aroesT CIRCULATION city AND NORTHERN enirieH COLUMBIA eeeeeneneenene a ee ae a IN THE DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist 10 pm ,oam ; "e Tala, / ed qe Ht, NO. SS ii, NO. 240 “bre, % Prince Rupert, B.C., Tuespay, Octoppr 15, 1912. Price Five Canre SOC SOCIALIST ATTEMPTS TO MURDER ROOSEVELT NEW YORK GIANTS REN TO FORM AND DEFEAT BOSTON RED SOX BY THREE RUNS SQUAWMAN KILLS THREE AND ESCAPES IN WOODS VALLEY SQUAWMAN MURDERS THREE AND THEN EX-PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT IS SHOT BY SOCIALIST RASER P ESCAPES INTO WOODS—POLICE AND POSSE HAVE HIM SURROUNDED. 8 Daily News | fire Phe squaw weht the 0 14 4 squaw-| bodies to Mission ind killed Wil Wally d ‘ { Before the Cadi. \ i ‘ Jaspel nne ' ; Ml i white man, neat — fb eS wae ° Tie ‘ ing 1 charge of theft against . . . . . reaver Valley, LZ (he charge of ‘hell axains! Py. President Victim of Attempted Assassination at Milwaukee j into the woods.) An Indian whom | stable Doo . ° si Ga Waa LMNs cdriehed leak night fer Last Night Where He Was Resting After Tour 1 posse are su vw drunk and with whom he had ° . eee louhe wes as Bulletin Says Wound Not Serious : . ing squaw and sessed $10 and costs Special to Daily News denly confronted by the would-be’ and Socialists, as well as others WN suble between Milwaukee, Oet, 15 Ex. Presi. | 488assin, who drew a_erevolver' are loud in their denunciat of he three men and Try Stalker & Wells’ butter dent of the United States Theo-|#"" shot the ex-President the dastardly aet \\ « squaw driving) best yet I'wo Ibs. for 75 cents. deine Lnanavelt,. tha Secarentale) Immediately bystanders who Colone tooseve arrived y day and opened 229-tf I indidate for the presidency, was recognized the Colon shed tolthis city for a few days mand shot in this citv last night by a his assitance and grappled with ming from Gary Indiana. via Socialist. who. it is believed, is| His assailant, who had o1 been | Chieago His voice under the GIANTS BEAT INCREASE IN demented able to infliet one wound stra of the campaign was in a pus | Ro evell was stopping Medica! assitance was obtained] terrible shape and he intended BOSTON REDS LIVING COST : in rw 0 tv for a few days resting edintaly end he iii ahi eat tw’ a teat Cie Seas ter lis recent politica ‘ ; ; ee al ; ae ihiouath the Middle and Souther ec? u - Atte * voueE suing his active campaigi States He was conferring with| tien the doctors issued a bulle refused vesterday to nies pate New York Plays Up Well and’ Reports Say That High Cost of | suites th R teats thin: 6feet that the wound @ aint iets 03 Captures Game by Good Living Is Still Increasing lmsevement end when but « few|Was no serious. with W. 3. Bryan Margin. at Alarming Pace. steps fi from the Kilpatri H Fee g a very hich the His last speech was vhere he was staying, was sut is a sull of the shooting,| hands a oon vesterday at Gary 5 \ Daily News New York, Ocet. 15 Evidence ne , ti New ¥ that the ! K day and ade gw ata ala ling pace rieanl he Boston Redj ever before is 2 the latest | S \ ns to two.| compilation f the Bradstreet | za vas replete monthly index of prices whieh | } and snappy neludes not niy food but metais ‘ of seats Was) (extiles i buildi | ' poring a and a number of other things 1 five hits in the hich wo to make up the ordin- rs inning, The batteries were| oe ssities of life. ‘The | ‘Mayor Newton Calls in the Aid of the Police When Alderman Meyers; O’Brien, | 2°) necessities OF tise 16-) ca aise Ser esembes shew Sms (Oe Morrissey Will Not Stop Talking--Supt. Matthews Re- cost “ living clitibes up period that mn any aie 7 during that { BECKER MAY previous month, The September ndex number 9.1515 is not only i amendment the motion and it earried Alderman Bullock - Webster A communication from Thomas asked why Alderman Claviton Burns, ale issistant supe! would release Mr Matthews at tendent of the power plant re a onee, balance due him as wages was Replying Alderman Bullock-|referred to the Eleetrie Light Webster. Alderman Clayton said) commettee for report, that the committee had a report A modest request from