===)’ THE DAILY NEWS es * Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist re . : eile te : aay ye bi a ’ ss il, NO. 256 Prince Rupert, B.C., THURSDAY, OcTopeR 31, 1912. PRICE FIVE Cente = ern ARIANS VICTORIOUS AFTER TWO-DAY FIGHT —E————————— ” ss oa a i KING GEORGE WILL EXAMINE SCROLL GIVEN TO DUKE BY CITIZENS OF PRINCE RUPERT BILCARIANS CAPTURE. LULUBURGES “BULL MOOSE” THIRTY SETTLERS ARRIVE EN ROUTE AFTER TERRIBLE TWO-DAY FIGHT HEEREDLONG = MASSET WHERE THEY WILL BUILD Crowd at New York Cheered Forty —— Minutes When Roosevelt Bulgarians Force Turks to Evacuate Important Position and Appeared, Sewell City, on Masset Inlet, Will be Settled by Experienced Retreat---Many Killed and Wounded in Special. to Daily News Eastern Farmers---Thirty Men and Women Arrive New York, Oct 4 Madisor Deoperate Charges is a crores ---Land is Very Fertile ‘ign * riday, © a.m. Princess § urday, 9 a.m. Friday A. M — overflowing with a crowd anxious| Specia Daily News {jearding the battle rh has u Still on board the Prinee| begin farming on the fertile and] plies and effects upon the ground ce ster two Gaye as inet tne b ie he a Severa xceptiona etures » hear Roosevelt upon the ocea George, upon which boat they ar- rich lands of these well known! with little or no ditfieulty. he Bulgariat neement ade that (} wn | n it the Majestic last oh ncaa oe . bers "al ived yesterday from the South, | 's!ands This will be practically the plete vietors if Luleburgas has falter the ” , et caila-sey: e Milwaul ‘ His appearance w aa} ind anxiously await the delayed! Mr Sewell, of the Star Realty| first contingent of agricultural . rurkish forees | hand f the Bulga } I zg *the lue COUPOD | hepalded with a burs f cheer. |arrival of the Prinee John t ake | UO. Of Vaneouver, who gives his|settlers that has arrived upon wd of Nazim ‘ be presented with a Bold|ing which eontinued f fortvithem over to Masset, are thirty|[ame to the embryo city, is ae-| the islands with a fixed purpose Pas | f war Phe Sofia, Oct { Phi a . rhe ticket holder has to|minutes He spoke { wn hour lb ina fide. well-to-do new settlers,/Companying the party, the com-|in view and with the means and Turks great disorder he dead and iniele i ting??? © he house at tl tine ofjand twenty minates and was ap-|}who are enroute to Sewell ¢ ity, ) of which he is the head hav-| experience to carry the undertak- i Luleburgas fell et from the Bulgaria i y inthe dra g. or another coupon | parently uneffeeted by his wound.}on Graham Island, where they |!"8 engineered the proposition} ing successfully through. Alto- he vietoriot att? semniéiilin tines tie cane he selected Phese drawings | have purehased land and intend — have ween working for the| gether the prospect is most ro- vaders if £ atnienne ent it ie det | \ ake place every Thursday Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. | start in right away and pre neon two or three years upon the seate for the future of the Queen d the atten 7 evening Phone 4. loare homes for themselves and|*é¢ttlement scheme that now is]Charlotte Islands, and the dis- oe wi tood that they si have been | eaching conerete fruition, trict around Masset on Graham . centred on | °@Ormous \ithough the 1 ° There are twenty-five men and] Island particularly, They have i. he Bulgarian a ewer = |five women, who have been pre-|a bright and live little newspaper, \Srianople, eope. [mabe to withstand the awfu " SIR WILFRID LA URIER AND GRIT ‘ously engaged in farming’ inthe Massel Leader, a alipendary wn of Lute. | r'"= the Bulgarian a Manitoba and the Northern Middle| magistrate, good hotel and stores, irkish second ers The wn i an im Maing nls. oes i LEADERS HOLD A CONFERENCE "i soso. swies sss! ioe pomp things hu i t e withe Se af defers 1 the fall of thal | UT=* Prepared ° orew acre tracts, making them an|ming in that part of the province