LAND rt Sheena Land | t habee hat | t_Distrte hange st i, Agnace pation logger, n n tw f 1 foreshore a post wing t ection 30 acine Ratiw t east o 4446, thene uk or G the bea ntaining IGNACE n Dis wie rive : i annery northwest jirectly ¢ nee runt chains, thence line t nlaining ILTON CH apply f following post g at a half miles s¢ b tw chains 6 h thence RCHASE NOTICE | planted at tot 4446, thence south e Milton employee, ib Cassiar at i, &. &. gentleman, t of Coast, Massey, of intend urchase the the shore line 0 feet from ay right-of f the south “e west 300 T. P. right. ch to point 2.0 acres MASSEY. trict of Christian, lease the Jonynencing corner ypposite In ne east 20 thence e north 20 o place of au acres KIS TIAN Hange Wise, of intend or permis described planted of In chains thence twenty yuth ently ast, Eg. 8 Porr District t Kange Four at i, Fred Dawson, WISE est, Agent District of or pation farmer, in permission t ribed la planted t f End 1 40 «ehalt e north ns Ww ta ge 160 FRED 1, 1012 1912 District—Dist Four Isabelle occupalic apply for wing describe post planted uth of soul 8 wins, thence 4u chains, point acres, o purchase ids com hree miles Hill, Banks 3, thence 40 chains, com more of DAWSON rict of Smith El 4 married permission to d iands:-—— four miles End Hiil, 0 chains, north 40 thence ce west 40 chains to ment; BELLE 1, 1912 vil SMITH t-—-District Kange 5 at aroline Johnson, of y occupation w apply for containing 480 ELLIS of Coast, » mMmarried permission lowing dGeseribed iands & post f Lot 3065, chains € svulheest cor 40 chains 1 20 chains hains Wweat juibebcemen re or less planted at the theuce 80 ast, thelce ner of Lot along Lot aiong Loi along Lot 1, contam AHULINE JOUNSOUN Vv. J. Goodwin 1912 ivi2 t—District hange 5 ARLE ‘ t Sep) w * st v chains, ¢ ed Sept sept. i4 sheeha Land p simect Take o Mupert, B , WO apply He following ng @ ChalLs More strict thal al & post theast « ccupation permission to jands planted at @ described a post t 2¥, su east ine west hence ment, su Charlies H chains, containing » Agent of Coast, Ziegler, gentieman, pur the borth thence chains to nimety hice HENRY ZIEGLER exander iviz ict—District of lier Besner, Noble, Agent Cassiar of Prince pation hotel Keeper, in pertuission to purchase bed lands 4 post planted on the bay, Observatory Inlet, mile south “ins south, point of es more or of Indian thence 20 chaius borth, thence commencement, less. OLIER BESNER \, 1012 ivig District sige Henry cupation i pertaissio: described planted rher of District, thene wh 40 hence Lcetbent, HENRY lug Burbank, chains, north 40 chains to containing BURBANK. of Coast, of umbermnan, u to pur lands 40 chains Lot 1728, © east 40 thence 160 Andrew Kennedy, Agent a, 1982 District lange cupation of Coast, ovce that 1, J. A. Pake, of Prince ‘ Diacksmith, in ' pertaission to purchase described lands; ‘ & post planted at the orber Of Let 1706 thence south tilt River" f tess to bank of Zimogo- 0 & porte. ees Dank of river along river 7 be direction 30 chains WEOL, COntginine gan, POst Of commenc- Marked J. Rh bens, S6h@s more or less, \ Fake, northwest corner, Dated Aug. gis: saad 4. A. PARE, Pub. Sept, 4 1949 Sheena Lana Land District—District of Coast, Kange V Take notice v 1 ” Holice that John Merritt, of Prince bply ¢ pau constable, intends to WIDE deserin, “ lo purchase the fol Cotume nein —— "Orth bank n - * post planted on the 40 chaing cas, '”, ' uinas River, about 4 Baie ‘ian shack, thence thenes south 4 © east 40 chains, Mains 4 ; hains, thence west 40 © 160 acres 7 ommencement, contain a8 JOHN MERKITT, Locator Daled ge *. Fallowfeld, Agent Dletibe 9 : Pup pl lean ivig Srehg Lar icl—Distriet of Coast Kange V ° in ou S¢Dlembe Sept, 97 . hat ba a n wo aids lerk, . st play a 3” from po terly f Qi "iver bank river east 4 Meioement PARTINGTON, 1 Fallo 1 viv purchase the bank, ‘Homas Partington, of intends to fol ited on an indian re © ‘Mamas River, thence thence west thence 0 chains to containing 160 Ocator Wheld, Agent vig . LAND PURCHASE NOTICES Skeena Land District pisy t of ¢ rob hange \ ane notice that | ret : eter St Prince Rupert, recupation ¢ arpenter’’ Rs tend to apply for permission t purer ; the following described lands ~n Commencing at a I j ylanted abo 2 miles south from Graveyard Point ‘tole. graph station ,and being on the of the Skeena River, thence uth 60 @heine thence west 80 chains, thence north 8¢ chains, thence east a chains 1 post t commencenmer eon ; ‘mor > ement, ntaining 640 acres more PETER § Dated August ith, ivi ee Pub. Sept 28, 1918 Skeena Land District District of Coast Kange V ; ' Fake notice that 1, Horace oy, of Prince tupert, B. ¢ CCupaliOnN gentieman, in tend to apply for permission to purchase the following described jands Commencing at @ post Jlanted 4 about 3 Miles southwest from Graverere ea telegraeph office and ab it 1% miles south of south bank of Skeena River, and Adjoining Peter