the which they were going sub. | Pantorium for permission to mit had not the question arisen! erect a sign, which would not in already to the effeet that things|convenience the trafic on the were not in as good shape as they| sidewalk led to a debate of more might be at the power plant and/than a half hour's duration, tn that the committee considered, injwhich His Worship and all the the light of the complaints whiech| aldermen took active parts had been made, that Mr. Matthews| It was finally decided that the had outlived his usefulness city would not “sign” away their] Alderman Clayton was asked/rights, but would stick to the what would be done in the event/letter of the bylaw regarding lof Mr. Matthews leaving imme-jsuch cases. diately, to which he replied that} 4 communication from the did Mr, Matthews leave, within al] Prince Rupert Hvydro-~Eleetric few hours a capable man could|Gompany in answer to the Coun be secured to take charge of the|cil’s eequest for quotations of plant }power rates delivered at the city’s Alderman Kerr told of having|gates and apparently also in reply) received ten different complaints|to a query regarding the news rewarding Mr. Matthews and knew/source of the Journa said that of one person who would use|/Mr. Durant, the writer of the thirty horse power were it not for|letter, would take the matter up the fact that the present super-|with his company He had not intendent was in. office rhe|supplied a copy of the proposed Kmpire has published a report}agreement to the Journal showing a gain of 8550 by the \ request for a donation. t power plant under Mr, Matthews ward the purehase of prizes for but no mention was made of the|the rifle shooting competition on losses through default In one; Thanksgiving Day met with the ase reeently the eity had losti/approval of all the counei i 8140 by a restaurant keeper fail-|with the exeeption of Alderma ing to pay his bill, Montgomery, who did not approve \ heated argument followed|0f training men to kill the i between Alderman Kerr and Al lowman It was a reminder f dermal Montgomery, in whieh vee Gare apes and as a of and alderman he objeeted He several of the other aldermen|was fairly launehed on a Dé ined cal speech when the Ministe When comparative quiet had) Finanee sprang to his feet and the highest « record, but repre-| 60 T0 JURY sents a jump of 2.5 per cent. over] Police! Call the police!” was the August tigures As com-|the ery that reverberated through pared with the previous bigh|ing « hall last night Mayo! Counsel Says His Defense Is Come- P00! ched on May 4, last.Jy wins stentorianh tones. No plete if No Further Evidence Is {ie advance is 1.9 per cen! ae cil ieeeiilll tas aneaniel Offered by Prosecution. Pe ere ' Men's Own Elect Officers. of the council chambet wes % : Daily News At a vers nthusiastic meet. | 'he limb of the law be invoked N ! Oet ti Becker|ing of the Men's Own” at the}for the protection of ife or prop 5 Ihe ry without any!|Methodist Ghurch last night, the | erty. It was Mayor Newton's was the state-|following were elected officers) pethod of bringing Alderman Phere is}for the ensuing year President | Morrissey to order, after failing dence to econviet|E. L. Fisher; viee president lio out@out that councillor, and : If the State’s|Fisher; seeretary, A, T, Allison) outdo ‘him in pounding the tably ger than it ap-|treasurer, W a terry M rhe ery for help in maintain e that my client] Berry was also elected captain Of/ing order was the final result of answer for the basket ball team Alderman Morrissey’s attaek o1 the police commissioners for nol R Union Men Strike. taking action in regard to an of YLEY SCRAPS Salt Lake City, Oct, 14 Sev-lticer who, Alderman Morrissey eral thousand men itn the millsisaid. refused do his duty be and smelters at Garfield went on}cause the mat whom he had been BROWN NEXT strike because they were asked tolealled upon to arrest belonged handle non-union ore to the same fraternal ordet rhose who attended the coun- ete Prince Rupert Favorite Kelly-Hawley Nuptials. | meeting to nee the fy" were with Pal Brown, who