THE DAILY NEWS ee oedeo eee — ———— —— - , THE DAILY NEWS NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST BY ISLAND NEWS WIFTEST THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UREST THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | anew eniaesiainlinemnceneton _ TWIN SCREW STEAMERS TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates | Misa Isabella Gray Shillinglaw,[have an important bearing upon The cannery at Naden Harbor “PRINCE”RUPERT”’ AND “PRINCE GEORGE” on application. ja domestic servant at Rose Cot-/the industrial prosperity of Car-],j ced down on the 2nd inst, The For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle : tage, Gor topwickshire, and|narvon ¢ ric announces z MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 6 a.m. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Daltty, Be | ve ; ae . rn + sen aie aa - sana ak tae tune. : run of cohoe salmon was not up Prince George Salle for Gtewart on Thursdays at 8 «. m i sister, bk a, f omestic se " « f e ~ yer . wii . “PRINCE " ance Sienna nee r war; oan Ay ee |e at Smailholm, at one time the} mine at Liyn Liydew, at the foot a en Weesiy service to Port Simpson, eas, Granby Bay and ¢ in advance ee ae ee ¥ dit ih: adios 7) home of Sir Walter Seott, Rox.|of Snowdon, Mr. Howard, who Rev. W. Hogan, the Anglican : Charlotte Islands ’ ~ Wueen , burehshire, have received intel-|bought the mine some years ago, |! 'sstonary at Masset, visited ceili teen . Se ees coe ae , ‘@ uw “ACen ' . ‘ P ‘ » . y ve 4 , ' ‘ HEAD OFFICE iligence that their uncle, Mr. An-|hopes to begin trans-shipping Prince Rupert recently and spent Saturdays; returning leaves Sealey 10 a, m | ap =. Weds Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. i drew Shillinglaw, has died in New/the ore to Bremen = shortly it} a short vacation at Hazelton, He Prince Rupert 5 p. m Zealand and left each of them alwill be conveyed to Carnarvon in] Was present at the reception of Grand Trunk Railway System BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES fortune, ‘the former £19,000 and | lorries and thenee trans-shipped His Excellency the Governor (The Double Track Route) New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City the latter £17,000. Their father! by vessels belonging to the North| General. Peters coneage and all points Bast, connecting with al! roads tron SeaTtie—Puget Sound News Co. was a farm servant near Duns.|/German-Lloyd Steamship Com Father MeDonald, formerly of Agency for all Atlantic Steamship Lines. for ali information apply to LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar | le died about a year ago. His) pany Powell River, intends to perma- A. E. MOMASTER, Jenoral Agent, Centre siroe: Square. brother, the benefactor, followed + nently reside on Masset Inlet, ees Susscripers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of |! ogeupation of a shepherd in| An amusing story of an ine! pevwy Yowue wet rre Speer won oe 4 non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. Scotland, emigrated to New Zea-|dent at a deaf and dumb wedding the Island, Naden Harbor.and the aE land about twenty-six years ago|at Cardiff is related by the South/east coast. He will construct a B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE ie EE ==<=land there made a fortune as a| Wales Daily News. The Rev. W.