Stacey's applic ation te purchase, thence south « h , chains, the 2 west 80 chains, thence orth 80 cheine thence east 80 chains «& post of commence- ment, containing 640 acres more or less HOWKA Dated August 24th, 1949 ws or: Pub, Sept. 28, 1919 Skeena Land District—District of Coast hate Khange V s ake notice that |, Henr Smith Prince Rupert, B ( 0 petion Vane roader, intend to apply’ for purchase permission to the following deserived jends Commencing at & post planted about 70 chains south from Uraveyard Point tele graph oMce, and being on the south side of the Skeena Kiver, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 50 chains, thence west 80 chains to post of commencement, containing 640 «secres hore or less HENRY SMITH Dated August 24th, 1919 Pub, Sept. 28, 1912 Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Khange V Take notice that I, Mike Vidak, of Prince Rupert, B, C., occupation restaurant man, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing 4t 4 post planted about 2 miles south from Graveyard Point tele graph office and being on the south side of the Skeena Hiver, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north SU chains, thence west 80 chains to post of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less MIKE VIDAK Dated August 24th, i912 Pub. Sept. 28, 1012 Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Kange V. fake notice that |, Albert Lopas, of Prince Kupert, B. C., occupation pros- pector, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted about 30 chains south of Graveyard Point telegraph oMce and being on the south side of the Skeena Hiver, thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 4) chains, thence west 40 chains to post of wotmencement, containing 160 acres more wr less ALBERT LOPAS Dated August 24th, 1912 rub. Sept. 28, 1012. Skeena Land District——District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that |, Thomas A. Roy, of Prince Kupert, B. C., occupation pros pector, intend to apply for permission tw purchase the fviiowing desciibed lands Commencing at @ post planted on the south bank of the Skeena Hiver and about 2 miles southeast of the mouth of Shames liver, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains Ww post of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less THOMAS A 1912 ROY Dated Pub August Sept. 28, 26th, 1912 District—District of Range V that I, Napoleon Roy, of occupation mill man, in apply for permission to purchase following described lands: Commencing 4t @ post planted about 1 mile south from the mouth of the Shames iver, and about half a mile south from the south bank of the Skeena River, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to post of commencement, contain ing 640 acres more or less NAPOLEON ROY 1912 Skeena Land Coast, Take Wallace, tend to the notice idaho, Dated Pub August Sept. 28, 26th, 1912, Land District of Range Take notice that I, Mike Vukstich, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation restaurant man, intend to apply for permission Ww purchase the following described lands Commencing at & post planted about 70 chains distant and in a southerly direction from Graveyard Point telegraph oMece and being on the south side of the Skeena River, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to post of commencement, euntaining 640 acres more or less MIKE VUKSTICH 1912 Skeena District Coast, Dated August 24th, ub. Sept. 28, 1912. Skeena Land District- District of Coast, Range V Take notice that Mrs. L. C, Putnam, of St. Paul, Minnesota, occupation married woman, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at & post planted about 80 chains west from the southwest corner of surveyed T. L. 30045 on the bank of Skeena River, thence south 80 chains thence west 80 chains, thence north 8 chains more or less to bank of Skeena River, thence in an easterly direction along bank of river 80 chains more or less to post of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. MAS. L. C. PUTNAM George KR. Putnam, Agent Dated August 16th, 1012 Pub. Sept. 17, 1012 Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that Allan Sim, of Prince Rupert, occupation bridgemaa, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing described lands Commencing at & post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 1706, and marked thence north 40 Allan Sim 8. E. Corner, chains, thence west 20 chains more or jess to bank of Zimogotiz River, thence along bank of river in @ southerly direc tion 40 chains more or less to the north line of Lot 1706, thence east 20 chains more or leas to post of COM MRERAEENNDN, eres more or less. eontaining 80 ac Cr RN. SIN. Dated August 31, 1012 Pub, Sept, 19, 1912. Land Distriet—Disirict of Coast Range V Take notice that Beryl |. Gamble, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation spinster, ip tends to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribec lands:— Commenciig at & Poot planted at Skeena te THE DAILY NEWS . +». ITEMS OF.... | SPORT! As Ts es Oe ~~ rhe date of the Canadian Inter-| collegiate athletic championships | has been announced as October 18th The news has been re- ceived with many misgivings by some of the institutions, espe- cClally those who have been giv- ing all their time to rugby. The usual date has been on Thanks. Kiving Day Following is the line-up for the Sons of England for Satur- day at North Ward Park: Kerley, Hymers, Maxwell, Vincent, 8 Greenhalgh (captain Douglas, Heithfield, Kerley, Langton, H. Greenhalgh, Douglas Kheserves Alcock, Brown, Wylie and Mun- day. With the exception of Wilkie and Whittaker, Vietoria’s pro- fessional soceer club will be at} full strength again this year. Condon, Gillespie and Gampbell, recently of Winnipeg, and Smart and Josh, of California, are the new men. The team will hold a practice at the Royal Athletie Park on Sunday morning at 10| o'clock All the players are re- quested to be on hand. LESTER VICTOR OF HARD FIGHT Jack Lester, Burns’ Protege, Wins in Thirteenth from Howard— Police Stop the Mill. Sydney, N. 8S W., the thirteenth round of with Jack Howard here urday night, Jack Lester was de- the when the lice stepped. in and put an end to the proceedings after of the most gruelling mills seen in The bout was staged in the open air. In the first the aggressor, but the both terrific wallops and were tired when they went to their In the third both swapped some hard punches, anc Howard down for mostly Oct. 10 Ip his fight on Sat- clared victor po- on ever Sydney round Lester was in second took some corners Lester had seconds, on his but finish Howard. rounds up Howard the session eight knees, to feaze endeay- failed to In the suecceed- to the end of the scored repeatedly, sound of the gong in each was a welcome lief to Lester, who bleeding profusely. In the contestants with the Lester's best ors the bout ing sixth and re- was both tigers, rounds like alternately the thir- down succeeding fought advantage with either man, but teenth Lester had his twice for nine and seven seconds Howard was scarcely on his feet after the flooring when Lester put another right and the police stepped in and stopped the bout, Referee Wally Weeks the to Lester. in man second over awarding decision STUART & STEWART Accountants 308 2nd Avenue Phone 280 Auditors for the City of Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. W. NICHOLSON-LAILEY, Architect, Room 10 Stephens Block. Phone 84. Alex. M. Manson, B. A. W. E. Williams, 8. A., L. L. 0. WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B. C. Helgereon Block ALFRED CARSS, Cc. V. BENNETT, B.A. sluice Eabdeewan "and “At ome berta Bars. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Erc. Office — Albert Block, Second Avenue. P.O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ@., 4.8.4.M., LON., BNG Pub, Sept, 14. Take notice that I, J. B. Forsman, occu tien miner, intend to apply to the Chie! ommissioner of Lands for rmission purehase the following described lands Commencing at & post planted ten chains distant and in an easterly direction from the northwest corner Of Timber Limit $990, on the south end of Lakelse Lake, C., thence west about 50 chains to the southeast corner of A. FP. No 22,203, thencee north one chain (more or less) to the lake shore, thence easterly along the lake shore to the point of com mencement, and containing ten acres, biort or less, J. BE. PORSMAN N. E. corner of L, 4409, thence south 40 chains, thence east 20 chains more ‘ oF less to W. bdy of Timber Limit No 45, | thence north 40 chains, thence a =| chains more or le © point of com. mencement, containing 80 acres more or | HAYNER BROS. leas. | UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS ORAY} L ganels. Funeral Directors r er, / Dated Sept, Sth, rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 1018 | E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embaimer CHARGRS RBASONABLE 2nd 8t,, cor. 2nd Ave, Phone 386 OPBN DAY AND NIGHT are made from the packet to-day and test their unquestionable purest Virginia Tobacco: Smoked All Over Great Britain a Each packet contains a coupon. 