On Saturday. afternoon theltp disappointed for there was} Defeated Dick Hyland. marriage of Mr. Frank W Kellyleonsiderable excitement during of this city, son of Mr. and Mrs.ithe course of the evening ‘alg ‘) 1? Arrange. Frank Kelly, and = Miss Helen Superintendent Matthews of the} Hawley, daughter of Mt andleleetric light plant sent in his weeny, ae Mrs. Hawley, was celebrated Phelpesignation, which was accepted, ' Mfteen round wedding was a quiet one and thelto take effeet at. the end of the Vhanksgiving Daylyoung couple left the city on the} present month and not on the Bayley of Vietoria} Prince John on a short wedding | t5th of December as requested ae of Hibbing, Minn..Jtrip before many of their friends |pby Mr, Matthews . Midhed |) Hyland here last|were aware of thé teresting Mr. J. N. Wilson of Vaneouver the lightweight/event was appointed by ballot to the shij f Canada Bay position of superintendent of , two thousand Great bargains are now to be | ephones, lately vaeated by Mr ' Une were slightly} had in furniture, carpets, erocs Love dition that he isfery, lamps, stoves and ranges \ll the aldermen were present h ‘ expenses rhe Big Furniture Store at de ind the hall was tull of spec - I Hyland willjond avenue is now slaughtering ' when CGity Clerk Woods gh Kid Lucas Calgary'’s|its entire stock before moving ead the minutes of the previous "Han on the same eior ‘ u which were adopted - vyithout alteration, \\ fo) Auction Sale—Furniture. ca Matthews wrote resigning i i c a of Butte On Wednesday next at 2:30, aly! 1, as superintendent of -. : n the city to-lcorner of Fifth avenue and Tay be and light plant He j ‘nd, where shellor street, good quality househ d i hat he wanted it to take ® couple of} furniture and effeets, without re December 15th his : ”, who islserve 942.2943 the city time to seeure ed in min FRANK A. ELLIS, Auctiones in and he woulg be \ ; Me Mr. Noves oe : : plea \ the new superin ' '’ Rainier Hotel Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, | ' formation and help Phone 4 i signs Position---J. N. Wilson Appointed to Charge of Telephone Department Alderman Montgomery moved gomery arose and lifted a wa and Alderman Maitland seconded ¢ finger and advised the May that the resignation be accepted look well into the ered ils to take effect December 15th. of any man selected for he va Alderman Clayton moved an cant position, hinting darkly at amendment the effect that the corrup and bribery of high resignation should be accepted oflicials ither cities he knew of and Mr Matthews released at Alderman Maitland withdrew as once, seconde of the motion, conse Alderman Kerr seconded the quently the amendment beeame been restored Alderman Mont-|eul into Alderman Moentgomery fe =f MONTENEGRINS TAKE TURKISH BULGARIA FORTS BY FIERCE FIGHTING TO DECLARE WAR-—GREECE DEMANDS SATIS- FACTION—TURKS INVADE SERVIA AND BATTLE IS IN PROGRESS. Special to Daily News. from Constantinople says that Podgo itza, Montenegro, O¢t.| Turkey has rejecte@ Bulgaria's as Montenegrin troops occupied demands, ahd it is expected that ree ore rurkish positions a rds rhe Turks fought Bulgaria will deelare war imme- lesperately and beth sides lost diately. heavily Austria's military movement the start of the war the| toward Russia is progressing and Montenegrin army has lost 256/is giving diplomats considerable ed and over 800 wounded, uneasiness. Athens, Oct. 14.—Greece de- Belgrade, Oct. 14, Turkish mands the immediate return from} troops.invaded Servia today near Turkey of the merchantmen|Kistazatz, and a desperate battle seize ist week, is in progress. The Servian troops are defending the frontier Berlin, Oet. 14.—A_ despateh| stubbornly. ration with the statement that | the req t met with his ap- PENITENTIARY va He referred in touching | have been those who} were leaving the vicinity to en-] gage in the Balkan war —_— th siastic. did the Alder. | Hundreds of Prisoners Rebel and men get in their speeches, mo-| "4 Guards in Desperate Fight s and amendments, that Al- —Troops Being Sent. derman Kerr, after making an} jamendment to the motion before| Special to Daily News. the Coun irned around and| Rawlings, Wyo., Oet. 14.