LAND PUR HASE NOTICE t—Distriet of 4 hane i Agnace Massey pation logger, n to purehase reshore st planted f 1 | i at owing the shore rection 300 fie Railway ecet east of the so 4446, thence mark or G, T. P, Ti ng the beach to mtaining 2.0 MASSE a 4 . t a IGNACE Y i912 1912 District of Five Milton employee, mission to lease lands Commen northwest co directly opposite n running east chains, the thence north , line to piace md mtaining 40 sion hange that I, annery MILTON 1912 12 Range Wise, int t— Cassiar i, & gentleman, apply for lowing ‘ post miles south Bay, twenty hains east, th thence j at 5 desert plan of f at alf the twe k i 8s WISE wrest, Age trict—District of Range Four i, Fred pation ermission Dawson, farmer, to purch ribed lands co lanted three m f End Hill, Ba chains, the north 40 to point of 160 acres, 40 m FRED DAWSON 1912 t—District of Four Isabelle Smith occupation marr for permission « described lands st planted four mi south of End H uth 80 chal thence north chains, ther west 40 chains nt; containing 4 40 ice ia ine ISABELLE SMITH ELLIS gust 1 viz 1042 1912 t of ee a District line Johnson, cupetion apply for permissi wing described lanc post planted at t 3065, theuce chains east, ther utheast corner of | 4 chains along | 2 chains along 1 hains west along | tmnencement, wv less. AROLINE JOHNSON W. J. Goodwin, Agent 2th, 1012 8, 1012 District of Coa o Charlies H ijpation gentiems permission to ribed jands st planted 20, thence 30 chains, east 30 chains containing nine att hor 1 HENRY ZIEGLER nder Nobile, Agent District of 0 hotel keeper, i ed Bay, lauds st planted on Observatory Inl mi south of Indi ins south, thence bains ‘north, ut of s more or less, OLIER BESNER. iz t t—District y Henry ipation permission to Jeseribed lands planted 40 chai rher thence chains, north 40 chains ent, containing of Coa Burbank, t ‘ east ‘ HENRY BURBANK, Andrew Kennedy, Age ivia Distact—District of y spalion Dilacksmith, escribed lands & post planted at Let along lirection 380 bost of commen acres more or le vorthwest corner. J. BR. PAKE, Oo Merritt, of Prig stable, intends purchase the f . t planted ‘nas River, shack, east 40 ' . thence . ‘ithencement, (KRRITY Fallown ! v1 on aby ther chai west conta iN I at eld, Agent 2 4. Bey 1 Plembe 1. 2 Partington, erk, intends itchase the ff l tr Planted th on Indian bank river east ement thence bank, 40 chains containing w \ ‘ a fi ‘ oceler vow neld nt ‘wig Christian, acres CHRISTIAN permis chains commncement chains, com Coast, married the contain Ziegier, pur thence Cassiar Besner, of Prince mission to purchase thence colmmencement, lumberman, pur of Lot 1728, thence Coast, Range atl, J. KR. Pake, of Prince in bermission to purchase 3 the i 1706 thence south ‘ess to Dank of Zimogo th bank of river chains t-—District of Coast, y the District of Coast, ‘has River, thence thence 160 Coast, , © intend the the t 4446, thence south line feet from right-of uth west 300 ght point cres in the cing rner In 20 nee 20 of of end bed ited in nty mt of in ase nit) iles nks nee ore El led to les il, ns, 40 ce lo 80 of on is B¢ ice ot ot ot ot st, al, he th to ety a he et, au 20 of us au to 60 ac ‘83. we to ol yut ace nhs, 40 in of lo ol an re est lo Skeena lake Prince tend thre f to foil mn mile graph of the thence chains, comme ne or Dated rub Skeena Take Rupert, tend to the follo Comme miles telegraey south of Adjoining ' west thence ment, Dated Pub Skeena | Take Prince roader purchase Comme chains graph of the chains, 8u of more i of ur un or Dated Pub Skeena | rake Prince RK man, inte purchase Comme miles graph of the chains, th 80 chains of comm mor Dated Pub Skeena | Take | Prince KR pector, in purchase Commer chains me skeen thence chains wie sot and K ea th en r Dated A i n K irchase Conuner 2 miles s River 50 chains ast 5 ntaining I Pu Sskeena | lake Wallace tend +t the follow mmet mile River, the south thence chains ing ‘ uth 80 no t 640 ac Dated Pub A Skeena Take mm man purchase Commen chains dis from Gray being on River, 80 chains, east &0 niaining Pub Se Skeena Take ni St. Paul woman, in purchase Commer chains Ww surveyed skeena thence chains