per 341, 1042. det phursdas THE DAILY NEWS a “2 : — _ MASE CE LAND LEAS ill Vanes —— : LAND puRt HASE NOTICE D LEASE NOTH ks LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, a onto + “aoaee und about 500 feet south of a smal JOHNNY Kilba ' figh ‘ nains to point Of COM-| named, thence along the bere "lake “ta ay, the east 30 chains, thence forth) (heir champion, Jem Driscoll, vet rece east 4 , 160 acres, MOTE point of commencement 0 ha hence west 30 chains more or ‘ “ A ine cement a 38 acres more or lees, ‘th purp ee for wines hore, thence southerly follow-| none of the English promoters ec | oe ences PRED DAWSON the lease is required ; ) Nehiing tt hore to point of commence-| oan get Jem into the ring with or | , quarry lime dl pyeyy tais y or less = - 4, 1012 rock itain'ne ) acres more or le pated AUB 1012 MICHAEL MePADDEN WILLIAM J, MOGRIDOER Gwen Moran, Th hink pub, Avs Dated Sept. 3rd, 1919 vated tober Sth, 1019 that because Kilbane dos wot try Pub. Sept. 14 Pul 2 1012 0 . s opponents out “4 snd District—Distriet of Skeena Land District—District of Coast to knoek hi Py he i skeen st Range Four ith EI Range V keena Land Distriet—pistriet of Coast,|/ no good, but the ma {4 f the nat |, Isabelle Sim . ied Take notice that George 1 Nader f hhange 1V fict fans would rath : . ak ae Rupert, occupation ty Prince Rupert, occupation broker intends lak tice that Richard J. Grant, of | eht fan ' . apply for pare | apply for permission ease the fol.| ¥@ ‘ B. occupation bookkeeper, | w in on points than by a knockout wma, ving dese oe ar miles lowing deseribed lands I Apt for permission to pur purchase 1 a post planted fo 5 HU Commencing at & post planted about) “ase the following described lands qin . yuth of Eine chains, | (Ur distant in a ther lirection from Conn * at & post planted on the Willie Lewis w hy ave z "isi yd co north 40 Moore’s Cove, thence east 80 cha ns, thence ' small bay about one-half . . . Banks 4 hains, then nence| 20Uth 80 chains, the west 80 chains to bh ftrance to kKumeoion Inlet, for France to flg@ht Marcel Marea peace west 40 Chains, thence! shore line thence north ea hain ‘ ene north 4 chains, thence east 60 s, Oe thence west 40 GRAINS 8) Doing of commencement seintne Git ‘in hence ih 60 chains, thence; and, if successful, w probably : staining 480 aining 64 mmencement Cor acres more ess sreshore thence following the be given a retu } th f JEORGE R. NADEN h wester to point of commence - geres ABELLE SMITH ELLIS Per Daniel Lyons ‘Agent ' ining 240 acres more or less.) Georges Carpentier ench ted Aus i, 101% | Dated September 19th, 1919 j HICHARD J. GRANT hi n a i 12 | Pub. Sept. @8, 1919 William J. Mogridge Agent ; Cham plo p Aus t 2 ' | Dated « ber 7th, 1912 mM i= Pub t. 20, 1912 | | suet, af id | Frank Klaus will moet mill Commencing Thurs., October apeens . ge 6 | . ‘ ot : for |, Charles H, Ziegler, | CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT. Skeena ‘Land District—District of Coast} Papke shortly, as both f the ake Engle upation gentieman,| Notice—Buffalo Miueral Claims situate Range V lbovs have defeated Carpentier . Lon : permission to pUr-|in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar Take notice that Vernon F. G. Gamble,| i > this ? In tur a ovem er | liowing described lands | District. Where located: Near Granby,|of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation broker| The winner o " ) \ ’ hase y at a post planted at the/in the said mining division and adjoining | intends to apply for permission to pur-| robably be matched h Kddie - 29, thence porth) the property of the Granby Consolidated| chase the foil )wing described