The Daily News -_——— ————---- =——+ ne v j | : _ } Hy e e | EBC “The News” Classified Ads. |} i : ° | | REXALL | |} B.C. e Ne > e e Ag t | a — a en - ‘ | es Special attention te Terrace, Oct. 9,—Everything| puss lore i is very quiet around town these} onaactany se 0 ens | The Pioneer Druggist to dispensing ~~ physicians prescrip- days, as nearly everyone has e tions ; : : joined in the rush for the Kitsum —~THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES HERE— : TWO STORES kalum gold fields. Among those x ey: EASTMAN KODAKS 82 PHONES 200 who have gone are George Little, a - ca! |'T. A. MeMartin, MeLaren Gor-|-——_______ ! : : ie EE Hi | don, James Stewart, J. A Mich- LOCAL ITEMS | di ’ . ent ff }aud, D. B. Kenney and others For R " sregett S00 sreet tas 0h i _ — 2 | Mrs. George Kime, of Winni — Sloe $6, Sub-division 863 No tmrerest’ by - } : ~ ‘ eft fo oO purchase price 500 \ oe | peg, is a visitor at the home of Architect W. M. Lailey ft for FOR RENT—Three-room flat unfurnished, ota ae Giapote of counter t 7 “ose, , i|Mrs. BE. Large. | the South on the Prince Ge ue with water Alder Block 220-018) wurchaser to assume balance, payable $20| > 4 i 0 ly rt Mr. Little is having a new and|this morning on a visi the er oa ate | month ' ar. J le g nd , MeINTYRE HALL to, lease for dances, etc.| ADDRESS H. R. HARVEY, . ! larger boiler installed in the saw] lower coast cities. a wae ee ELLENSBURG, WASH. mill, As a result, the mill is not} | , ) : y be a ; | ’ Pee “ "om ip eome| FOR RENT—Furnished house Apply box} e ect Lo V e ® lin operation. Mr. Frederick Long, for me)" 15, Daily News. 233-263 | Dr. Tray . ‘recting a fine} time past chief clerk at the Cen-} | FOR RENT j es > adapted lip egy : tral Hotel. left this morning for i|TWO room apartments; necessary fur j i new stable on Greig avenue. . ’ nishings 1020 Srd Ave, J Bye?,.| we . . — al I , San Diego. California, where he] prop. Phone Black 334 234-248 Two flats on 4th Avennue, Section ' That is what the ladies say when thev see the dis- Ouite a number from here at-{|*" , nei . | Each flat contains 5 rooms highly finished) . . . has accepted a position with the . and steam heated throughout, fine bath-| 45 play of neckwear in our windows. tended the dance given by Mrs.) " iN M : ih \ FURNISHED room for rent 0 fhone | room, large kitchen range, electric light, | fa , : : - ' Ci i ‘iends re on 1e 5 23 . , rte , 0 . or. | $ here are the right-up-to-the-minute styles in Ross in the Kitsumkalum Hotel . e. "bie a a “a ' 186 ee view of the harbor 1 vharf to goodbye Robespierre Collars | Jabots in Shadow Lace and jon Monday evening. All enjoyed|“"™ ee sty PRINCE RUPERT AGENCIES | »mselves nse Mrs _ ‘ ‘ . Phone 121 i Dutch Collars | Embroidery themselve inume nsely. fi ry Stalker & Wells’ butter For Sale Me ee Lace Collars Ross makes a fine hostess and best yet. Two Ibs. for 75 cents Li Coll Elastic Belts and Belting everyone was sorry to hear that 299 tf PANAMA sTuDIO ik > for Bo d she is going out for the winter ee SNAP FOR SALE—View lots 9 and 10, 613 3rd Ave. ' Silk Collars Velvet Ribbon or ws an : Mr. D R wh arrived block 14, section 2; 35 feet ae by (Above Burns Meat Store 4 Rushings (all sh ) Ties ee ee : 124 feet; 9900 each; equity out. Apply Christmas ts Coming. - onasee on the train from the Interior box 430, city 234-240 Have your father’s, mother’s or children’s | | . . e . in photographs enlarged and finished , 1 | f S d C I] J b WILSON HITS last night in company with the/skc. 8 SNAP—Lot Block 5; good street ee fi 4 . ontage; 8600; terms Lots 11 and 12, Specia or atur ay-- 0 ars, a ots G. T. P. officials and those of ioc by 01.006; corena frontage on two Make Early Sittings for All Distant d R hi t 25 Messrs. Foley, Welch & Stewart, streets, Apply to the owner, box 17, Countries : . A . ; Daily News 239-241 : - - ings ” . AT ROOSEVELT pa aor ~— ere - - a re a : : " See Display in Large Window tending to be away for some SS a weeks, Wanted H. BADERTSCHER Democratic Candidate Says Teddy General Machinist Wi t Complete line Turnbull's cel- ill J H hes te Leader of Trus First oo Poe . : . Locksmith, Chimney Sweep, Razors Honed, e Time He Attacks ebrated underwear for wormel| WANTED General servant Apply Mrs Knives Sharpened, Scissors Agents for ’ and children, Wallace's. 244 L. W. Patmore 230ur