River, bank post acres RK we ri of of thor Dated Pub, S Skeena | Take Rupert, © apply for lowing de commer northeast Allan Sim chains, le w b along ban tion 40 line of L more or Pub. Se Skeena L ‘Take b Vancouver E chains, less thence ne chains m mencemer cor th Take b AUT ssh purchase Comme ehains dh from Limit 39 Lake, B to the P22,203, © y less) to LAND skeena River, we purchase, east Sept outh chains, omce Skeena Sept ruth bank thence chains jated August an Idaho apply uth and Land Prince Rupert, B intend the thence chains to post of commencement, | Dated August Land thence August notice containing 80 acres more Dated August tends to apply for permission to the following described lands Commencing at to W Dated Sept Pub. Sept. tion miner, the i along the la PURCHASE Land District bi ia y ‘ i not Kupert apply wing encing uth ation pat perm ribed at ai from ave And acey enter, in purchase f cary nt I | ard th ith 80 chain thence north chain post sinning es more for ae lan inted Point about tele being the rc chain ist mit at thence ethent to a ; i PETER ivig STAC August : EY Sept. 28, 24th, ivig Land District Khange that tl, ul 4 y » OCCUPATION gentleman, in i permission +t purchase described land | ¥ A po pianted about 2} : from Graveyard Point} office and t . miles | uth bank of er, an Peter ey ition t thence the ‘ chains, chair i minence Mi Ke Distr V t of ast, wlice _— Apply wing neing uth we yh t al 1 Sta ith thence chains t ntaining 4 a rih et of 8 more HORACI ivi 64 le Al t ’ 2s, ig vath 1vi2 and District Kange that I, Bb ‘ apply wing ‘| District V Henry Smith, ipat jail permis n to bed js ed I f Coast, notice tupert, Hlend the f neing to ll for de I at t pla from Graveyard and being on the Skeena Hiver, thence ence east iains thence 5 jencement, less about 7 int tele ith side ith #8 5 th haitis nice west ntaining ; HENRY ivi2 SMITH August ept. 28, ith, 1vi2 and District Kange that District y i, of hotice ipert, B nd the fo neing uth fr and Mike Vidak, ipation restau pe ribed m Graveya being on River, east , thence encement tele the thence 80 chains, south south thence north west chains to post containing acres ~ ence MIkE ivi2 VIDAK August 25, 24th, ivi2 and District-——Distri ( Range V j 0tice that I, Albert Lopas, of upert, B. C., occupation pros tend to apply for permission to} the following described lands cing at @ post planted about ith of Graveyard Point telegraph being on the south side of the iver, thence uth 40 chains,| st 4 chains thence north 4 ence west 40 chains to post of} ment, containing 160 acres mo ALBERT 24th, 1012 1012. LOPAS iz pt 28 Distri y Thomas A. R scCupation to apply for permiss following described lan icing at @ post planted on the f the Skeena Hiver and about itheast of the mouth of Shames ith chains, thence west thence bh chains, thence t mmencement aci less A District Range that I, B ‘ and t LICE ipert, tend the pr n t { Dp st of more THOMAS i912 ‘ oe r ROY 26th, pt 1912 District—District Range V 1 hoy, of Prince], KING GEORGI 0 Parliamet omp and th AND King it with ceren e cyne reeoan the h vernn nN he nl Georwe,{ who are designated all ny ure ized me rent this the THE DAILY NEWS ~ a KING GEORGE MAY HAVE TO START BLOODY REVOLUTION uth side HIS MAJESTY WILL BE CALLED UPON TO SIGN OR REJECT HOME RULE—EITHER ULSTERITES OR NATIONAL. ISTS MAY FIGHT. isl ermen, not for make the the Libera ucceed i! h both Hous way will | disturbance will an to I alist ippe death Nati sign if irra Ister ind i throug either i rie Nat have jonalists are le a I as «de home if reject ROBES OF STATI Ik tice leon mill that I, Nay ccupation for permission to described lands at 4& post planted from the mouth of the about half a mile bank of the Skeena River, chains, thence east 8&0 rth chains, thence post mmencement res ing wing thence chains west tain a0 5 c more r less NAPOLEON 1912 ROY 26th, 1912 ugust pt. 28, District—District of Coast Range V that 1, Mike Vukstich, C., occupation restaurant to apply for permission t& Tollowing described lands cing at &@ post planted about tant and in a southerly directi eyard Point telegraph oMice a the south side of the Skeena