* ' ThE » : THE DAILY NEWS , $+ r- -- meee — —EEEe NOTICE | LAND LI : SSS eee = = —— —— 22 —+- — ———we we 2 on PURCHASE Ms ‘ , ASK NOTH _— ada eail a ; LAND Pt RCH riety LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, a, Ae «ts Ht : : a Skeena Land Distriet—pietries . 3 e T Ss . ' . reret—— District of | Range \ ast ; ind Pistriet——Distriet of Coast . ! EM OF.... ri geeena * + pange Four Take not that Mict ue Hange IV Coast Tae ed Dawson, Of] Porcher Island mation fame of \ ihat William J, Mogridee / | ak i pation farmer, im} tends to apply f n" i i ~ | Bh vecupation broker, In | g hupe permission to purchase | following de und , ao for permission to purchase ond ah J ie ped — com | Commencing at a wnted ' Nine de ibed lands Et Ee FE re = ; wil anted three miles) west end of Gurd | t y me " ¢ alt & post planted the _? ” \ i . ‘ t two mile ‘ 4 post planted on th nig On “= ps \the. aitk a, ' her later 4. i about 2 miles distent in. & All loaded balls be barred / ‘ ’ ch ' Hee) the Kitkatlah Ine i , ; A recto o Olu reid w ' e north 40 ' mem: | thence 40 hain i t - niet “aa : il ‘ 0 feet coh of 8 aan yy the Montreal ind = Distriet ‘ A, to point Of COM-| named, thence al mes, Hot! ba ‘ eas j we ‘ : , OnE hore j ast ) ins, thenee north “ y asociat avs t ped as : y 160 acres, MOTE! Hoint ‘of anmnencer ve js t : . sin Leas a Bowling A winati \llews run PA, mencell acres more or le i I lee whae hore, thence southerly follow-]in connection. with = ar ee ee 3 + jess PRED DAWSON the lease required } evar a h re to point of commence at casted 4 , viz rock [= taining 90 acres more or less S160 Sarre. ro fe a ration pated 1014 MICHA MePAD WILLIAM J, MOOGKIDGE p, Aue Dated Sept. ard, 1919 SP ADDEN : ber sin, 191%. Pub, Sept, 14 1, 1912 Another big league nager ese 1s i ort : — of Skeena Land District—pistrict of Const i ' ind District —District of Coast has been fired off the lhis t : a1 j, Isabelle Smith Bi Take f - ange \V Range IV time it is Roge i iha of . i a 4 ouice mt George fh Nad 0 ik wi lb hichard J. Gra 0 ¢ ‘ y for 1 to apply for er . ; De ; ; oe ring d ne tour mail Wik Gescritted ts use the fol ee ae Geleien ene pe en ee vee ‘ ub . : ‘ anted fou niles 4 — . ‘ « described lands a ‘ 2? © uth of End aa'| four “distant a2 planted about i & at 4 post planted on the} will probably 4 Nis eal a geal 4 th 80 CHAINS, | Woore’s | ¢ - : : ' fro * sine ba nbout one-half ile Frank ¢ five | rl pank - thence north 40s oth satiee a es hains, thence ' ; & meolon Inbet, | While Frank Cha es ilreads e ” ; ‘ chains, ont shore ne, thence ains t i 1a thence east 60} quit, according to | i Webb - pails west 40 cha DO} ne ‘ . 8 ains 1 ‘ I ‘ iain thence ; : é; , ‘ net, containing 480 be as Se mmenceme ntaining 640| foreshore hence following the| Mut phy Who'll be j ext? A .. , 5 ‘ ‘ wo { it of commence io i sBELLE SMITH ELLIS | oor ao : NADEN | ‘ ‘ i cre more or less eS é vie Dated September 19tt ms, Agent Orittines 5 ode ae \ dumpry hocke ym ivi . . Wil id v ive Agent ub. AUS Pub, Sept. 28, 1012 ated euner Tihs % “3° ey reanized at Saska Val | . t. 29, 1912 eouver WES a candidat: Nowsy ° District of Coast, gees 1 - Keens Lend Districe—District of coset) Lalonde #f the “8” sign language ommencin urs ctoper a0 it |, Charles H, Ziegler, | CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT wenn y is included *9 { = gia pation gentleman, Notice —Buffa Mineral Claim situat | Take notice that Vernon F. G. Gamble, , i I : permission - pur-|in the Skeena Mining Division of ¢ aselas 1 Prince Rupert, B. C., oecupation broker . ‘ a pI a bed lands District Shere teantnd a. bsale hiends to apply for permission to pur al