Ground, Ete ad 3rd Gt., Near Post Office ao ce Denver, Colo,, Oet, 10—For the] 4M. Asancheyev, the head of BOX 277 ; PRINCE RUPERT first time since the presidential|ine gpm of A. M. Asanchevev & Lost and Found campaign began, Governor] Gp, of Vancouver, who are engi- Qe mer meres —— » . n= = > f . a re t . Woodrow Wilson indulged in a neering the bie Russian coloniza- LOST—Gold enamel whist pin, marked Little S NEWS e bitter personal attack on either|¢jjn seheme in British Columbia a severe, 03.” Return to G. R _* , of his opponents. After declar-land who are inaugurating the re : ing that Roosevelt was hand in| rst settlement in the neighbor-| Qe nnn ee Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers — — Ww a Street oe hood of Hazelton and Morice- Miscellaneous CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS Core, 6 emocranic Candidate! town, returned on last evening's ! } } aid: . ; - ppm — 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club a e S Steel Game Traps said: train from visiting his com- re “I was saying t» some of my pany’s property, and went south CAMBRIDOS M A wishes to ame edult WeDe or * ‘ ( s ¢ ‘ pupils; gives essons inf mathematics, > eee pre - a little|this morning, accompanied = by elementary and advanced; French, Ger —THE - a Pp while ago that if | were a car-|hjs secretary It is Mr. Asanch- man ane English Moderate charges ee lige Apply bo 239-2 toonist I would draw a picture of] ayey’s intention to return to the ee, aad Westholme Lumber Co. the biggest monopolies of the i ‘ . na ee ee a district again in the course of a e Hawley-Norton and United States, drawn up in line,| faw weeks. NOTICE. —LIMITED ¢ ~, > vel . and in front Mr. Roosevelt try- nea Commencing October 16th, 1012, the | aoe ing to lead them in a hallelujah Classy neckwear, newest shades] pay wickets in the Assessor and Collector's Newhouse Trap chorus.” and patterns, special prices 50¢,;,0Mee, City Mall, “ re Bal m . Bat ei Sloan & Co., Ltd. 240-241 daily, except Saturdays, and on Saturdays Lumber and Mouldings . at 12 o'clock noon 240-243 Frank O’Brien was a passenger Assessor and Collect : Mark Hyatt, the well known an ! Ser » 8 or , ; ‘ . di : to Seattle thin morning on the! nirecior, has taken his big) —————————————. All Kinds of Building Supplies Prince George on a couple of pile driver over to Granby Bay NOTICE. We carry the most complete weeks vacation. at which place be bas the coms] . sauce. is psseny coven at Ge tet Cae line of the above world famous tract for building the projeeted] Mines, Limited, non-personal lability, has| Firet Avenue Phone 186 OLD COUNTRY NEWS NOTES. wharf. mot euteecined 8. WW. Woodall to éeltect steel traps in Northern British ; moneys for stock or issue receipts for the | —————— An old gentleman, prosecuted Best room in town at the Savoy, | company, and that this company will not 7 i ° e ® - : . « abie u é y oO d ons ¢ erec 0 Columbia 3 $ : : jat Highgate police court for fish- i serge aa = ina Siaciaan” de tis thes abe pein - > ing from his back garden, in THE WEATHER ity to act for the company in any manner versi es ros spite of repeated remonstrances, hi “ati ee whatsoever, ° lin the New River, set up the de- The weather report at 5 o’elock sonate at Hazelton, B. ¢ October 9th, fense that though the water be_| this. morning was as_ follows: 2. ts Mh geben in cae The up-to-date House Decora- : llonged to the metropolitan water| Barometer, 30,252; maximum ak tors of Prince Rupert ince lJ er q Ware lj 0 lboard, the fish. which were in| temperature, 50; minimum tem- oe ® their natural state, belonged to} perature, 46; precipitation, 44 RE VOTERS’ LIST. Si Writing no one. He was fined 5 shillings. inch, 1 om inotryeted by the City Coun il - se g . wa publish 1 ollowing notice with regarc : . | ’ on to voting at the next municipal election Paper-Han n Cor. Third Ave. and 6th St. Prince Rupert The persons who will be inserted © s P | A miner was fined 10 shillings Maltese Labor for B. C. the vous sist ose te teens ew & at Gateshead on Thursday for Vancouver, B. C,, Oet. 11.—One 1. Owners of real estate. This means Our Speciaities } hous j Maltese laborers are any person who has a deed of land regis |having struck a fellow workman] !