| number of chapels in the various |} === es Y EDITION. farmer, He was a bachelor and], Winks, a Baptist minister, of -| Places throughout the island and AIL RIDAY, OCT. I — ™ - — - . |lived to the age of 96 years ficiated by means of the finger} Will have a gasoline launch FAMOUS SAFETY | PRINCE RUPERT INN : language, and afterward a lady. The gasoline launch Edrie, of : The Cardiff licensing magis-|Who witnessed the ceremony, said Skidegate, was in Massel recent- PRINCESS asbdaleatal SPEED | “ate las sek passed resolutions|to the pastor: “Very nice, quiet ly on the way to Ketchikan, alae ane trate last week passed 1 lution / SE a e e e e reducing the hours’ of opening| wedding, sir, but did you notice Alaska. This is the first visit of LINE RVICE rl t and recommending restrictive}an impediment in the bride- the boat to Masset Inuiei, and the S ANNEX | 0 0 es an pings measures concerning clubs and|room’s speech? No,” was the|fact that it was the largest vessel Ss. S. Princess Sophia i the abolition of the grocers’ li-| surprised reply. Oh, yes, the}of the kind to enter he inlet was | , censes top of one of his forefingers was|commented on by the large num SOUTHBOUND ' ssing.” said the lady. ber of owners of smaller craft Ap | THE DISGRACEFUL SCENE tion, and if not, why not, in R ea glade Mary, one of the oldest of the Saturday, Oct. 19, 9 a.m. Owned i ted : reward to the “ , estrictions imposed owing to ee ae : : : J. @. MUNAB, General Agent ' ed and operated by the + ee ee good a ae My the report of a case of foot and The Carnarvon magistrate had earnee women on Cie inland, dled Grand Trunk Pacific Railway ox Yesterday the Police Com- obedic we Mr Pet hed a mouth disease at Smarmore|before them on Monday a work- at Naden Harbor on the 28th ult., the American and European plar nee, Mr. ‘ters ad no £ as rere » asse . » yo missioners exonerated — Officer answered his question and he Castle, County Louth, have been|ing butcher named Owen Brady, se oa tne . oo ~ ; , me eon ape furnished, vith . aha rea of " . rp, pCeMmetery, e Dane layer un > c . ' Cargill of all blame in connec- asked for an answer. removed, as the case has been|on a charge of leaving his wife ote, ard tr +e Ad: steam heat, electric light, and < certified by the Dublin Gastle/and five children chargeable to eral dirges an I red Adams modern conveniences, being abso tion with his alleged: disobedi- Mayor Newton, without giv-| y,jepinars ‘department wot to belthe union. Five weeks ago the officiated at the chureh and lutely first-class in every respect ence, and as a consequence oon aeeormas Morrissey Aaj ine of that disease. house inhabited by the defendant graveside, in the absence of Rev. The appointments and ser some are blaming Alderman ; lance to gel an answer, ruled ak was pulled down with some others W. Hogan. are equal to any hotel or y Morrissey for the disgraceful im out of order, and the Al- For his bravery in saving the and the family had to seek the ee ne ee aes a coast. scene of the police being called derman appealed to the Council captain and a coast guardsman| Protection of the workhouse. The into the council chamber last lena 4 te frase Mager when the Norwegian barque Sa- defendant pleaded that he had by the ' Monday evening. w a ’ ae ee! a perfect right luto was wrecked on the Cornish been unable to find another house Rat While Alderman Morrissey] '° ai ald eet ae Was! coast last December, Mr. Thomas|!™ the town. He was ordered to ° 7 es: $1 to $3.50 per day was the person who first a3 a ; gece ° ae C. Rowe, second mate of the scntrinate foward ie mainte. n brought the matter up, which me Saal ‘a Sas for the steamer Tregorno, was presented|mance of his family and also was not rightfully business of con onan 1 @. ue | Ore at Cardiff with a silver cup|hasten to provide them with a is the Aldermanic Board, he was sia Secs verte ea awarded him by the King of Nor-| home. London, Oet, 15--According | 3____ SOLID TRAINS ———3 G. A. Sweet, Manager. not responsible for more and Had Mayor Newton been bet- way. cull to the official year book of the daily from Vancouver eould not very well help him- ter voiced in the duties of a anenemesonen TheWelsh insurance commis-|Methodist Church just issued, or Seattle olf after ne a yom mayor and less afraid of his} The