ioe ape —_——. REXALL Agent Special attention is paid to dispensing physicians prescrip- tions TWO STORES 82 PHONES 200 The Pion eer " Druggist EASTMAN KODAKS COUGHS & COLDS »— Mathieu’s Syrup not only a cough but cures it. Its tonic and restorative properties enable the system to permanently throw off a cold. 35¢ for large bottle. Sold everywhere. }. &. MATHIEU CO. Pop. SHERBROOKE MATHIEUS SYRUP OF TAR & COD LIVER OIL 200,000 business men are now wearing “Rego clothes The fact is significant ; it means that men recognize that “ Rego” style i is what they want, and that “Rego” quality and value are the right standard. *Rego” Clothiers are London's leading Tailors (with 23 shops in the Empire Metropolis), and they offer you high-class London tailoring at practically ready- made prices—or less. “REGO” NEW YORK @ American Model Lounge Suit. The cut and fashion of this superb model have been endorsed by experts as “the best American style of the year.” It is the suit you should be wearing. The “New York” is only one of the many smart styles illustrated and fully described in our tailoring magazine “FASHIONS FOR MEN” FREE (just published) a Free Copy of which, with full range of 1912 patterns and simple self- measurement form, we will send you’on application. The “Rego” Clothiers, Dept. O P.O. Box eS 352 PR Tie care 7 a Zam — 2 eo dae acetal toner Rite “e > Fe gee ae a y pen aad Teen oe Montreal. ee | | } (Continued from Page 1. Monk and Gol, Hughes, to the | Nationalists and to the Imperial ists, and urge them earnestly, pa- itriotivally, to try to eome to- i gether and evolve a worthy policy, iworthy of Ganada, and worthy of a daughter of the motherland? }obeyed | was |} might | } | The Best Procurable. | eroused. | possible } ;no Psuccessors | flieting The Daily News a ng Seri Navy Nationalists I have been told a traitor to my race con. Wilfrid by I have bee told I Ww By I was tinued Sit ists I separatis will idge it I ts its merits, I support it if il ~ pose . oan . \ ne judgment sha be e merit, and not upor Ss prejudice A Thoroughly Canadian Navy. In the cont wall meantime and while we nue to Wa and wait, laughter we stand have poliey and where we stood right along adian ni ned in € aur is a Ua ivy, an- the and the ready if ever be in that if be on triai Canada, ma the contro of Parliament people, and should built in ada, under Canadian Canadian Britain I will should ever danger Britain to do loyal not say its part, a worthy daughter of part the old applause as a motherland Prolonged What of the Past Year? The Liberal eadet de briefly with sition of Borden ga When people polls ralt the the the pe vwernment the observed, with We way spoke at last “we all placed of remained it than they earry September, he that promptitude. in the We hour mandate obstacles our office longel that to had what have the not an necessary order have the preciaimimneg, in opportunity they Now, been ths out policies been doing during they government the in twelve have been otlice? Nothing, talking,’ workmen on the non ‘dis- canal,” by charging the audience, Well, with a were lunteered answers vo WW as ifrid cole Sil far is responded sinile, 30 structive work what they have lightly on the and not ‘They done talk,” shouted the Two Demons Rule the Roost. “One could hardly say that they have been inactive,” again smiled the chief ‘They have active wrangling among They assem- day board, but been able to announce that it been for them to concerned, done would. sit wings of a sparrow progress.” nothing impede its have but audience. been have the have not themselves. bled couneil cabinet vel day by at has possible come i — THE PHOTOPLAY WAS VERY PLEASING’ Those Whe Saw the Pictures at the Majejstic Lest Night Were Delighted with Famous Film. Ma- and Phe me who attended ght of Golden Pheatre the hie m Witnessed the prod feature film Phe Wedding, of the picture, with one of photoplays yet produced great their] were id n which pt alses credited the) best being So realistic are the stage set the the very] the} and naturally does plot is enthralled tings