on q as » at & post planted at thé/in the said mining oe +t > Ae adjotniey hase the following described lands Montreal reports = give the osing a r ay, ovem er +f i t 20, thence forth) the property f the Granby Consolid ced Commencing at 4 post pianted at the) Wanderers credit fo gning up e s west 30 ‘chains, thence| Mining, Smelting and Power Company \ rner of L, 4419, thence north 40 ' # . east 30 chains to| Limited ) pany, chains, thence west 20 chains, thence| Krnie Johnson Mar er Patrick 5 ’ met mtaining ninety) Take notice that I, James Jj ‘ re suUTh 4 chains, thence east 20 chains wo ar i i > ‘ @ of ‘ iM} | Miner's Certificate 62 $788 i. : : + li int of mmencement, containing 80) ""°>> hat the fame ense star f HW) CHARLES HENRY, ZIEGLER | days from the date hereof, to apply’ to the|*°"** More OF less will winter on the coast and that’s siexander Noble, Agent | Mining Recorder fur ( 7 ‘ VERNON F G. GAMBLE e f | 4 Certificate of Im , ; ; . rood enough for us t Aue 1912 | provements, for the purpose of obtaining neon P. M, Mille’, Asgent. |e - : P 6 y12 | Grown Grants of the above claims ty 34 i 1912 | a . F And further take notice ‘ eu 1. Sep . s ‘ ‘ at Gale Ob men be ee L. Vancouvel wedBey experts now Off our entire stock, including Coats, Raincoats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, j istrict —District of Cassiar.| before the ssue of such ertifcate of |5*eena Land District—District o1 Coast,| 1, . . "6 . : , 4 Land District Dieeener, of Prince | Unprovements Range V elaim Dubbie Kerr and Gar! Ket Blouses, Belts, Neckwear, Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Infants an Le De | 1 . 4 ‘ ’ ; i : : ation botel keeper, in-| Dated this 30th day July, A. D. 1919 fake not that 1, Hubert 0. Crew dall Nothing to he fn . pupert, B. perrmission 10 purchase | JAMES J. LEE | pena potion, Gut. & cocupetion. preker,| F i avn Sea for \ Wear Kimonas, Padded Gowns, Brassieres, Hair Ornaments and everything he following a | By His Agent, F. J. Coleman. | intend to appiy for permission to ur-| 70 oS ave uF . , “ i bs fl g at a post planted on, the | Pub. Aug. 1%, 1012 hase the following described lands en -- excepting Embroidery Silk " aye Bay, onset” eaes| | Columencing at & post planted two and) = 4). / iliint a ' , e god about e-balf mut ar pin 30 he-half miles east from the mouth of| is ilian erieketers show = — i hes . so chains north, shence RTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. = A gg ne es cast 88) Victorians class erick luring e e ba soe ’ ct i ° heuce ie) é s < , 5 wes point of commencement, | — .. ayete Mineral Claims, situate| west $0 chains thenee south 80 r hains to| the next few days < ‘ more or less jin the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar| point of commenceme ‘ | Yr ( co y 4 ‘ ° LIER BESNER District Where located Near Granby in| @ 7 ; = t "7 ha a ae ee a e la alns 3 12 he said mining divisior 1 adjoini i , | Dated ® 404 . | pr wpe rty of the Grant Cor slidate 1 Min. | peted A i Z BEAT 0. CREW. | Coast hockey 1 - are ty 12 viz y b ec | pater l s 7 oo sod Smelting and Power Company, Lim } Pub sepe 14. = ing up ammunition and w be : cece = =< a ec sheena La strict pata of Coast,| M te. 8 ae _ I. James J. Lee, on Skeena Land District-—District of Coass,| "eads for action if wa s de : ' Hange ners ertificate 29 intend, » V land e ° a og RO Fp | petersd. Milline peng A Eger Switches iT “ ‘ pation lumberman,| to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of| ‘. N Same I, pee M Thompson, e caps, values up to a pers a permission to pur improvements, for the purpose f obtain ert, . : occupation vy ving described