The Daily News _ - > = = arene = NEWS NOTESOF CH. ORME | exact | jj, THEGREAT WEST; “The News” Classified Ads. | e settee sil - Agent HH A cordage company from Eng The Pioneer Drugat | fotiieimees | Maltmns,couamel | tommy (ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== physicians prescrip- ‘ Pa attiefore J tione | men in North Battleford i _THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— TWO STORES 1} George Leek EASTMAN KODAKS | 82 PHONES 200 Lea. nee OOOrings TSS | — ~t i 13 618 Srd Ave. Prince Rupert ithe past fiscal week show a gain| or of nearly five mi n dollars ove r| Another round in the series of | Seeerererrooooooooooorooettocssess the corresponding week of last NAVAL PROBLEM ; For Rent solo games being played between} —— cone Drantestnenmntastiblinmamamiondy| the Prince Rupert and the Wan i iderers clubs for the Peck shield FOR SALE : 0 RENT i-roo house with bath,| The British Columbia Pele- T0 ME FIRST *: kitchen range 930 ; per a nth e44iwas brought off at the quarters ' . s umment Ave. Apply at that address | i? dhe § lub last evening. | “°t,d2) Bick 3% Sects “ phone Company s spending a ormer elu re 80 ssh, be _ _ ‘he resul as a most decisive|Lot 23, Block ¢ Se 6 | million dollars it the on - FOR RENT—Three-room fiat unfurnished, rh : ult wa , : lecisiv equity and G. T. | t months on new exchanges, wWare-| Borden Will Outline His Naval with water. Alder Block 220-018| win for the Prince Rupert Club | . . ouses ¢ : ori ire to McINTYRE HALL to lease for dances, etc ) 1 sints lwo more even C ee r all ra os ae Policy at the First Party Terms. Gray & “gon. Black 78. *e08tt - oe" . ol i. Ww ta ‘4 la be . SOUGLAS Nanaimo cable. | ings of ple | take place b of the Opening of the FURNISHED cabins for rent, 533 Eighth) gore the tournament is ove! onal” ‘Third Ave. P. 0. Box 606 ) House oo wernaen das tie dntetd dieatied (Opposite Post Office " ‘¢ T re pene the winners ¢ i Shield decider j Phe Calgary Unive ty Open d a FOR RENT—Furnished house Apply box . : Phone 56 Helgerson Block its initial year with appropriate 17 | 15, Daily News 933-263 | ‘ , . = ° Ollawa, Oct i len par- ceremonies rhe classes were ia : | TWO room apartments; necessary fur GROCERS & PROVISION DEALERS § \\\'i ianent opens the fist question Rta MAR cm : Trop. *>hone ac. 23 8 Pde which will be taken up after the} venaunen For Christmas.. ne Ou C oe , i : > ‘ g woods Tr » » ! ; }A ANISHED room for rent Phone Fi We handle the following goods. Try them, they wil | Red Deer will tender a ban-| address in reply to the speee a 154 ™ 233tr Have you thought of portraits as ; y » af sfactih > i ‘ : an 0 er " . solution to the gift problem? A | sche Etlerueten. - a samien ee : wher) from the throne is disposed of mst a zen of "your po rtraits Anished to } ' 0 the celebratec Jersey cow, > ra one f our new distifictive styles ) } will be the navy problem. Pre-| 1 make twelve a ( a ler j y l € ive ppropriate gifts, i “Del Monte” Canned Fruits Imported Neapolitan tosalind of Old Basing Phe | mier Borden w make al én! Wanted t cha Gan Of Ganee BE sere to be ap | Macaroni and Noodles Minister of Agriculture andj ~ ; : 7 : preciated | | or aeaneaan a ‘ prominent agriculturists of Al-|®0Uncemtnt outlining the policy — Bvery customer fesctves & beeuti Sanat wift’ remium ams an ro ar urs _ — oo . WANTED—Sales girl for dry goods store ful Photo Calendar free 7 h A VENL I me Bacon Van's Pure Californian berta will attend. The cow's|9! the government | Apply Will J. Hughes 244tf Give us & call todns | t 4 tra wonderful record follows: Age, | Anothe: Important measure’ vounc ants board and room, clos« . : 6252 oe anew eet haan . ere ' x ¥ . ; " ’ | duction f| which will be introduced as soon! in; his gece preferred. "Apel L ox The Peerless Studio SECTION S/ x x er s ears: eg = re etio ot} ; ail ‘ : : IP i ee a E , h k over 10.700 pounds; 558] as the House opens wi | be the} 16, Daily 7 43-24 = in ane a | lity Guaranteed : ae : ‘ is” Radiating “a \ | WANTED—Position for man and wife es r. 3rd Ave. an , | Prices Right Quality pounds of butter fat Bank Aet revisio1 Hon WwW. r. | cooks for mining or lumber camp. Ad-|$ - : iiaithelnide a in | White already has the bill pre-| dress Mrs. James Parrell, Prince Ru-| $2000 cash and the balance : d if t call - pared so there will be no delay| Pet 