whole that the excitement of him take! the great lialian war of 1859 markable for the pictures were tak: and Work watcher by and before plot of action scene The cident om an in- Austrain- re- Is and is fact that the same the exact on ground in the sul roundings the real happened fifty-two Several plays as mecident ago photo rhe repeated to-| vears other excellent were als shown. same show will be NEWS NOTES OF THE GREAT WEST WwW. P wo best the in Bull, one of kn Jersey cattiemen On tario, purchased a on Vancouver Is stock it with a famous Jersey large raneh and will of and, portion his herd. sales fiscal to they stamp of the September, Regina the ending postage half for veal first £82,000 Last year an fal over amounted to $56,000, of increase 15 per cent railway pas- number- the last Edmonton § street sengers for ed 1,000,000, number for September double month nearly the same year. from the turned Leth Natural for into the bridge. gas, piped fifty eitly was al- wells miles, tains receipts for Winni- the first nine months totalled $8,000,000, Customs peg during of this year together permanent naval} policy. has been that} National-| and on a The with the two demons have roost. They the government coming in practical aetion, Oh, friends, they sowed the wind and they are reaping the They cannot reconcile the they continue trouble the demon demon Jingoism, been ruling seated Ist the the is my con- passions We must Lo |wait for a permanent policy.” MISSING Thousands of readers are missing our offer to send FREE our large range of patterns of OUR FAMOUS SUITS or OVERCOATS TO MEASURE (Carriage and Duty Paid) at $8.60 (valued by our customers at $20). ‘Together with patterns we will also send a tape measure, fashion plate, and full instructions how to measure yourself, ALL FREE. You have only to read our book of testimonials and you will be convinced that no other firm in the world can approach us for value. Money returned if you are not satisfied. Address tor Patterns: CURZON BROS., Clougher Syndicate, (Dept. #£), 449 Spadina Avenue, TORONTO, ONTARIO. Please mention this Advertisement. A boy the Liffey Sunday, danger Ryan, fell into Quay, Dublin, and was in imminent when Anthony Murphy | jumped in to his assistance, jholding him up until both were rescued by means of a life boat. James Baird, aged 47, a ship- wright in the employ of Messrs. | Workman, Clark & Co., Ltd., met jwith a fatal accident at Belfast jyard, While at work on @ vessel jhe fell from the hirricane deck, ize his neck. named at City from have prevented) together | whirlwind.4 900, have Two hundred and twenty-nine of new wheat were shipped Manitoba during cars Septem- ber. receipts &750,000, eustoms totalled they were $720, cent, Vancouver jfor Last September an increase of, four September per | sinidinetal Vaneouver men will build a $200,000 hotel in Kamloops. Calgary for week amounted For the same they were $4,100,- Bank clearings in the past fiscal to, $5,800,000, week last year 000, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ROYAL - DAIRY Creamery Butter, Ranch Eggs Pure Cream Milk and Buttermilk @IVE US A TRIAL 718 3rd Ave. Phone 36 BUSINESS IS GOOD There’ sa ‘heneee We choose have a large stock to from We handle a of different makes, make it a point to fil foot We devote all Lime attention in foot number we your abd lo our ealering com. fort Patronize your an exclusive convineed, Renworth & Jefferson “BEST IN FOOTWEAR” 3rd Ave, & Sth St. store and be = “The News” Classified =(ne Cent A Word For Each HERE— Ads. |} RE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” ! For Rent R RENT Five rooms and pantry, very to yo ‘ £15.00 a month; opposite . i 7th Ave. I 238.239 FOR RENT—Three-room flat unfurnished, with water Alder Block 220-018 M ISTYRE HALL to lease for dances, et lerms Gray & Son. Black 78 gos FOR RENT—Furnished house Apply box 15, Daily News 233-263 TWO room apartments; necessary fur nishings 1029 3rd Ave Dyer, prop Phone Black 334 294-248 }A FURNISHED room for rent Phone i54 2a For Sale anew rneeernnrnenennnh| SNAP FOR SALE—vView lots 9 and 10, block 14, section 2; 35 feet frontage by| 124 feet; $900 each; equity out. Apply| box 430, city 234-240 ‘ SEC: 8 SNAP—Lot 5, Block 5; good street frontage $600; terms Lots 11 and 12.) Block £1,000; terms; frontage on WT streets Apply to the owner, box . Da News 239 ri } - | ie ag Wanted ere WANTED General servant L. W. Patmore Qasr WANTED A young girl to take are f baby afternoons Apply Mrs ! 