F ' ve Bulgarians charg nd re-| jeighth of a section each in area,| and an influx of se P i » ely w that the see ead thebi : . Special to Daily News iga, Who has been appointed to It s alse recalled that Mr er = 7 a settlers froém the i co heane are nei ' | wi ytd beulle follow. | » ; }s0 that a family ean locate on| Kast and Middle West may be ex- iv i ; it Cabtitite ih ' ; ° one = “ re Ww 5 “ a or ‘ t ’ ; The Turks probably fall|'" °° fus . . Mot bilan With fonk, previous to the formation) one or more as their means allow. | pected te start pouring in to tae x - ona s resignatiot ’ | res ; 24% ba { vhere they will —_—_—— e of the Liberal leaders ; ' uM . hod al of the Borden eabinet, had a here is a saw mill in operation | advantage of the opportunities t& ah . . lis ene m viev i s assertec wi uke ther desperate Boy or Young Man ee s ' Ss W@s! hat the Liberals and Nationalist sharp passages with prominent] upon the ground and this year the | build up homes, make money and all ad : ePrais ¢& « 0” « Sis ; 7 ; Good pay. good opportunity : : f aad Btls i , he Conserve ,| government have been engaged|enjoy generally the manifold stand i pt sid here todas The « erence |are making advanees toward one wimbers of th sonservative | earn business and rapid promo- aad eft _.,/upen road building that has been| blessings that fall to the lot of ot, HS. Wal as headed by Sir Wilfrid Laurier | another jparty which probably left a sear lof a most beneOéial and shtte. the fevtded senidbaks of thks ae Landon, ! The silen-|tion to the right lad 4 “land was for the purpose of dis Ii is announeed that the point|which is not entirely healed yet. | te . bi tb ; . “ ¢ th Sofi ; ’ ctoryv née * ene € 7 spane . . in wilita s in Sofia re ace & Co., Lid eb at ssing the i | ey f the whieh Mr. Monk resigned had|Qn one occasion Mr. Monk was . , . cata ‘ oy , a be pros- Lb prosperous portion o € . eclive se ers e if " ks ty de with the question of a ref- faccused of a near lirtrigue agaist » r Oo. & ber AUD OLA. Mr. Borden as leader of the bp. | TS KG W L EXAMINE SCROLL a tats, 3 ons of alent yet MAN, ACCUSED OF ROBBERY IS | iwa developune hee Tory \ e observed that the cleay he accusaliol vas a fanatical | decided to ¢ es hela pen break sooner or later was;,editor of it was an adept in be REMANDED FOR MORE EVIDENCE | tu fl s Coderre in Hoch- e inevitable ravals and calummpies KAR H. DUKE OF CONNAUGIT SENT PRINCE RUPERT'S) - —_—— - —_———_ SCROLL OF WELCOME TO HIS MAJESTY FOR EXAM- ls é A. E. M’KENZIE, WHO 1S ACCUSED oF ROLLING A DRUNK LAST INATION—-MOST ARTISTIC PRESENTATION. | STILL NO CLUE SEN ATOR BELL “BE PREP ARED” NIGHT, APPEARED BEFORE THE CAD! AND ASKED S | A aD Ore CASES. hM ‘ { ig the N« | 7” r bow ; Hub Bowling Alleys. | , AY WINSTON Magistrate MeMullin presided oak either of the witnesses, but pave and Indias nee Esnearda defeated -— at the police court this morning |stated that he would like to have cur « feeling natur poe . ce ane al a aoe mn the absenee of Magistrate|present the other mei'who were ay « ha ad theese « * | Clarss “0 as rone o a shor o . ’e ses © » € ie bh 2 m a ght three straight! games l. |tn Spite of Efforts of the Police| Aged Soneter from Wova Scotia First Lord of Admiralty Telis Na- | Os ‘ae ees r val prdlages: Se ‘saan d from ; leighan had high s 193, and] No Trace of Missing Zoo Died Last Night at Montreal— tion to Be Ready for Emer- 2° W. Melednc ahi diak bates The magistrate ordered the , ’ Pemerennr Scott high averas tie Po- | Is to Be Found. Had Been in Poor Health. i amen ror Men- the eourt a few days ago on alecase adjourned until tomorrow P , fr welcome gehts # ew : — he | : ten Canate. cauarge of being drunk and let out} morning to allow the police an vith sueh in jears and Panthers, The s °6i =6m apie of th ¥ ha he Special to Dails News as ie Clie to be given a chance of earning}opportunity to procure the men 1 patiens { bn ! eh is! ’ we ; j otal “- = snd Montreal, Or t Hon, Adam Special to Daily News. enough money to pay his fine of|in question, . t. H. the Duke "B. Lockhart 24 143 34 14 | ; ter teat | Bell, sevator from Nova Seo- London, Oct, 31.