south 80 chains, thence west north 80 chains, thence ptice of thence s acres more or less MIKE VUKSTICH ivi2 640 24th, pt. 98, 1012 District—District of Coast, Range V c. Putnam, Mrs. L of] occupation tice that Minnesota, tends to apply for permission to the following described lands icing at a post planted about 80) from the southwest corner I $0945 on the bank thence south 80 chains st 80 chains, thence north 8 re or to bank of Skeena in ab easterly direction ak ne} iver 80 chains more or less to commencement, containing 640 or less MRS George 16th, 1012 I iver, e PUTNAM Agent I ty c Putnam, 1912 gi. 17, District—District of Coast, Range V that Allan Sim, ccupation bridgeman, permission to purchase scribed lands wing at 4a post corner of Lot 1706, Ss. E. Corner, thence rence west 20 chains ank of Zimogotiz River, k of river in a southerly bains more or less to the north and of intends the Prince lo fol planted at the and marked north 40 more or thence direc SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 3rd Ave. Phone 174 2 nd Ave. bet Worksh 7th and 8th S op f nten Pp acres LAND Pl Skeena Take Prince ( | chase int Date Pub is the ommencing rner chains pulh Skeena Take Prince marrie a} intend chase acres, t Dated Pub Skeena Take Prince a one the ehaiis suth point acres to lands mumencing at miles half Quinamaas of Lan tic Rupert, apply i t foll thence chains, 40 ni Rupe! to apply the it tamencement sept Land m Augu sept Land r VE Notice Rupert, stenographer, } D ul w of v le ot i4 bi ul w t jinamiaas I Di tL int purchase thence chains, commencement, more Dated Pub t « August Sept 14 {\CHASI at b Kiver, istrict Range V lat Vernon B. ¢ for ing 4 I ibe Pp the che east desc! st 441%, I west thence RNON |} P. M 2 h, 191 Distri V Hubert strict Range vat I, [ ing described from thenc 4st hiiver, yorth cha thenee south neement less HUBERT i7th, 1912 80 I c Distri y Ethel SB. C., to apply follow! strict Kange mat I, end the from thence ast 80 thence ast west Col less THEL M Hubert O i7th, 1912 District ipat permission permiss! M a post planted the chains, or G. Gan n br 1 lands anted at nee nortl ains d 2 chain hiaining iAMB will ct of Oo ation ion t lands crew bi ith east the chain ilaining m e ais, 80 oO ct of ¢ Thom upa per descr for ne four mouth north 80 chain plaining Crew, NOTICES. vast | able, ker pur the » 40 thence to 80 LE. Ake nt , of ker, pur cing at & post planted two and R the f 80 nee! t CREW oast, | son, | * tl nis ibed and of 80 thence to 640 THOMPSON Agent ot 1706, thence east 20 chains less to post of commencement or less ALLAN SIM 31, 1042 1912 ppt. 19, District—District of Coast) Range V that beryl! ! c., occupation and Gamble, of spinster, ip purchas: alice B t | planted at thence south chains more Limit Ni a post 4409, 20 Timber mer of | rence east bdy of wth 40 chains, thence: ore or leess to point Mu, comtaining 80 acres more or} BERYL 1. GAMBLE. | Py. M. Miller, Agent. | i2 of com Sth, Forsman that I, J. B to the intend to apply of Lands for permiss the following deseribed lands neing at @ post planted ten stant and in an easterly directiol northwest corner of Timlx 90, on the south end of Lake! C., thence west about 50 chains southeast corner of A N hencee north one chain the lake shore, thence ke shore to the point olice Chief nt ober } nore easterly of i PORSMAN mencement, and containing ten acres, More) or leas ‘7.8 jt tends lowing Hunencing “ I 4 th LAND LEASE NOTICES, skeeha Take anit 1 t her to f hitk I 40 thence Lane a 1 rtic Di that Island apply described at Gurd of Lot atial 179 Int chains come Sep Sept an lease is t required ird, ia D strict—Distri Range V Michael ecupatlion mM lands a& post Island, on Pe thence south, along Un neement abe reh yi to 3, et, ce i k is to MICHAEL i912 Distr y n to istrict hange vat Ue ‘ pat i bi i | is I the ul ul permission planted \ two miles} et of ( McFadden farmer, to lease on ul er } Island chains an iniet hore lint ntaining f quarry rw Naden ker, int ease the lanted 4 chat hain ntaining NADEN aSl, , of in the the in east, hot to $21 hieb lite McPADDEN ast of euds b Lt) t OT | i I Ageut iors Subscribe