ra a AT THE REXALL STORES =THIS WEEK=— Rexall “93” Hair Tonic---The Guaranteed Kind C. H. ORME The PIONEER DRUGGIST THE DAILY NEWS > = IMMENSE OF IRON ORE Bella Coola Resident Discovers | Rich Body of Hematite Ore Near That Place. i BODY # What promises ! — ~~ “DEAD ONES’ be the lare | eret of deposit hematile iron ore] jthat has yet been discove LOTS - WANTED the market to al Prince Those having attractive propositions to offer please I am estate in Rupert ; send full in buy some re particulars to J. W. McKINLEY | Box 706 Prince Rupert TRAWLERS LEAVE GRIMSBY FOR BIG RUPERT FISHING CONCERN GEO. E. FOSTER AND ANDREW KELLY START ON THEIR) * LONG VOYAGE TO PRINCE RUPERT FROM ENGLAND. WILL ARRIVE HERE NEXT JANUARY. Pwo more steam trawlers are|vovuze will take between 9! aed new on their way from Gru isy, | 100 days The little vess.'s +4 Pngland to Victoria via thelon thes arrival here wi ye Ove Siraiis of Magellan, aceording to} lia wfore being sent rth te advices which were recewel by) Prince Mepert to comn ence ° sh the Times yesterday On Octo-| ing operations. The two travi- ber 8 the sister trawlers ‘4 } lers are the first to leave England Vosier, named after the minister! for the big cold storage compan: or trade and commerce, and the | the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Andrew Kelly, which takes Hs} Ce, whieh has its healquarte>s name from the well-known mer-jsat Prine Rupert rh trawlers chant in Winnipeg, started fro} wil nter the deep-sea fishing Grimsby on their 15,000 rile voy|h siness, and their cathe il age. he laced in ice and shippea The two trawlers” resemblelacroes the continent Tha ecuns somewhat the Celestial Mapire | pany has erected a plant atl ei Vancouver. They are heading| Prince Rupert, which is the lare- from Grimsby Lo St. Vincenti, ane sst of its kind in America, for the will then cross the Atlantic to’ packing of the fish Montevideo. They will stop at) The Foster and Kelly will forn Punta Arénas for supplier, and), nucleus of a big fleet if (ten steam to Coronel for more |ir wilers, which will come to th coal Whether the traw'ers willl ct to operate in conjunetior le able to make the lo: Yin UPl with the big cold storage plant the coast from Coronel to f the Pritish Columbia water wi foria is not known. It is posetbie lsoon rival the celebrated Grims- that they will have to crop inlo|ypy iisiine grounds as wii’: th A¢apuico or San Diego for coalty « Visheries and Gai: lan as their bunker capacity is aa operating large fet jarge. lof trawlers and other companies Expected in January. in the conrse of formation, the It is not expected that the i -|fishing industry of this province ter and Kelly will be here b. fore jis bound to assume amazing pro the middl+ of next January as th [portions Victoria Times ed, and] eee — }possibly one of the inges |North America, has bee ated NEWS NOTES OF Messrs. Wil MeNair and; Se. OGDENS Gu CIGARETTES have a particularly enchan any other Cigarette. PU and BEST. Smoked All Over Great Britain 10c. per Packet. Each packet contains a coupon, good for the following presents : 30 Coupors. Nickel “‘Sheflield”’ These coupons are pocket penknife. “ Three-bladed stag-handled “Sheffield” penknife. “ Gent's watch chain. a7 Box of three full-sized knives and forks, “Sheffield” manufacture. Small size nickel keyless wateh. Ladies’ watch and wristlet. | For Rent ° “The News” Classified Ads. ==(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion=~ THERE ARE NO HERE— George Leek SHERMAN DIED 618 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert seereerroeooooeeseeeeettteteeenes | — by liam Peter Kenyon, of Van _— R RENT—OMice, Second Ave., next door FOR SALE }Rella Coola, respective \r to Rogers’ Steamship OMe Apply at leord { tt Rogers’ Ticket OMice veer Lot 19, Block 39, sect — }cording o weir ca i : $900.00; % cash, bal. terms e ithere are at least 20,000,005 ns McINTYRE HALL Wo lease for dances, ete Lot 23, Block 20, Sectior . or hematite ore in s h rh str i h _— ~~ So ve 208 Vice President of U. S. Died Last —a oF. Pe at I - ‘ exis al ! i ‘ | This vast deposit ples i tnternational Drv Fa { [FOR RENT—Furnished