited| hated Turk. t perty owners} ar! Hugh Dun Jarvis MeLeod . . " . ; - a aon — mn pelled 1 G. Dawson and Hubert Ward j } ur to the rate} uously in making all the neces | 4 was the|S8ary arrangements and personally | rina anaatended wo une eetreshments 2041 RE FALL FAIR CREDITS STORY money to{all the features that combined to | for what|make the event a thoroughly en oie | ae in absurd |Joyable one, The citizens @ener=| aig guioekewWebster to Investi- | London News Credits Buying of ally are indebted to these ladies gate Feeling of Farmers in Re- P. & O. by the Canadian Com- The Counetimen| for: the time they have spent in gard to Fair Here Next Fall. pany—All World Route. Alderman aid of an institution of which all : ES must feel proud R. DeB. Hovell, president of Special to Daily News, ers * li the Board of Trade at Hazelton | London, Oet. 8.—In spite of the Cloth, revers Churchill Will Announce Policy, returned to his home on the train denials of the rumor just pub- ; . Wallace's London, — (« v W one this morning after a short visit} lished that the C, P. R. is nego- ‘hure s expected to make an Prince e e was ac , Churehill 1 X} me in Prinee Rupert He wa | tiating for the purehase of the ” announcement at an important companied by Alderman Bullock ra ) ee Cleaners Webster, who is visiting Hazel Peninsular & Oriental Steamship Ze ton as the guest of Mr. Hovell.} Line, which would give them a While on the trip to the Interior] girdle around the globe, the Lon- )S. Mr Bullock-Webster, in con. | don News deelares that the Can- OOOO OL OOIEPEOEOOO IS netion with his host, will make | adian corporation is seeking to Bost, i : . ss , he! feel control of its shipping rivals 100 ON AMER: extensive enquiries a to >the ! PI rivals, CAN TEAM ~ 1 ; lers in rege ‘ jand an announcement of import- = WINS. feeling of the settlers in regard I , the advisability of holding an jant inter-oceanic steamship serv- S| New : iitural exhibition in Prince lice between Great Britain and - eo tins Rupert the fall of next yeat l het colonies ean be expected at hip ta \ ivailable information will be} jany time now the tlrst cleaned as to what the farmers | today ‘ ettlers will have to show and} YOUSIF ZUA | Interesting Bowling Match. y : gathered whict \ ainieienihnie Se an win al data gathered which oo rurkish general who will be one} An xceptionally interesting League 1 guide to the citizens of this ceeded | be wling mateh took place last a “ making preliminary plans} oe! the prominent leaders in the | nig ht at the Empress Bowling | ) rhe ‘ the bringing abou of an|war against the Balkan States.! Allevs. when the Empress Cafe re of ' tural show that wil be in} team rolled against the I, W. W vay a credit to the distriet,| regation Only two points aw sothn ——- Roche's Big Basement Pool/separated the teams at the end 8 \ foat the Ohicken Lunch. Room is being enlarged and is/vof the game and gave the honors pion 1) get the chicken lun er one of the most comfortable|to the cafe men The I. W. W were the ladies of the Pt places in town, Nothing too good! players obtained the lead in the I last HON, WINSTON GHURCHIDI in Chureh tomorrow Ad jfor the patrons of 235 first fraine and again in the third th 0 nail er ‘i. "7 238) Roche's Pool Room. but their fall in the seeond set i | N ' roth n _ _ | was too great to be easily over fd { the er ig a { Z aiat l by the ladies of the — ee cone Mr, Wright, for the losers ! day al ee ee = iu pyterian Chureh will be given I'ry Stalker & Wells’ butter secured the highest number of j naval poliey MeIntyre Hall on Thursday, | best yet I'wo lbs, for 75 cents.) points, 175, and also the high tee » fro > to 258 220-tf est total, 447, eC ccceccconcconeel | Warm, clean rooms at Savoy.) Cecl. |! : : ' At a general meeting } Prince Rupert Amateur Dra- | matie Society last night, under | tne presidency of Alderman Bul- production of a ~~ NOTED PICTURES. WILL BE SHOWN and at realistic One of the most dramtie the films ever same time most produced by a moving is shown to- night and tomorrow night at the Majestic Theatre on Third ave- It enormous picture company said to have cost an of to produce and required the services of over one thousand actors. It depicts the daring and suc- cessful attempt of an _ Italian lieutenant in the war of 1859 be- tween Austria and Italy to carry a despatch through the lines the enemy and secure help for handful of men who were dotonde ing a village. He is badly wounded in a run- ning fight, but finally, with the aid of some peasants, escapes. Interwoven is a beautiful love story. Several other interesting fea- both dramatic and comie, will be shown, while appropriate inusie will accompany all the pie- tures. nue, is amount money tures, Bank Clerk Resigns. Mr. Alex. Stowell, who for the last few months has been on the staff of the loeal branch of the Bank of Montreal, recently re- signed and accepted a position with the Mack Realty Co. Mr. Stowell, who eame out direct from England to join the staff of the bank in this city, is a very well known and popular young man, a non-commissioned officer in the Eary Grey's Rifles and a shining light in loeal amateur musical and theatrieal circles, Majestic Theatre TWO DAYS ONLY!! LS THE GOLDEN WEDDING Italian-Austrian War—1859, Two Reels) QUEEN OF THE BRIGANDS ITALIAN LAKES HE MUST BE CARUSO A most laughable comedy Special music by Mrs. Carpenter | ADMISSION 100 AND 15¢