lends ing @ Crown Grant of the above claim | Scemeares ser, income 0. apply aa perma. Sport in Canada » d be a $20.00 hats reduced to. $14.00 $1.50, SPECIAL at Guaranteed best quality hu- F ains | m urthe i ice t etio sion | purchase ne following described) . ‘ . ; quencing at + post planied, 40, Chae! under Section #5, must be commenced pe: | #0ds:—— apie hele ao 18.50 h duced to. $12.50 ne eet pramrtbpsa enchant biog pe 1 . ’ Re i. thence east 40|fore the issue of such Certificate of Im Commencing af a post planted four 404) war on our hands If it’s not la. $18. ats reduc ; < eet had 4 ‘ chains, thence| provements jone-half miles east from the mouth of : : of : $14.00 hats reduced to $9.00 Broken assortment of ar rown shades. ‘ ho che e north 40 chains & Dated this 30th day of July, 4. D. 1919.) Quinamess River, thence north 80) Crosst s hockey and occasiot : ¥ , neckwear in the latest $15.00 special at $10.00 5 Gar ment, containing 16 JAMES J. LEE ic . thence east 8 chains, thence liv the A. A. U. of C. engages in $10.00 hats reduced to.. $7.00 . sp se eweee . j ‘ ; By His Agent, F. J. Coleman, | S0uth 80 chains, bene ee sae 600 1 ' styles, values up to $10.00 special at..... .. $7.60 eal ' HENRY BURBANK Pub. Aug. 12, 1042 wo commencement, copteinin 1 scrap t's great, believe us 7.50 h reduced ‘ 50 ‘ia een weeees. i? Le , ____ | Bere, more OF ane son te a ee - to cone $1.00, for 36c $9.00 special at..... .. $6.60 baled 5 ooey : w, Ag 00 hats reduced to.. $3. .00 special at....... $0.00 d pub. Sept. 14 | CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. | opuicg August ao ee And right on top of r wal 50 50 ° sabe sp jal at 7 : i alae tk oct ten ete nsuate| Pub. Sept. 14 vith Sammy L. Liehtenhein comes $3. hats reduced to $2. Special a spec at....... $4.00 — i District of Coast,|in th Mining Division of Cassiar he nnounceme from a Vie- $2.50 hats reduced to.. $1.50 . : — re V District e located Near Granby,|) Skeena Land District—District of Coast, , , ; : Black, brown, grey silk Special Petticoat Values the |. RK. Pake, of Prince|in the said mining division and adjoining} Range V { 1 scribe that Charlie Querrie $2.00 hats reduced to.. $1.00 A ceupation blacksmith, in-| the property of the Granby Consolidated} Take notice that 1, Napoleon Roy, of} ., shoal | Gs prize scrosee petticoats, regular In black moise and odd lines > permission t0 purchase} Mining, Smelting and Power Company,| Wallace, Idab yocupation mili man, in : ’ et.) , ed lands | Limited to apply Tor permission to purchase avers next seas Some folks Ladies’ Sweater Coats value $5.50, for. .$4 in colors that we wish to clear. ; st & post planted at thé Take notice that I, F. J bed lands : : Let 1706 thence south| Miner Certificate X z post planted about 1| Positive efuse forge la- | in Assorted Colors and Styles ik onesie , on must be seen to be ap- ss to bank of Zimogo- | #'*ty ays from the ate here ) mouth of the shames vel for fow au u range 0 prec ated. slong th bank of river|to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate) iver f a mile south from ‘ etm $8 long coat reduced to $5.55 estore tn @ 6 leek $4.00 ti t $3.00 ‘ r. 2 ‘ m 30 chains|of Improvements, for the purpose f ob he sout Skeena River, thence $4.25 buttoned on side 95.00 | me at....... epee ‘ don ank of commenc-j| ‘ining a Crown Grant ¢ f the above claim.|south 8 chains, thence east 8 chains, . : oi te ’ : . taffeta ribbon, never $3.50 line at $2.50 a coniaining 4 more or less And further take notice that action,| thence north 80 chains, thence west 8 rhe s er players who break] $3.50, buttoned in front.