241-246 years at 6 per cent a ne your or: ers you canno and the banking committee w 1) W ANTED- Bright, intelligent you ing "> 2 i 4 be able ‘ start work . : asl Ps aed we oe nty ye a ‘of tim ' | ‘ we ¢ , oO t 0 0 as ( e eithe role r portion « ime | [ I soon as the House opens |} to pleasant and profitable line work * Little’ S NEWS Agency Sa | H . &C ENDS ITS FE The Bill to confirm the treaty ee nee ee eee — mue arrison ompan ;w ith the West Indies will be in- 3 ean Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers Brokers and Financial Agents aot | troduced as soon as Hon. Geo. I Lost and Found CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUIT? Second Ave. Prince Rupe: Fine Big Cock Grouse Kills Self Foster returns from FEngland, Against Window of Hotel | w here he is atending the ses anal | cs om 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club EEE : i | rhe eile C0 0 )— Sloop > oat, 2 “FROM HOME TO HOME." Central—Startled | sions of imperial trade and com-| Island apely Peo ate pigby Guests jmerce, which is expected to be | S ! FOR S: \LE LO 40 » labout December 1. It will be Cleveland, oo Sere fre —T Return to G HOTEL ELYSIUM As culsine, and it iwa'wel! uown|January 4. y silversides Bros. UNDER NEW MAN i Sid. Sykes, Manager fact that no.efforts are spared| The Highways Act’ will also AGEMENT Investors Notice . ‘ > Y to satisfy the most epieurean| likely be brought down shortly ROYAL - DAIRY Silver, copper and i The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. . 2 eee : : . » ane 18 at Kitselas Cc pp . tastes of the most fastidi yus| é after parliament re-asemble he up-to-date House Decora-| “ ’ PI a oa rr guest, but it is seldom indeed Some minor additions to the sao Gan Gn wn sete f Pri R oe oe, that eve Peter Black succeeds| Civil Serviee Act are likely to be tors o rince Rupert showings from 6 to ti 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. sat even Peter Blac Sickie ines Goi: Anak’ oh GIVE US A TRIAL in having the game delivered in| introduce is fa Just when Si W sa: Easy Terms Phone 8500. plain view of the diners in the|the bill with wider reforms will Phone 36 718 Sra Ave. eo ign riting.. heats manner in which it was done yes-|be introduced depends on when P H ‘ App! ‘ceili’ tiasinbtine. the report of Sir Louis Murray is LIQUOR ACT, 1910. aper-rianging DR. De A. CONDOR , 1] Section 41 While at breakfast the guests] ready He has been given full € KITSELAS, B. C. ‘ . t . sar ums power to make an tnvestigatiot Notice is hereby given that on the first Our Specialties | were startled to hear a thump) t lay of December next application will be against the window, and imag jand the government hopes 'O| made to the Superintendent of Provincial ae ee | 4 = have his report in time to intro | Pelice for renewal of the hotel license ww ,, e . ® ne that it was a rock from a ne% ry li I ' sell liquor by retail in the hotel known We always deliver the goods. aso ine n in by blast ran towards the door to| duce legislation before the close | as the Big Canyon Hotel, situate at Kit | ates in the Province of British Columbia. 2nd Street Phone 156 Green CoUG Ss examine the injury done to thejof the session, |" Dated this 10th day of October, 1912 — a | | td v8 For Sale building | -—— ——__—_—_——_- | J. W. PATERSON, Applicant | {_———_—_——$————————— — rs ‘ No rock was visible but on the tw h © pow & Se oO i D S » a sidewalk tay a beautiful dead Engine Wont OF Track. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Your Success- Meter : mag i aN ’ i . ne f 7 ldress box ' r blue grouse, With such foree had Completely blocking vehicular Notice—Rupert Mineral Claim, situate | ce mae R aa B. ¢ the bird driven itself againsi the ies te ; . | the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar Regard your B.N.A. Savings glass that the impact killed it traffic both to and from the G. T.| pistriet Where located Near Granby, I k f S458 . » ; 22 in the said ( Oo 1 adj g c Book asas > Where the grouse came from] P. wharf, the 45-ton construction iz. ee ane Cae es sees Bank Bo AS or of meter ALLETT Mathieu § Syrup could not be explained but it} emeine of Messrs. Foley, Welch eee Smelting and Power Company, which records plainly your SMITH & M y , uy > hang.