W _ noest CIROULATION iw orTY AND NORTHERN K 181A LA Logislative Linrery eee ae OO VyOL. {l], NO. 240 Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Prince Rupert, B.C., FrRipay, Octospr 11, 1912. THE DAILY NEWS a NEXT manus inal. Faeaser L., sar .. Saturday, 10 Taken to Hospital. THINKS WELL Amongst the arrivals this orning from Stewart o the OF THE NORTH | Prince George was M. ft Jamir son, propriets of the Northe lotel of that city vho has been Prominent Old Country F§rOMs) gangerously ill for some | sai master Is Delighted with Pro- past, and who was re¢ ed im gress of Northern B. C. mediately upon the arrival of the boat to the general he spital Mr | jinent iron Jamieson, who is ne f the beat n-Tyne known and most popular his n, has|ever went north, was meer district lately of the earlv davs f sal Atlin n'a trade gold rush, and great mpathy is extended toward him in his ill- he Interior, @Nd) ness and hopes of his ear re His Morning | ¢ very expressed on al sides ~ M Raine, who| capitalistic in- sh Isles, though the particular it the present isiened ss) PRINCE GEORGE expressed his| the «| Duncan Ross and Prominent G. T. P. Officials Were Passengers to Vancouver This Morning. i ition at hat are bein iis wonderfu | paving the] of settlers the h railroad to} So inds The following left for th this t ri gon the iwailing the Prince C. H, Orme, A. MeKenzie, J. B Brun, Mr Chisholm Dunean OPAND DEER fierg. 0% Neb Spears, ©, M. Lind, J. W. Stewart FIGHT BATTLE P. Welch, W. A. Al ong, W. M. Laile B. Reed, Db. Johnston ‘ share J D. Webster \ M Asanchevey, W. MeDonald, J. Me Donald Mias J R Holmes W Bilsland, J. 1} Henderson -. McFarlane, ©. H. Weir, W tow, Mrs Annie Dey iney, Mrs, Skelhorne, F. Long mestr reat Antlered Deer Appear in Vancouver Business Section— Fights with Policeman. iris LOCAL JOTTINGS. last hen but the Amongst the arrivals on eer Interik the G Stewart and Welch & Sheppard, ge evening's train from the ind whe ire regwistered al the/T. P. Inn, are: J. W Pat Welch, of 1} ght while it] Stewa a oley, era superintendent for the latter | firm: B. BRB. Kellihe he his [WO AS] nye of « for the great transect Van Arsdo Arthur Kelli made a id engi the G r end of mtinental line; ¢ ‘ struction of hat gored] p, western the divisiona engineet and secretary to tearing | Mr vith the Spears, rhe straight have the Fort Ash her. party dee! along trip He first SAW] Jine of constructior from - Pp a quiet,| George in by way of croft komme whose . ’ rut Not he \ ! w~ Meehan perintendent of the G, TP. re- last evening s§ 1 trip up the end of steel. { e general su week to the on t his plan home off and turned on train coat, from line as far as gloves - himself he hit the think deer Phen I the animal's with ed a hur- who return last train from Crippen, evening on the ried business trip to Hazelton, is the pro the last of the _ Sled him, bach a4 lone ack with a most enthusiastic d that even —_ few months melG. T. P. nearby patrol about gress that has been made sed along the M Dewy | to a r the ine with Albi, the well known and contractor, at Joperating about a hundred miles beyond Hazelton, was an arrival Ou B in the ecily on last evening's train r O Ys ID McLeod, ehief accountant Welch & Stewart known in this arrived the train last registered at the G. T. P popular present for Foley, and well MN on Th © Modern Three Act Ys eis and is Inn evenine lob “© repeated by re request O'Neil, of Hazelton, operator of the only, auto Wiggins the first, mobile al the WESTHOLME Opera House owner and and at present in that rising young ell) last guest al evening & train and is a Premiel | Hotel Saturday, Oct. ]2 | Terrace o Have Paper. rhere will be launehed at Tet race within the next few days an “ets On sale addition to the press of Northern Stor. 2 at Orme's Drug Rh. ¢ . atur , f my nox alt ‘ mn breezy ! may in the shape of a bright and little weekly newspapel obtained athe lo be called the "“Skeena Record lheatre The first eopy bow to the publie, jWith interest, making its initial | Imperial Government- Will KING WINTER APPEARS. Special to Daily News Moosejaw, Oet, 44 has been falling here for the past twenty-four hours and i foot covers the ground Snow now «: CANAL BILL TO BE CONSIDERED Con- sider Legality of Action of U. 8. Re Big Ditch. KING NICHOLAS OF MONTENEGRO NEWSPAPERMAN DIES. Special to Daily News Victoria, Oct, 11 a a Bunting, of the business staff of the Vietoria Daily Times, died yesterday follow ing an operation for goitre GIANTS BEAT BOSTON, 2-1 «. New Yorkers Win Third Game of Series Yesterday in New Eng- land City Before Big Crowd. Special to Daily News Podgoritza, Montenegro, Oct. the victorious Montenegrins. 