lands » ' a the west 30 chains, aes Mining, Smelting and Power Company, Commencing at a post planted at the | MeGwoorty and see vhe s the . - be sce east 30 ee ae | Lienited 5. W. corner of L. 4419, thence north 40 middleweight champi: ’ — ment, containing ninety) Pm = n - = l, jem sd ' Lee, Free|chains, thence west 20 chajns, thenc e| n ‘ $8 | _s er cate 529786, intend, sixty|south 40 chains, thince east 20 chains to| serene i . Es HENRY. ZIEGLER |} days from the date be reof, to apply to the point of comaneneesnant ‘conteining 80} 6 ““siexander Noble, Agent Mining Recorder for a Certifcate of Im-|acres more or less : | Young Sammy Smith, the for 1912 | provements, for the purpose of obtaining VERNON F. G. GAMBLE | r pr | } yated AUB. | Crown Grants of the above claim . jmer lightweight of Hraderpnia . ‘ : ; 1° ) ‘ above « 8 P. M. Mille’, Agent rts b. Set And further take notice that action,| pared Sex’ tth, 1042 lind Seu Maes McCarthy 26 Off our entire stock, including Coats, Raincoats, Suits, Dresses, Ski , under Section # must be commenced Pub. Sept. 14 strict—Distriet of Cassiar.| before the issue ‘of such Certificate of - lrounds to a draw a year ago Blouses, Belts, Neckwear, Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Infants 5 La oz, . > se | Unprovements j . . vat Olier Besner, of Prince | Unprover . Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| ranciseo, is now a welts e . cupation botel keeper, in-| Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1919 Se | Sen Sree Wear Kimonas, Padded Gowns, Brassieres, Hair Ornaments and everything permission to purchase By His ager hMES 4. UE Take notice that 1, Napoleon Roy, of|/Weight, The other nigh! Samm ing Embroid Silk by ‘ ent, Colemar aoe ' jescribed ene; in sl Cub, Que 96, eee aan Wallace, Idaho, o¢cupation mill man, iM-| i ocked out Billy West, a excepting Embroidery a a post p inlet ’ tend to apply for permission to purchase : Bay, Oar niet, the following described lands it n fighter in ten 1 nds = = iif mile south .. antes Commencing at @ post planted about 1 ta . nine SOue, Ge s CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. mile south from the mouth of the Shames| — e 50 coe iommnencement,| Notce—Cayuse Mineral Cisims, situate fie Ute bee ay tee dhe ne ee. P, 0. CGPemay the: Irish white t i, ’ ve 80U yank Oo » Skeens rT, p scres more or less in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar south 80 chains thence east 80 chains,| hope, will meet Gunner Me na I a OLIBA BESNER District Where located Near Granby in t - , a = thence est 86 : 1012 the said mining division and adjoining the| ‘Bence north 80 chains, then 4 ¥ ' lrets match in Novembe rhe paied July 218h property of the Granby Consolidated Min-| C¥4is to post of aa nt, contain-| yr see a z . Fi Pm Se es a Pub, Aug. 1%, 1018 ing, Smelting and Power Company, Lim-|'"6 ©4 acres more or HAPOLEON ROY | last time these me rught it > ited ’ ' , ran ww I the K. ©) te, but q 2, F Dated August 26th, 1912 ira \ Vv if I ] “ ' istrict—Distriet of Coast, fake notice that I, James J. Lee, Free . ; » > gieena Land District Miner’s Certificate No. 52978B, intend,| Pub. Sept. 28, 1919 Moir thinks he w turn the Mill e Small boys’ hats and wit vce that Henry Burbank, of} sixty days from the date hereof » apply tables the petiy officer in a ry caps, values up to ort cupation lumberman,|to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate o e : stric » , : Ruy . r permission to pur-| improvements, for the purpose of obtain Skeens Land i tg — % won return match, d to $14.00 $1.50, SPECIAL at Guaranteed best quality hu- following described | lands: | ing & Crown Grant of the above claim Take notice that 1, Hubert 0. Crew, of| 988.60 hate reduce : ; 25c and 40c man hair, in light, medium and “ » : s Ar further take notice that action ake notice . pe -rew, Of) a 4 7 -¢) pears toe 4780, waar bis tion 85, must be « mmenced be Prince Kupert, B. C., occupation broker, | VV i ar Holbe: he Danish $18.50 hats reduced to. $12.50 dark brown shades ast. District, thence east 46|fore the issue of such Certificate of Im-|intend to apply for permission to pur Scenes © : Juced to $9.00 Broken assortment of ar " . s " t 4 ) chains, thence | provements chase the following des ribed lands | ightweight, who is ted to be $14.00 hats ” oy : ckwear in the latest $15 00 special at...... . $10, ti : “nce north 40 chains to Dated this 30th day of July, 4. D. 1012 Commencing @t 4 post planted two and : ’ \ the 40.00 hats reduced to $7.00 ne . 00 1410 ement, c@ntaining 160 JAMES J. LEE - half miles east - bed ss § a sec ad Battling eis Ny Ve $ iJ ats u é styles, values up to $10.00 special Oe oe $7.50 . se By His Agent, F. J. Coleman the Quinam ver, thence > ‘ities s 1g ree nes. eHRY BORDANK Pub, Aug 12, 1912 chatns, thease ; north | 0 ughains, thence Old Country ¢ “i { 7 $7.50 hats reduced to.. $5.50 $1.00, for 35c $9.00 special at. gece $6.60 ret nue est 50 chains, thenee 80 f ning to merica olberg on tarem, Kennedy, Agent.) ——————| point of commencement, containing 640 os i? b $5.00 hats reduced to.. $3.50 ‘ $8.00 special at....... $b.00 yaled Se ' ’ 2s . » ost likely sta i see e Pub Sept. 14 CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. —[4°Fes, More OF less $3.50 hats reduced to.. $2.50 S ial $6.50 special at...... . $4.00 ” - 7 ! | tT 4 ' | ‘ \A nner ; 7th, 1912 oe see a pec Notice—Rupert Mineral Claim, situate Dated August 17th, | ; 2.50 hats reduced to.. $1.50 ‘ ° . ‘stgict—District of Coast,|in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar Pub. Sept. 14. lof the Wells-Welsh fight $ Black, brown, grey silk Special Petticoat Values ar. -% District. Where located: Near Granby on $2.00 hats reduced to.. $1.00 take potice that I, J, K. Pake, Of Prince} in the said mining divisk . anf stioine Skeena Land District ‘District of Coast, rt oi bien inal win petticoats, regular In black moise and odd lines ™ * , . he property o “ Granby Consolidate: Range V T, awas have are goo - rt, B ccupation Diacksmith, in-|¢ . . ; ’ lear. a apply for permission to purchase ee, Smelting and Power Company.) eke Notice that I, Ethel M. Thompsoa,|, ess si ng their players Ladies’ Sweater Coats value $5.50, for. $4 in colors that we wish ae a ; Jescribe imi tex . v on| S Mcummencing et 2 “post planted at the] | Take notice that I, F. J. Coleman, Pree] 21 buimee Rupert ee piy tor permis. | ‘ ha Less Benedict In Assorted Colors and Styles They must be seen to ap- ~ a 1706 c Miner's Certificate No. 52977B, intend nographer, | 1 pply § beautiful range of reciated. t Let 1706 thence south sion to purchase the following described , 55 or less to bank of Zimogo-| Sixty days from the date hereof, to apply » ada : | Darragh and } an signed $8 long coat reduced to $5. esters 0 6 6 tach $4.00 line at $3.00 ne river|to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate) e ost planted four end ; a if é' » declared y ye A odes yiirection 30. chains [of impr vements, for the purpose Of OB-| aas‘nalt alles east tram ine mouth ot|'” 12 . 7 a : g $4.25, buttoned on side. $3.00 taffeta ribbon, never $3.50 line at...........$2.60 - . " , 2 taining 4@ Ure Iu o " , e Ot 4 r wT 10 0 gib ‘ re 1 the aiso Set scuoitg40” atten more ‘or fevs.