|& Stewart ran off the tract just] Take notice that I, F. J. Coleman, Free , . . Saas THIRD AVE ef Tar and Cod Liver 08 ned- evidently mistaken the hang- by th a ne at Centr . ,| Miner's Certificate No. 52077B, intend, progress toward prosperity. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting a = ing flowers and numerous potted] "> © Crossing ¢ © © STPeCOCT! sixty days from the date hereof, to apply . , . ssterde afternoon as not| the Mining Recorder for a Certificate 5 Sheet Metal Work plants that decorate the win-| Yesterday afternoor It was not yf improvements, for the purpose of ob- There are hundreds of these Omee: tnt 49 Works only stops a cough but cures dows of the Central Hotel din- ry long before a gang of men] taining a Crown Grant of the above claim. Phone lT4. 2nd Ave, bet. 7th and sth 8 were put { | i with b And further take notice that action, - it. i: Io tonic and restorative . ing room for the forest ere pul to Work and WIT DIOCKS | under Section 85, must be commenced Bank of Britis to and jack screws had the big en-—] fore the issue of such Certificate of Im enable the " provement.s Prof 7 CELESRATES HIS BIRTHDAY | 4!" Pack inlo iis place on the)” baied this som day of July, «> 1 North America| PANAMA STUDIO permanently throw off a cold. : Fails. Quite @ crowd of inter-| jus pee os, 09. OO @13 ard Ave -|)@sted spectators gathered around} —— laine ia iain iin M : Above Burns Mea 35¢ for large bottle. { Chief Constable Celebrate Fifty-| ' se = cies” lea etiiaebhind success-meters inthe homes | Christmas te Coming re, 3 first Birthday—Born in Devon | *'' alone M peration RE VOTERS’ LIST. i. hit s Have your father’s, moth eryw whilst a string of teams were around you, § there one in »yhotographs enlare "1 - —Pioneer of B. C. | am instructed by the City Council t 1 : r in oils, et held up in idleness for a eoupl : - 5 4 , } ? If t we wil 7 —_—-—— blish the following notice with regard your home: not we wi ly Sittings ‘ ‘ pu : Make Early i 3. L. MATHIEU CO., Pup. SHERBROOKE. Siar baney retried of the day! houré or 60 to voting at the next municipal election ‘ , Countries any Bappy retur ' The persons who will be inserted on gladly provide one, 9 nad genial Billy" Veokors, the Work G os i whi rf. " ene a tee — This means popular chief of the city police — oe Soy . ony person, whe nes 2 deed of jane regis 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS ? tered in the Land Registry Office or an H BADERTS force. Fifty-one years ago to- ©. B. Smith Jr. and P. Boyles, peracmnans Deo Deremaes of land registered Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 . General Machinist day the present chief was born|a well known mining man from | peenese nore pes eee oanee : { Pe . ag > ' : men rom the Grane run or he £0 oom — ocksmitt! Chimney Swee nae Oo 2 % 7% | 2 ro in the famous Old World seaport Spokane, are in the city, regis-|ernment whose title is not registered in : Eless Sharpened, S's of Plymouth, South Devon, Eng- tered at the G. T. P. Inn They the Land Registry Office, and their right Ground, Et . ; : ° ’ *|to vote is doubtful Therefore, voters so Cc O oO L. a WY | 7 oO a = land, the town from whose his-| will remain here a few days be. | situated are advised if possible ‘to register Prince Rupert Branch, oe o, Ow ee ruPel sin : yg . rither as householder or license holder Manager. lorie Plymouth Hotel, Sir Fran-| fore proceeding on to the prop- : 2. Any ‘Dereon holding 2 trade license F. S. LONG, » SOx 877 ces Drake was first notified of thelerty of the American Smelting &|™4¥ vote, but before doing so he must, in| <= ; Sa ae : wes ; ce October, make 4 declaration showing his approach of the Spanish armada] Refining Co. at Granby Bay, Mr.|right t6 vote in Form 1. These forms 55 i ‘emarke t rele ‘ i : ean be obtained at the City Clerk's office. —THE in 1558, and Tear ked that there) Smith says that work on the PrO-! Phe declaration must be fled with the Geor eto Ww n pasease: was time to finish the game of} jected new wharf fill be proceeded| City Clerk within forty-eight hours after ‘Westholme Lumber it is made. jbowls he was playing and beat/ with at all possible speed, Con-|" 3 Any householder can vote. A house ‘ the Spaniards, too. Chief Vick-] tractor ‘ aenwe gbinns holder means a person who has resided in rn oo . ; , i tractor Hyatt being already on| Prince Rupert from the ist of January, —LIMITED