THE DAILY News NOT on AND PURCHAS I T : niatrict of Cosat, and ‘ see ee” agnace Massey, of rake 7 iuon logger, intend ‘ouver, B - purchase the . iy ' v pore wins beac! : planted at the folmeanenciOk Oe oe 4446, thence south | ing the shore line) a 700 feet from tonne Mar 66 the k 4 eet east of the south 1 COPKING doing some atly le : ) fees hence weet 860\ big league manau. ‘ i ne just celebrated mark or O, T. PB, right Wann’ ' ‘ ‘ n with his foot over a brass ‘ t “ach to point ast wive mall @ slo inne 20 88! Cleveland a wyrai! in front of a highly polished net r 7 mahogany slab 1ONACE MASSEY. pa x (9, 1049 Who wouldn't be an oO ympic | lhey do say that the once beau- re ’ t ; jehampion? hred Ke the Ppa_[|tiful character of Charles Albert District of jeifie Coast be wh thie | Bender is bent, and some of the apeena 14 Fiv » ir . ‘that | Milton Christian} !Urdle race in Stockh just; "ses now say that too much axe y cenpteres, io. | how the m t pop ir man in high fe recent days is re. & al 2 Commencing Southern California | ha ite SPONsible fe the bend in Bender follo™ yorthwest corner) drawhac howe af tly opposite in el is running east 20) lerprising how ' Hugh Duffy inay be part of the oft ‘ hains thence te thenes north go) eel hit nie tine White Sox board of str ilegy next si to place of i! P dent ¢ niske { ; taining 40 acres ; y had a gamnencet N George I. Hodge he Can S talk with Hugh on Saterday VN CHRISTIA ' , adian swimming . yao won * adhe ay | chief seout next ‘ the 400 and 1,506 ‘ eve mer at Stockh I mid estab hed cassiar Range | | ! os gaeents Land | ee wise, of] World's record 19 year o Mike Piernan, whose Akl ; gentieman, intend! aid pou h hat helped win two pen | fiewria y apply for permis inants and tw vorld » 1 ull ‘ ) j i i vi “ * series fo will : jowing described | | et a ! ctu vetiateban LETT ltt go w pur ta post planted i }New ¥ has for several vears et SA RAE SPEED aid : : miles south of In rane enthusias for box tried { ie aan” ae ° Ss oul . a Bay, twenty chain’! jing be ad t ‘ si rr en 0 iake a living out of al o,9 oan # hains east, thence — PeMe Tittle saloor across the street} wun : thence twenty; arimniy a8 a sport to be promoted | ¢ } wen!) mimacement ; ' ; rom the P Grounds He has aus © E. 5. WISE by the authorities bollowi g| ' cs nd rent | wiy ip ile a ‘rh Sint ” W ns Forrest, Agent l neland’s example ivrmy eham ' , nn ed - | pionshis , ne immer the window The} 1 ons sim a Classes will ¢ j yb. Aus ' | : , i fa I knew says poor old Mike, | held in Paris next January | ire a lead, and the new ones cena Land District—District of have forgottes , ust Range Four I Lemming, of Sweden, again st I, Fred Dawson, of) ) \ i ‘ | pation farmer, = in- | BOTs ue vorld's ‘ ad for The last game Paul Strand ermission to purchase) owing ‘ n | ‘ vs - AD = jthy wing th ive I an ip pitched he showed more goods i planted three miles) ternational competition in Sweden| th; Vex Gregg fore End Hill, Banks| », is ‘ ‘ : ee on eee i 4 chains, thence) Chaser aaris ecord with! he went the big league Th eee Or at of com|* throw of 62 metres 32 centi-| Boston Americans made a mis-| nla g 160 acres, more! metres wout Z » Tee take rm exercising their pic n FRED DAWSON | 1 Strand He goes to the Boston pated Aus 1912 George Gaidzick, the Chicago! Nationals next season along with ub. Aug i912 ’ lanes diver, who represented) Whaling, James, Thompson Hap America at Stockholm ast July Myers and Noyes Last Wednes Sheena strict—-District of 4 i | ‘ Ravee Fout and is now in England, is saididay Strand was almost up to tane eee ien nave to be at the head of a revolt of| stuff Jack Hiekevy had in 1902 aM "apt y f t Ss to} Olyimipte sWitnimners who com-| whase the ful 1 describe aids : j : : — . .? st planted Sounetiics| Plain that they did not receive With Catcher Blue, Piteher ube oi : i¥ Ce proper care on the Finland going | Black and Fielder Redman in the : , : | thence north 40| Ve! Sweden Gialdzick is ex ne-up, the Ohi State League grid 40 chains west 40 Gums te pected to make a public state would be a hard outfit for a eolor pant mmencement; containing 480) ment when he returns to Ameriea.