—Contrary 0) s49 had not made good, but had Ali Governor Get \. Noble i 119 go) e ' _ , "" “jtia, died here last night For expectations, Winston Churebill | pather ageravated matters by be- Fishery Inspector Here. \ h ecent visit to ; on : a. oie 368 | he disappearances f every a some me he had been in poor) aig not make any announcement|coming in the same eondition Fishery Inspector John P. has been forward ' h oe a oe ul f he Acropolis 2 vi-;health and lately underwent an]. oo chomeld Gutlers’ feast last|again. He was ordered by the}Babcock, with his assistant, C. P. loyal Highness to Eng Grand tota i f 10-2064 i) garde ace f the ha peration, from which he never} ight in regard to the Canadian |'™4sistrate to serve the ten days.J}Hieckman, arrived this morning [ King George |, a ; ; ‘4 ‘a calle: dns Rese cs \ ; fully recovered we vo . . * : \. Kk. MeKenzie appeared to] from Stewart and will leawe again King's personal inspec tore 4 - sslous theories have been advanced The deceased senator was Born | naval policy ane the negollallons | ower a charge of attempted}tomorrow for his headquarters he Hiern Lainha 131 i 11 a s to the probable fat f he | #t Picto N wa Scotia, November patween the Mother Country and) petit from the person of William}in Victoria. The work that they * irtistic offerings Scott : 8 aie fith, £847 He sat in the Nova/Canada in that regard He d- 5%. Williamson upon the premises | were engaged upon did not neces- cha ver received by| Grand tota ‘ 19171 One theory isthe nder the} ella Legislature for nine years,/ voted his speech to the Balkan) of jhe Empress Hotel Cafe shortly|sitate their going into the Naas p Mke official body, } During the onth f Octobe altening ‘process, so ably ex-| esigning at the end of that time ) situation and said that from tt|phefore midnight last evening.| Valley this trip. Mr. Babcock, © ine ‘ nof his pub-}there were | ee scores Over) 1.5, ed he he father if the contest the cona}ituency for) Britain could draw a good les-| Prom the evidence it appeared} who has spent the summer in the are lihe 200 mark at the Hub alleys Sid. Bullock-Webster, at|'®e Dominion House ro WP | 80m. that the accused, who is aj}Portland Canal distriet around Nhe ' Vihout saying that} which shows a arked increase a coatiiiiiine of the. ¢ Funsuccessful Se wu called oa War conte not always be | stranger in the city, having been} Meziadin Lake and the Naas term oof offiee of thehin the bowling in this etty Phe h uck looked so tempting vat | ite last year, }>temmed off by the diplomats and] apound the hotel in question on|River does not expect to be re- o. soe General comes|names of the bowlers making they epicure envied its plu a ee jthe nation should be er oe off for the last week, was|turning there in the prosecution wt aid the Royal party] scores were as follows J. Luchs,| sou. to the extent that like | W. Payne, manager of the} to battle at any moment noticed last evening about 14:30}of his ofMfieial researches until Ue oo iicestral home in} 206, 249; G. Bryant, 208 ae vild Highlanders of long ago, he |New England Fish Co, at Van-| ee ee {by the porter of the hotel stand-|the coming spring. " | ind, this unique Holthy, 204: A, Steeves 3 28: : om ped down on the preserve | ns r, is a vialtos;:te the city, a| Hallowe'en Celebrations. jing over Williamson, who was ———_——_— M honor a, . ‘cupy a place » Vance, 219; A. Gy el tand carried the game off. Then stat the G, 'T. P, Inn, Ponight, All Hallowe'en, Will} lying in a drunken stuper on a Basket Ball. amongst the host’ of} Gatechell, 202; 6. B. Lockha 