| And) further" jake novice’ That action,| the ,Cuteamaas ‘iver, thence, yori ,8¢) eligible he $3.50, buttoned in front.$250 sid before at such a «$3.00 line at.......... $2.26 ment aining ) acres . de Sectior 85, must be commenced| ‘ us, a 5 Y, hi } efuses ao ore wefore the issue of such Certifcate of im | point of ‘commencement, conteining 646| his the leabue upholds: hin A few children’s sweaters, reg- low price; regular Colored muslin. blouses, = an ‘ : yrovement.s [ioe Met ae eee , : pagel ly Meee - y | r...25¢ .75, for...... A Bons Aug. 318%, 1918 pe Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1912 jacres, more or less. . la . p the Maritime ular $2.25, for . -$1.00 50c value fo up to $3.75, w. Sept. 16, 1912 F. J. COLMAN ETHEL M. THOMPSO! Pub. Aug 2, 10142 heted pneues ove tba Crew, Agent.) ), nee League » 4 the Pa Shem Land District ~pistrict of Coast, ——| Pub. Sept. 14 fic Coast cireuit He has big Range V j ‘ J rat ‘Take totee that Allan Sim, of Prince CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. | ffers f he Ea ind We bridgemap, intends \& Notice—Katen Mineral Claim, situate in| Skeena Land District—District of Coast, to purchase the fol- lie Skeena Ming Division of Cassiar Dis Range V B Nichols the Tecumesh trict Where located Near Granby, tt fake motice that Mrs. L. Cc. Putnam, of »t | n post planted at the the sai. mining division and adj ining | St. Paul, Minnesota, occupation married snag has signed Harry Lot 1706, and marked) in. property of the Granby Consolidated| woman, intends to apply for permission to ; cl lled rner, thence north 40) Viniag smelting and Power Company,| purchase the following described lands:| Spit h Ottawa Harry pullec . ; 20 chains coos or Limited | Commencing @t @ post planted about 80 fT » sensations come-back at ti *k of Zimogotiz River, then fake notice that I, Sam MeCague, admin-| chains west from the southwest corner of ; ome r y or e ons {river in @ southerly direc-| stor of the estate of James McCagué |surveyed T. L. 30045 on the bank Of gepreipber last winter and Nichol- bans wr less to the north) pice Miner's Certificate No. 52079B, intend,| skeena River, thence south 80 chains hot tei. aa nein 4 17 thence -east 20 chains) ivi divs irom the date hereof, to apply | thence west 80 chains, thence vorth 80) s believes 1a im again ss to post of commencement,| i the Miming Kecorder for @ Certificate Of| chains more or less to bank of Skeena tae tamale the fast company acres more or less. mprovements, for the purpose of obtain-| piver, thence in an easterly direction along ALLAN SIM ing a Crown Grant of the above claim |bank of river 80 chains more or less to any event Harry's wrist move- Deed August 31, 1942 And further take notice that actioN,| post of commencement, containing 640 ‘ ely to win many goals Mb. Sept. 19, 1912 under Section 85, must be commenced be-| gcres more or less ent is 1k . | fore the issue of such Certificate of Im MRS. L. C. PUTNAM : | fe his team rommie Smith will wyements eorge KR. Putnam, Agen om ne t-—District of Coast, Pr aied this 30th day of July, A. D. 1942.) Dated Al sae tl 1092 . be with the Tecumsehs in a ange V SAM M'CAGUE ok gant 4%, 1018 bet .Rilies who did st Martha Ann Krutz, of By His Agent, P. J. Coleman Pub. Sept 7, probability uu i : . ae fee earainaien /; oe Puh. Aug. 12, 1042 i brilliant work for Stewartons, wi owing de ribed lands Skeena Land —— ne of Coast, be with Ottawa ui ‘ ‘ met planted on the ange \. ’ ry of Lot $481, Range WATER NOTICE. | Take notice that 1, a Ly Of AC $ ve etted kath Prince Rupert, c., occupaulo . iene ar « 2 » real her — = het Agnew's ton te purchase For a License to Take and Use Water, fe iniend to apply for permission tw Pris Speaker says the re a B > ~-$~>—~ this post being about chains west of] Notice is hereby given that The British) purchase the following described lands: |. ihe world’s series was Matty.