house. Apply box| “ight After tliness of Some H. DOUGLA |most favorable posit and eat ? - 15, Dally News 233-263 Time—Nation Mourns. : 8 be transported | lewali tj] Sress, Just conc or | THREE or five rooms to let for house- | oee "eon a P. 0. Box 606 Bella Coola over vers asy and| ridge, shows 1912 as the great-| keeping; over Mrs. Demers’ Store, Third] Special to Daily News | posite Post Office . F j enue 2siw | favorable grades Be 4 vlalest agricultura 7 | Utica N y Het M4 Vice | Courier. lthis continent AY lited dete President f the United States i Se on = E gates numbered 2.504 1ding lar « Sh i lied last night at} Empress House League. iit | Wanted rh econd wat f th : lelewates to Russia Austratia ;v:4 i his h e here \l the ou C e sec are 1e league t cat was bowled last night between | Mex co, Palestine, | sia, China | bers f his family were at} ‘an atthe wad the Pelicans at q| ita y and India, | Y« UNG man, merried seeks situati a in} his bedside when the end came : ™ i grocery, fruit and general store ive ended in an easy victor f the OE ool years’ experience in the West; highest! Alth gh he rallied consider Hawk 4 Ackert ‘ ‘ the Ir North tattlef n ity references P. O. Dox 44¢ 255-258 ; } ndi orner ‘ « ere ! ib we 1 I ne 1s com : ; a we. 41 nd| ade a $65,000 a to the | WANTED—3 or 4 room Mat or cottage Hawks, had high score . fe " 4 wer plant, and deliver unfurnished, close in Must be reason gradua became worse ilso high average, 178 nis “ IGE, GNU : able What have y j Address box ahd . ‘ trere aid wi be bete nm th Dov 1.000 horse power es, The Daily News 255-25¢ ; tn en he day and was 7th A VE NU I fe P ’ o won 7 set that he could t ve 4 4 _— al r} a te work and w nay ie 'TA position by young widow as housekeeper | eee and = the Raven La Se" | ne this year or cook to lady or gentleman preferred.) nz He was fifty-seve years , scores were " " Apply box 40, Daily News 253¢f i I of SECTIO N SIX Pelleans ist 2nd rd Tt! pold, hay oe born in 1855 } d Rood aie ws $35 See In Edmonton + hae ¢ VANTED—A girl for general housework All the flags in the city were] J. Anderson 107 151 119 77 | ~~ , . small family Phone 45¢ 263tf rdered by the Mavs be flow: | A wid ise t 408 cord enced on two br varehouses half | $2000 cash and the balance over ter ilson 59 108 7 38 ( N . ie i ia as | . W. Sherman 90 i 144 ~Aveah two builders’ s vy concerns SS girl wanted at the —_— years at 6 per cent . iree building | its Issued Grand total 84 9 602—1845 | : ~~ h net ne! Hawks ist 2nd rd Tt. | this week total $1.240,000 j | Washing Vet sf Owing | I. Berntson 14 175 144 459 | ; the death of the Vice President . FP. Hollis $3 487 «9 407— 447 Lost and Found Sa | H &¢ J. Emmerson 55 127 108 390 | A'derman George Ke who re { James Sherman, last night, tlags mue arrison ompany P. Je 09 93 a 24 4 casalcie 194 499 a86 aaa rned vesterdays attending! ' pubhie b dings were up Brokers and Financia! Agents | ‘ . . Grand total 748 sha ana_oio4 he Conservative ntion it | LOST—Gold enamel whist pin, marked) “! hall mast Second Ave. Prince Rupert — tw . , eise) | “Cleveland, "03." Return to G. R. T - . semen jltevelstoke, in spea g of the re Sawle 4 Mr. Ernest Love, the late man- jpeent meeting of the B. ¢ Ly ion | i ager of the civic telephone sys-|of Municipalities that place 1 : tem, has secured a like position|said that it is reported to have| For Sale F Ch . t with the BR, ¢ Telephone Co., and|been a great suecess, and Prince AT RED REEF ee or ris mas.. is now manager f the bie N ik wrt had the dist et i of be 7 | Have you thought of portraits a aaa . oe = j a }FOR SALE—A small hall safe with ‘ # | & solution to the gift problem A aimo system ng the only city unrepresented eproof Joor ; ment and ash dozen of your portraits finished is drawers ADT t ‘ t nta Trust one of our new 1) ty! Second Ave 255 |Gopper Wine at Stewart Owned Th aan at ciao nce SSS a a) ror sale, mearly new. Apply a by Victoria Man Makes Go»: preciated | 229 7th Ave. — 253-264 i Every customer rece 64 MORRI 1 i Saswing GF Ye See. ful Photo Calendar fre ORRIS pian in good rditionr eas twa a cal 4 WET WEA HER SH | Address box News, Prince Ru ee ee | pert 254tr Vir . C : , ' a The Peerless Studio OR SALE—Good double barrelled gun i . i h Rooms 19-21-22, Alder Biock st the firs f the English make r will exchange for rifte Cor. ard A nd @th St . Apply 8., Daily News 25300 ‘ “ SS . ve @ h gl ie 1 pa 1 Cana M ~ good ‘ wate . 