10c. per Packet. rat These coupons are » good for the following presents : re go ROMS Tivce bladed stag-handiod © Ghemetd”” penken e ree- stag- ” p if 100 “ Gent’s Watch Chain. es 180 o Box of three full-sized knives and forks, ‘*‘Sheffield’” 200 o Sr sail ate ickel keyless watch, mall size ni 200 o Ladies’ watch and wristlet. NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST BY MAIL FROM THE OLD COUNTRY Robert Fowler, a gamekeeper on the Garthland estates, Loch- winnoch, who was arrested on August 24 on the charge of shooting and killing a tramp who had trespassed on the Garthland estates, has been liberated by the crown authorities. Fowler stated at the time of the shooting that it was a pure accident, the gun going off accidentally. sitting of at Wick some caused by the who claimed He said his Scottish amuse- replies to At the the land court ment was of an applicant be a landowner. place was not a farm at all. It was nothing but rocks and quar- ries. His son, who was a prize ploughman, had to go to a neighboring holding to get ground on which to practice for ploughing matches. The factor told him two ago that he did not think was such a miserable place the estate. The dwelling house was like a pigsty. It was the ruin in Great Britain. years there on greatest Some time ago the Rev. Neil Macphail, parish minister of Kil- muir, Skye, direeted attention to the neglected condition of the Flora Maedonald memorial in the ehurch yard at Kilmuir, where the remains of the heroine lie. There was such a hearty response that the restoration of the memorial has now been completed, and a marble tablet has been placed in the recess of the inseriptioa block, upon which has been in- scribed Dr. Johnson's eulogy: “The preserver of Prince Charles Edward Stuart will be mentioned in history, and, if courage and fidelity be virtues, mentioned with honor.” Harvesting operations by lan- tern light have been taking place in West Denbighshire, Wales, during the past week. Mr. David Louden, who died at St. Andrews, at the end of the week, was teacher at Morham, near Haddington, for some twen- ty-seven years, and ehampioned the claim of the little parish to being the birthplace of the great Seottish reformer, John Knox He obtained many converts of high antiquarian standing. The other claimants to the birthplace are the village of Gifford, four miles south of Haddington, and Giffordgate, on the outskirts of Haddington, some An immense crowd of people from Navan and neighboring dis-| | | outside the house at Garritown| the known as tricts assembled on Sunday night who has} Navan demanded that he forth. There had been previous disturbances at the to the ing been, as alleged, opened as a “monastery.” Sunday crowd was very hostile. by man “the occupied become monk,” should and come place, owing house hav-| night's Some of the more demonstrative ulti- mately broke in the door and some of the windows of the house. The owner of the house, a lady, ap- peared at the door and promised that would ask “th monk to leave Later the garb worn by the man and other articles be- longing to him were handed over to the crowd, who carried them to Navan and burned them in the Fair square. It is stated that “the monk” has left the house. she Hull, formerly Sarah sub- postmistress at Moira, County Down, has been sent to trial to the assizes charged with obtain- ing, since 1907, from moneys the property of the postmaster gen- eral, by means of forgery and embezzlement, a number of sums different dates amounting to over £500. It was alleged that the defendant possessed herself of the books of certain illiterate depositors in the withdrawal sent them to London savings bank, filled up notices of and converted the money received to her own use, An outbreak of smallpox in Kirkcaldy is believed ho have been caused by flax from Russia, Six per. as on former occasion, sons are in the hospital and a young married woman has died, Considerable progress has al- ready been made with the collec- tion of subseriptions for the pro- posed Flodden memorial to sons of Ettrick Forest, who fell at Flodden in 1543, the present in tention being to erect the me morial at the Vietoria Halls, in Selkirk Arrangements are be- ing advanced for receiving col lections from natives of Selkirk and other borderers in all parts of the world, 1 BROS. Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. iy Genesal ; Merchandise ° ° Largest Stock The Helping Hand of Our MAIL ORDER SERVICE IS EVERYWHERE Where there is a post oMce or an ex- press office in British Columbia or the Yukon, there the people may enjoy our moderate prices and quality goods. This is made possible through our thoroughly organized Mail Order Service, which is represented among our patrons by our Iustrated Catalogue, a perfect buyers’ help that will be sent to any address upon request. Write for this Catalogue; it will put you in touch with the largest, finest stock of Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Silverware Cut Glass, Cutlery, Leather Goods and Novelties in Western Canada. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director Vancouver The death has occurred at residence, Ashfleld, Fermoy, of Mrs age of 106 years, her! Margaret Collins at the great} | Phone 245 Electrical’ Apparatus of every” description Graham Kearney, Mgr. Box 974 ; “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The ¥inest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. 1142 Pender Street West - Excellent Cafe, Moderate Prices. Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8600, Find It Through a News Want Ad.