®#ousand Mi : . : tered in the Land Registry Office or an j with a safety lamp in Washing- being brought to British Colum- renee ee Sa - ee iton collieries. It was stated that bia to work in the lumber mills ~ persons. ware jood under. agree | “We always deliver the goods.” 1 . , TT sip | men rom le ran run or ” Ov the mine was “gassy,” and hadj@o other — industries. Their | ernment whose title 18 not registered in ‘the glass broken the consequences| families will also be brought out the Land Registry Office, and thetr right 2nd Street Phone 156 Green iO TO THE might have been serious. to Canada, situated are advised if possible ‘to register GO tO PHE | . , r pam os - semen either as householder or license holder j oe 2 Any person holding a trade license ; lite dames aad a; Pleasant Evening. may vote, but before doing so he must, in WATER NOTICE. e @ always serve purt as a Musia ecards and dancing] October, make a deglaration showing his teetotal drink. I know it is in- 7 right to vote in Form 1 These forms] For a License to Take and Use Water. : helped to while away a few short] can be obtained at the City Clerk's office toxicating, but all our teetotallers j : I jelightful| [he declaration must be fied with the Notice is hereby given that The British drink it.” said a Thirsk landlady ours in the most delightful) city Clerk within forty-eight hours after|Columbia Packers’ Associationof Van ae z . *Ifashion at the Gatholie Hall last]it ts made. couver, B. C., will apply for a license to jwho was summoned for supply- 3 Any householder tan vote. A house-| take and use one hundred miner's inches P > > he = ler evening, when a large gathering] nolder means a person who has resided injof water out of Cunningham Lake The | ng port wine to three boys under of both voune and old met to Prince Rupert from the 1st of January,| water will be diverted at Cunningham i414 years. , - 5 “11912, and who occupies a dwelling, tene-| Lake and will be used for canning, do ‘6 7 gether, and a most enjoyable time|ment, hotel or boarding house, or any|mestiec and industrial purposes on the land for delicious fresh-made g r affair ‘ . portion of a dwelling house, tenement, | deseribed as the town of Port Essington | 4 Ck : k : was spent. The affair, which was|hotet or boarding house. He must also Tis petite was posted on the ground | f t 1eago banking house pur- > t as t 7 »| pay rates, taxes or assessments which are | on the 28th day of September, 1912 The | thased = > g I one n to all, wa in aid of the . ot chargeable on land, and which rates,| application will be filed in the oMfce of the }chased $150,000 of Bassano wa-|Catholie Church, and great praise] taxes and assessments so paid amount to Water Recorder as Pringe Rupert. | terwor g 26 ‘rage rahe , " aoe . . , mot less than $2.00. Water rates and dog Objections may be fled with the said | lorwos ks - and =sewerage deben- and thanks are due Mrs, W. H. licenses do not count, Practically the | Water Recorder or with the Comptroller tures, 1 contrac or yulid. : ade o took sue t ro _j|onty tax that can be paid is the road tax,| 0 ater Rights, *arliament ulldings, tur rt t ee build inkade, who t such a promi-| only, ye 2 sae. te rom Hs c Rist Parl B ‘ Lae mweto . oa: (aes 2.00, ane ly perso! yho, being a house ._ ! ing these — ms was awarded|nent part in the arrangements,| hoider as above described, has already paid THE sRition COLUMBIA PACKERS’ iat a cost of $140,000, . ake | = his road tax must also make a declara ASSUCIATIO! \ | 7 — wh poor the whole =o tion before he can be placed on the voters’ M. M. English, Agent, erlainment such a pronounced] list, . | a _ - success ; All vesere must be 24 years of age and | —————____ ae > , : } oe. British subjects, Flavor Strawberry, Vanilla, Peppermint and pure molasses | UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT nS. Cena sie — ERNEST A. WOODS, i a? aon City Clerk. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. 25c per ib. packet ) ROYAL ustralian Insurance eme. 240-241-246-247-250 { ® DAIRY Melbourne, Oct, 14.