for the Daily News. OLD COUNTRY SOCCER SCORES | “ a [Om i i : ‘ i ‘ 1 3 f 1 i Scottish League. W ‘ ‘ “ae “ ! nark Han A Falk 2 92 00 nd oe wwe me Scotsmen to Have Whist Drive The Andrew will ld tad Thursday vi the able : Du st Society whis h a ive on mmfort Sibbald The} in} n in- new the Avenue work ter qual ain a taking vVisiling brethern and Scotsmen in general who come | Prince Rupert as stran rers ms are under way Preparatlt a grand coneert and dance Ha | owe eu Funeral of late D. L. McLennan. | M oon the \ the remains e Dune Lachlen laid theit wather ad Fat of the McLennan lasting of those aay attert al ie cemetery ith place friends of al a and ing bdrothers, being iveside The Vere ! arrangements ol Fr. W clergy uberat the the hands Haynet Rey lating md Keri }\ | | | Alice B,, W. J. Thomas Govt, Wharf, | Launch iPhone Green 391, thence | | Choicest liquors and cigars-— Savoy. STUART & STEWART Acoourtants 309 2nd Avenue Phone 280 The Helping Hand of Our Auditors for the City of Prince Rupert Pant in “s* **™" MAIL ORDER SERVICE oe ee ; IS EVERY WHERE W. NICHOLSON-LAILEY, Where there is a post office or an ex- press oMce in British Columbia or the Architect, Yukon, there the people may enjoy our Room 46 Stephens Block moderate prices and quality goods, This is made possible through our thoroughly Phone 84. organized Mail Order Service, which is represented among our patrons by our " qumeeneenenenesneetenammemanes — Illustrated Catalogue, a perfect buyers’ help that will be sent to any address upon request Write for this Catalogue; it will put you in touch with the largest, finest stock of Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass, Cutlery, Leather Goods and Novelties In Western Canada Alex. M. Manson, B. A. w. €. w * B.A, LL. OD. WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Box 286 Prince Rupert, 8. ©. Helgerson Block JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS ALFRED CARSS, Cc, of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. V. BENNETT, B.A. of B.C., Ontario, Sas- katchewan and Al- berta Bars CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited Office— Albert Block, Second Avenue. P.O. BOX @ JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOKON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., PRINCE RUPERT otors, Mining and Contracting Machinery ectrical Apparatus of every description 1ON., ENG Graham Kearney, Mgr. | Canadian General Electric Company, Limited 974 HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ann EMBALMERS funeral Directors 3rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 8% “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager E. .L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embaimer Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West Phone 8500. CHARGES REASONABLE 2nd St., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 356 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Vancouver, B.C. a PPOD PPI AD OD PLD ALA PLD V Home as Its Purse = a 7 j Py | =| | . Ppa LY “ . 7 Seon e And 99 out of every 100 unpre- judiced people will tell you THE DAILY NEWS is the home paper of Prince Rupert... ....... Advertisers also tell us and will tell you that results obtained from publicity carried in the columns of this paper have exceeded by far those obtained through any other newspaper published in Prince Rupert The successful business man today is the one who advertises judiciously, who chooses the medium most generally read by citizens of a community; a business man who does not look upon an expenditure for advertising as an expense, but, on the con- trary, as an investment. This type of business man you will generally find in the front ranks of his profession, turning his dollars daily and moving his goods rapidly—and all through the liberal use of newspaper publicity. Try advertising as an investment, if only for a short time, and watch your business grow. Let our solicitors call and explain why The News is the best me- dium through which you should inaugurate your initial cam- paign. nD . ‘a C2 CON oy DAILY NEws OFFICE Phone oe ‘7 ¥ 4 4; i ti f y ; - | ’ | : tf