1 Burch, 246 Sth Ave. FE 350 Lost and Found LOST enamel whist pin, marked Cleveland, ‘03 Return to G. RA Sawle da Miscellaneous cmt etree ee CAMBRIDGE M. A, wishes to take adult pupils gives lessons in mathematics elementary and advanced; French, Ger man, and English Moderate charges Apply box FE 239-241 Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. No. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. A. H. ALLISON, N. G, W. G. BARRIE, 8ec. SONS OF NORWAY Meets every Thursday at 7 p. m., at 319 3rd Ave. All Norwegians are welcome, ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & E.F. (SCANDINANIAN SOCIETY) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Notice—-Cayuse Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District, Where located: Near Granby in the said mining division and adjoining the property of the Granby Consolidated Min oo Smelting and Power Company, Lim ite Take notice that I, James J. Lee, Free Miner’s Certificate No, 52978B, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for @ Certificate of improvements, for the purpose of obtain- ing a Crown Grant of the ve claim. And further take notice that action, under Section 85, must be commenced be- fore the issue of such Certificate of km- provements Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1912. JAMES J. LEE. mm st Agent, F. J. Coleman. Pub, Aug. 1 CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT. Notice-—Buffalo Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. Where located: Near Granby, in the said mining division and adjoining the property of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Company, Limited. Take notice that I, James J. Lee, Free Miner’s Certificate 62078B, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Keeorder for a Certificate of Im- rovements, for the purpose of obtaining Srown Grants of the above claims. And further take notice that aetion under Section 85, must be commenced before the issue of such Certificate of Unprovements. ated this 30th day of duly. A. D. 1042 JAMES J. LEB. ertio eS ” OOF FPPP CHE y. SEF>, OOO a” ngs George Leek 618 3rd Ave Pr I FOR SALE | New Hazelton lot contract Lot 18 Block 36, Sub-division 863 , No out’ | Original purchase price $500 My equity FOR RE #200, Will dispose of contract for $2295 purchaser to assume balance, payable #20 \ . . monthly mit “ie os : ADDRESS H. RA. HARVEY, : ELLENSBURG, WASH. sina GREAT SNAP } Lot 23, Block equit and Two flats on 4th Avennue, Section 6,| 't 12, Block ’ Each flat contains 5 rooms highly fMnished ¥ cash, bal. t ; and stean heated througbout, fine bath tow mark ‘ room, large kitchen range, electric light, fine, uninterrupted view of the harbor H. DOUGLAS Apply 339 Third Ave. P. 0. Box 606 RINCE RUPERT AGENCIES oe Phone 121 %, ee Post Office PANAMA STUDIO 613 3rd Ave. Above Burns Meat Store ne Ou Christmas ts Coming. e Have your father’s, mother’s or children’s enlarged and finished in olls, et Sittings for All Distant Countries H. BADERTSCHER | photographs Make Early General Machinist Locksmith, Chimney Sweep, Razors Honed, Knives Sharpened, Scissors Ground, Ete Srd St., Near Post Office BOX 277 PRINCE RUPERT Magazines :: Periodicals :: CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club —THE - Westholme Lumber Co. —LIMITED Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies First Avenue Phone 186 | | | Silversides Bros. The up-to-date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialities “We always deliver the goods.” 