| blind pitcher to beat wits, more 5 ISABELLE SMITH ELLIS fit hagees i, 19s Champion Ad. Wolgast has Pitcher George Suggs believes j J , 1912 consented to meet Packy Mi that if MeGraw used Leon Ames . Fariand every place in the world|in the world’s series the husks en land District-—District of Coast, I Range 5 except Odessa, already but if] hurler with the roundhouse curve | | Caroline Johnson, of yecupation married| } wi notice kind of closely ould star wae described lands, | YOU will observe that Champion . { @ post planted at the} Ad. has never vet boxed “Packy Washington says Clar STUART & STEWART f Lot 3065, theace su/ nee § hains east, thence | and that's not a Grifith is too hot f a ba Accountants w southeast corner of Lot ylaver He considers need-_| t 40 chains slong Lot pr ! ' | 308 2nd Avenue Phone 280 2 chains elong Let Many a good ball player spoils|less to say that Cleveland is too} Auditors for the City of Prince Rupert | We, Wence 4 sins wes alon ‘ WH & jut of commencement, contele ja brilliant career by telling his|hot for a manager PRINCE RUPERT, 8.C. iy eres more or less. | LN - n ARULINE JOHNSON | W. J. Goodwin, Agent bid ' th I Alex. M. Manson, B. A. eet ary ~ | I V ‘ ‘ Os meet RANGERS WIN . : le . r | | seatilt 6 tae = ; " ngeles baseball club, broke out mat often. the tenes ik ilies WILLIAMS & MANSON is i io “g Ss las ~ ems Lunt Dristrict—District of Coast, {o Sacramento, and nearly al Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. alge come t 4 haries H. Ziegler, the players say they believe the Box 285 @ Leadon, Engia pation gentleman, wend apy permission to pur water they drank there is re | Sargeras Bleck Prines Rupert, G. ©. chase Ihe wing described lands | } ° lmmencing ai a post planted st the| eee sponsible for the epidemic yo 1 Aes thence port! One Hundred Soccer Enthusiasts ALFRED CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. v ’ Cli@ibs. se uce ¢ ‘ Sas- ia 30 ‘cha east 30 cheinn : Witn Game Rangers 3 of British Columbia of B.C., Ontario, Sa PO of commencement pal apply pe Wikg described ng at { Goose ve - half hence § we ly Meu Land District Sens Land Distaes hee Ld Te notice thay” iver, ib that ee tore kiver T less thence ay Qor thwester| iy + y wen Tiver bank t Mai Ding ) Marea ve ng 4 Pake, northwest corner, ar AUB. S4st, 49 4. A. PAKR, MD. Sepr, 44" 1949 Neng Mand District District of Coast, alge \ 4... /OhD Merritt, of Prince eieeia ‘ble, Intends tw ribed burchase the fol 4 2 ) “| planted on the pA yuinamas Kiver, about bains “a0 shack, thence uth 40 i east 40 chains, bos ‘is, thence west 40 “res my re ‘OHN Mey \ District of Cassiar ter Besner, of Prince acres more OLIER BESNER. 1 ange V hat Henry 4 upation permission described st planted 40 chains ' rer of Lot 1728, wo ment, containing 160 HENKY BURBANK, Date i Andrew kennedy, Agent a Sept. 10th, i949 Mab, Sep. 14 ,-“UbaHon Diacksmith, t pe smiseion to purchase : Cribed lands Mae ye iy “ . “38 €t & pos Wrtbwes, corber of | ws “ vt 1706 thence south “‘obg th bank of river lirection acres more ““ihencement, contain hallway right-of Marrs containing ninet HENAY ZIEGLER , Alexander Noble, Agent Med Aug. 10th, 1912 | & botel keeper, in JissioQ to purchase lauds bservatory Inlet,) south of Indian! south, thence 20 hains borth, thence | f commencement, | or 1e86. District of Coast, Burbank, of lumberman, to pur lands thence é¢ast 40 chains, thence horth 40 chains to ‘District of Coast, K\. Pake, of Prince in Planted at the to bank of Zimogo 30 chains commenc or less post