The Daily News ae : = a PASSENGERS ON [= 3 = C.H. ORME |e:xa1« ||} Prince ceoRce)) “The News” Classified Ads.) ¢°y || B i POOP PbS PO rees, een i oy Specia! attention is The Pioneer + Druggist paid to dispensing physicians prescrip- “anaesotseracecte" |! =Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== Passenger List and Freight. | | tions : . “ » ONES” HERE— TWO STORES | Among the arrivals this morn- Scaeee ee. eee George Leek s j ro the Prinee George were — ” pin EASTMAN ‘KODAKS | 82 PHONES 200 ie, Tadax ie. Webster, OF = =i i If @18.8rd Ave, Prince Rupert _ ‘ ’ eS iper cha s. Ma,’s" knows} LQCALITEMS =| For Rent FOR SALE me tle kv al ' er V 8 i iadhinesiail ae i a 7 a0 een Q 3 : r i R 1 - . I Ra an 4 , Block 16 bub Saviston o63 ‘yo lovorest | woderham, emath at \ McQueen. who has been o oume n vntry, very| Original purehase price $500 My equity - POR RENT Five f m and f son,« N. Larson, M and Mrs ruth for the he awe 4 eal comfortable, #15.00 & month; opposite| $200, Will dispose of contract for §225 ae or le fast Tew week : + ‘ 32.999] purchaser to assume balance, payable $2 Archie MeDougall Miss McDou hool, 4 7th Ave, ? SWo- Poon . aes oot rived today on the Prince George | monthly inte i . gall, J. Raine, D. Holme Ga. W FOR RENT——Three-room fat unfurnished, | ADDRESS H. R. HARVEY, j Kerr, A. J. Fraser, Mr. and Mrs M ie | with water, Alder Block 220-018) ELLENSBURG, WASH. . : 7 : : rs. G, S. Carl returned this} . on i ie J. KE. Jackson, Mr. McWhatter, W . | McIM?YRE HALL to lease for dances, et en GREAT SNAP . 4 ac : aaa : D>. Hart morning on the Prince Rupert Terms, Gray & Son. Black 78 208tf| Se : Me runer, eCaul, { ; : ot 9 : man, Mr. Belcher, J. Brown, Mrs from a few weeks’ visit to the FOR RENT—Furnished house. Apply box FOR REN | equity and G. 1. | ' Sa sea ye aaa ‘Tso ' ‘oast cities 5, Daily News. 233-263 | ot oe ws Carl, O. Dell, N. L. Rudolf, Mr uthern coast citi : “— . j Two flats on 4th Avennue, Section 6 | ; a7. on oe a. A ' T ——a TWO room apartments; necessary fur-| Fach fat contains 5 rooms highly Mnished , ackh } Miss bath low market va whose policies are guaranteed by Miss Unwin, Mrs. De Raymond, A ringlay, Mi Parsons : t 090 Srd Ave. J. E. Dyer,|and steam heated throughout, fine Crib tournament and ecard party nishings ! oe a7 _? : men PF ale : Whecin on Prop ne “*k 33 294-248 room, large kitchen range, electric light, Clarke, W. P. Murray, Mr. Gold- at the social hall, Thursday, 10th, psi Thre dimeagasieets jfine, uninterrupted view of the harbor H. DOUGLAS berg, Mr. McFarlane, Miss Feul at 8:30 adani : . nt Re. |’ FURNISHED room for rent far” | Apply 339 Third Ave. P.O Box 606 :30, Admission Lo ee 8 - 5 233 The Canadian Railway Accident Insurance Co. ton, @ A. Karyomkat, W. J-/tveshments free. All welcome,| ‘— Sn ar (Opposite Post omic , Hamblin, J. Fang, Mr. Roche,|, 18.999 |- oe | ° McQueen, Mr. Veiteh, Mr. Gil- tua ie te iui ae For Sale wre O dD The Liverpool and London & Globe Insurance Co. ff 'e:"'«- partment at the Big Furnitur | tere, Saves Siow tas ne ouble Store for a few days more WelSNAP FOR SALE—View lots 9 and 10,| Have your father’s, mother’s or ¢@hildren’s issue a special policy . , block 14, section 2; 35 feet frontage by yhotograpt larged 1 fnished have a few heating stoves at less] 4oq feet! 8900 each; equity out. Apply! ee a a with many features heretofore unknown which cost the than cost. Fr. W. HART 238] box 430, city. 234-240 | Make Early Sittings for All Distant orner » Countries assured only $12.00 per year per $1,000.00 insurance, and a pays $5.00 per week sickness or accident benefit for 200 UP NICE ROOMS Mr. and Mrs. A. McDougall, ac- - _ - - - - weeks, doubles the indemnity when injured while riding companied by Miss McDougall Wanted on public senveganets or when accident caused by burn- who have been on a short visit to| | H. BADERTSCHER 7th A VENUE es i t , “incips s ‘rease § “r cent. the lower coast cities, tf ned veo Rapa: Bae allt ay a nee" h fe _ ae os The Rowing Club Will Fit v oe i [oa tl " >. a | WANTED—General servant Apply Mrs.