2nd Street Phone 156 Green WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water. Notice Columbia couver, B. C., lake and use of water out given that The Association,of Van apply for a license to hundred miner's inches Cunningham Lake The water will be diverted at Cunningham Lake and will be used for canning, do mestic and industrial purposes on the land described as the town of Port Essington This notice was posted on the ground on the 28th day of September, 1912 The application will be fled in the office of the is hereby British Packers’ will one of Water Recorder at Prince Rupert Objections may be fled with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. ¢ THE BRITISH COLDMBEA PACKERS’ ASSOCIATION M. M. English, Agent. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Notice—-Rupert Mineral Claim, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District Where located: Near Granby, in the said mining division and adjoining the property of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Company, Limited. Take notice that |, F, J. Coleman, Free Miner’s Certificate No, 52077B, intend, sixty days from the date hereof,’to apply to the ining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of ob- taining @ Crown Grant of the above claim And further take notice that action, under Section 85, must be commenced before the issue of such Certificate of Im provement.s Dated this 30th day of ey & A. Pub. Aug 12, 1012. D. 1912 OLMAN, By His Agent, F. J. Pub, Aug ‘8, 1012, LAND LEASE NOTICES Skeena Land District-—District Range V Take novice that Michael McFadden, of Porcher Island, ocecupation farmer, in- tends to apply for permission to lease the following deseribed lands Commencing at a post planted on the west end of Gurd Island, about two miles east of Lot 1703, on Porcher Island, ip the Kitkatlah Inlet, thence 80 chains east, thence 40 chains south, to an inlet, not named, thence along the shore line ww point of commencement, containing 320 acres more or less, the purpose for which the lease i6 required is to quarry lime rock, MICHABL 101 of Cost, McFPADDEN Dated Sept. 4rd, Pub, Sept, 14. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Notice—-Katen Mineral Claim, situate to the Skeena Ming Division of Cassiar Dis- trict, Where located Near Granby, in the sai: mining division and adjoining ie property wae the Granby Consolidated ine, Steltin and Po 2 Pinttea ‘ Power Company, Take notice that I, Sam MeCague, admin istrator of the estate of James MeCague, vree Miner 8 Certificate No, 62970B, intend, sixty diys trom the date hereof, t 1 to the Mining Keeorder for a wot. to apply Improvements, for the purpose of obtain ing a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under Section 85, must be commenced be fore the issue of such Certificate of Im provements Dated this 30th day of duly, A. D. SAM M’CAGUB fils Agent, F. J, Coleman 12, 1042 by Pub. Aug N a | ewspapere Second Ave. Cor ner 7th AVENUE SECTION SIX 2000 cash and the bala years at f Little's NEWS Agency ‘Samuel Harrison & Company Brokers and Financial Agents Prince Rupert FOR SALE Investors Notice Silver, coppet i aed at Kitselas, B, | { ppe River. Good coy and lead showings from 6 to 14 feet wide Easy Terms Apply DR. De A. CONDOR KITSELAS, B. ©. AN OPPORTUNITY 1 MAKE MONEY NO GUESS WORK NO SPECULATION JUSf PRINCE RUPERT REAL ESTATE If rightly chose i afes best form of inves I are a few bargains that we a SECTION ONE Lot 38, Block 16; @ urd Ave near McB bi age; $10,000. P Lots 17 and 18, I b Fraser St. lot, $ SECTION TWO Lots 22 and 2 I ‘ aa j and desirable va ‘ for the pair Lots 20 and 21, Block a second Ave ver ‘ $4,000.00 ‘ Another lane ¢ a Second Ave SECTION FIVE i Two lots on Sixt \ t j é AY is L pase within block . : ment, only $4 creat Pair MeBride 5! frontage, $350 SECTION SIX Lot 6, Block 9, 83 Lot near McBride, #!,! SECTION SEVEN Sixth Ave. lots, &¥ Seventh Ave, lots, = ‘ palt Lots 24 and 22, Block ¢ SECTION e1GHT Lot 11, Block 1, #4 . jouble Lots 18 and 19, B \ corner, #1,750 euy ® ply Lots for $450.00 © payments. ance Estate and insur Real oo 100 pene 0 RENT $20.00 3 roomed cottay' 90,00 5 roomed house So price Lots Block : 815 00 1-2 3 1,000 13 : 400 15 88 s GR. Naden Co. lt gnd Avenue