of MUTT, Loeator Day u j *d September a i Wheld, Agent * 87, 1019 Mees Ma 4d Dis weirict—District of Coast ths Range ‘ oas Tike yoy Wigs, BOMee atk, Ma hat as Partingts Wy tos ba m, of mug Permission ; “rs, intends to ae “°ribed lange PUPChase the fol Mate — er al fine i? Wile al *t planted on an Muy 7 h of from indian re “, Chains “Tas River . t | r, thene a i follow ae bank thence we st Chains Piver } . Dont or MS, then 40k, thence Bes yt | MMeiemen, 6°. Chains to TH es *\ CODtaining 160 Yate, ‘ Pub, S*Ptemiay” ep gy? * ae M ’ AS PARTING TON Pallowne nd fleld Locator Age 019 went | Day \ ike | SPORT CLIPPINGS | 883 friends how good he While he Each the following presents: 200 Wristlet. are the favorite of those who desire a cool and fragrant smoke. Smoked All Over Great Britain 10c. per Packet. packet contains a coupon. These coupons are good for 30 Coupons. Nickel “Sheffield” pocket penknife. Three-bladed stag-handled “Sheffield” penknife. Gent’s Watch Chain. Box of three full-sized knives and forks, Small size nickel 60 “ 100 * 150 “ “Sheffield” ture. 200 “ keyless watch. “e Ladies’ Watch and manufac- Celtic 1 iji——Before a | 100,00 people here Sat. | (;:iasgow, thet crowd of urday the Glasgow Rangers | their old rivals the Celtie by 4 post planted on the | B0als lo one When the whistle blew for the| | kick-ofY, thousands were. stil outside the gates, several being injured in the crush. A cracking pace was set throughout the} game and was maintained thro ughout, the Rangers lasting bet ter. At the start of the second haif, Robertson, one of the Ran gers’ backs, was injured and lef! the field, the Rangers adopting a one-back game rhis dis coneerted the Celtic, but the Ran gers gave them no time to set tle, Jimmy Quinn scored the goal for the Celtic in the first half W. Hogg, A. Smith and W. Reid did the seoring for the winners PLAYER DEAD; OTHERS SICK Heitmullier, of Los Angeles Ball Team Dead, Other Players Are Taken Sick With Typhoid {6—Mana the Los An base Oct of Coast Los Angeles, Frank Dillon Pacifie Pitcher Finley, taken during gel League William To of the ill Ver were Keles ball er and club, Saturday Los removed elub, iy were trainet SeTIOUSILS the Angeles game, to their homes It was announced that all showed sy! pPlome of Piteher saline second hon and fevel Slagle f the ill Weeks, chet Smith who has ill with Isth, is reported in @ serious con his bere He Hiversicde Heitmull in typhoid Walter team has been with the for two and cat Hugh disease ber some time rheumatl relatives Lo in a“ sanitarium al Right Fielder William died of typhoid fever last week rhe epidemi dition, having summoned his bedside is this eily of typhoid, which jwon (he Glas#ow cup, be@ling| gtopy of Abduction of a Girl by and Manitoba Bars. WHITE SLAVERS AT VANCOUVER CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. Office— Albert Block, Second Avenue. P.O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPER’ JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING “Siavers” in Vancouver Arouses Indignation PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, BS@., A.R.A.M., LON. ENG | Vancouver, Oct, 16 The story } published — by the Vancouver| World of the methods employed by the white slavers in Vaneou- HAYNER BROS. ver is causing considerable ex- UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS citement and an investigation Funeral Directors may be instituted into the meth. 8rd Ave. near 6th St Phone No. 86 ds of the criminals with a view to stopping it. It was to circum- vent the “white slaver” that the commissioners appointed two la- dy detectives, but while = their } work has been valuable in this! E. L. FISHER connection with younger girls it Funeral Director and Embaimer has not been very effective aga-| CHARGES REASONABLE inst the professional “slaver 2nd St. cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 366 | OPEN DAY AND NIGHT | Victoria Scrappers. Victoria, et. 15. Next bk ri- ” _ es SS — day, October 18th, the J, B, A. A, Chief Sues Mayor. boxers and wrestlers will invade Lethbridge, Oct. 45 Joseph Vancouver They had the ad-|.. : ; Gillespie, ex-chief of — police, vaniage in the last tournament held here. The boys W. Davies|!8sued a writ against George} plans to send across’ to the Ter- hk. Hateh, mayor; Leslie Silliker, ‘ i . , minal City comprise some of the} Patrick Egan and the City of ¢| Lethbridge as joint defendants, and the J. B, A. A fellows Albert Gerrard, | lack Clements and Seott| #600 special damages for alleged best string o little bantam; claiming 850,000 damages }slanderous charges, malicious and Cropper, feathers: Seotty MekKay lichtweight boxer, and Alf, Hard | W°onsful in character, also for wie lightweight wrestler ive | puting misconduct and that he ‘ “ K ‘ those mentioned as the probable|W@s Bullty of eriminal offense Victoria representatives jwhen chief of police, Mr. Gil-| lesple appeared in person, no Edwards Admits He Its Liar. lawyer's hame being connected Calgary, Oet. 15.—"“Bob” Kd-| With the writ rhis is the eul- wards, the notorious publisher of)! nation of the reeent police in. ibusive paper called the “Kye|** stigation here whereon the ex- chief was charged with katchewan and A’- berta Bars. ees awe B price argument offered in favor of an article with no reputation, no backer, no guarantor. QQ 3M eu 7 ~) vouched for. The branded shoe, made by a maker with a reputation, is a safer shoe to buy than the one made in an unknown factory by an unknown maker. The underwear made by a firm whose name is as familiar to you as your own, is worth more to you than underwear nameless or labelled by a maker of whom you have never heard. Tea sealed in a packet bearing the IV eIIV oe eePVeweIIeeEI } e@ name of a reputable firm is to be pre- | ferred to tea of which the packer is not | (ed sufficiently proud to advertise its fe quality. | | fe | | | | your buying. as Canadian your advertising problems advertising agency or the Be Suspicious E suspicious of that of which nobody is proud. Be suspicious of the mere low- « Better buy the thing you know and can trust, than an article unbranded and un- © Ww That in which much money ‘has been invested to make or keep it* good is worth more than that on which:nothing or but little has been spent... | . 7 Peace of mind is worth something, © just as quality is. Buy peace of mind. When you buy anything'worth while * buying, buy that of which you know — from advertisements, or from other dependable acquaintance. Buy the article with the “money back” guar- antee—with the pledge of a known = 4 behind it. an ‘ Put your faith in the advertisements ap-*®. | pearing in good newspapers. article that cannot stand the spot-light of pub- licity. The commodity an advertiser backs with his own money is something worth |— , Beware of the ts available the News Openet has admitted in writing| vartous] , Association, Room 508 Lumsden that his attack on Mr, EB, P, Davis, | o!enses Bnquiry involves no obligation on your part — se write, ia- a Vancouver lawyer, was a mali a — | terested. falsehood and was pub Will Shoot Americans. hed to burt the lawyer for his kl Paso rex., Oct. 44, ‘an! iiiack on the Eye Opener several) Americans « perating trains in| yea 1gO Mexico after Oelober t5th will be! Hy shot down This ultimatum is rR Ps =" apy ~ True Signs, alleged to have been sent to of.|} Ue ie) fie Qayeyyeyc! Are they in love? ficials of the Mexiean North = — Bella hey must be she!) western Railroad by Mexican| ese him deseribe a ball) rebels his road is the only one S b ® © Hos wou ae de shi toe Soe“ MYDSCribe for The Dail seribe a vi Brooklyn Life joperate its trains } e e y am eg ae a