$2.50 : , eee ’ Market 1. A Pak rthwest corner nder Section § u ust be 9 commence a} tw post of commencement pain | {bys vord with clubs and jum oe ee sold before at such a $3.00 line at...........$2.26 ; efore U ssue f such ertificate o 1 ) acre re les ’ » ae oa Oe | provement.s re NAPOLEON ROY ntracts are driven out of spo A few children’s sweaters, reg- low price; regular Colored muslin blouses, values Pub. Sept. 16, 1912 | Dated this 30th day of July £, P., 1018 Dated August 26th, 1912 he better it « he for all con. ular $2.25, for.. . .$1.00 50c value for... 25c up to $3.75, for......$1.00 Pub. Sept. 28, 1912 Pub. Aug #2, 1012 ' erned A man who w sign al ee Dine District of Coast, | = Skeena Land District—-District of Coast,| contract or ent nto a_ verbal P| naa ant a ris . Range V iF Tit wie that Alla Sim, of Prince} OERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Take notice ee ® ‘ie Vunstich, of| agreement and then breaks it fot - huperi, 8 ntends t j : — * . Saiiaas the f Notice—Kalen Mineral Claim, situate in| Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation restaurant). gifference of a few dollars is , ands bu ‘Ol the Skeena Mauwig Division of Cassiar Dis-|man, intend to apply for permission to F ' r . ‘post planted at the rict Where located Near Or by, imi; hase the f wing described lands t wanted I ot 17 6, and marke he #8 mining division and adjoining Commencing at & post planted about 70 Ss n rner, thence north io | the property of the Granby Consolidated] chains distant and in @ southerly direction ” “90 chains more r| Mining, Smelting and Power Company,| from Graveyard Point t ‘ office and He Bet on the Irish. | mited in on the south side of the Skeena Zimogotia, River, thence | /™mit « e f lake tive that |, Sam McCague, admin iver, thence south 80 chains, thence west oy f tl finest of basebal ° P ) @ southerly direc . , , ‘ iT t ‘ a / . strator of the estat f James McCaguc,/ 5 bains, thence north 80 chains, thence y et ’ Le Big B® the north | Pree Mines’s Certificate No, 529079B, intend t 80 chains to post of commencement assics was the story of the old] ome r or e ons ‘wl if thence e + chains eo , 7 s . ae ; a sixty dys irom the date hereof, to apply| containing 640 acres more or less “ ‘ wy rt Renting $0 acres m a — ue | the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of MIKE VUKSTICH. |‘ hieago drishman, whe, having aif , 00 OF OP ose jimprovements, for the purpose of obtain Dated August 24th, 1912 llived sixty years on the West Deted August 31, 1942 ng a Crown Grant of the above claim rub. Sept. 28, 1912. | Sid uid oa tl “ea i . Pub. Sept 19 1649 And further take — thal sees | de, could see nothing good on r under Section 85, must be commenced be . . 4 : , j fe : the. ue of out h Certificate of Im-|Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, the South Side, and wanted to bet € fem La t—District of Coast, | Provements Range V jhis savings on the Cubs against i a. \ Dated this 30th day of July, A. D 1912 Take notice that Mrs. L. C. Putnam, of), . } the rs ‘ : Ta Martha Ann Kruts, of SAM Mm‘ ne r St. Paul, Minnesota, occupation married| the Sox Then, when the raucous “ . ‘ an : aon ' iy His Agent, F. J. Coleman woman, intends to apply for permission to} » shouted Batteree ) hi d A Hy ™ i . cen m spinste . ) ul re show attereez for i os ; aa ae Pot. Aug, $2, 1012 purchase the following described lands: | \' mp rd : I r ve. ve. hes owing oe bed lands , | Commencing at a post planted about 00 the West Side, Reulbach and 7 ‘ t lante t t hains west from the southwest corner 0 | os ‘ . ‘ s i ale ode a aes | WATER NOTICE surveyed tT. L 30945 on the Denk of| Kling; for the South Side, Walsh} ' a gazetted kath | Skeena River, thence south 80 point, and Sullivan, the old lad arose : then 8 © chains, thence nort 0 wh Ag i: t 5 hase for a License to Take and 4 ~~ pen e we - 4 ¢ wr — of "ainesn| shouting Walsh and Sullivan ' cok weak of = ta aeons ven that The Britis hain ’ f ; ul : ! 