| General Machinist rors per make ~ ten Corer oo a © | Hazelton Into Comfortable a mince) L. W. Patmore 2351 | Locksmith, Chimney @weep, Razors Honed, SECTION SIX ‘als yer cent. without additional cost. reorge, Knives Sharpened, Scissors A . r ‘ . . Club Rooms. WANTED—A young girl to take care of! Ground, Ete Chis policy is free of all restrictions and pays for Bae detects baby afiernoons Apply Mrs. E. E.| tot tx, es Gen ‘Ver , exce suic Warren ssick one of the Burch, 246 Sth Ave. FE 235ur | "i t-, Near Pos oe $2000 cash and the ba everything except suicide, Taking advantage of the fine rm Kissic ‘ ane 277 PRINCE RUPERT einen ot © net pioneer real estate men of this BAINTER & SLOAN [smoothness ‘of the water in the Sdiiatet dr iieitend, sumone thie) L d F d | ask Meenas ind lactwenes Agents | harbor, the Rowing Club were acildeih ii dies Pevage George| ost an oun Little's NEWS Agency Samuel Harrison & Company lo or a sp th their four of | out for a spin with their ur oar Scie be eebanibed visitto his old] a re oi club’s quarters home in Nova Scotia | LOST—Gold enamel whist pin, : ae Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers che and Financial Agents jon re «olf azelton are now Cleveland, °03.” Return to ¢ A ; “Cleveland, iia . Second Ave. Prince Rupert | fixed up in first rate style and af- ge own @ |CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS Miss Unwin, for some time on senarapsulemnanciasiteiieiiilsinis se gi Se Tae aaa ren the staff of the city hall in the rer mn avesrnsrmsre.@ | 2nd Ave. Below Kaien ialand Club e Seasotl hd mer vt office of Cler oods, | ho : aig ” of the old hulk will be fitted up a | or ~ ome| Miscellaneous " FOR SALE so as to be used as ¢ eguli eee eet ee re ee —THE - la ers Steel Game Traps ‘lad a ve ; 4 : » Fegularl weeks on the outside, returned} * en ce ' me to the city this morning on the|MARRY——-Why remain alone? The Ideal Westholme Lumber Co . Investors Notice Altogether the Prince Rupert Prin Geted Introduction Club is 4 strictly private, > “7 oid Be vical: os ce George, high class, reliable medium for intro \ Oneida Jump Rowing Club is well launched on . ducinf worthy marriageable peeople; any —LIMITED Silver, ¢ ppe eg what is bound to prove a pros- J. Veiteh, accountant in the of- nationality or religion. Particulars for at Kitselas, B. | { pper ; stamp. Mrs. Wilson, box 1776, Van perous and useful eareer, andj|fice of the government road su- couver. B. C. sella River. Good coy and lead ~ showings from 6 to 14 wide Hawley-Norton and great thanks and credit are to be| perintendent for the Portiand | —— ascribec o the few enthusiasts|Canal district, with headquarters : D li N who T aia Pr a hanctlees ' fin Ste coe ae d this as cana UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Lumber and Mouldings anc Terms — eee - on the Prince George from a visit ; Be : bien e use rap Try Stalker & Wells’ butter to Vietoria. Mr. Veitch wilt re- ROYAL * DAIRY All Kinds of Building Supplies DR. De A. CONDOR meet yes. [wo lbs. for 75 cents.|main in the city a few days be- Gveimery Outen, Ganch Gees Pla ES KITSELAS, B.C 229-tf fore proceeding north, Pure Cream Milk and Buttermilk First Avenue Phone 186 Sika oe tsaoal —| AN OPPORTUNITY 1 WATER NOTICE. 200000 | vr rn te AV ONY We carry the most complete line of the above world famous steel traps in Northern British , i : : ( ‘umb “p kers Association,of Van Cyaan . : e busi n ess men eouver “p { p will apply for @ license to take and use one hundred miner's inches r ale out of ¢ i he Lake The ~re , are now wearing a NO GUESS WORK Lake and will be used for canning, do NO SPECUL ATION Prince Rupert Hardware & Supply Co. mestic and industrial purposes on the land ; Rego clothes Prince Rupert Lodge, LO.OF. | scrivest as, tne town, of Port, Essington JUSE PRINCE RUPERT REAL ESTATE on the 28th