—The Aus- | ey ia ine a di Notice—Rupert Mineral Claim, situate Creamery Butter, Ranch Eggs tralian Liberals have adopted a in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar e Pure Cream Milk and Buttermilk national insurance scheme, based District, Where located: Near Granby, ; ’ : f ~ in the said mining division and adjoining :e ae —— on Lloyd-George's bill. The the property of the Granby Consolidated e ve wa TRIAL scheme is opposed by the Labor- Cite. Smelting ry oe Company, > ites. Take notice that I, F. J. Coleman, Free | Phone 96 719 3rd Ave. Miner’s Cortincate No 690778, intend, , —— Sixty days from the date hereof, to appl Vancouver people will remember our candy pulling ma- , = Prince R rt Lodge, 10 0.F to the Mining Recorder for a certificate chine at the Red Raven Drug Store, corner Granville and ) upe ” ” toiniah «treme Orent riy A Robson Sts, { No. 63 And further take notice that action, { e under Section 85, must be commenced ASK FOR E. E. SMACKS E. E. Confectionery Third Ave. | | | Opposite Post Office | ———= | - Subscribe For The Daily News And Get All the News O'LEARY IN PRINCE RUPERT W. H. WRIGHT RECEIVES WIRE FROM BAYLEY’S MANAGER ASKING HIM TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR A SCRAP WITH O'LEARY OF SEATTLE. Mr. W. H. Wright of the Windsor Hotel, received a telegram Joe lightweight Bayley eham Condon, manager for the Canadian who is well and popularly if he round] known in this city, asking could arrange for eo a tifteen between Bayley and proprietor|the well known lightweight from jacross the line. i wired last night from Morris| with Mr j able Mr. Wright took the matter up Strassberg of the West Theatre, they have conditions the mill they think be Bayley fleht holme and for which will to The accept will be Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. H, ALLISON, N, G, W. G, BARRIE, Sec, A. SONS OF NORWAY Meets every Thursday at 7 p. ™., alt 319 3rd Ave All Norwegians are welcome, ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & E.F. probably siaged the last of the present! © Leary,’ month (SCAN DINANIAN BOOIBTY) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the ball at $19 3rd Ave. before the issue of such Certificate of Im provements Dated this 30th day of July, A. D, 1042. . d, COLMAN, Pub, Aug 12, 1042, CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Notice--Kaien Mineral Claim, situate in the Skeena Miving Division of Cassiar Dis- trict, Where located Near Granby, in the sai: mining division and adjoinin the property of the Granby Consolidated Hee Smelting and Power Company, mA bec Take notice that I, Sam MeCague, admin istrator of the estate of James McCague, Free Miner's Certificate No. 62970B, intend, sixty diys trom the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtein ing a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under Section 85, must be commenced be fore the tissue of such Certificate of tm provements Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1042 sain dees SAM Mc GUE 5 ent, F. J. Coleman Pub. Aug. 18, 194 ts SOO PPOOOOD OD ob bey WOSCS ereeeoee, =ES> “¥ sR BAe George Leek 618 3rd Ave ® ‘-7 H. DOUGLAS 339 Third Ave. P. 0. Box 60¢ (Opposite Post Office One Double | Corner’ | Zth AVENUE SECTION SIX $2000 cash and years att the alance Samuel Harrison & Company Brokers and Financial Agents Second Ave. Prince Rupert FOR SALE Investors Not ice Silver, copper a ead mines at Kitselas, B, ( th ppe River Good copy ad showings from 6 to 14 Easy Terms. Apply DR. De A. CONDOR KITSELAS, B. ©. AN OPPORTUNITY 10 MAKE MONEY NO GUESS WORK NO SPECULATION JUSf PRINCE RUPERT REAL ESTATE chose . If rightly best form of invest bargains that we SECTION ONE Block 16; 4 near MeBride $10, and 18, Bl St. lot, $6,! SECTION TWO K ie i I Lot 38, la Ave age, Lots 17 Fraser h 22 and 23 b ars desirable the pair 20 and 21, B Second Ave ver $4,000.00 Another lane Second Ave., SECTION FIVE AV Lots and for Low . corte only # Two lots on Sixt! $160.00 monthly Lot 17, Block 15, 82 ver two years Lot 11, Block room cottage, & home, only #$2,0 15 and 16, I , within block of Met ment, only #4 Pair MeBride St. ! frontage, $30,000 SECTION SIX Block 9, 83 McBride, $1,! SECTION SEVEN Sixth Ave. lots, 89 ea Seventh Ave. lots, Lots 24 and 22, Block + SECTION e1GHT Lot 11, Block 31, $42 ful d Lots 18 and 19, Block 1, 4 bee corner, $1,750.00 Lots for $450.00 payments. Westenhaver Bro insurance phone 100 “ Lot 6 Lot near $1 each Real Estate and Third St. ——— TO RENT $20.0 8 roomed cottage "90.00 5 roomed house price Lots Block = 315, 000 1-2 3 - a 1,000 13 s : 0 15 38 GR. Naden Co, Ut end Avenue