0) 0 i) (it) LY A ESISEATIVE Aggee “he & (s ts LaRoesT CIRCULATION \ L worry AND NT an \Xerd ss Tie, 10 pm. UMBIA . pert Monday, 9 a. m 5 Princess negate Monday, p. m, — go —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_ rs Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist \ en OE ~ - SL yoL. Ill, NO. 241 Prince Rupert, B.C., SATURDAY, OcTopprR 12, 1912. Prick Five Cente ESS se TS VERIFY THE BIG GOLD STR UP RIVER MONTENEGRIN FORCES CONTINUE SUCCESS AND CAPTURE TURKISH FORTS ON FRONTIER MEN DRIFT IN OPEN BOAT LIBERAL MEN WHEN LAUNCH BREAKS DOWN ARE ARRESTED — GIANTS AGAIN BONES OF MAN RED SOX BEST FouR MEN ARE SHIPWRECKED IN TERRIFIC STORM LAST Tories Have Two Liberal Workers Great Crowds — the Bos- NiGHT-—-TWO MEN GO FOR HELP IN SMALL BOAT, BUT GET ON WOLF ISLAND—DARING RESCUE. v | Mechae, D. H.!son started oul in a mall wl y Bryant and W,| boat to come to the city for an | hrough an ex ther launeh h which they Owing i hea ea that any a day vas rothing at the me, it was rnoon they | '"I ssib ! make any headway hooting expe ind the two made a landing on Shawatian, but after Wolf Island, where the decided hort time met to wait until the sea bechiXme less of breaking rbutent Whi darkness came haft Casting |°" they built a fire and it began juarantine sta — Mess McRae and Morri Continued on Page 4. BATTLE CONTINUES ON THE TURKO-MONTENEGRIN LINE VICTORS OF YESTERDAY'S BATTLE TAKE SEVERAL FORTS— KING NICHOLAS VISITS HOSPITALS AND TALKS TO WOUNDED MEN—OFFICIAL LOSSES IN BATTLE. if the we : ‘ Daily News } yunded men hose able Ml tenegro, Oct. di./to salute did s« while the met ! ving the cap vhose wounds prevented their h Mountain st ldoing so followed with their eyes s ral forts and|the Monarch as he moved from hay fallen} i h stopping to th iclLorious | #'' a encourag ry word to | i Saks anwero ich mat I ru London, Oct. 11 Phe Turkish ure fu t [losses a he ba Detchiteh unded and|™M ta . lay Ww six hun- |} geht fron the| ired killed and wounded, while K Nicholas visited| (he Montenegrin army lost f lav and kissed} hundred men dead and dy See window for new corset is the signal) models American Lady” at Wal m the part| aces zit HELTON DISTRICT IS VERY RICH SAYS MINING OPERATOR WL RATELLACK, WELL KNOWN MINING MAN TELLS OF DEVELOPMENT OF DISTRICT AND MINES IN VICINITY OF HAZELTON. 11 In spite|Hazelton district, characterized i insportation | the prospects in the Interior as welton distriet | above ted and have Mr. Retallack stated that the ible detriment | #reatest development had taken lopment, the) place in the silver lead countrs Hazelton is; the Silver Standard mine opera ictivity, and is|tors having opened a series of . during the| parallel veins on their property alt any time|tfPat was assessing about $100 of the dis.;to the ton, and was giving every jpromise of an almost unlimited day, Mr. J } supply, ; ne operator, | An idea of the rich quality © Kaslo, who hag|the Standard mine was given bby a trip to the| he fact that in one place a shaft jihad been sunk 200 feet in sold =| ore. The company were how th- POCO SD | stalling a compressor plant, in order that when the sleighing season opens regal shipments ur OY S of the ore may be taken to the lrailway tracks about six miles T he Modern Three Act Ys | away. , | On account of accident the | | Princess Mary sailing from Vat “0 repeated by request | couver, October hep wee oe , ot the | celled There will, therefore, De no sailing from here on Sunday night al 9 pan will be re WESTHOLME Princess Mary service m4 a prominent A a“ nother Meetin QO sumed next week, The Princess) jawyer | 6 2 i i or aneco er at ie pera House Mag will gall for Vancour aa ar \ meeting was held last night ® a.m, Saturday. neuen Services tin | the Baptist Brotherhood | | Sat d, Mi ing service at 14 o'clock} pooms to make arrangements for ur ay, Oct. 12 Auction Sale f excel held in the Presbyterian hall,/the establishment of a basketball ‘lass . oe 0 ih wn High ole ep: ld c rT h Aveue At the evening/league this season The meet . jlent quality will ve a "ae the Empress theatre,}ine was verw enthusiastic and it Vek esidence ss , us - "sale at Orme's Drug ha a — * oe. at | He M Kel will preach Ontis | kely that five teams will at Ore unt fri 4 ace, Oo > i mh " ‘ geil lone e ‘ —_ Ps ! ‘turday noon ao + Gea handbille ¥rank A.|"Sa \ the Giveatest| least be entered, ‘ler wh they may oa eee thane vo. he Middte Ages.” | Another meeting will be held Dtained at the | Hilis, Auctioneer st " the second in the! Tuesday night when further par Theatre , ae h ca sermonsttieulars for the: formation of the |_ Prince Rupert's leading hote M Keri lleague will be made, All who are Oe tececsescocceed Savy. It is expected the], election, Lord Roberts Coming to Canada. ton Red Sox Win from the New York Giants Yes- terday Afternoon. Arrested in Macdonald Elec- tion—Bitter Controversy. Special to Daily News ee Winnipeg, Oet. 14 The Mac Special to Daily News donald bye election campaign New York, Oet. 11—Today the } ed here tonight with the ar Red Sox bested the New Y rest of two Liberal workers by|(@iants in the fourth game of th |Provincial cot stables It has/World’s series by the scor f sdded. fuel to the bitter contso.|° ~— * The tie standing of the clubs, each having won one, and rsy now raging, and the ques the other being a draw, created on is raised as to the justifiea-| such intense interest that not a m of the arrests Both sides|