7 i . a le _ at dak eek det Miscellaneous having } : | ‘ io eal aa f pms eee srmees sare emer \ ‘ ns G li E ‘ s any day and [| WILL the party w » black su de asoline ngine bag « s lay kind return to Father i tha 8 Theasily g s @ chance to show 2 , For Sal vhat we have wo y = gentlemen can have 1 m or a e lat we have fomable m, plano and a me priv Two horse power, sing lewes Very reasonable Close n Al i . al stationary engine Wita Apply box 50, Daily News 2 eo ; | magnet Will sell at a low Renworth & Jefferson - art, whore ‘he. is) caadrets pos E, Dati i 2 k ¢ sing | Rupert, B. ¢ BEST IN FOOTWEAR | 1836 THE BANK OF 1912 1 group of claims 3rd Ave. and 5th St. Briti h N | as tt Red Reef vhis ae S 0 eri i s tiled eh de] TT 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS va it the head of the caual,|| SMITH & MALLE h he a © i haat THIRD AVE Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 |... Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Poe . — f Sheet Meta! Work : Office: 8rd Ave. Workshop , \t the pres |] Phone 174 QnA Ave. bet. 7th and ath Sts Bank by Mail and Save Trouble ! If it is inconvenient for you . a a f ‘s \ . to get to town every time : ef urs PANAMA STUDIO A you wish to deposit or with. i presel d spese tent ins : draw money, call or write ' . FOSsOr Christmas ts Coming ‘ he xiensive body | Have your father’s, mothe . Sp Feeney ef cur semen | | ave your faiher's., moiner® . in oils, et Branch , ‘ f the prey Make Early Sittings for All Diste | ha he Countries You simply mail us your . 7 “ i deposits or write for whatever lh ¢ cash you need. lin . a aanine that TSCHER : ee apecrs a| PARR Interest paid half-yearly on x } f paying| General Machinist il Savings Accounts. ’ r slues a gold | Locksmith, Chimney Sweep, Razors #00 | Knives Sharpened, 5ciss ad copper. | Ground, Et Pace Rupert Branch, ™" Fae aes. 65. OF Ge Gee Fem es ene ; : ~ f and det | PRINCE F. S. LONG, Manager. ’ ! , BOX 277 ot mining men nh has evel —e ee . << 1 mt ihe p and Canal | r et his i . i lie present lithe —THE Geo g own the biggest operator up there | r e iiie is geding to deeicde ipon this . i wheth vill te rossible wmi | ) —unire e keep working all the winter, e heavy si fall being a de‘er ali L jrent f the bea ment o ° umber? | at the ivy slages I | Lumber and Mouldings and | d it se.eral big To it i ee ire reads {.0| e . . ilding Supplies Mouldings ave hold of the property at in| lil Kinde of Ballfne Sop \4 la f the present owner | sie ! - A large stock of dry finish. i 186 ing lumber on hand. Boat APPEAR AT ASSIZES. | First Avenue Phone lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. \ het in the affair of|-" Our prices are as low as any. he fracas that occurred nearly a Call on us before ordering. pmonth ag ul Masset between me white men and Indians, was e eached yesterday, when L, Ran. dol me of the white men m OFFICE: FPICE iived was pp before his honor EMPRESS THEATRE BLOG. Judge Young, for election, as to Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. vhether he would take a speedy | Lot Block ao il hef the latter or wait ‘5 2 2 LIQUOR ACT, 1910. for the fa issizes to be held 7 3 ‘ ! He chose the latter i8 Section 41.) me ind ha been released on Lot 18 ha ) ' ihe assize eo sits Notice is hereby given that op the frst)” ' ~ s et eit day of December next application will be hop an made to the Superintendent of Provincial — ne for renewal of the hotel license to sell liquor by retail in the hotel known | a h F as the Big Canyon Hotel, situate at Kit unc or a e elas, in the Provinee of British Columbia Dated this 10th day of October, 1912 Pull eabn munch i?xe ft J. W. PATERSON, Applicant ni equipped for eruising ot Ltd flowing 10 hh p Pali engine G. R Na en 0., ‘ Constable Jaek Cargill s back | speed B mils with dinghy: #700 . hi reat in the South 4-4 8. Frere, Ocean Falls, Qud Avenue