mystery of two Swansea|sioners haye, subject to the suc-|there are 55,067 Methodist '™in-| Low round trip rates to, all points in aaa ie , wr oni ‘ aned “scalp,” the discussion would|houses which have been vacant|cessful candidates passing thelisters throughout the world,| Canada and the United States. Call oo +o me ese ore - eee never have arisen, and then | nearly twenty years is buried with} medical examination, appointed| 104,368 lay preachers, over 9,- and let us tell you all about it :| nae oer xn gl 0 aa ef when it did get to the length|John Cornelius Payne, aged 85, two inspectors of salaries at £350/000,000 church members and . when he first arose instead 0 ' » displaye - .|bachelor, of Manse! street, Swan-|to £500 a year—one for North| probationers, 7,895,000 scholars P imitt the si ad it did, he displayed very poor ’ ' , I ’ ogers eams p admi + ~ xe = > judgment in calling in the po-| Sea, who died recently. He>was|Wales and the other for South/in the Sunday sehools, and over gg . ae ne . ae lice. the son of a former Bristol dis-]Wales. They are Mr, Owen|100,000 churches and preaching Agency » fy Bo eT. eee A very pretty story this will|tiller. Both properties occupied Evans, of London, for North) plaees. | Cor. Fraser and 6th. Choice Wines and Cig : . make to those who have been|Commanding positions, The de-| Wales and Mr. Trevor Williams, sennitipenguniitaatgpeatitites PHONE 116 |RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFOR! After the discussion had studying Prinee Rupert with a ceased resolutely refused to let}of Marlborough Road, Cardiff, Barrieau-Scaler Mill a Draw.. waxed warm, Alderman Mor- view to investment. or sell the houses. for South Wales. Mr. Williams Bémonton, Alta.,. Oct. 46.—Be.), ee" - i. ; s rissey put a direct question to iclitdanenen is now in charge of the juvenile|fore more than a thousand fight | tm Bayer, = on Soe . THE THIRTY MILLIONS While out rabbiting with the|Work under the board of trade|fans in Thistle Rink, Ernie Bar- UNION $s. COMPANY OF B.C. Ltd THE IRO UOl to City Solicitor Peters, who WON TA . head keeper on Slyro Court es- labor exchanges, and has had|rieau, of Vancouver, and Kid | 7 explained that a man was not PPEAL TO 6. C. tate, near Hay, Albert Appleyard, considerable practical, educa-|Secaler, of Kdmonton, fought es q POOL guilty until he was proven so, The press despatch from Ot-|an underkeeper, had an accident| onal and administrative ex-| fifteen rounds to a draw decision The new steel Passenger Steamers | and went into details of this fawa announcing that Borden|of an extraordinary character.| Perience under the Glamorgan/given by Referee Woody, of Se “ ° 99 English and American Billiards particular crime and the evi- will contribute thirty millions| The head keeper aimed at a rab-]County Couneil. attle, which proved generally | Twelve Tables BCOND AV dence against the man in ques- to the Imperial government is|pit and fired, killing the animal. oamminae popular, though some thought e 0 In tion. probably a correct suggestion|The bullet passed through the} A Hull man named George|Barrieau should have had the —AND— — , Alderman Morrissey did not of his much secreted naval pol-) animal's body, struck a stone and] Hardy, who gave evidence in a better of the bout. The Van- ask en about the com- icy. as to say that such|pjeocheted into Applyard’s left}case at Doncaster on Monday,|°OUYe? boy pul up a rs ex és 99 PS mitting of the crime, and en- a policy will not meet with the] apm An operation was neces-|was asked if he had anythin hibition of boxing, and his foot- Sun | ° ) é ° ! é as 8- 8S aske » he any g to } deavored to tell the Board that approval of the people of Brit-| sary for the removal of the bul-| drink. He replied: “roam a|werk in the laider part of the | Empress Bowling Alleys a a ested — whether ish Columbia—no, nol even) jet, teetotaler. TIT have only had three fight wae Se beat ee > Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver AND POOL ROOM “ the Board had taken any ac- Sir Richard himself. ‘aii glasses of lemon dash.” ve ape app meee rom es Seltews: © name a a... TABLE — - es - — — The institute which has been le =. spectavors. scarcer ‘was . oly So * ee presented by Mr. Howard J. Wil- Mr. TR ol er j warned a number of times by the *Chelobsin” - Wednesdays at 10 p.m. H. E. ROSS ah : ard Ave : Mr. Thomas Chamberlain Jar- _= ’ , Ye . pT referee for fouling by hitting in ” liams, of Camden Town, Lon- vis, assistant town clerk of Ham-|ine elinehes, but ane f “ Camosun . Saturdays at 10 p.m. SS don, to his native vilage of Corris Aub tt ‘wot : ffice the clinches, DUt none OF His of. e e Merionethshire) has been open- ee ian Sar arenes os fenses were serious. Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening} _ er ser Aco ‘hl é i ‘ urnis in S or en ed. The new building has cost} j, tiaras ots tae aie’ ‘ot ener oer and Monday morning, respectively upward of £3,000 and the donor ' J ae woe Understood Cooking. has endowed it with the income wary One vere. Mrs .Exe——Is Mrs. Youngbride| None safer on the coast than these two C O A L : = sata ai aaia . a i housekeeper?” fine passenger steamers An especial effort on our part this fall enabled us to gather from two house as well as a gift ae goat ousekeeper } for yo tl: lendid showi f tt of £100 . The building contains While on a voyage to Teeland Mrs. Wye Well, when [| 2=a-—————— —- OF JOUP EPHPEVS) & Splendid sRowing OF tne a library, billiard room, eommit-|the Hall trawler Myton has been dropped in on her she was trying New Wellington Coal. Best o» | N t d B i H. be d h tee room, reading room and care-|totally wrecked at Munk Rock, |to make bread in a chafing dish. J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 Coast | iVewes an f est in aberdasnery for taker’s quarters. Faroe Islands, Captain Neilson|—Boston Transcript. Phone 116 Rogers & Blac ! ee Te re ee Sa cal and his erew of thirteen were | Men of Discerning Tastes At Doigelley afr. Owen Roberts,|84V LINDSAY'S CARTAGE. ane : SESE auctioneer, sold an upland hold- eee we . STORAGE | , y sve acre . The Woodeoek Hayes farm td PRINCE RUPERT FEED A Visit Will Repay You. Come and See the New Things. ing of seventy.two seres, which 7 Lester W David Co L ‘ . " ° includes a church built at the in-]House, near ‘Piverton, Devon, : 7 7 G. T. P. Transfer Agents Sloan 5 Co ny l td stance of the previous owner, Mr. meee Ise pouty ” years - Getic cniemntnin. tniein “ Dealers in mpa > ° Morgan Williams, a theological} W@5 Gestroyed by tre recently OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Cen Phone ’ “the store of better things.” student; but when it was prac-|through a spark igniting the ee * HAY, GRAIN FEED AN * tically completed, including the thatehed roof. iin sal acta al SEEDS belfry, Mr. Williams died and the aed ee a Ras ta scheme was not carried out. For} John Weston, a Shelton potter, | pirst Ave. and McBride St. Box 865 L. A. Barbeau cam “years the edifice, which had been| was, at Hanley reeently, fined 10s Cartage, Coal and Storage sock F intended for divine worship, has|and costs for smoking in his aa e : Agents fo the International Stoc , Relia. . e been used as a barn, workshop—-a_ breach of — the PHONE 25 lable Meenenger Service ea e y ews _— special home oflice rule to pre- . A development calculated to vent lead poisoning. Prince Rupert, B.C, Phone 68 736 3rd Ave.) yaw onpeRs PROMPTLY ATTENDEY —_— — —— —— - — - Scoop Returns the Boss’ Serve ™™ —Drawn for The Daily News by “Ho? TENNIS MN BOY ve A GREAT GAME - TLL SHOW NOU THE. RUDIMENTS OF \r Tobey! a LETS NoT CALL IT FORTY LOVE, Boss! ip ‘| @) 1412 im TL sind Ca