unacet CIRCULATION NEXT MAILS 7. *Y AND NORTHERN For South Tiny, <4 COLUMBIA Prince George......,Priday, 9 a.m. “ry, ; ~. —————_— + ———— t Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist yoL. Ill, NO. 251 Prince Rupert, B.C., THuRsDAY, OcTopeR 24, 1912. OCCUPY AN IMPORTANT TURKISH ISLAND TRIAL ORDER OF PICKLED SALMON IS SENT FROM PRINCE RUPERT TO OLD COUNTRY (REEKS GAIN IMPORTANT POINT VERA CRUZIS B.C. FRUITIS HAULTAINTO EXCELLENT COAL ON GRAHAM FROM TURKS AND OCCUPY ISLAND TAKENEASILY GIVEN HONORS GET JUDGESHIP, =©=—ISLAND STATES GEOLOGIST AFTER BLOCKADING PORT AND OPERATING AGAINST TURKS Gen. Diaz Captured by Federal At the Dry uimine Congress at(Leader of Saskatchewan Opposi- PROMINENT MINING MEN FROM WASHINGTON, D. C. ARE DE- FOR SEVERAL DAYS GRECIAN NAVAL FORCE COM- Forces When City Falls Into Lethbridge British Columbia | tion to Be Appointed to Chief LIGHTED WITH PROSPECTS OF COAL ON GRAHAM ISLAND PLETELY OCCUPIES ISLAND OF LEMNOS Their Hands Yesterday. Fruit Wins First Prize. ! Justice of Province. —WILL DEVELOP PROPERTIES THERE IN SPRING. : Daily News leeting of the 7 = eos Special to Daily News Special to Daily News Special to Daily News. | Messrs. M. M. Page, ©. P. Pagelable to see upon this short visit, rhe oceupa a | itehed with Movin ¢ Oct. 92 Pee ens Lethbridge, Or -3.—British) Ottawa, Oet. 23.—It is rumored ,©. P. Mutter and M. R Marshal!| and says that coal of a first class | hi : qa ofjintere ny ' { here ad of Veen Cee he Fed. | Celumbia won the first prize for ial n good authority that F,|arrived in the city yesterday af. | Tualits and suitable for coking 4 bo i Be i I d the pest display of boxed fruit ce sa ae : : * | purposes undoubtedly exists in iviede we ihn am ti . erals has been confirmed b 4 the Dey Barming Congress,| ©: @--Haultain, leader of the op lernoon on the Prinee John from | large quantities, but as to the ewe es and P lent Ma w in progress at Lethbridge.| Position in the Saskatchewan As- the Queen Charlotte — Islands,/ actual extent later examination f is¢ ha elegrapl i he | The ophy is a bea f silver}sembly, will be appointed to the vhere they have been looking | will have to prove. f the fe r furthe pera by the] gov rs of ihe: state he}@up valued at $400. In compe-| position of chief justice of Sas. /Ye 4 big coal proposition in The party, which is leaving the allied | i effect that the loya = have|tition with the west: province's | itatceabi liaillliiiet «Neb whieh they are interested, Onj}tomorrow on the Prinee George, i und while \ \ ‘ ‘ success defeating the | fruit was excellent displays from| account of the lateness of the} will go straight through to Wash int be said wide he A dro ebe ind cay » their leader.| Ontario and Oreg as well as| 2°" completed for the appoint-|season it was found impossible | ington, and expect to return pa who had charge of th perations |General D \\ wan: din he places! ft ieposs the | tment and all that is necessary is|to make the thorough examina-|early next summer to go _ into ‘ iilors and/a ! ipila I i ‘ he f y 8 f le and the Canadian side,| for the order in council sanction-|tion of their extensive holdings|the matter of developing their the fleet |K ediat a tidim@el ihe succesd of the Federal fosées jing the appointment Phis wi'l|that they would have desired. Mr| property, which is crown grant- sland and he oecupatio f tl ind rhe capture General Diaz