221 t has been suggested that in the | —_——z, ‘see many festive events take| bench in the adjoining pool room, Tigers vs. Crescents at the Moya gx “ph m. ssed by thepand J, Seott, 200 spit if benevolence and thi anks | G = err age the popular | plage. Amongst these will be the making a aystometio ane thor-] Auditorium Friday evening, Nov. bupert. th. : ‘us will Prinee - viving prevailing on Monday ars ‘ re 9 ae ' ; I grand annual Masonic ball at the }ough search of the latter's pock- jist. Game called at 8 o'clock Making — SrORs city in the Durie the showing of the fa-]...,, person, 01 persons, un lotel, accompanied by his son Metntyre Hall, given by Tsimp jets presumably with the object sharp. Admission 25 «cents. tured ani mm Pacific, be pie- Pious picture “Paganini” at the |. now) pitied the young buek, and two daughters on A avers isean Lodge of this city, whieh is|of robbing him of any money or Skating after the game. 256-267 lime perpetuated for all | Westholme opera house ast @CV@lnoaving seen its poot male to the city and is registered sure to be a most gala and en valuables in his possession, rhe ae Be % ' ; fae Yo | reas ss ; ; : Mr. Moy e ¢ : ning the orchestra played APPPO~ 1) a pops Ald Bullock es 7] the G, 'T. P, Inn, jovable affair, and a big social at | porter drew the attention of Mr, ; & has good rea-| priate music Pheir rence w Olly, rdered that change 7 i elit cea the Knights of Pythias Hall, giv-!J. G, Crombie, an aecountant in Siu | tS work andlihe overture from “Norma” dui hay to bran mash and oil cake en under the auspices of St, An-|the city, who happened in just at Worthily . 4 it has so| ne the interval between the first}. . 4 in tte darkness of the] ce drew's Society Phe atter isithat moment to partake of a late — on reewived } and second shows was greeted] ny night erawled up to” th | bound to be a most popular and}supper at the cafe, and who im- Artistic ‘Job p ey vith eontinued applaus: jbleak heights and opened the | j largely attended event, as all| mediately telephoned the police. |} it SERENE Be a 'Y News of rinting at the _- | ‘ shooing” the pet of th previous efforts of this well Constable Cargill arrived on the ~ - Best meal in town at Savoy cil to the forest known society have always been|scene in a few minutes and took HT eee \\ hi er has become of th ° crowned with success Phen /the accused*in charge, TONIG ee niche there no doubt that he} WA TCH there will be numerous “en \ little — the > ge = if the erime will bet little parties and joyful gather son WAS Alst aken to the potice Majestic Th ° i" h ‘ dea with if he is ay nes, a say nothing of the pranks | station Upon the latter being Unter the mere # the ealre Tonight al 9 O Clock i and some ancient law | and escapades of small boys and searched he was found to only ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY ) ; ‘ voked bo istify the THIS others in celebration of the time}have in his possession a wateh|@ . of hias Hall fi G flieted upon the borde honered custom of years gone by, and a poeket knife and a couple | Knights Pyt ; old PP. . . c loath On the range f keys Williamson upen be-] at 8.30 p.m. rze rawing hw line a eattle rust SPACE __ George Rudge, a well known ot! |ing examined for the proseeullon i 4 aug graningts eajayment ied Tf 1 erie hal ithe “o “ e locates an i = an i FE ; viel freeing it at Port Simpson, and who owns | remembered nothing whatever of}{ is assured all who come. or Boys and Girls , ' ; : extensive farm ltands in the Kil the oeeurrence He eame down Entire j jsumkalum Valley is paying a the river about a week ago with Tickets 50 cents “hange of vy 8140, which were all gone : : he programme. Admission 10 and 15e \ has gone be.} re I visit to the eity and is a guest a ‘ ‘ m on - , re tcceis. : it high tite! the G. T. PB. Inn. Ihe aeeused had no questions to