10—After a terrific battie of over thirty hours duration, the Mon- tenegrin forces under from their fugitives and wounded tehitch Mountain and captured | already arrived at Soutari. the Turkish commander many of his officers. and Scores of peasants who yesterday morning. The Turks have been slain charged and recharged the posi- tion of the Turks. The engage-| Four guns were captured by Vienna, Oct. 11—Many Alban- _the per- ian villages to the north of Boy- sonal direction of King Nicholas, 4man river are in flames. Many | dislodged the Turks strongly fortified position on De- | from the battle of yesterday have soldiers fled from the surrounding districts The battle began at 8 o’clock|to the Turkish posts at Sanesi by the victor- Turks and Bulgarians who are, occupying advanced positions on orrensive tactics. ment extended over a firing line|the Turko-Bulgarian frontier at) KING NICHOLAS LEADS HIS ARMY TO A GREAT VICTORY YESTERDAY ‘: Turkish Forces Driven From Hills and Commander Captured---' Many Officers Taken Along With Four Cannon---Villages | Burned, Women and Children Killed Oct. tion of.the rupture in the diplo- London, matic relations with Turkey by | both Bulgaria been received in Paris. than that, the Bulgarian have lost no time, but have cros- sed the Turkish frontier. Paris, Oct. 11—Final negotia- tions for peace between Italy and Turkey are delayed by the hesi- were entrenched very strongly on ious Montenegrins who have tation of Turkey to accept cer- the sides of the Detchitch Moun-| been successful in every engage- tain clauses in the proposed tain, commanding the road to ment on the frontier since the treaty. Italy has fixed Saturday Soutari. opening of hostilities. as thé final day for the conclu- The Montenegrins came on led) Shots are reported to have gion of peace after which all ne- by King Nicholas and repeatedly been exchanged between the gotiations will be broken off and she will again adopt progressive will be ans of several miles. | Timrush. | Best room in town at Savoy. One of the most interesting 0 PERA H 0 U 5 E St. Andrew's Society Have Pleas- : 2st ant Time in New iety jictures ever shown in Prinee Soc ei is , VO" Rooms Last Night Rupert and one that will appeal ic to everybody is to be shown to- A very enjoyable whist drive night at the Majestic Theatre GH] es Ral’ tick peaeatng ha the rhis is the Investiture of the members of the St. Andrew's So. Prince of Wales For clearness ciety in their new quarters in the and setting it surpasses the cor-| THE AMATEURS Sibbald building, 2nd Avenue mation pietures, while in) point) : : rhe contest was very keen of photography it is the equal of] In Two Splendid from start to finish, Mr. Neil Me. the Durbar films, Comedy Sketches Donald finally winning the first King George, the Prince and} prize with a seore of 59 points the Duke of Connaught are easily} Malcolm M,. Lamb won the eon- ecognizable Also @ Special Programme solation prize Special Welsh music will be| of Fine Moatink) Mieibes It is the intention of the So played durin the showing of this ; ciety to hold many mere = such iwo reel feature Headed by the Feature Pilm entertainments during the long Oh iltractive pictures will fro winter evenings, be show } Unveiling of the Queen = — 2 : > ; See window for new corset St. Andrew's Society Victoria Memorial inodels “American Lady” at Wal rhe eeting of the ilace’s vil a A i will be held] EEE in the St. Andrew ho ra} Admission 15¢ and 25c Just arrived, shipment of up Avel ht at 8 oek, Al to-date Neckwear, special price da la requested 50c, Bloan & Co, Lid, 240.241 and Servia has| Further || forces | Lond Smithers urged Canadian immigration time to | into th | West, } work, that the erisis in the construction of the G. 'T, P. very nearly threat- ens to stop the construction of ithe line. The men when getting three dollars per day struck for more pay, and as a result the irk had to be suspended until the workers became more reason- able, VANCOUVER MEN LEAVE FOR WAR even raised he Special to Daily News 7 inecis ¢ le ee , ¥ Phe ia German Sailors Mutiny. special te pany News. 4 ernment has the Panama Canal Berlin, Oet, 14. rhree officers poston, Oct, 10-—New York! b nder tte nsideration and; 4nd cighteen men of the crew of; proved victorious today in the is looking into the legal aspect the German steamer Lottsenzall| ¢ sest game of the f the United States’ action re mutinied at Harta, in the sdailiadl ths Giants secured two runs and garding the coastwise shipping.|4"4 attempted to kill the captain.|the Red Sox made only single Representations may be made to| The intervention of the German) tally. The eleven inning game at the United States in the very near| Cruiser Bertha subdued the muti-|New York yesterday, which re- future neers, Who were arrested, sulted in a draw, was the incent- ve to even greater interest than American Lady corsets—a Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners,|is usually manifested in the} ne at Wallace's 41 Phone 4 game. | Greek will be rte ic met Already preparations are be- |}ing made by many to leave at the learliest opportunity. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Arrested for Theft. John Perry, who was arrested j}up the line yesterday morning by a chage iwho evening Magistr wa ng and was committed for trial. i He immediately came before Judge Young and pleaded not guilty, electing to come before His Honor for speedy trial. The Great had in lan Big ery, rhe ond its entit 240tf On couver, celled, sumed May wil 9 a.m. Cyril George business Victoria, wear the offering Want Men for Railway. on, a relaxation of the allow more e country, especially the for railway construction He said that he thought series when | Twenty Thousand Dollars Sub- scribed in Short Time for Men Who Leave for War. Special to Daily News. Vancouver, thousand residents |thousand more was promised and subscribed to aid in paying for the jtation of the of e 10—Confirma- Provincial Constable of s | la ate will be o'clock this afternoon. bargains are furniture, ips, bi avenue es account of Prineess Mary October There no sailing from here night at 9 p.m, Princess Mary service will be re- next | sail Saturday. druggist, Don't fail to see it Sloan & Co.,, for left this morning Visil to Oct. 11 at a Chairman meeting today, present laws for a labor to come Ce... Ba: dollars in a few hours by the and thirteen Over were few transpor- reservists and vol- the Greek army who Vancouver to fight in in a days Doolittle on theft of a cheque, and down on last before morn- yrought rain, appeared MeMullin this proceeded with at 3 to be crock- and ranges. irniture Store at See- slaughtering tock before moving. now carpets, stoves is now accident the from Van- 9th, was can- will, therefore, be on Sunday It is expected the sailing The Princess Vancouver at 241 week. for Orme, the pioneer the Prince on a short Vancouver and the nifty neck- Ltd., are 50e 240.241 With so many local theatrical attractions these days, both in the moving picture and musical and dramatic lines, the popular Friday night amateur entertain- ments at the Westholme Opera House lose none of their attract- iveness. Tonight a particularly good show is going to be put on. Two screamingly funny little sketches will be produced, in which the following popular favorites will appear: Billy Gib. son, the inimitable; Whitley, the irrepressible, and Stowell, of the tall and lordly mien. Miss Ed. grin, a charming young lady, a new face to a Prince Rupert audi- ence, will appear for the first time on an amateur night. Spe- cial mention must be made of the exceptionally good moving pie- ture films that will be shown this evening. A feature film showing the unveiling of the Queen Vic- toria memorial at Hyde Park, be- fore the King and Queen, the German Emperor and other royal- ties, together with the leading nobilities of the European courts and the British Isles, will prove an attraction of unbounding in- terest. Altogether, the entertain- ment tonight at the Westholme bids fair to be a hummer, and the best that-tas been put om by the amateur Friday nightists for time past. LUNCHEON WAS GREAT SUCCESS Presbyterian Ladies Score Success with Tasty Luncheon Served in Mcintyre Hall. It was a charming sight that met the eyes of those who dropped in to take luncheon yesterday noon with the ladies of the Pres- byterian Chureh at MelIntyre Hall. Beautifully decorated tables dainty and appetizingly prepared viands and blushing and charm. ingly attired Bethany girls as waitresses. It was indeed an oasis in the life of the busy business man’s ordinary daily routine, The hall was filled to overflow- ing, and amidst laughter and chatter a continual stream of guests enjoyed the delightful af- fair. The members of the com- mittee were: Mrs. Carmichael, and Mrs. Mobley, assisted by Mrs. J. A. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. MeDonald, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Holtby, Mrs. Parkin, Mrs. Jennings, Mrs, Dawson, Misses Fisher, Grant, Garton, Sawle, Holtby and Me. Kenzie. The financial result of the luncheon, which was such a great success, will be announced later. some Auction Sale High class furniture of exeel- lent quality will be sold at the residence of Mrs, Lailey, ‘Mus- grave Place, on Tuesday next at 2.30, See handbills. Frank A, Ellis, Auctioneer. 242 SS MAJESTIC CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE 7.30 to 9 O'Clock Good Music -:- THE INVESTITURE OF THE PRINCE OF WALES AT CARNARVON CASTLE THE JEALOUS LAUNCHING OF THE STEAMER “LA FRANCE” FUNERAL OF COUNT TOLSTOI THE RUSSIAN POET ; THE LAST DAYS OF CAMOEN (Colored) THE PHONEY RING (Comedy) prey 3 Move a Laugh Admission I Oc 6 15¢ THEATRE WIFE (Drama) Pee