Another of the popular socialjbe done in the course of a few|/Campbell, who is a geologist of{ed, and which they have every , | irrendet King Georg fa wh he nephew of the former dicta venings will be held at the] days rhe appointment will] e from Washington, D.C., and}intention of going’ ahead with as il strength of | cater his fe ‘ or ' ' shes all hope of the old| Gath Halll tonight. to whiech|Mecessitate the choosing of aja man of long experience, is very/a commercial enterprise at the snd the firs ee he : ¢ tha a ees dvnusiy press » hid ' he!all are cordia}ly invited jnew lead of the Conservative|well satisfied with all he was pene st possible opportunity. governme f he present at ; position in the Saskatchewan | smnebemeniitie east | Loyal Order of Moose. I egisiature INDONDERRY MAN SAYS IRISH Seer a sss DELIGHTFUL DANCE IN HONOR The Ca ers’ I hele ik f P. Ha mn Thursday even fom MeCloskie, wh has been ess . gw « ‘ ng, the 24th inst it & o’eloek.| over at Granby Bay most of the NEARLY ALL WANT HOME RULE 0 o:0).0'02005° Sosruiseamese sy mine Ptah aaet) OF FORMER PRINCE RUPERTITE th “ ire ss is of importanes 950-251, building of that company’s wharf, | ‘ f = and the J. D. MEIKLE, Secretary. | if whieh R. A. MeMordie had the | . br WERVIEW GIVEN TO VANCOUVER PAPERS BY LONDONDERRY ‘riends, and &@ —,s ; eee} : ie : a ae : ee ee "S| FRIENDS OF MR. K. P. PITCAIRN CELEBRATE HIS VISIT BY A MAN SAYS THAT EIGHT PER CENT. OF IRISH jtime was spent Gest mest iS town OF Tevez.) yomerm™ * | DANCE LAST EVENING IN THE CATHOLIC HALL, AT WANT HOME RULE BILL PASSED. : : J WHICH MANY ENJOYED THEMSELVES. j ) That the|t his ‘ ‘ lle ce p | \ very pleasant little dance was|praise were heard on all sides : i & tre. | clare hat a ~ ‘ f | wis ‘n last evening in the Gath.|from the delighted dancers, : } I lol » honor of Mr.-K. p,|Paneing was earried on until well ee i ‘ h lic Ha , ‘ ’ iA al — Fi ongeeeng roewenl Pitcairn, late of the local staff ot ad micnee 1a ' he bala { posit | Amongst those present were: ‘ . the Bank of Commerce, who is| . f such |) } i . hy nee row stationed at Kamloops, and Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Christie, Mr. whose holding e alte is spending his vacation in Prinee}and Mrs. Cambie, Mr. and Mrs, un | iFirst Shipment of Pickled 1 Salmon From British Columbia to Enge|fuvert. The affair was gotten up| Clements, Mr. sed: Mere. Brose by the members of the staff of the | hurst, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wil- . th ine Gne Gove Trip to Bases. al land i 1s Being Made by B. e Fisheries---Great Trade bank and several old time friends |liams, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Dunn, Word has st bes ece of his of the old pioneer days.|Mesdames J, F. Ritehie, Hubert oe eee This Li vad " ‘ L the ‘ } , iteal as i xs - ard, J. U h » be « xploitations of | fr Va ' ! i May Develop i 1D 18 ine Mr. Pitcairn was amongst the| Ward, J. ¢ hisholm, Misses Dunn, Inglis « which have| fices of the G. T. P. Ry. Ge hat] first litthe band who settled on|Dudsie Dunn, Thompson, Martin, r 5 detriment ‘ ‘ \ by vce | The Prince Joh vhich arrivedjmade by the B, C. Fisheries ( efuse by the modern ethods | the island, being a member of] Milligan, Fraser, Balfour, Brown, \ years. is the| Mass by e P e Jol f } p esterday aft . from one f the canneries nea w in use that allows of abso- ithe original staff of the Bank of|Enoeh and Curtin, Messrs. K. P. s WF. Pa \"ednesda afte which the reg-],, . . | Skidegate. ilely no waste whatsoeve the }Gommerce when they opened up| Piteairn, V. F. G, Gamble, W. A, ove pile sianads besides the ge ‘ : . Pe | : s i who was|Ular winter bi-monthly schedule , | ‘The barrels that are being sent| handling of the fishing industry. |pere, Pettigrew, 8. O. Erick, i O. ne \ ts ’ ed “ stile ¢ ‘ ; ni - ; P ’ the Hot ‘ g his extra | Passenes es , ) his experimental cConsti* :.