THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING —50 cents per inch, Contract rates on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dal.y, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prinee Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. as ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar are. FRI pay, Oct. 11 DaILy EDITION. —_ec— > Editorial Notes and Clippings ———— THE VALUE OF A FALL FAIR. The proposal to hold a fair in Prince Rupert next fall will the North would vertainly be the place for the exhibition, and if it is to become an ac- way to this great district and| meet with the endorsation of complished fact no time can every person interested ir he be lost in starting actual work. development of Northern Brit- Alderman Bullock-Webster, ish Columbia, This portion of displaying a very commend-| able spirit, has journeyed to the province is richer in the wealth of the forest, the land, Hazelton with the intention of | } | | | the mines and the sea than any gathering the views of the) other portion of the Dominion people there on the subject, of Canada, and in consequence and his report will be heard is attracting world-wide atten- with interest, tion. a. What is needed to bring the ALL DUE TO North into its own is genuine SIR RICHARD investors who are willing to The chief government organ eome in and develop the God- in its strenuous eulogy of Sir given natural wealth in the Richard MeBride today says manner in which it should be that his policy has been an developed. “unqualified” success, which The establishment of 4 sweeping statement it immed- northern fair at Prince Rupert iately qualifies. would furnish an opportunity for the prospective bona fide gled meaning it says: “It on- With its fin-} al explanation of its own tan-| investor to decide at once as to the locality in which he ly means that by the prosecu- tion of a bold, yet well-consid- ered policy, he has succeeded wishes to investigate in view of starting an industry or de- in placing British Columbia veloping a mine. If before in a position that otherwise never him he has the mineral sam- it would not occupy today.”|'5 conversant with every local-|the North, and he has been re- ples from the Hazelton district We think there would be no ity and particularly the mining| sponsible for interesting many seconding|sections, and his voluntarily} wealthy and influential men in “partizanship’ in this motion. the viewpoint. Certainly Liberals are to be permitted te and the great islands, the agri- eultural wealth of Fort George and the product of the num- erous canneries, he can at a glance get a better idea of the country than he can by many weeks of travelling. Prince Rupert, as the gate- they really think, could more aptly express thei opinions.—Victoria Times. BOATS WILL RUN FROM DAWSON TO FAIRBANKS ON YUKON RIVER COMMISSION TWO BOATS TOWHITE PASS RAILWAY WILL PLY BETWEEN DAWSON AND FAIRBANKS ON YUKON NEXT SPRING—FAIRBANKS TO BE MADE PORT. retirement since the decadence of the Klondike boom. If th American government decline to make Fairbanks a sub-por then the White Pass Compare will let the contract for two Am Seattle, Oct. 10—President O. Dickenson, of the White Pass and Yukon Railway, announced Saturday that the Yukon steamer service of the company L. River which now extends between/erican steamers to cost $60,000 White Horse and Dawson, Yu-jeach and to be constructed in kon Territory, would be contin-| Seattle next winter. The hulls ued next year to Fairbanks, Al- aska, 800 miles northwest ofl\of wood. The boats will be built Dawson. in sections, shipped to White The people of Fairbanks, head|Horse by steamer and railway ed by the Commercial Club and|and put together on the Yukon. Delegate James Wickersham, have appealed to President Taft and Secretary of the Treasury MacVeagh to open Fairbanks as a sub-port of entry. With Fair- banks a subport, the White Pass company could place at once in its lower Yukon service a num- ber of Canadian steamers now on the ways at White Horse and Dawson, and which have been in nadian steamers in his “bone #1,000,000, and that the Amer worth a still larger sum, at Dawson. rr It all depends on if will be of steel, the upper works Mr. Dickeson says that the Ca- yards” on the Yukon are worth can steamboats on the lower Yu- kon, mostly at St. Michaels, are Cana- dian boats are not permitted to ply on the American Yukon, but American boats are free to touch i 1 read into the declaration what nothing e e 8 t, y H. B. (BULLDOG) BROWN. ONE A VALUABLE OFFER this portion of the province had in reeent yea work of advertising the mineral)the hidden riches of the province wealth of British not be estimated. THE DAILY NEWS A MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM OF THE BOOSTERS OF B.C. TO THE PROSPECTORS OF THE NORTH TO PLACE THEIR SPECIMENS ON EXHIBITION BY THE MINERS’ FRIEND. best “boosters” pmines to the back of Prince Ru- has | pert and on the Queen Charlotte helpful to the the north, but he} prospectors and mine owners of One of the rs is a man who/fslands was most visited Although thousands passed } through the mineral hall each day of the fair, “Bulldog” Columbia can He is a quiet, unassuming little} wae ove man, with large brown eyes and| Willing and ready to explain and voice that suggests his | discourse the different kinds Kentucky birthplace, but withal of mineral exhibits, and with his he wiry and hardened from lefficient assistant, Mr. J, Wallace, years of toil in the tunnel and| 4s first at the grounds and last mine and long days in the saddle to leave. and on the trail. He known The work of advertising the to the public as H. B, Brown, but}toil of the prospector and pio- to his friends, and they are num-|neer did not end for Brown when bered by the thousands, he is}he left the exhibition hall. He known as “Bulldog.” The name} would sit up until the early hours gentle on is is suits the man admirably, for hislof the morning