1, then ete co ‘ packers " Ass ath n.of Van River, thence in an easterly direction along thin thim’s the wans I want ae west to east | ~ i : “ apI for a license t bank of river 80 chains more or less to} 7 . therly follc take and use one hundred miner’s inches| post of mmencement, containing 640) {(o bet 01 And he gathered vi a st bank Hocsall River t the }of water it of Cun gham Lake The} acres more of —_ : purenall l increment f shekels for his old —IN THE— t 151, thence f le V be liverted at Cunninghan As ‘ , ) ‘ wy the ff | tor canning, 4 George I. Putnam, Agent. |age.—-New York World Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley ining 4 acres |mestic and ind ‘ irposes on the land Dated August 16th, 1912 | i jeseribed as the town of. Port Essington Pub. Sept. 17, 1912 Bulkley Valley Fort District ; HA ANN KRUTZ | This notice was posted 1 the ground } RT SAFE? 5 Ci oul / ; i m the 28th day of Septeml s018.. om Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| WAS ALBE 8 IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS ; lapplication will be Mied in the office vi Range V | ciligsseitiemmasie e : ; I Water Recorder at Prince Rupert gee ; Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on ' Sire | Objections may be fled with the said rake notice that L, Horace Koy, of Prince} Man Running Home Slides and ecaiiia j = “and District—District of Coast Water he rder or with the Comptroller] Rupert, B. C., occupation ge ntleman, in. | Loses Cork Leg—The Gay Range V f Water Rights, Parliament Buildings,| tend to apply for permission to purchase | that I, Peter Stacey, of | Victoria, B. ¢ he following described aie a eee Leg Reached the Plate err * , earne e° . )LUMBIA PACKERS Commencing at &@ pos laute ou ee era: | Mulnon mien aguimmest. tram Gravedand Rott : a saad aes nienattieinniae ‘ sins, then ean ati” Dd ee eeey a nT “7 th the said} S80 chains, thence west 80 Chains to post When the teams lined for play|Columbus, ©., Oet, 24; the sec- Sa ; ins ence } Objections ta " t y yo enceme con s40 res . i inmencement, contain- | Water Record: r with pir ene as 39 = ge - niaining 640 sree) | was found thal one team wasjond with Tommy Dugan, ten} tan r less of Wat Hights, Parliament f ngs, | more oF : } f . ° af | ater Hig HENRY SMITH s 7 fail ¢ » im 8 Jo I a, Oct t t JOHN MERWITT, Locator, | Vietoria, M. | nated Anguat eee SO jshy .a man. Billings, of the/rounds, at Johnstown, Pa. 0% owes rices in [Northern Bb. ©. t puied September a ue Agent G. K SAWLE Pub. Sept. 28, 1012 leork leg, volunteered, and the|30, and the third against Oliver pee aT, $018 Po eee. 89% District of Coast first thing he did was to knock]|Kirks, eight rounds at St. Louis, POA? i 5 ‘ district—District of Coast, — +o Meena Land pis: re , keene Land nag Vv la two bagg@er. He stole third| November 4 4 a KR plein ef Genet, LAND PURCHASE NOTICES i started home when one of —_— — as ' Tae dh : . Take notice thet 1, Mike Vidak, of / ill arte , ae lB ° Selkirk 7 * that Thomas Partington, of | _ Prince Rupert, b C.. of ee ee tel his team mates hit to shortstop I went to a ke eon eleetrie 7 - —— —_—— 7 iy ean cupat ‘ ae | ames atric istrict of | man, intenc oO app o oi wht ; we for permisg pa on lerk, intends to| Skeena Land Distr t- x t ‘ . ae the following described lands Phe shortstop tossed the ball tolfily tast nigh