- NL At the dance last evening there| Crewe, Doyle, Wallace, H. 8. Wal- g ‘ ‘ ‘ p has be \ wed { i hy ible a it of freien \inongs pred whe filled, weigh about It is expected that the oad-|were about twenty couples pres-|lace, A. W. Agnew, Saeuk J. M, | sduat fl sp i | . h i was a il shipment}170 pounds and contain on an) ine of the water pipes fro the jent and a most enjoyable time|Claney, Harris, Titus, Harrison, . ” . : : : id h f Masset jof 220 barrels of pickled sa mon, laverage fish of the humpback | | row? f Galacia will b m_ {Was spent. The musie furnished|Pouler, H. G. Wilson, Basil i - ‘ 0 o ale g me 2 . i mad iwhich a eing shipped direet to} variety It w be of interest ' eu ls the Westholme orchestra was| Durant, Fitzmaurice, Pogson, W. las made a | : leted this eve g » weather ; > , iv of cond Warm. clean rooms at Savoy iI Pong ha he short 1 wae hf eturns and the| pleted \als eveging * le weather) cxcellent and loud comments of|B. Baer, Harris, Travers Lucas. p ai Pm as th sh} { sisale f df 8. ¢. salmon put] keeps fair, the work of vading | : hh ch a CESS f ek ao | p in this inner in the world’s/the five thousand eases of sa _— ae MSR iin: ‘ hs ‘ rhis is the} bigges irket mon that are being shipped to ISFIED | | tial ste} vha iv p we In addit this shipment,|the Old Country, the tirst ship | “ vilve ranch f the protitad +t thee Pr we john brought over} ment ever so far sent direct from | WITH SHOWING, FOR CANADIANS. — dustry of this northern} from th slands about 20 tons|Prince Rupert, is proceeding ” oP it of fish] apace coast The shipmer s le ay { fert er nade oul o fish | apace. a | seve : | — | : : 1d. Beaudette is Well Satisfied | Wm, Baker Recommends Sending Lions Defeat Beavers. SOLD LIQUOR TO INDIAN = lengineers on ©.P.R. Don't Like| Police Find Drunk in Possession With Coal Showi Out Little Tots Who Will In the Hub House League series een Oil Engines—One Hundred of Much Money and Deposit It CORES OP Magistrate Carss Sentences Man in B.C for Him at nk Graham Is! | Become Canadianized n the Lion d in Use in B.C. or ai je . wene " lant might Detween.) to Five Months for Giving : the Beavers, the former won two in Native. . om 1, ; MW. \ Beaudette. mining Lender On } William he ae Captain Or mi Revelstoke, Oct, 23 rhe re- The good offices of the city i { ing a wan apli akeinih - dim . -|police were probably responsible . he G. TL. P. Rail-| Baker dire ‘ Barnardo's Rorvik of the Lions had high rs lving liquor to an In- ulls obtained from oil burning|I , | ) » my \ I i the I il Trad uputh f tl h l made nae somotive mm the British Go-| for @ man who arrived yesterday este 0 o : ‘ ft ’ : j CKE } . ri I its ‘ ‘ . hoe o = ’ ee c h, . terday : 1} howe a np ag e. 184, and J. u 7 . i Arrangement ave Deen MAGE) dian of the name of William és , from the Doughty fisheries plant m ai week'’stGommission that he strong i gat . erage f oO ; : nieatic