writing for the very make-up, his tenacity of} papers of the several mining purpose and grip on any problem| districts of the province and he undertakes is suggestive of;what must be done to win the the bull terrier which constantly| wealth of the ground, follows at his heels. “Bulldog” was and perintendent of the mineral ex-| Vancouver, hibit at the Vancouver exhibition,| ested at all times, and his knowledge of the rocks| willing to receive and treasures under his charge is| exhibition. only equalled by the vast fund of| Mr. Brown has arranged with information he has gathered | the government and railway com- about the localities in whieh they) panies in conjunction with the managers to bring The mining bureau is about to permanent fixture Im open to those inter- and it is ever for is the su-|become a samples {~ are found. | oxhibition from any part of the i Although to be placed on show the) samples Similkameen all | country his mining free of all transportation charges to the prospector. and many valuable from his claims were on exhibition at Anyone wishing the last show, he did not ad- vanee his section of British Co- lumbia at the expense of the other parts, but indefatiguably worked for the development of the mining industry in the prov- | ince. His clear-cut descriptions and fund of valuable information best yet. his home is in country, where interests are, specimens any informa- BR. will Hedley, C., prompt home, at given a answer. a etieeeennenn of this district and the rich 229-tf ° PULATION OF Ap . 'TA DEBT FOR tion as to the proper way to send exhibition, writing to him at his be courteous Try Stalker & Wells’ butter— Two Ibs. for 75 cents. WIFTES1 UREST AFEST TWIN SCREW STEAMERS “PRINCE”“RUPERT” AND “PRINCE GEORGE” For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattic MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 6 a.m. Prince George Galle for Stewart on Thursdays a # » “PRINCE JOHN” e Weeniy service to Port Simpson, Naas, Granby Charlotte Islands @. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER SERVICE Commencing Sept. 20th, No, 2 leaves Prince Rupert 10 a. 5 Saturdays; returning leaves Sealey 10 & m. Thursda and Prince Rupert 5 p. m , Grand Trunk Railway System (The Double Track Route) Between Chicago and all points Bast, connectiag with all Pacific Coast Agency for all Atlantic Steamehip Lines. For ail infermation apply to A. €. MoMASTER, Bay and ¢ ads from wo Jeneral Age B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE PRINGE RUPERT INN AND _ ANNEX PRINC CANADIAN ESS PACIFIC way Ss. S. Princess May SOUTHBOUND Saturday, Oct. 12, 9 a.m. Owned and op 4. @. MNAB, General Agent wned and 0 by rated , ou the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway o Courtesy Vancouver 5un LOCAL JOTTINGS. Grown in Prince Rupert. Another sample of the lence of this climate and the fer- tility of the soil is shown In the excel- group of excellent, clear skinned | the big Hardware display in the Kaien potacoes window Co.'s store on Third avenue, The four “spuds,” which are of an exceptional size, were grown by Mr. J. Nelson in his garden on Ninth avenue FE. H. Pacey, bridge for the G. T. P., take him up and down the line covering a considerable distance, whose arrived on last evening's train on a hurried visit, leaving again early this morning on a freight train for Sealey Gulch. } The new steel Passenger Steamers | POOL 6 e 99 English and American Billiards Mr. Duncan Ross arrived in the e 0 Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. city last evening from the Inter- a ior, and is registered at the G 7 ‘on fillable eo P. Inn. | 6“ 99 er W. H. Morgan, engineer with | Camosun Empress Bowlin Alleys the staff of Foley, Welch & Stew-| OOL ROOM art, at present stationed at | Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver ‘ 4 P 42 TABLES Sealey, is in the city for a few! as follows: IW mest Fitted and Most Luxurious 0 days renewing acquaintanceship | «Chelohsin” - Wednesda s al 10 m the Coast with his numerous friends and) | * y p H. E. ROSS, Prop asi enjoying metropolitan life gen-| Camosun - Saturdays at 10 ?.@. | SaaS SSF erally. First Ave. and McBride St. PHONE 25 Prince Rupert, B.C. Oriental Limited the American and European plan Excellently steam heat, electri: modern convenienc lutely first-class in every r furnished with ight, and all es, being abso eat t pect The appointments and servic are equal to any hotel coast. “6 by the Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day | 3 SOLID TRAINS -—3| daily from Vancouver or Seattle G. A. Sweet, Manager. Low round trip rates to all points in Canada and the United States. Call | and let us tell you all about it : :| Steamship. inspect r} duties} Lester W. David Co, Ld LUMBER Box 865 Savoy Hote | Cor, Fraser and Sth RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMPORT Rogers’ Agency PHONE 116 Chotee Wines and Oger UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF B.6., Ltd IROQUOIS | THE \jArriving at Vancouver Friday evening | _ ; and Monday morning, respectively : ae | Nene safer on the coast than these two C O A L fine passenger steamers J. H. ROGERS, Agent CARTAGE and LINDSAY'S “storace G, T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled Prices reasonable. OFFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone 66. New Wellington Ceal. Best on the Phone 116 Coast Phone 116 Rogers & Back PRINCE RUPERT FEED 0 Dealers " D AND SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Srd Ave. wi i” 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and ath ots HAY, GRAIN FEE L. A. Barbeau SEEDS Cartage, Coal and Storage Reliable Messenger Service Agents for the International Sock Fe ipEp 10 RS PROMPTLY ATTENDE! MAIL ORDE ——————— Don’t Get so Dawgone Previous, Scoop ISTER- A Pick POCKET GOT away WITH MOY PASS TO THE WORLDS SERIES, WORLDS BASE Pa SERIES WELL TRY 1T | | AN’ SEE How iT wor Ks! er su aacsall SSS 4 —Drawn for The Daily News by “Hop”