}the Gruenwald cours¢ serlin om me 4 f this lot, thence|Columbia Packers ciation,of Van- |" Commencing at @ post planted about 70 oe leaid to be the most up-to-dale £00 ~~ ‘ e West to east bank} couver, B. C., will apply for a@ license to) chains distant and in @ southerly direction - | Si Kiv thenee southerly follow-|take and use one hundred miner's Inches) prom Graveyard Point telegraph office and \ fast Winnipeg amateur may!track on the continent, was won asi bank of Hocsall River to the}of water out of Cunningham Lake. The! being on the south side of the Skeena ' f the} 1 Oppenheim’s Roya : “ f Lot 151, thence fol-| water will be diverted at Cunninghan | River, thence south 80 chains, thence west eo Fast and play with one o Ve | by Baro ppenheirm t i ‘ ary of this lot to point|Lake and will be used for canning, do-| hbains, thence north 80 chains, thence ae: lin Blue, son of Saphir Roval Blue * comm ' ntaining 40 acres |mestic and industrial purposes on the land) oa.; s0 chains to post of commencement, ! } ’ ; described as the town of Port Essington. | containing 640 acres more oF one. ricH eal was ridden by Jockey Archibald e \RTHA ANN KRUTZ This notice was posted on the ground) MIE VUk 4 in the long run} who used to ride in Canada for i ber 2nd, 1912 on the 28th day of September, 1912. The! pated August 24th, 1912 And © a - ive © ieee 12 application will be fied tn ~ omice of the | Pub. Sept. 28, 1012. hockey prices will go up along ik, J Carman. a == Water Recorder at Prince Kupe ‘ ' : oe Objections may be fled with the sald) wena Land District—District of Coast,| with the price of butter and eggs | —— General Mercha : - Largest Stock Seema Land District—District of Coast Water Recorder or with the Comeriinee | een Range V. | th ublie that gets it every | One member of the New York Range V of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings si ts le pu at £ | as al == = — i one Victoria, B. ¢ } Take notice that |, Horace Roy, 0 Prince! i . idGviants attributes the defea 0 that 1, Peter Stacey, Of) THE BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS’ | puber Bb G,, occupation geutieman, in-| '1n4 Rehan’ Uhlan alt \ ! vi wor f ie & Gaply tor permiues ie mashten ASSOCIATION tend to apply for permission to purchase a the team to the ivory like k ’ : N h B ( . © épply for per ’ "hase 8 emt. | , 2 : ‘ j “he i ] full wing described lends — vee ey eee ‘on n sncing “sh 6 post planted about 2 And while we're all talking of] Merkle, Snodgrass, Fletcher and owest rices nm ort ern . . tuhencing at & post planted about |————— res thw est from Graveyard POIDt) onie Johnson,, don't let us for-|Mevers Vuiles south trom Graveyard Point tele TER LICENSE elegraeph oMfice and about 1% miles) @rnie Johnson,, d J. sation and being on the south side wa ; an on south bank of Skeena River, and get Pud. here's still a lot of ea i—-—. +oe mee tena River, thence south $0 chains, jolt e Stacey's application to “Dod” ON * Lalonde says he won't} chins Thence ag tates, thence north 80 pur naee the =o uth 80 chains, thence hockey in Pud. News) ALONE a " alps ~~ ms, thence east 80 chains to post of v—— > 0 chai : sre he | play hockey} : nee th 80 chains, ——- = decide where he will pla Mhencement. co . ~ to Take and Use Water. west 80 chains, thence hor : — ® lens eb itatning 640 acres more For a License thence east 80 chains to post of ee | rhe silence in Ottawa since the until the winter comes, but