day of September, 1912 rhe . a . " ss ‘ application will be filed in the office of the @ The fact is significant ; it means that No. 63 Winer heserdge at Primes Wamert a> siatite choo rT 200,000 men recognize that “Rego Objections may be fled with the said] pest form a ie ‘i < - Meets in the Helgerson Block Water Recorder or with the Com ? J : § . scorde oO : omptrotier |» - , . style is what they want, and that “ Rego of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings,| 28*@slms that w ‘ s quality and value are the right standard. Every Tuesday Evening Victoria, B. ( : SECTION ONE Cor. Third Ave. and 6th St. Prince Rupert “Rego” Clothiers are London's leading All members of the order in the a I PARE Lot 38, Block 16; a af Tailors (with 23 shops in the Empire city are requested to visit M. M. English, Agent,| Ave, neat Mek Metropolis), and they offer you high-class the lodge. aad cic aia a max | ots 7 and 15, 1 a raser > lot , London tailoring at practically ready- A. H. ALLISON, N. G, CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. eEoTION TWO ie made prices—or less. W. G. BARRIE, See. Lop 22 and 23, 1 ce lot; ed % ue “ec 39 i? : aia : ; nd de st able we ° + et REGO” NEw YoRK | |-————_——_ wn Nalee Supers Mineral Cini, siveate| | for ihe pale. Wa Ae 7 t . : District Where located Ne G rj Second Ave atc 18 ace Min ae 4 q American Model Lounge Suit. The SONS OF NORWAY in a saad a cote: oad chica one ve | By a cat apd fashion of thi superb model Blots every ‘Thursday at 7 p. 1| Mudd Wie as er mai | Meche hi ave been endo xperts al a" oc. " lorwegians | Limite | il eh best American svle of the year.” It is Mlare welcomes nn [akan *euetntttt yh A coteman, Presley Seer ane ne: Ml ; , . . ; a) si - are alcoome. ’ or’s e rate No. & . © lots on 8 Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It will contain Boy eee: the suit you should~be wearing. The sixty days from the daie hereof,’ to apply 9160.00 ‘4 te “ ee o Me un. corde © i Lot 17, Block 1 ’ news of interest to every lady in Prince Rupert. New York ° aolv - 4 oo —_—_—__— —— oe immeovemenen, , ponder oe 8 corty ease) (08 17, Block | SSE many smart styles illustrat a ully ‘ ” “or 5 Snowe Great Of the above claim.| Lot 11, Block / , eth ton,| room cottag described in our tailoring magazine Valhalla” of S.H. & E.F. under Section 85, must be cman tome, only is “ ” (SCANDINANIAN Soctery) provement. nebo of such Certificate of Im-/| Lots $5 md 16, 1 aj base Specials for Next Two Days FASHIONS FOR MEN” i scocu every tod and, Tuesday at |"aillils a0 say oy. a, s8tn| - . y . 0 Al > McBride St aanaaaememe a FREE (just published) a Free p.m. in the hall at 31 Ave. Pub. Aug 19, 1918 Pele McBride Copy of which, with full aie a acyeitiges 1 GlnAneiinnaenateanetesiimreetaataiaaaniianiamaaiaiatin SECTION SIX Children’s Rain Coats range of 1912 patterns and simple self- WATER NOTICE. Lot 6, Block 9, 8 measurement form, we will send you on Lot near McBride icati — SECTION SEVEN A wide range at close prices. Ladies’ Waists application. The FORGET For a License to Take and Use Water, fo Qu jis 6“ 9° Notice is hereby given that George B.| soy, e. | p Rego Oo ers, Bearns and William H. Clarke, both of the| ve"sh ANY oo; ' ; : o 21 and 22 City of Vancouver, in the Province of]! ca ' A Shipment of Ladies’ Waists has just been received. Come at McIntyre Hall Wednesday Ev- British Columbia, merchants, will apply SECTION EIGHT ‘ ’ . : ’ or ice t « 4 , a in and look them over. You will see something to please you. §) Dept. O P.O. Box Montreal. ening. Gray's Orchestra fect ‘per second Of Water Ut of ‘a, certain Lots 16 and i . ; Streain rising in the bills to the south and] corner, 81 pont cast Of Hegan Point, Nowimg about north-|pow for $4! west by west till the point of compass! ~ payments bears northwest, thence south and west, CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. ATE eae of Hegan Point, The water, will be - Westenhaver Bros. N tle c i J. riugnes a ie anseae iatnrn can eiute | a a a ea ; District Where located: Near Granby | “Ch h Se - ‘olnt one and 4 half miles distant and will te and tneurane FIFTH ST. PHONE 443 | the said mining division and adjoining. the ure rvices ie se For quaustrial purposes on | the See Gate phone 107 | property of the Granby Consolidated Min ° oe Eh acpes bot 19 and Lot 2737,| qhirg st. ing, Smelting and Power Company, Lim epee vo retrret ited " FIRST . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH This notice Was posted on the ground . ' * Take notice that I James J. Lee, Pree Serviess every Sunday in the |The up-to-date House Decora- 2 an a oe, A °. om t Miner Certificate Ch | at 1) a.m. and ' ve ec ’ ” 0 | Mane dose teen > a. ener wo eae eed Theatre at 180 p.m. | tors of Prince Rupert fice of the Water Recorder at Prince Ru | to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of! Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. | pes + ores a, Objections may I “ ? > sale ater HKeceorder or i gy ay rae Re REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor ° o,¢ with the Comptroller of Water, Rights, | And further take notice that action | eel ign riting.. Largomens Buildings, Victoria, British Co junder Section 85, must t mmenc - di fore in logue e? beak Gosden ar 2 THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ° GEORGE E. BEARNS, 29), 0 provements | MCINTYRE HALL, SRD AVE., NEAR OTH 87. | aper- anging : « WM. H. CLARKE, P vr oe |" Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1942 Services every Sunday at 1) | ; Pub. Sept. 0, 1018 ‘Applicants. 8 roomed co! 3), 00 } JAMES J. LEE. | am. and 7.30 p.m, Sunday aa - o | } By His Agent, F. J. Coleman, | School 2.30 p.m. Baraca Our Speociaities 5 roomed hou Pub, Aug. $2, 1919 Bible Class 2.30 p.m. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. LE | GERTIFICATE OF impROvemeNT, (| BEV. WH. McLEODBAB.D. Paston J) Notice—-Kaien Mineral Claim, situate in FOR SA Notice-—-Buffalo Mineral Claims, situate | ye | the Skeena Miuig Divisi ( were wits in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar! THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH \“We always deliver the goods.”| trict. Where lor alee, heap ‘Gee . x Pre ret eae? socoted Near Granby, SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE the sal mining division and adjoining Lots Blo 315,00 € < ¢ ‘i 7 Pop r » O . | the property of the. Granby Consolidates Services every Sunday at 11 2nd Street Phone 156 Green| Minty nog ee erenes Consolidated 1.2 ° in |Mining, Smelting and Power Company, | i. pad ie pm, Sunday Limited. * and Power Company, o " l, Limited eyed y | — Take notice that |, Sam M 13 6 40 4 Take notice that I, James J, Lee, Free! REV. C. RK. SING, B.D. Paston ietrator of the estate n) 1eeM es admin , | Miner's Certifivate 52978B, intend, PF sixty . Free Miner's Cerune ti ¥ Jemes MoCague, 15 J | days from the date hereof, lo apply to the THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL sigty days trom hee Oo, 52070B, intend, | Mining Kecorder for 4 Certificate of tm Granville Court s ° to the Mining Keeorde mie nereot, fo apply hi rovemenis, for the purpose of obtaining Sunday services at 11 A vertise In Improvements, for the purpose of obtain bg rows Grenve of the above claims am, Sandsp.m Sup ing a Crown Grant of the shove elaim ' 1é eS — doction want’ be "7a oon, oy Dances v a0 v = | ; ane further lake potice that action, * before the issue of such Certificate of yo Wegaesae, thane fore the issue ot aust be commenced be ‘ e improvements 4 ale 0 aay ond aan acey, Thurs e } of such Certificate of Im (o : Pr. bl Ab jj i, li Bated this Soi day of July, A.B. 1912 CAPT. AND. MAS TUTTE Dated this 90th day of July. A.D. 1048 a en ” AMES J. LEEK | Commanding Officers $ A by Mis A . AM MCKOUE 1. : ocura é. SO. u é Y pure Pub amen 1s ne ¥. 4, Coleman } by Hip A ent, F. J, Coleman gnd Avent . Pub. Aug. 18, 1 &.