Theatre te fer | ; | t 8 y the Canadian ¥ ; ; e Ch Pe ; , 2 ut » chittren about lon aaer aver call at the Majestic Theatre to offer |Lewis, Alee Fufent was given the lumbia division of (he Canadian) a) sridegate finding himself $170 arlotte Ri red emir " ' Pen « ' . ; ' s an t ers ‘ ‘i : ot . . ‘ma , nds yy i ; , are dices dealin night the Link un in fevers Phursday a gold prize for | maximuin . sentenee by Magis. Pacific Railway are anything bull} petter off this morning than he 1 dette a si? vears o ize -s i ‘ iB ee DS ; ei s ne ou ! ' . “ i » | . . . pW | aes ~~ Canadians from child et for & mee, Say ehildren, The affair will be con-| — Carss in the police court|*#!isfactory and both engineers ]|otherwise might have been. i. iis profes.jg@row up Ca . — * Pr ieee the ‘league Fhe scores were @5/ ,. oq by the boys and girls |e ” re TI ner to pav{and firemen are declaring in It appears that the man in wminion, hay- [hood wenecs. on : follows themselves: and will be in the|*)'s Morning o ' vs le question, who had come over to : . f vears repre. bbetter conditions than South st nd ird ru la fine of $300 or go to jail for! favor of the coal burning type of : “ ' ns ! on form of a drawing Every ticket | the city to meet some friends the I) i government} Afriea or Australia, he said, and}e. 6, Lockhart.. 143 . " cae \ i bene upon} ve months. There apparently engine, while others are seeking ; th \ ‘ 7 S a5) ul use \ 1 wear ¢t co | : . as expec » ' a consicer ‘ould absorb all they could send i 7 nie 147 118 870) | r . : 4 , ! r will hold }wWwas not much option about the/to get transferred back to the whom he was expecting on al } 2 »« ya ly ‘ the surenhase al, “if i pearance on summer mak Phe light in which s e people] c, Jedin o43 eo -s 479 oe TT ; : hi at 9 o'clock | atter as far as the prisoner was|freight serviee in order that they boat “a vn Paar “ ran ; ; k 8 : ; 72) unt sday nig ‘ 90 s > ‘ince sorge ’ : 1 of thelregard Canada as an emigration] Fate ae 5. will take place | oneerned, and he will probably |may be placed in charge of a coal the Prines ’ 100PKe, oe oe ! ' ‘ 77 ‘ 21 en » drawing | lake ace ry e » . rary solac hog Ning distriet,} field is show by a kt atl " i iat i sa ral, = " ‘ E ee ang ih wast he sent down to New Westmin-|burning engine, It is claimed by | fain ome or a ace \ eay . > : the ole ro e Urest ce ’ | ‘ wi . _ a f, , y veeks ago,Mhe petty sess s at Wakefield, is i iat te aaa age ister to serve out his sentence the engineers that the unsatis.|™@king a tour of the city, paying re )| Watrit it 122 ita rawn is not in the house an-| nee , : la’ Selo a j|pretty regular visits to the sa- \ pee in order |}Yorkshire Pwo brothe TAPROOT) serea TL 153 174 ‘ ‘ . . j . factory showing made Dy 1 Ol \ ic. Bs I | \ oe . 4) bho Gin: Oe Capwe One 60 9°) { nd} burner ‘riginally designed to|!oons. Not being accustomed to , , ellihe aur ere Db ' ‘ ' ) 80— 47 ake | \ sons of ¢ gree an inners, ¢ i ‘ . : g ' 7 nat a | vein |S aes it one with a corresponding) All Masons of any a a a burn eoal, is due tothe fact that}sueh high life at Skidegate, il ‘ i ‘ nderstane ; ' ‘ _—, “ wing are . o}bu oal s 0 © Ge Bar . eaparese and tota 679 «6677452061 umber in the theatre will have}in geod stand , peal iy a esd » wij} | somewhat got the best of him ' ba he line of the} uncle would send them ou heen wil ronight a splendid|the second annual ball of simp