the} PETER STACEY Notice is hereby given that G. HT jment, containing 640 acres more on ve tollege at he will return] Dated August 24th, 1912. oT Sawie, of Prince Rupert, will apply for 4 «sath souk RAC Intercollegiate called the College }ehanees are that he will retu me Sel. 09, tors Seema ne 7 canaend ‘ode wide! pone eer*s 1912 r bluff is simply awful to the Pacifie Coast again. Phat} “a ou an ou ALLE K A : ’ ; : - Seen | ioe in an easterly direction through wat — offer of $1,800 must look small ‘FROM HOME TO HOME. 4nd Distr rhe 766 t ities into Goose ay hear 80 ' ‘. . . ds » 4 ‘ ‘Ww 1 “hanes yiennint a Gen, ona i ‘ot “The water will be di |Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Phey say that Cady’s hands are |peside that $5,000 which he pulled = - Hotice that John Merritt, of Prince} verted at a point ooow anise rae aa V: still full of splinters from hand-|qown from Gon Jones last sum. | : » Occupation constable, intends to nd will be used for domestic p . a. 1 Smith, of } i," Permission ye fol neem one land deseribed as Granby Bay |, : rene en “ & — SS hail-| line Wood, mer. | escribed lands Townsite , yly for permission to “ommencing at a ted on the ground|roader, intend to apply M a — | post planted on the This notice Was pos . chase : owing described ivads ‘ m ; j : wo a hg vuinamas River, Sboullon the 18th day of October ‘mee ¢ tne mm = Sea es a poet planted about 70 After all, now didn’t the Giants Buddy Ryan, the Cleveland Sid. Sykes, Manager * east of Indian shack hence on will be filed in the office o . syard Point tele ‘ 1 : : “ths ' wrth an shack, thence] application v chains south from Graveyar ad , ider ¢ ‘ 4 Portland play- ; ate ‘eon ory es: GN Senn | Wanee Recorder at be nie ath the said graph ome and being on the south side deserve to win fielder and for * ! v . i The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hote! in Vancauver. st), *% Chains, thence west 40 Objections may be fle ' T if skeena Hiver, thence south 80 er, has returned to the coas e i ig ie” post commencement, contain: | Water Recorder or with the Compétroties Shaina, wenn east 80 chains, thence north om hen he : . 1 Portland Excellent Cafe. Moderate Puiecs. on HN "Mae of Water Rights, Parliament Bulldings, | em chains, thence west 80 chains to post rhe fee of Rock Sand when he|jptends to winter in ortiane bi * G. Pallowngla Anat eo % ' R. T. SAWLE of commencement, containing 640 acres) vas into the stud in France is|Ryan wrenched a ligament in his 1142 Pender Street West : Vancouver, B.C. led & j alk . 7 G . 2 . oO 88 . Dales ‘ Pah sepPemuber znd, 1919 Pub. Oct. 91, 1012 more or le HENRY SMITH $2,500, but his book is full for|jee. whieh accounts for his hav- ns , *, 1049 » 9 8500. . Bese Augen nie the next three years, all nomin-|ing been out of the game the last Sheena | ’ Pub, Sep " , 40d District—pistrict of Co : : ICES tions being held by the syndi-| few weeks. i . oast, : a s NOTICES. : ation \ | Tak mange V LAND, PORGHAS! |Skeena Land igeses wpiotriet of Conmt ate which purchased him from © HOlice that . i | ange i Selkip ‘Mt Thomas Partington, of ; Coas ; ba leney ‘ s ‘ant is| "ha »als » signed up an wpe, Man upation clerk, intends to|Skeena Land District-—District of Coast rake notice that I, Mike Vidak, of | Mr. Belmont What is mea The Seals have ed ul PLY for perry » intends tak f sstaurent ot : “" : owing feat’ a to purchase the fol Range V prince Rupert, B C. of en pa that for not less than 82,500 will other backstop who will be trtec | 5 0 lands 0 < oO ply 0 p § ’ i tien meCing gy ¥ Fake notice that |, Alber A or a ie t nowing described lands uwy one of thee syndicate