ers has been thirty years in|the ground with a big pile driver |1912, and who occupies a dwelling, tene Canada, twenty-eight in British] to start in upon the work. a eget hee eet —— Columbia and seventeen in the lepctremniniiliiesiininuieains “ hotel or boarding house. He must also L ber >P nig a inate ‘ rn pay rates, taxes or assessments which are um d $ THE GUARANTEE OF THE FIRM 1S BEHIND Provincial police force, leaving it Che steamer Prince John ar-|not chargeable on land, and which rates, Lumber an ou Ing two years ago to join the service rived from the Islands last even taxes and assessments so paid amount wo and } IT—-THE GUARANTEE OF THE FIRM f th Cit .?P R "i 7 . ~ |} not less than $2.00. Water rates and dog | ; j J WHICH ALWAYS KEEPS ITS WORD “ my . ed a "ty coos a ee than twenty-four hours Ere Eu ae cis Ge ee ee Moul ings All Kinds of Building Supplies We offer to everyone th opportunity to me | Ssenle ners, WRO ® alll overdue owing to the rough 2.00, ana any person who, being a house- + purchase the watch which will best suit through the Atlin placer mining| weather of the last few dave wr & cove santa, Dae Sreeey pee their requirements, There is an honesty gold rush, is one of the most] She left as soon as possible upon |tton before he ean be placed on the vaters ie j Phone 1 mn the workmanship and materials used in y opular and highly respected| her delayed schedule run to Mas-|"*! A large stock of dry finish- Firet Avenue . the construction of the BIRKS watch move Hn who ever struck the North i : : . petee ae be 21 years of age and ing lumber on hand. Boat ments which guarantees their durability ry Set, ‘ ; lumber a specialty. Delivery as well as their accuracy a8 Umekeepers his kindheartedness and broad- i sa RE he ERNEST A, WOODS, | made at short notice. Write for our illustrated catalogue : . 8 @ aring hit » all Gres aemaing ane ma _ : : City Clerk wr i A Tn Te mindedne endearin 1im to a ireat bargains are now to be] 940-944-946-947-250 Oo sll amines watches, and from which you may select who have ever come in contact}had in furniture, carpets, crock. —_ ur prices are Ow as any. So ee Melee ree Smee be with him, his well known love forjery, lamps, stoves and ranges Call on us before ordering. : children and interest in every-]The Big Furniture Store at. Sec- | H ° & “'e thing that effects their well being|ond avenue is now slaughtering enry Birks Sons, Limited being proverbial, its entire stock before moving. OFFICE: en. y - 240tf i} 2d cottage “= JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS roomed cottag ae yolpeae aap mama = ee an : ‘Prince Rupert Lodge, LO.OF.| “Cor sth sana 2nd ave” [5 roomed house Va uver B.C On Friday afternoon at 4 Try a Daily News Want ad. o’eloek the first meeting of the No o FOR SAL Band of Love will be held at the - \6 ” citadel, A new and special pro LAND PURCHASE NOTICES Meets in the Helgerson Block Valhalla” of S.H. & E.F. Block Se Prid , : | | ats ock oer , a gramme will be commenced, in-|sieena Land District—District of Coast,| Every Tuesday Evening Gcanpmaman Society) e z 9 6 plo,' cluding some novel and interest. Range V All members of the order in the | Meets every how 4 and 4th Tuesday at 8) “« : 1, ing sash drills in addition to the], Tale Motice that 1, Peter Stacey, of city are requested to visit | p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. | 13 5 if Prince Rupert, occupation carpenter, in-| | a 2s ss popular Indian elub, dumb bell tend to apply ‘for permission to purchase| the lodge. | 16 3 ) . the following described lands ; 1. G A | and bar bell drills All children Commencing at @ post planted about A i ALLISON, N G, d . . 1 or e ews «: are welcome and parents who]# miles south from Graveyard Point tek W. G. BARRIE, See vertise In | é raph station and being on the south side ! | 7 interested in the physical]of the Skeena Kiver, thence south 80 chains, | ¢ ai being of their children are Spagee west 80 chins, thence north 80 SONS OF NORWAY chains, thence east 80 chains to post of ‘made to teach the cornet Dated August 24th, 1012 3 Avenut Pub. Sept. 28, 1912 are welcome 2nd reqguesied to send them along commencement, Containing 640 acres more) Meeis every Thursday at 7 6 R. Naden Co., Lt Arrangements are also being)” “™ ‘ , n | ' e ews # PETER STACEY at 319 Srd Ave All ce 2