he tubes and boiler lining uty rv aa te halls a Winnig to} Canada Work Yr 7 mf icn { Lod No. 58. A. F. & A. M,,] not stand the inereased heat, and he was found in a pretty help- Hbhiper ” “anadt . ae an odge o. { é i - Miners Resume Work. programme has been arranges oF Sere : g less condition by the authorities. ; xcelle i , be held in Melntyre Hall on the|There are now ovel 100 oil) pia 5 : \ , N Ver xeellent commu m i poy Rewud The High Cost of Living Cunmerians, : “is : pa yy emai hgD ‘ick to be had of J.] burners in use on the B, C, divi- Phis morning he was fined $5 ane . betTore go : . 9 ts o ye ae 0 e pu . : re going e 9g os nen, mostly Orientals, start will be shown Otst lrickel ‘ i ihe any de, |costs, his friends, the police, di. thought he Penticton, Oet, 23 \ wre tne Christiansen, secretary, or at the} sion and should the compat e- : ' “te , ranted: | , work Tere ie 254-256 cide to reeconvert them it will}fecting him to a well known : nm Se ene Ry gine | N mine, and fifty addit i rhe Prinee George left this | door 254-256 meen an amneneane af eve On banking institution and seeing ' en , wore | st , ver? ’ > wap at | “ net i io : ’ 2,- ; the ing over}in cucumbers th e By vent to work in No. 7 ! orning for Stewart on her la ' one Ahk tak ie that he opened an account there Vas unablefacre produced upward 1 500 men haye signed!run to that place this winter Phe | Bulbs. a : " ” : \ cursory ex. }oucumbers. oF market Bin , ment for two years and e service will be by the livacinths, tulips, nartissus jveas s estimates mecnmens thitten ’ f the east} eents each the grower would ha ‘ ee John. weekly het was | croecus, snowdrops, Chinese . | mo e { " vers and firemen have )Prines ~ ee — | rorothy Dans formerly lo- i \ tn i his time of}received 8250 an acre, oO B10 \ ; wy ingne » a smal passenger list, in | si icred lilies, See Stalker & W ells | Bulbs. | 7 — a a" a is naw ) el a Cosy eS , 5 : rT Tt) . se are s,| cates n 1ird avenue, is now ble that) for the erop re mipped tw It is nera eluding Mr. A. Beskine Smith, the} Phones 187 and 430 2oo ? Hyacinths, tuliy Bareraes +e . z reall bi : \ the} ths trial lots to Vaneous i nae he Red Clift M : roecus snowdrops, Chinese|oeeupying her new and wel ery ‘ oe ‘ OOP ve —" | , es i be e pon lent ttn ed Oli ining ' ; ee tad ont cuteunsmbata sold ni: Sh. conte O Ml the main “ by pap ae Ga THE WEATHER vered lilies. See Stalker & Wells.Jequipped quarters at 646 Fulton i | 1 the tar tin Van ve rh aie - - i. { Stewart, and Mr Phones 187 and 430 250.252] street, where she will be pleased A vis “ i) ake i ‘ og mei Bs rom Stews ‘ | 4 ap ° . . to see all her old customers, ’ and was| wholesale: didn’t retut : 4. Kh. Jamieson, the proprietor of The weather report at 5 o’elock : his osha b My | However.| grower enough to pay expe pal of the/the Northern Hotel at that pl ; morning read Baromet« \ card party will be held at the | Haine paeenae 5 ePeONe, 3 a | ’ a eht ; i » done ie ' Atisfledt | shipping ’ . Dienathinm. | arts has been @ patient in the maximum temperature, Catholi Hall toniaht alt 8:30 Allheuring ane acial massage ' ; tle » Admission 25 cents in the most up-to-date methods, een _ ' ‘ lav, en vroute/hospital here for the tast ten minimum temperature au Vereore ain | os o 254 “uh h and Pantorium Pioneer Gleaners j business trip,| days E weeipitation, 60 ineh, 254 Phone 424, 240- inade | Phone 4