part] ut, He is Bob Marshall, and he 08 . . cupatio 08 chas 0 i ’ oe OWE Mile east ps t planted on &@0/] Prince Rupert, B. C., e@ccupa Stet | Commencing at & post planted about 2 ab iss and very fee » with the Valleio iy MOULD of Cuinamae ae Fe | pector, Intend ‘to apply for pertai ~~ from Graveyard Point tele-| With a nomination, anc has been p ing i wth 40 chains |, 2Uamas River, thence purehase the following described lands miles Soulh nd "being on the south side repared to do so on those! b He has been a sailor and wets follomin ee! Dank thence west Commencing at a post planted about 9") graph office ant River, thence south go|*#'e prepi elu é ath 40 chains ine fiver bank, thence} chains south of Graveyard Point telegraph the Skeena st 80 ‘chains, thence north! terms The progeny of Roek| played ball with the marines, be-| We post : . ‘ence east 40 chains to office and being on the south side of the) chains, thence eas . $0 chains to post mgs Cs } i “eh hore op inencement, Containing 160] skeeng River, thence south 40 chains.| so chains, prea d containing 640 acres) Sand have won this year in Can-| jing a member of the team haile THOMAS PAR thence east 40 chains, thence north 4°) of commencement, ida, the States, England, Franee|a. (he champions of the Orient.|} . : \TING TON, Locator chains, thence west 40 chains to post Of | more or less MIKE VIDAK i a ' f pied September ‘ona. owneld, Agent commencement, containing 160 acres more I ee fand Australia, more than #110,- His eontract was signed quit “D. Sept oF a, ate . p one . | DL 27, tory or less ALBERT LOPAS Pub. Sept. 28, 1042. O00, The horse has been insured] pecentty | | hee Dated August 24th, 1012 for $175,000, covering the risks \a ™ Land py Pub, Sept, 28, 1012 | ; A » Sept. > ar - the nace (istrict of Coust ’ > , FORESHORE LEASE. of the oeean voyage and a year Hap Hogan, of the Vern e ang ‘i , weouver p c'M\ Beryl 1. Gamble, of | Skeena Land mag gata ee District—Dietrict of Coast * team, is planning for a winte nds Upation -. ange suena Land District . ; . 4p Spinster, in ,| Skeena ‘ se e, of . league se@aso i slieves = the te i wi fo permission p purchas fake notice that I, Thomas A. Roy, of ; tice that Oe saw » Jake Stahl is about the only|leagu eason, and = be | ‘ pimeneinig a rided lands Prince Rupert, B. C., oceupetion = ‘ = ruumme me ing at the north jayer of prominence w ho didn'tihas an attractive propos By Corner of , “, BOSt planted at ihe} pector, intend to apply for permission . Lot 766, Goose Bay,| | . ce k | : ' mtamd io. w 'hetice easy c+ ence south 40] purchase the following ees nn ihe ‘ thwesterly direction| tell of his world’s series experi-| make players who inte Y. ba chains more or Commencing at & post planted © e southwest corner . . ; akelier on the coast He asks (ha horth “49 : ! ‘ber Limit No, 645,|/south bank of the Skeena River and about . : — th — shore in nees at so much pas Hine Joho ties _- } ! eC est Cure OF lees. to ORCe Wot 20/2 miles southeast of the mouth of Shames by Bay Townsite, a8 regis} was too busy outgeneraling Me-/al!l with such intentions who wish ’ a COntainin point of ecom-| River, thence south 80 chains, thence wes art R t Registry OMe : ir lav ball communicate with . o "18 80 acres more or| $0 ehains, thence north 3° chains bene ' cGraw o pr . : east 80 chains to post of commenceme him at 826% South Spring - > u. ureé Der BERYL |. GAMBLE. | containing 640 acres more or leas RT. SAWLB, Applicant : : i Oocu a é. SO é : bh Sept. sun , : Miller, Agent THOMAS A. ROY i ih, 101 rhe German St, Ledger, run at| street, Los Angeles | i ay a Dated August 26th, 1012 1942 | | Pub. Sept. 28, 1912 | 7