WINE deserined ia. purchase the fol- | Hage commencing at & post planted about 2 : : x Comunencing a Take notice that |, Albert Lopas, of), . south from Graveyard Point tele the catcher ten feet ahead of the Shocking. Mand Cire ail ‘* &@ post planted on an} Prince Rupert, B c., eccupation pros graph office and being on the south side runner, the cork leg flew off I don’t quite get the eonnes en 4 mouth of. y fr - Indian re-| pector, intend to apply permission t the Skeena Hiver, thence south 60 ; | the plat while. tt ste ai 40 chain: Julnhamas River, thence| purchase the following described | ns, thence east 80 chains, thence north} and crosses e plate while the}tion ie ee wrens follow ne yeas ence west ' Commencing at & post planted “chains, thence west 80 chains tO post) |...) dropped to the ground Aw, ring off! FROM HOME TO HOME. te 40 cha hones er, Dank, thence! chains south of Graveyard Point tel ynmencement, containing 640 acres . > ie Dost of a ~ ‘ ast 40 chains | office and being on the south side hh wv less MIKE VIDAR Phe catcher stepped out and dint — A *S More ie “Ment, Containing 160) skeeng River thence south 4 : 5 . } he * very tine THOMAS PAR thence east 40 chains, thence | pated August 24th, 1012 tagged the prone figure, but the 1 have Rere, SOME Vé ' Dateg .. G. Pallown ‘ig [ena Weenee Wess 20 cnaing to Potore| ub. Sept 88 iota umpire was Walehing closely |sketches Vd like te show you HOTEL EI YSIUM *E Septem ‘owneld, Agen name me ° 160 acres more db. s a mn nd, 1919 j= nmencement, containing land ruled that the foot at the end You'll have to exeuse me | H 5 Dated August 24th a" eT of the cork touehed the base.| have too much on my hands Sid. Sykes, Manager heer atec st 24th, ? a: ! \ sep iThe ¢« osing ‘le ' i ‘That's all right; Pim willing _ ae * au Disteies af Const bub pt. 28, 1012 FORESHORE LEASE. |The opposing team claimed that rha . The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver ’ Vane | Ber kvet Land Distriet— District Billings was out because thelto wail until you wash them Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. Ke meOuy : f j iu . of Skeena an : ‘ atric : ; i tiamble, f Range V na Land District-—District of Coast.) erpossed ihe plaje, . \ \ 4 spinster, in ® Sheena | . ‘ne @ nH to purchas Take notice that I, Thomas A. i ua G AR ; lewie, of ee eels | just saw your wile « 1142 Pender Street West a a Vancouver, B.C. ‘ ands Prince Hupert, B. weupation | is to apply for @ lease , :. | planted at ihe} peetor, intend to apply for permission mune ing at the north Captain H. B. Babington has|you neighbors auto Why a Phone 8500, ; ‘4 henee south 40 purchase the following deseribed land t 706, GouKe a6 a ‘ ange ‘ . roo ours”? ns more of ‘Commencing at & post planted on | ‘ inweaterly. direction | Completed his contract of moving} you take her out in you hy ' i Limit Ne ‘ south bank of the Skeena Hiver and al to the southwest corner) the nipes for the waterworks from Recause we've just made ~ le thenee weat 20/2 miles southeast of the mouth of Athi « all the foreshore in i ae a f +t ae int of eom-| River, thence south 80 chains, thence west hy Bay Townsite, a8 regis-\ the G, T. P. wharf to the landing| wills in favor of each other eres ) s ‘ o ‘ ins “ ‘ Hegistl ome » . ieee yy yh Re pee Roper. ene ** near Shawatlana Lake, The work | Swe ' Deieg PERYL 1. GAMBLE containing 640 acres more or leas n. 1 AWLE, Applicant was done in a wemarkably short ene Supeins 2S are 5 Fi I h N WwW | Pas 1 Miller, Agent THOMAS A. ROY er 15th, 191 of time in Winnipes is announeed ind t Throug a ews ant Ad ; "ODL, 14 : Dated August #6th, 1012 i9ie space Pub. Sept, 28, 1018