—Fol- ed the debate and voted against) low ng a jail break on Saturday, his own proposal jwhen several hundred convicts Alas in Kerr questioned the | attacked the guards in the Wyom- Mavor as to the architeet whose|ing penitentiary, desperate fight- brilliancy was evidenced in the)!" has taken place. Thirty pris- st heal aide en iaeiiienteal! Mi ru} omers F szained their liberty and it is cola that several guards are mn street and Third avenue dead. The Governor has been Alderman wybhavn, chairman /asked to send Nin of the Board of Works, rose to —— he defense of his department and explained that the crossing had MAY NOT HAVE been laid in strict accord with he provisions of the bylaw In this he was supported by Alder- REDISTRIBUTION an Morrissey Aldermen Kerr and Montgom- --- ry did not approve of the cross-| Premier Intimates After Council ng and stated so Meeting That Redistribution rhe applications for the pasi- May Not Take Place. tion of superintendent of tele- ae phones were next considered, and] Ottawa, Oct. 15.—At the con- ifter one ballot Mr. J, N. Wilson.) cision of the Cabinet Couneil a gemtieman of wide experience) ooting, Premier Borden made n the City of Glasgow and IM/ing statement that the date for his country, was selected to fill > . the opening of Parliament would the vacancy. not be announced until next On Alderman Montgomery’s}week, The general expectation is suggestion to advertise for ap-|that the opening ceremonies will plicants for the superintendency|take place on Thursday, November of the power plant a debate tith, although there is Still a pos- arose which waxed warm and in-|sibility that the date chosen will teresting and which before con-|be November 21st, The latter eluding involved the City solici-|date will not be decided upon, ior as to what salary should be|however, unless it is found to be paid the new superintendent, It absolutely impossible to have was finally agreed that $200 «| things in readiness for the earlier inserted in the advertisement. date. rhe Light and Power commit- Some double still exists as to lee reported that it would not|Whether or not the redistribution consider the cutting off of light|bDill will form @ part of the ses- frag good customers who owed a] sional programme, As there will trifle of 5 cents and referred the|be much to do without it, there is list of subseribers in arrears back]! possibility of a general elec- to the Couneil, saying that some]tion taking place next summer, of those eharged with being in|[f the government's naval policy arrears had already paid, is not brought down this session, rhe report led from the elee- it may be considered expedient to defer redistribution until the tric light department to the 1083.44 seasion. waterworks and the system in j vogue of eolleeting water rates BUILD “MILL AT COMOX ‘ six months at a time instead of a Beicg- ee — ” Canadian Western Plant to Have thinking been Douglas had Alden Capacity of 100,000 Feet Daily. fderinan slight in some Comox, Oet. 15.—The Canadian tended on the assesor's office, IN-l Western Lumber Company is lignantly defended that depart-| .roeting a saw mill at Comox for ment handling small fir and hemlock Alderman Ke! Alderman logs, which cannot be easily towed Montgomery and the Mayor madelic praser Mills, near New West- nention of the fact that although] » in cep owing to their tiability nonthly statqaments of the water-115 pecome waterlogged. The new works book had been asked for plant will cost $100,000 and will ne had been fortheoming have a capacity of nearly 100,000 \iderman Morrissey Joined ID] toot daily he fight and graphically tle Col, A. D. MeRae, managing di- scribed how the eollector Would) onion of the « ompany, stated that be after a rate payer for bis SIX] Qoncepuetion of the mill is well mths’ dues in advance Ike Al nga» way It will go inte com. odhound Put householders mission early im the new year, Continued on Page 4 Best room in tows at Savoy, baeeersreeanssnesonenn-vemensanes snes earns ur " re _ =